Yeah. RE3 has my vote too for the worst remake to date. As lacking in splendor as RE2 is in some ways, I can still take that over the Jeff Goldblum approved pile of shit that is RE3.
Music is very important in RE games, as you know it is included so it can create a feeling of tension, which horror as a genre requires to be successfully creepy, or whatever. The remake has really nothing that stands out in terms of the soundtrack. The soundtrack wasn't as sentimental either. They had heavy metal versions of the original tracks, as they know that's what the
Fortnite obsessed youngsters today prefer.
They built up to Nemesis making his debut in the original game, but the remake was done so differently. Yes, he was on the cover for the game which let you see him beforehand, but his first assault outside the RPD was so memorable. Plus, I didn't like how you didn't encounter Brad in Bar Jack either. He basically just runs with you to the venue after you see him in the streets, and then he decides to not be a chicken. It was almost as if they were rushing through parts of the story to save on time. That he doesn't die by Nemesis either and instead Carlos has to deal with Brad in his zombie form, was also so meh.
And of course, Barry being left out. It shows they just didn't care about making any effort to recapture the tone of the original games. Every fan knows the canon ending was Barry saving Jill, because he is one of her best friends. He can be relied upon. This has always been the canon ending, even if there is that other ending where Carlos evacuated Jill instead. That wasn't the canon conclusion, though.
I could go on and on, but you get my point. Capcom will probably not mess up RE4 nearly as much, because they know these zealots online would be humming and hawing about it over on GameFAQs, IGN, and YouTube. So it's sad how it's okay to screw up 2 and 3, but not 4.
Already it doesn't look quite right. Ada doesn't have her red costume. How the hell is that staying faithful to the original? So you have to change the attire and make the original unlockable? Why? That makes zero sense, because the original costume should be her default attire so it's already presented as accurately as possible.
So that's pretty dumb. And even the bonus costumes in RE2 received changes, despite supposed to being based on the original games. You can even play with the PS1 models outright. So this is just stupid, or laziness.