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General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

That's the problem, I believe. Their creativity in RE8 was the lowest I had witnessed in quite a number of years. So Capcom is content now to cater to their simps. Because I often wonder about their mindset in general.

If they made a soccer game with Nemesis as the goalkeeper, these idiots would probably even support something as stupid as that. This is how ridiculous certain fanboy types are online.
That's the problem, I believe. Their creativity in RE8 was the lowest I had witnessed in quite a number of years. So Capcom is content now to cater to their simps. Because I often wonder about their mindset in general.

If they made a soccer game with Nemesis as the goalkeeper, these idiots would probably even support something as stupid as that. This is how ridiculous certain fanboy types are online.
I was just looking up online and ı saw a channel you shared a video from previously make a review about re6. It seems to be something called " Everyone told me... " type of one where judging from the comments, he kept overbashing a 2012 game so pointlessly. He claims to be someone who praises the 1st trilogy along with re4, re7 as well as re2-4r and yet he doesnt like re5 and re6? Especially when he claims about loving re4 to the point he considers it " horror " while not considering re5 and re6 " horror " ? 4-5-6 trilogy is still the most fun trilogy in the series to me where all of those games " progress " through " survival horror " with their own unique execution, better than re engine where they all do the exact same thing, pseudo re4esque demos so that they can justify re4r's existence. After watching a few minutes, ı stopped bothering to watch it further cause re6 hatred bandwagon never stops being stupid and gets even more and more stupid as the series goes on, more than the game they accuse for. This fandom is so embarrassing.
I know.

4, 5 and 6 are the same kind of game. They all have action, some horror, but nothing too scary. Although by that point, RE's characters were becoming like the Marvel comic book heroes, with beefed up muscles and a lot of firepower. So people saying 5 sucks and acting like 4 is wonderful, is especially odd.

If anything, 5 links more to the past storylines than 4 does. All 4 did was explain how the Las Plagas infected people. But in general, 4 may as well be a spin off because it is hardly correlated with the franchise.
I know.

4, 5 and 6 are the same kind of game. They all have action, some horror, but nothing too scary. Although by that point, RE's characters were becoming like the Marvel comic book heroes, with beefed up muscles and a lot of firepower. So people saying 5 sucks and acting like 4 is wonderful, is especially odd.

If anything, 5 links more to the past storylines than 4 does. All 4 did was explain how the Las Plagas infected people. But in general, 4 may as well be a spin off because it is hardly correlated with the franchise.
It's even more weird when ı see some liking re4 and even re5 but disliking re6 at the same time despite the latter's improvement over those 2 games as well as more past titles. The popular places where the fandom is active, ı see re6 getting hated popularly by an obnoxious minority with them even mocking the game's fans at the same time, they really admit themselves to be apart of an obnoxious minority. With re2-4r particularly, they even have hirabayashi returning as a producer from re6 but despite that, those games are loved while re6 is disliked by that obnoxious minority? Hypocrisy at its finest.
The same applies to the remakes of 2 and 3.

Personally, I thought 2 had way too many things cut, altered, ruined, etc. Yet on many websites, the game was branded a modern day classic. 3 is then panned, despite being a similar game with everything from 2 being in it, but with downgraded gore.

Although, yes. The game was the worse of the two. 2 still has way too much that is a blunder.
But in general, 4 may as well be a spin off because it is hardly correlated with the franchise.
Replying to this again but even ignoring re4, re7 and revillage still feel like uninspiring spinoff like games that pretend to be numbered ones. At least re4 was still an actionized sequel and while ı didnt like certain plot aspects before, mainly los iluminados and ada-wesker's relationship, after re4r, ı warmed up to the game's story cause ı think both games work well together when combined. Different from re2-3r when they are compared to og games, too much aspect is missing, even chronicles games feel more faithful and enjoyable to play than re2-3r.
Yeah. I detest 7 and 8, and a lot of the spin offs. I also hate the movies and the Netflix series, but the animated films are decent. Although some of the Paul Anderson movies had their moments.

What truly annoys me though is how often Capcom goes back to Raccoon City. You would think by now that 1998 wouldn't be particularly important, with the city having been obliterated in the original RE3, etc. Yet they feel the need to rehash it.

I find that is relatively pointless. It is something I wish Capcom would stop, but I suppose we can be in for more of the same sooner or later.
Yeah. I detest 7 and 8, and a lot of the spin offs. I also hate the movies and the Netflix series, but the animated films are decent. Although some of the Paul Anderson movies had their moments.

What truly annoys me though is how often Capcom goes back to Raccoon City. You would think by now that 1998 wouldn't be particularly important, with the city having been obliterated in the original RE3, etc. Yet they feel the need to rehash it.

I find that is relatively pointless. It is something I wish Capcom would stop, but I suppose we can be in for more of the same sooner or later.
From spinoffs that dont use " survival horror " title, the only ones that ı like are chronicles games cause their gameplay is enjoyable and their scenarios remind me of older games more than re engine's interpretation of raccoon. Other than that, ı think ı like all the other non-numbered games that use " survival horror " title at their japanese cover and they feel more like mainline than re7 and revillage which feel like cheap horror demos instead.
What's peculiar is that games like Days Gone or the more horror themed The Evil Within 2 had actual thought put into them. Now I am not saying RE7 was absolutely crap, but those two games I just brought up were longer and honestly, more enjoyable. But of course, anything that's essentially non Capcom related in the world of gaming, almost always gets panned in the most unfair way.

It's actually one of the reasons I could care less about posting about RE debates on other forums. For I mean, at least 95% of them are devoid of anyone posting. They may post, but normally they just admit to not being a big fan of the series. And while that should be okay, it's all very meh-ish when I feel like people ought to be agreeing with me.

Hell. Even the underrated Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is way better than RE7 and 8 are put together. Yet I feel as if I am amongst the relatively few people who supported that one during 2015.
What's peculiar is that games like Days Gone or the more horror themed The Evil Within 2 had actual thought put into them. Now I am not saying RE7 was absolutely crap, but those two games I just brought up were longer and honestly, more enjoyable. But of course, anything that's essentially non Capcom related in the world of gaming, almost always gets panned in the most unfair way.

It's actually one of the reasons I could care less about posting about RE debates on other forums. For I mean, at least 95% of them are devoid of anyone posting. They may post, but normally they just admit to not being a big fan of the series. And while that should be okay, it's all very meh-ish when I feel like people ought to be agreeing with me.

Hell. Even the underrated Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is way better than RE7 and 8 are put together. Yet I feel as if I am amongst the relatively few people who supported that one during 2015.
Look at this one. This is yet another re6 hatred fuel thread ı found. I mean ı dislike " simp " word with a passion and out of all the characters, ı get the annoyed the most when ı see leon being described as a " simp " before re engine. This is just yet another reason why ı cant stand to re engine direction that much even though re4r was still quite enjoyable as a game. They dont seem to stand towards leon's relationship with ada starting from them being introduced in 1998 up to 2012-3 and yet they still want old stories featuring those 2 characters to be redone as a way to fit to their hatred propaganda? I mean really... They keep stating about leon being a " simp " before re engine only to keep stating things like " His writing is fixed, he's not a simp anymore. " despite leon's writing being much weaker in re engine games compared to his previous portrayals. I just cant view him as " leon " in those 2 games, he comes off more like someone else cosplaying as leon rather than the charming protector from 1998 up to 2012-3. I wished both sugimura and suga were alive so that they would develop leon together during the scripts that featured him. I adore those 2 writers and still deeply lament over both of their absences to this day.
Well, I reserve the word 'simp' more so for those puppets who pay for ladies to publish wank fodder on their OnlyFans. They know guys are just suckers who will support them if they act all flirty in return. They don't even give a shit about these men as people. I don't do it any more because trying to book them on AW (where asking for real sessions is allowed) is a chore.

Sometimes, I think peope online just hate on RE6 fans because they don't want to go against the crowd. It's like if 95% people hate a game, they don't want to feel roped into the 5% that does like it. So they pick on people who like 6, while probably just trying to sound tough.

I mean, I don't hate RE4, but that's definitely when the series changed. I prefer the creepier, earlier games. But that's just me. I think RE4 got to be so overrated. Although I still think it's the best action based RE game, and the RE4 remake is the best RE Engine remake, while RE 2002 still remains the best remake overall.
Well, I reserve the word 'simp' more so for those puppets who pay for ladies to publish wank fodder on their OnlyFans. They know guys are just suckers who will support them if they act all flirty in return. They don't even give a shit about these men as people. I don't do it any more because trying to book them on AW (where asking for real sessions is allowed) is a chore.

Sometimes, I think peope online just hate on RE6 fans because they don't want to go against the crowd. It's like if 95% people hate a game, they don't want to feel roped into the 5% that does like it. So they pick on people who like 6, while probably just trying to sound tough.

I mean, I don't hate RE4, but that's definitely when the series changed. I prefer the creepier, earlier games. But that's just me. I think RE4 got to be so overrated. Although I still think it's the best action based RE game, and the RE4 remake is the best RE Engine remake, while RE 2002 still remains the best remake overall.
I still cant believe they call re4 leon " simp " only to claim about re4r " fixing " this somehow... Even though in og game, leon literally attacks ada by trying to choke her to death until ada stabs him with a knife. In re4r, they mix this element into their reunion in the castle where leon tries to attack ada with a knife despite not being mind controlled and ı dislike the result. According to these people, leon shouldnt protect someone he holds in high regard due to their interactions leaving impact in their minds during their introduction. No wonder ı dislike re2r as a result due to this. I just cant view those 2 characters as " leon " and " ada " in those 2 games. They act more like slaves who sold their free will to wesker so that colossal imbecile can boast about how good his simulations are. Re engine stories dont even make sense to me at all without taking ucorps into account.
I mean, I don't hate RE4, but that's definitely when the series changed. I prefer the creepier, earlier games. But that's just me. I think RE4 got to be so overrated. Although I still think it's the best action based RE game, and the RE4 remake is the best RE Engine remake, while RE 2002 still remains the best remake overall.
Replying to this again but ı found this interview:

" When the Resident Evil remake for GameCube game out, director Shinji Mikami talked about how important it was that the game felt "live." Does that apply to RE4 as well...?

Kobayashi: More than "live" or "real-time", I'd say that "reality" was our watchword here. However, our biggest goal with RE4 was ensuring that it was a fun game. Not a "fun Resident Evil game", but a fun game more generally… a top-class, mainstream entertainment experience. "

" —Yeah, I can see how there'd be a lot of things to get hung up on.

Kobayashi: If not for that, I think we'd have finished a lot sooner. On the other hand, in a way all that conflict served the purpose of raising the quality of the game. And doing a "full model change" was one of our development premises for RE4.
While it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped, once we brought Mikami in as a director, that was when I felt the design overhaul really came together. "

" —Since Mikami was one of the original creators, it must have been tough for those who were tasked with succeeding him. You can tell them, "hey, we're changing everything", but there's got to be a lot of stuff they don't feel comfortable changing.

Kobayashi: That was definitely part of it. Too much change is bad, but so is too little. "

" —By the way, why *did* you decide to change everything?

Kobayashi: We'd been making Resident Evil games for so long, part of it is just avoiding boredom. That said, we want this franchise to continue long into the future, so we decided this was a good point to make a fresh start, and if we just kept doing the same thing over and over it threatens to make the experience stale. Also, Resident Evil has always been a very intense, shocking game—the first game stunned players. In the same sense, we needed something like that in RE4 or people would think we're just copying a formula. It is true, though, that established series don't usually take big gambles like this. (laughs) "

These are the parts ı found the most interesting. I miss kobayashi personally, his absence is one of the many reasons why the games released after re6 arent as enjoyable to me though re2-4r felt similar to re6 in regards to gameplay.
I agree RE4 is where the series changed significantly. My favourite game at that point was Code Veronica which I played at launch on the Dreamcast, and is still my preferred version of the game. A close second for me was RE2 and of the classic series I replayed both of those games the most. When I played RE4 I could see that it was different but it felt like a natural evolution of the series. Inevitably the series was going to move into full 3D as hardware improved and game developers had more experience working with 3D, and this opened up new possibilities. The combat improved with things like head shots becoming a real skill to master. Navigation improved, being able to see where you were going and what you were shooting at because the camera actually looked where you were looking. Controls were still very clunky but improved significantly by Rev1 and RE6.

I still miss the classic games, but have thoroughly enjoyed the journey following the series as it has evolved and feel every era has had amazing games that are the reason I am a huge fan of the series.
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I was thinking about this and ı really hate the belief about " ada using leon " . In my eyes, the only time where ada literally used leon is re2r. I remember this being mentioned in a review before where og game and re engine portrayals were compared, in re2, ada tells leon to leave her behind despite leon still wanting to stick with her. In re2r however, they made ada far too much reliant on leon in regards to her mission. I dont remember ada wanting leon to acquire a sample for her in re4 either. I still dislike their writing in re2r with a passion. That game seems to popularize that annoying " simp " term for leon despite re2r not even being meant as a new story. I still dislike that term to this day. Same as that cringy " redfield bloodline " thing that ı dislike too.

This is a short clip ı found. I find it very cute.

" Hang in there hun! "

( Injects leon with a syringe to his heart that pierces through his bulletproof vest )
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