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General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

So RE has the occasional bag egg in the franchise. But in the land of SH, we have this...

Wow, Konami. 😌

On paper, it must have read...

"Ya done bad stuff, so ya gonna get teh monsters coming at da farm!"

Like, seriously. Is that all Silent Hill is now? You screw up, you sin, and you just get creatures finding your whereabouts. 🙄

I don't think Capcom would lease out their franchise if they knew somebody would create something that cringey. But of course, we had ORC and Umbrella Corps.
This thread was funny. It's 13 years old, but still. My name at the time was SynchPedro86.

RE doesn't belong on TVs? EH!? I have always played games on a big or even small TV. 🤣

Of course, it is the GameFAQS forum. Your expectations for an intelligent response has to stay very low. Always.
I finally managed to make a recording work for my game footage on pc. I was struggling with obs but now ı found a way to make it work. I even recorded some footage so that ı would upload them to my youtube account.
I was looking up to prices on playstation store and for some reason, 4-5-6 and rerev-2 package is much more cheaper than the games by themselves separately. I created another account there to get both of those packages and as a result, ı got re4 and rerev on ps4 now too. I also got re5, re6 and rerev2 again for another account through a much cheaper price. The prices are overall broken there, ı still wished they made a some sorts of " raccoon pack " like on ps3 that would contain the 1st 3 games in the series together. I want to get re2 and re3 on ps4 too, particularly re2, especially since ı would be able to record more footage from it on ps4 compared to the 1st game. I still have re2 and re3 on ps3 but unlike ps4, ı need to get a separate capture card to record footage for them.
I tried re4 on ps4 yesterday and the controls are still enjoyable despite not liking them but the remaster itself felt lazy. Like they changed some sound placements compared to previous versions which feels distracting and the inventory looks too bugged, particularly when switching between tabs. I also tried rerev however that one felt more improved as a remaster just like re5 on ps4. Gonna continue playing re4 there and ı might switch around between more games.
I continued to play re4 on ps4 today and ı still enjoyed playing it though ı dont like the controls. They are slightly more smooth than ps3 version ı feel but they are still too slow. And just as ı wondered, there isnt a way to increase fov like how it can be done on pc with tweaks patch. I wished re4 and re5's remasters on ps4 got moving and shooting update along with more faster and intelligent enemy update, kinda like turbo mode of dmc games or something. The whole idea of re5 getting a re engine treatment just to add moving and shooting that would in the end affect crosshair while underming that moving-shooting is still so pointless. I still think both re4 and re5 could have benefitted from more smoother and faster controls like in dead aim and outbreak file 2. Still cant stand that dead aim and outbreak games arent available anywhere other than ps2.
I'm not keen on the controls being altered in the HD version of the original RE4. I thought the graphics looked swell, though. But I think RE5's controls remain unchanged, which is good, but meh in terms of RE4's best port being too crap to play.
I'm not keen on the controls being altered in the HD version of the original RE4. I thought the graphics looked swell, though. But I think RE5's controls remain unchanged, which is good, but meh in terms of RE4's best port being too crap to play.
I thought re5's controls got better on ps4 compared to other versions but re4 feels too slow to play in any version except steam with tweaks patch where you can make the controls more similar to re6, particularly camera view along with fov support. Unlike re5 and re6, re4 doesnt have fov support on ps4 either and re6 also had fov support on ps3 unlike re5 on ps3. Still it's enjoyable to play regardless but ı much prefer re6. Good thing ı got the game from a bundle during a sale too, my region's prices for games are very ridiculously high due to the high inflation of usd. Steam particularly also changed the prices in my region from tl to usd.
CV in 2000 had some (for the time) cool lighting effects. The lighter you get early on came in useful against the bats in the palace. I hope this could translate with Capcom to their upcoming ReX Engine, rather than making everything look 'washed out' and dark.

So this is something that happened while playing re4 on ps4 and it made me not want to continue playing the game there anymore. For some reason novistadors in the game didnt drop eyes on ps4 version other than green. They all kept dropping the same eye color over and over. I put more than 1000 hours to the game on steam and ı also beat the game on ps3 2 times each scenario and novistadors always dropped different colored eyes other than green at least 2 times. I still got multiple red eyes as well as one blue eye after destroying the hive but ı couldnt find another blue eye drop as a way to combine it with the 2nd butterfly lamp. As a result, its selling price couldnt increase to 32000 pesetas but got stuck at 11000 pesetas instead. Idk if anyone else had this issue before but ı got quite angry at the game and decided to not play the game on ps4 ever again. I guess ı can continue playing the game on steam and ps3 instead.
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Aren't RE4 and 5 'like a Michael Bay movie' as well? The island portion in 4 is just an onslaught of shooting and explosions.

6 > 7 (I said it!) ;)

That was the video ı was talking previously when it comes to it being dedicated to mindlessly bashing the game. They state about loving 1st trilogy along with remake and re4 as well as re7 and re2r but they dislike re5 and re6 at the same time. Just a lazy video dedicated to creating an echo chamber in an attempt to reunite certain types into its comment section.
Finally a rare article in reddit that ı can agree. This is one of the few times where ı can see someone knowing what they are talking about. I mean really, this whole " simp " word that ı see keep getting used for leon is so overrated. I know re engine leon fans who keep disliking leon's appearances in og game stories so that they would get their new reinterpretations on re engine. Like re2r's popularity taking over og game's in popular places as well as some re4r fans that dislike og game. Just one of many bloated reasons why re6 hatred bandwagon is so bad, worse than the game they accuse for.
I wonder if RE6 having too much action is why they went back to horror with 7. Even so, 6 alone is not the worst offender. I think the game to blame is 4. But even still. Nobody ever has the balls to admit that 4 was the actual game that served as the beginning of the end. Or to be kind of more fair with my words, started a new beginning.

While 4 has action too, it retains some horror elements, but I still believe it's overrated. 5 just threw it all out the window.

7 and 8 are just horror games with links to RE canon, and a main character involved to link it together. But even they have sections with Chris knocking over the Molded and planting a bomb on some root. So they are tediously slow, Ethan walking simulators, until Chris comes. Then it's more of the same concept that 4 started.

I think after 4 came out, there was no going back to the basics, and Capcom knows that. This is why the franchise is a mess these days. It's like they don't know who their real fans are anymore. Just doing what they can to cater to too many gamers, as there's people who only like 4 and over, or just 4 by itself. While others like them all, or just the classic ones.

In my opinion, mainline RE games should be survival horror with action type gameplay reserved for spin offs. Even stuff like the Revelations games I think balances out the two just fine. But trying to experiment a lot I believe backfires on Capcom sometimes.

Another thing they should do is replace Leon and Chris and so on with the next generation of soldiers, police officers, doctors and more, instead of unnaturally keeping them alive to essentially milk the tar out of the franchise because they're popular.
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