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General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

A favorite from Old Biohaze makes a return to New Biohaze.


Post and share you thoughts regarding the BIOHAZARD/Resident Evil series. Those posts can be funny, serious and even thought-provoking.

Remember: Keep it civil and don't start a flame war with someone just because he/she doesn't agree with your way of thinking. People have different opinions on certain matters!
For starters I copied N7Valentine's comment from the previous Biohaze:

I recently found this image and had to post it here:


"... and in the end Wesker got what he wanted. GLOBAL SATURATION"
For starters I copied An Herb Sandwich's thoughts and Evil Resident's comment from the previous Biohaze:

Nice that you brought this back, N7. One thought on my mind was, what was the deal with the Under Takers/Sweepers from Survivor? How did Umbrella modify them? And what causes them to just..disintegrate after you kill them?


One thought on my mind was, what was the deal with the Under Takers/Sweepers from Survivor? How did Umbrella modify them? And what causes them to just..disintegrate after you kill them?

They are human clones modified with the t-Virus. The virus allows for previously unheard of genetic manipulation, as we all know.

They were dumbed down to follow orders and contain some kind of compound to disintegrate them. The whole point is to be cheap, expendable, and not to leave a "mess" that could implicate Umbrella.
I know that ı posted this to old biohaze before but ı want to post it here again:

I think vendetta takes place in 2016. I saw this comment in re wiki which ı agree with; let me copy paste it here:


" It's a bit of a reach around in terms of placing a timeline... But I can confirm the events take place around 2016!
Remember when I said there was an article or something that made me think it was set in 2016? It was because of the promotion this film has with Ducati! The exact model of bike Leon is given to ride in the film is a Ducati XDiavel, this model was new and set for release in 2016.
I know, I know, it's not an in-universe explanation of the exact timeline Vendetta takes place on, but unless we get news in the future detailing a more precise time and date, I think this model of bike is our only proper guess at the moment... "


I really really wish the Switch port wasn't the only version of RE6 that allows the use of EX costumes during the actual story and not just Mercs.
Watching a Let's Play of EOZ reminds me that weird crystal form Zoe has during is best she's looked the whole game. It's weird, animeesque, and still random as to why she even has this form in first place, but at least it's not boring. Which is more than I can say for every other character in RE7 besides Joe.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
I was on Twitter and stumbled across Claire's new VA saying that she's involved in a new project. Aside from that, she was literally dressed as CODE Veronica Claire during some recent event... You know where I'm trying to get lol
Any thoughts?


I was on Twitter and stumbled across Claire's new VA saying that she's involved in a new project. Aside from that, she was literally dressed as CODE Veronica Claire during some recent event... You know where I'm trying to get lol
Any thoughts?

Eh’ I’m not so sure. On one hand I’m ready to move on, I don’t necessarily want more time with remakes. 2/3 make perfect sense, but beyond that I’d rather focus on 8.

With that said though, I’d still be extremely excited if they did go forward with it. The game was technologically sound then, but ironically really didn’t hold up as well as other titles due to it being the first game with rendered backgrounds. Where the other games cheat with pre-rendered to add super detailed and lively backgrounds, CV just seems bland. It’s not that it has a bad atmosphere, it’s good, but it’d be so much better if truly detailed. It definitely could benefit greatly from it. Just not sure it’s worth the resources.
I'm not a fan of remakes either. I also think Capcom left it 16 years too late anyway. I was not very happy with what we received, to be honest. :devilish:

Things they left out...

Super Lickers.
Plant 43 (replaced by zombie plants with vines for limbs, that have Venus flytrap like heads).
Brad Vickers all zombiefied, so the next remake will yield no connection to his zombie state.

"The Ghost Survivors" sucked, but at least it was free.

Some people suggested an Elza Walker storyline might've happened, yet we didn't get that either. So sad. :cry:

The A and B scenarios were nothing special.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
Eh’ I’m not so sure. On one hand I’m ready to move on, I don’t necessarily want more time with remakes. 2/3 make perfect sense, but beyond that I’d rather focus on 8.

With that said though, I’d still be extremely excited if they did go forward with it. The game was technologically sound then, but ironically really didn’t hold up as well as other titles due to it being the first game with rendered backgrounds. Where the other games cheat with pre-rendered to add super detailed and lively backgrounds, CV just seems bland. It’s not that it has a bad atmosphere, it’s good, but it’d be so much better if truly detailed. It definitely could benefit greatly from it. Just not sure it’s worth the resources.

I too want to move on to new stories and I'm not necessarily RE2 Remake's biggest fan but I would still love to see their efforts in bringing the most outdated titles to current gen consoles. CODE Veronica is an outdated title just like RE1, 2 and 3 despite not being as pixelated as them, it will surely be worth the effort.
You take the classics and put them next to RE4 and the differences are huge, obviously. While RE4 is quite old it still holds up pretty well from a gameplay and visuals standpoint, it is pretty modern in those regards. Just to serve as an example, there's no point in remaking RE4 or 5, the over the shoulder mechanic was at its peak and the remake would only bring more of the same with just the RE Engine instead of the MT framework and maybe minor gameplay changes... No point, right? CV on the other hand could benefit from a Remake as much as 1, 2 and possibly 3 since it is an outdated title.
After RE3, CODE Veronica will be the only outdated title left and that's why I always say that stopping at RE3 will make no sense. All they have to do is Remake CV after and then you'll have all of the main titles adapted to modern standards, with games like RE4, 5, 6, 7 etc only requiring ports or remasters to more powerful consoles in the future.
In some future game I kinda want to see them bring that railgun from Vendetta as an unlockable weapon. Insanely impractical beyond maybe being an endgame coup de grace, but it'd be fun to blow entire enemies to bits and take out buildings in the process.
I know that ı posted this to old biohaze before but ı want to post it here again:

I think vendetta takes place in 2016. I saw this comment in re wiki which ı agree with; let me copy paste it here:

View attachment 62

" It's a bit of a reach around in terms of placing a timeline... But I can confirm the events take place around 2016!
Remember when I said there was an article or something that made me think it was set in 2016? It was because of the promotion this film has with Ducati! The exact model of bike Leon is given to ride in the film is a Ducati XDiavel, this model was new and set for release in 2016.
I know, I know, it's not an in-universe explanation of the exact timeline Vendetta takes place on, but unless we get news in the future detailing a more precise time and date, I think this model of bike is our only proper guess at the moment... "
It can't be: the BSAA logo was changed in 2015, but it's the old one in Vendetta.
The motorcycle is just a brand deal - the RE universe is different than our own, so different vehicles and companies can exist at different times, or not at all.
My money is on 2014.
I can't say for certain, but I don't see there being more remakes after the remake with Nemesis. I think they'll realize it's becoming overkill, and keep it as a trilogy of the first three, and best received classic titles. I think they always intended to remake the third game too, due to that hole being in the wall of the police station, and because the stories are already interconnected, it would make sense. We'll certainly be seeing a full blown Nemesis and Jill again someday.


I can't say for certain, but I don't see there being more remakes after the remake with Nemesis. I think they'll realize it's becoming overkill, and keep it as a trilogy of the first three, and best received classic titles. I think they always intended to remake the third game too, due to that hole being in the wall of the police station, and because the stories are already interconnected, it would make sense. We'll certainly be seeing a full blown Nemesis and Jill again someday.
It’s funny, despite it not being the best reviewed title early on, it’s ended up being quite iconic. Jill is long overdue for some big release screen time, so I’m very excited.
Both the original RE1 and RE6 take the cake for the most unintentionally hilarious RE games. They both take themselves way too seriously and a whole bunch of hilariously bad scenes happen in them. I honestly cannot watch that helicopter crash scene in RE6 without busting up laughing. Or Simmons screaming "You're not half the man she needs!!!" at Leon while on a skyscraper and then shooting bone bullets at, which takes without any repercussions despite being the equivalent of being shot at with a machine gun. Jake's fist fight with Ustanak and then stealing AVP's sleigh ride of friendship ending. All of that's as hilarious as RE1's Sandwich line or the live action opening to me.
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