If RE9 doesn't have Jill in it, then WTF? She has been gone from the series for too long, sans remakes. Even Barry wasn't in the RE3 ending. That was dumb. 

The Nightmare scenario in Umbrella Chronicles is grey canon as well, especially the 2nd part where Richard gets attacked by Yawn in the library but in RE1 he is found in the east hallway on the 2nd floor. They even fight Hunters which is not supposed to happen until much later. When they witness Sergei carrying out what I presumed was a corpse to make TALOS, that felt silly and out of place to me. RE1/REmake's biggest flaw really is the narrative and how both scenarios cannot coexist with one another, and Nightmare doesn't help smooth out the continuity at all. My OCD is always triggered when I can't watch all the scenes with Barry in a single playthrough and have to reload my save to see the other.I've lost interest in the lore anyway. I'm beginning to accept that the series is all but tarnished. I don't see the point in ranting about it much anymore. Hissing and spitting.
Even Capcom doesn't give a shit about it either. They're gonna just keep making up more stupid stuff now as they go along. I honestly think that's what we're in for after the garbage that was RE8. I didn't think much of RE7 either, but even that was better than RE8.
I had people say to me that the remakes are canon. But I don't see how.
Yes, the 2002 remake arguably replaces the original as canon because Lisa Trevor is in TUC. But even some aspects of the rail shooters are complete nonsense, so you are probably better off just counting the new scenarios as canon, and not the retelling parts. The new chapters being of course those with Rebecca and Richard, the Wesker chapters, Ada escaping the city, the Russian invasion, and Wesker's fight with Sergei. Anything else is so shit.
For me personally the religious undertones of the lore and the whole Winter family dynamic never clicked with me. I tried really hard to like it but it feels too much like an RE4 copycat. I can't get behind how much it stretches out the lore by going back hundreds of years with the 4 lords cult and then jumping the timeline 16 more years with Rose so legacy characters can't get the closures they deserve. Rose even mentions that Chris and his Hound Wolf squad are still active after all that time.... like Chris is the only main character that matters anymore.I still cant believe they made an ots camera mode for a 1st person camera entry. It just doesnt fit along with out of place looking animations. It's the most forced way to pull a re4 just to release another re4 later. I still didnt play the game and at this point, ı probably never will.
Same hence my profile picture lol. That's one thing I found most interesting about Vendetta is when Rebecca and Leon interacted, if only briefly. It is only natural to want characters you grew up with to develop and have more interpersonal relationships with one another who are all fighting for the same cause. It seems the new age RE fans could care less about all that though. They think RE is only about survival horror but if that were the case the franchise wouldn't have survived past the 2000's. There are good qualities in the more action titles as well. I will always look at RE1-3 as masterpieces while the others I can nitpick to death, but I try to find the good in all titles despite how I may feel about them. No game in the series is perfect, even our favorite ones.Yeah ı dislike those too, particularly time skip at the end. I guess they wont be able to feature character pre-re engine? Rose will pretty much become alice from live action films. Instead of that, ı would have preferred a female reunion game that teams up characters in the same way re6 did. I used to want to see a jill-claire team up but it wont happen.