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General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

I'm really, really hoping they stay away from making Nemesis a terminator (like they have in most recent appearances of him) in the remake of 3. Keep away that terminator vision bullshit, don't ruin his voice, and for the love of god keep that minigun away from him. He doesn't need two weapons, he has goddamn tentacles and is a tyrant. He IS a weapon. A Rocket launcher is scary enough anyway.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
I believe there are a few RE figures being produced right now but can't recall the manufacturers's name. I know for certain there's a few zombies and Birkin on the way.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
I just wanted to say that Ada's section in the new RE2 is terribly designed, it literally is the worst section out of any RE game and I'm not talking about the futuristic spy stuff. When Mr.X appears you have to hack the right side of the door, hacked the damn thing twice and the door could not open but worked the third time lol And I hacked the panel at the same distance the 3 times.


I just wanted to say that Ada's section in the new RE2 is terribly designed, it literally is the worst section out of any RE game and I'm not talking about the futuristic spy stuff. When Mr.X appears you have to hack the right side of the door, hacked the damn thing twice and the door could not open but worked the third time lol And I hacked the panel at the same distance the 3 times.
What I wouldn’t do for a proper Ada DLC story, separate ways style. Her segment was a big letdown and was one of the portions I was most hyped about.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
What I wouldn’t do for a proper Ada DLC story, separate ways style. Her segment was a big letdown and was one of the portions I was most hyped about.

Same here. Even gameplay-wise it is terribly broken... I was doing a complete "no deaths" playthrough and finished Claire's story without dying and this far had only used ONE herb as Leon, only to get to that annoying part and get killed by Mr.X because the damn device is broken. I had already finished the game without dying previously and this never happened to me, that's why I only posted now. I was surprised because I used the same strategy from previous playthroughs and even thought the game was bugged so I made some research online and tested that part several times... Sadly the device might not work even when you use it right. When I finally got through it the third time I made nothing different from my previous two tries and it worked.
The part itself is bland and uninspiring and the broken gameplay doesn't help either.
Well, I may do a marathon run of the mainline games later this year, like before the end of 2019. Especially when the winter sets about. I like to go out for a walk, but if it is way too chilly, it's better to just be indoors.
I made this meme at least a week ago but it's still relevant.


  • Perfectly Balanced Complaints [BioHazard 2 remake & BioHazard 4] Meme.png
    Perfectly Balanced Complaints [BioHazard 2 remake & BioHazard 4] Meme.png
    2.6 MB · Views: 4

Today is re6's 7th birthday. Happy birthday re6 and thank you for getting me into this franchise. Lots of good memories with this game.
Probably just a coincidence.
Coincidence or not, that's some pretty good reference to recv imo.

Also forgot to say this, but the cutscene's name is " Boy meets girl " . Which is another reference to recv since one of the puzzles in both recv and game of oblivion makes " boy " ( alfred ) and " girl " ( alexia ) meet each other. And in darkside chronicles, ı remember claire and alfred mentioning " boy " and " girl " words couple times.

All these years playing this game and loving / defending the hell out of it; ı never knew these 2 secret fanservice moments. Granted ı knew re6 a lot of fanservice moments related to other re games, especially to re2 and recv but damn. I found even more secrets. Makes me love the game even more.
Ok, here's another recv fanservice from re6 that ı didnt know before but recently noticed:

Imo this theme sounds similar to recv's save room theme, ı think you should take a listen and compare the 2; see if you can agree with me:

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