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General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

That's good, man. ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™€๏ธ

I think you'll like these three games...

Not interested in them right now. You want recv to be available on pc as well, right? Along with outbreak games, they are the only survival horror titles not available on pc. Of course, it should be og version before the unnecessary alterations involving wesker cause to me recvx ruins recv so they should offer both options like how it can be on dreamcast.
Getting the physical versions new and sealed is way too costly, as certain games are well over 20 years old, and a lot of second hand shops have ceased business due to time or COVID, really. Like, they are ridiculously expensive on eBay now. Some are hundreds of pounds. So like you say, PC gaming or emulation should be the new normal.

I wonder what it is with these people saying RE3 sucks while pretending RE2 is astonishing. For I think RE2 has just as much cut content as the other recent remakes. Even RE4. It had less cut stuff, but you could say it was more so overhauled. Like how Ada gets to go through the laser trap instead of Leon, and the Salazar statue part is different. But objectively, the RE4 remake is very enjoyable.

Capcom knew they couldn't mess it up. Can you imagine the hate they'd have gotten from fanboys on X if they had let M-Two wreck it? The block party would have been an all nighter. ๐Ÿพ

Getting the physical versions new and sealed is way too costly, as certain games are well over 20 years old, and a lot of second hand shops have ceased business due to time or COVID, really. Like, they are ridiculously expensive on eBay now. Some are hundreds of pounds. So like you say, PC gaming or emulation should be the new normal.

I wonder what it is with these people saying RE3 sucks while pretending RE2 is astonishing. For I think RE2 has just as much cut content as the other recent remakes. Even RE4. It had less cut stuff, but you could say it was more so overhauled. Like how Ada gets to go through the laser trap instead of Leon, and the Salazar statue part is different. But objectively, the RE4 remake is very enjoyable.

Capcom knew they couldn't mess it up. Can you imagine the hate they'd have gotten from fanboys on X if they had let M-Two wreck it? The block party would have been an all nighter. ๐Ÿพ

Yeah ฤฑ watched that video before. I think it's good but ฤฑ dont agree with re6 part cause to me re:3 feels more like a crippled re4 demo like the other re engine games as a preparation for re:4 which ฤฑ see capcom trying to make it as closer to re6 as possible instead. I still dont understand why so many re4 fans dislike re6, it's like they want everything to be as close to re4 which they've been doing from re7 to revillage but with re:4, capcom decides to make it as close to re6 as possible instead. I find re:4 much more action oriented than 4-5-6-rev games combined, even re6 feels more subdued than re:4 which would have been preferable to be an actual new story rather than having re4 as its base.
As I said before, RE fanboys online are just warped. They call RE7 a return to the roots and so on, yet all Capcom did was copy a bunch of scenes from popular horror movies, slapped RE on it, and basically ripped off all the other mundane, Steam based, low budget first person titles along with the likes of the more lauded ones like P.T. and Outlast, and called it a day. Merely because it was all the rage in 2015.

Then having the cheek to add in that Heather Mason clone, Rosemary Winters, in a Silent Hill type environment with creepy mannequins following you and being still, like the nurses. You couldn't be a bigger bunch of Konami hacks if you tried. Since Konami had to cancel their game years ago, they just decided to take the piss.

And yeah. Like you say, bashing RE6 is kind of dumb. They tried to make it RE again with Umbrella, viruses and zombies, and even made it you could move around, shoot, and roll on the ground. Although I get that the QTE stuff was irritating. But RE6 is more RE-like than 4 and 5.

I am so glad they removed the merchant, because you know, I hate that character with a fiery passion. I do find him amusing, but buying guns and whatever else in a survival horror world is equal parts laziness and unrealistic. At least in my eyes. However, since RE8 is a cut and paste job of RE4 regardless, they threw in Duke, and gave it the Creed 2 paint job.

Honestly. Sly's acting in the spin offs about his Rocky character is not what it was from Stallone in previous decades. Just listen to his bland approach with his, "That you?" remark to Drago. Delivered with all the charm of a wet fart. But this is what every Chris Redfield line sounded like in RE8.

In RE1, Barry gave you a few grenade rounds. But this was very sporadic. It makes sense, though. Team-mates do that. They assist one another in order to pull through a nightmare. But buying guns with gold coins that seems to magically fall out of a villager's anus, and looking for treasure in tombs feels too much like Indiana Jones to me. ๐Ÿ’Ž โณ๏ธ ๐Ÿฅš

I get that I ramble a lot. But when Capcom went the silly route and people then called RE4 the GOAT of the series, I just wanted to barf. Because it's primarily an action game, with a small side dish of scares. ๐Ÿคจ

This is a modded cutscene of re6 ฤฑ found. It replaces chris, piers and helena with wesker, krauser and claire from re4 and darkside chronicles respectively while leon straight up deages into his 9 year earlier version. I normally dont prefer to comment on mods that much but judging from this, it seems to me that this is one of the desired interpretations of re:6 to happen for some. It's one thing to replace new characters with older characters but straight up replacing chris with wesker? Pitiful. I'm glad ฤฑ used re4 wesker mod without swapping chris' head model. I found re6's modding disliked due to the game being more tricky to mod but ฤฑ still enjoy the mods for it more than the other games. It's more fun to use mods for it than the others.
mistir kenedi
mistir sukot
mr redfield
miss valentine
miss wong

I dont remember if claire was described as " miss redfield " before
I'll watch this video later. I enjoy hearing people's thoughts on the series as long as the views stated are their own, are fair, and objective.

The choices they have per game should be the obvious merry band of praise and scorn, though. I'm sure I can expect them to say RE6 is crap and that the RE3 remake is trash, and they'll most certainly put RE4 on a pedestal along with RE2, along with the first original game and the first RE remake. And well, you get the idea.

But aren't they the games most fans like and hate anyway?

Well... YES!

I'll watch this video later. I enjoy hearing people's thoughts on the series as long as the views stated are their own, are fair, and objective.

The choices they have per game should be the obvious merry band of praise and scorn, though. I'm sure I can expect them to say RE6 is crap and that the RE3 remake is trash, and they'll most certainly put RE4 on a pedestal along with RE2, along with the first original game and the first RE remake. And well, you get the idea.

But aren't they the games most fans like and hate anyway?

Well... YES!

I know that channel. From what ฤฑ saw, he made a tedious re6 shitview with an unfunny title but ฤฑ checked that video's comment section and it has comments telling him to put re6 at the bottom. I feel like rankings exist so that anti-re6 sycophants can harass the game's fans most of the time, they see that game in a place that doesnt look fit to their preferences and they just harass the person instead.
I knew I was gonna hate RE2 though the minute I seen the Dulvey beer bottle, followed by the soy boy faced, Justin Bieber looking Leon.

Who thought it would be wise to put that Dulvey alcohol in a trailer for a remake of RE2? Seriously. Just talk about an idiotic thing to add in a trailer for a remake of, arguably the best survival horror game ever made. ๐Ÿ€

But it is Capcom, you know. And I get people calling me out if I say RE games lack realism. As if people shouldn't be expecting to notice logical things in a video game. But Leon being able to parry a burring chainsaw is more dumb looking than Chris knocking a boulder into lava. ๐ŸŒ‹

Not gonna happen! Isn't that right, Leatherface?


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I was looking at this guidebook.

" Chris Redfield (p.083)
Age: 25
Blood Type: O
Height: 181cm
Weight: 80.4kg
Hobby: Appreciating music (mainly rock)

Member of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. Responsible for helicopter operation.
With his exemplary piloting skills he had a prospective future as an Air Force pilot, but was discharged due to trouble between him and his superiors. Afterwards he joined S.T.A.R.S. at Barry's invitation. Following that he successfully carried out numerous ops in partnership with Barry, but also had to leave many written apologies. He has superb observation and insight with first-rate marksmanship skills among the team. However the man's flaw is sometimes exhibiting lazy habits. "

Re5 Chris vs Boulder.gif

Interestingly they describe jill as having a horse riding hobby but this is never shown. I wish riding horses in the games were possible.
Well, we had one New York based movie. ๐Ÿ—ฝ

I kind of wish they had went with Billy Coen, though. I need to know how he survived being in the woods, back in 1998 when Rebecca left him there.

๐ŸŒณ ๐ŸŒณ ๐ŸŒณ ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ•
( In a hypothetical scenario after re6's story )

Claire! I need you to continue our bloodline with piers! He's my next successor in command! You 2 need to marry each other followed by taking the torch from my side! Come on my teddy bear! Listen to your brother and rock our bloodline with mr nivans! None can stop you together!
I used to say Outbreak was one of the better spin off games, and while I still generally think it's good, I hate the controls in that game. I lost count of the times I accidentally opened a door as someone else did in front of me, and I got all confused.

There was much to enjoy in terms of the story being set around the time of RE2 and 3, sure. The game just feels so outdated.
Ada seems to be like the new Jill. For new storylines, Jill was gone for years. Now it seems to be Ada, at least out of the primary characters. She last appeared (in terms of the timeline) in RE6.
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