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Movies Death Island spoilers. Credit goes to cvxfreak!

That could have made for a great reason as to why Chris looks younger in RE7.
Yeah that came to my mind too. I suppose chris' infection in this movie can be used as a way to excuse that though ı still dont like it. I feel that jill also looks younger here compared to her face model in re5 but she still looks aged a bit compared to re3r. If she will come back to a new story after this movie, ı would prefer to see her in her re5 bsaa uniform cause that's my favourite outfit of her. I still wished that outfit was more usable in a story.
I learned that some seems to notice about maria's body being gone when claire and rebecca arrive to the control room. According to them, this means maria didnt die and survived leon's attack. I cant say ı like this decision. Making maria appear at another story again would be quite repetitive. I'm getting the impression that capcom invented her as a way to become an alicesque character of cgi movies so that they would be direct sequels between each other. Personally ı prefer degeneration and damnation for having more standalone stories, darkside chronicles and re6 also feel standalone enough when compared to each other, even if the latter reycles from the former as well as degeneration.
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Good catch. 👁️
Do you think maria should come back as an antagonist for a future cgi film? Or even a game despite this making even less sense? It felt like they wanted to conclude her in this movie but some still state that she escaped. It's not impossible since she, just like arias and her father, survived the bombing from the government so surviving an impalement from a broken pipe would be possible for her but ı'm still against the whole idea of another recurring antagonist appearing at another story, more so due to that being the 3rd one. I speculated before that carla could come back after the story of re6 but that still didnt happen. They make alex take over natalia in rerev2 and they also bring back both wesker and umbrella in ucorps and now maria surviving is a possibility apparently. And despite that, they still cant bring back carla for some strange reason? Honestly ı feel like it's more of a sign about capcom running out of their creativity.
I would probably prefer a new villain. I think they're all cliché, one-time villains.

They're certainly no Wesker.
Me too. Making another antagonist a recurring one would make wesker less unique and even more pathetic than he already is. A lot of people seem to think the person behind the new management of umbrella is a new one following from his footsteps but ı still would say it's more likely for that person to be wesker, especially since re4 is the general favourite of the series and wesker made his appearance there as a background antagonist without anyone else from re1 returning. Capcom would more likely take the cheaper route and they would eventually reveal wesker in a new story set after ucorps without delving into too much how he survived the events of re5. If alex wouldnt be established to be a wesker, then ı think she would have been also concluded better but she still took over natalia and that still isnt resolved. I always wanted carla to appear in a new story after re6 cause there would be ways to bring her back but ı dont think capcom will do that, even when they would reference the game as done in this movie by chris mentioning piers to jill.
Quite frankly, I think the series sucks due to them running out of ideas. So if this ends up being the last hurrah for the franchise, so be it.

Capcom has to dig down deep to improve themselves. 🤭
I agree. I also wished the series ended, especially since this movie takes place in 2015, the same year that suga's unfortunate passing happened but starting with 2016, capcom started to milk re4's influence even more directly to the games while also downgrading the gameplay as well as storytelling. I already dislike ucorps and as a result, ı dislike re engine further. I think the cgi movies are ok at their worst but ı still prefer them over re engine games cause they have more resemblence of previous tokusatsu style that ı adore both sugimura and suga's writings for. Re engine games however feel like downgrade compared to past due to an uncomfortable focus over realism as well as lazy excuses as a way to keep producing downgraded re4esque demos.
The new RE games don't even feel like RE games in general. The only thing in RE7 that's RE related is Chris, and a few references to past events. This could be easily removed, and people would just assume Outlast had gotten different gameplay.

I fail to see why people love the RE2 remake too, yet dislike 3. RE2 isn't a true remake anyway. 2 and 3 play exactly the same.

Even the original 2 and 3 were kind of the same, except 3 made greater adjustments to the gameplay, like dodging and using explosive items and the use of materials in the environment like pallets hanging above. It was also scary and absolutely relevant to the arc. The same with CV. Yet people just get nitpicky about their favourite games.
The new RE games don't even feel like RE games in general. The only thing in RE7 that's RE related is Chris, and a few references to past events. This could be easily removed, and people would just assume Outlast had gotten different gameplay.

I fail to see why people love the RE2 remake too, yet dislike 3. RE2 isn't a true remake anyway. 2 and 3 play exactly the same.

Even the original 2 and 3 were kind of the same, except 3 made greater adjustments to the gameplay, like dodging and using explosive items and the use of materials in the environment like pallets hanging above. It was also scary and absolutely relevant to the arc. The same with CV. Yet people just get nitpicky about their favourite games.
You dislike mia too, right? In my opinion she's the most unlikable character in both re7 and revillage with everything happening in those stories being her fault in the process. I would have preferred if she was the central antagonist of revillage so that ethan would take her down followed by dissolving into nothing with his wife in the process. I find the existence of rose pointless, more so due to that rushed epilogue that ı didnt even bother watching its cutscenes about. Miranda didnt need to exist either, particularly that spencer connection of her. Rather than that, they should have connected mia to christine henry while making her the owner of all of those structures in revillage. That way she would have been concluded faster but she still survived and escaped. Similarly ı also dont like alex's wesker connection, she should have been an antagonist without a connection to wesker, her being an umbrella researcher would have been enough connection to past. She became wesker so that she would take over natalia before becoming natalex but that's still not brought up so far. Resistance has a cameo of her but it would have been better if it was given more care and effort by becoming a separate game than both re2-3r that feel like pseudo re4esque demos. I wished both of those games were cut while resistance would have been given much more love and effort as a project along with alex being the central antagonist of it. I hope they wont make maria survive the events of this movie so that she would become an alicesque character of future cgi movies.
I don't mind Mia, but I just don't like RE7 or 8. I think it was shoddy of Capcom to make it a knock-off of the Silent Hill series. If you listen carefully when the mannequins are nearby, you hear static. They were just trying to copy the nurses. But in general, I thought it was shit, and it's an embarrassment to the franchise.

They also tried to copy RE4, because people believe that's the peak of the franchise. But it drifted away from the core appeal of survival horror.

RE8 is too funny to be scary.

That's interesting about Maria. I will have to check out the scenes again.
I don't mind Mia, but I just don't like RE7 or 8. I think it was shoddy of Capcom to make it a knock-off of the Silent Hill series. If you listen carefully when the mannequins are nearby, you hear static. They were just trying to copy the nurses. But in general, I thought it was shit, and it's an embarrassment to the franchise.

They also tried to copy RE4, because people believe that's the peak of the franchise. But it drifted away from the core appeal of survival horror.

RE8 is too funny to be scary.

That's interesting about Maria. I will have to check out the scenes again.
I still find it strange when many declare re7 or any other re engine game as " return to roots " even though they feel much more like a return to re4 layout than any other game released before it. Even more so when they seem to ignore ucorps, a game that's much more direct sequel to re4 than past games released before it. Village section from re4 is even given more importance about its story where someone that's totally not wesker is hinted to have survived. Both re7 and revillage are meant as follow ups to ucorps and as a result, they feel much more like direct follow ups to re4 than past games. There are also re engine versions of 2-3-4 that feel more like an adaption of re4 than any other game in the series. No wonder re4r turned out more faithful compared to re2-3r.
They didn't want to take chances with RE4, as it is already very polarising. Really sad, too.

The amount of shit they removed from 2 and 3 was lame. Then they had the cheek to charge for the original soundtrack. But it doesn't matter anyway. It plays out of sync, and I think Ada's "death" scene had a different track put in altogether. So I didn't see the point to doing that.

Once RE4 came out, there was no going back. I sometimes wish it hadn't even been made. For I hate these polls where people always say 4 is the best, while degrading previous games because of their camera viewpoints or tank controls. But RE4 sort of still had tank controls anyway. It was just the camera got changed to third person.

But 4 is so overrated. The original 4 sounded like a better game, and more connected to RE as a whole. The final result is just a glorified spin off.
They didn't want to take chances with RE4, as it is already very polarising. Really sad, too.

The amount of shit they removed from 2 and 3 was lame. Then they had the cheek to charge for the original soundtrack. But it doesn't matter anyway. It plays out of sync, and I think Ada's "death" scene had a different track put in altogether. So I didn't see the point to doing that.

Once RE4 came out, there was no going back. I sometimes wish it hadn't even been made. For I hate these polls where people always say 4 is the best, while degrading previous games because of their camera viewpoints or tank controls. But RE4 sort of still had tank controls anyway. It was just the camera got changed to third person.

But 4 is so overrated. The original 4 sounded like a better game, and more connected to RE as a whole. The final result is just a glorified spin off.
I feel like re engine games' existences can make some detest re4 more than it deserves. Personally ı think re4 saved the series and it felt like an expansion of past games in regards to gameplay, something that started with re2 and continued with the games released after it before re4 as well, even if mikami swapped umbrella and progenitor in favor of los iluminados and plaga to get away from past storyline in order to try something new while also leaving umbrella revival in the background. This also continued with re5 and re6, the latter which ı see as a culmination of a change that started with re2 as well as an end to the series' storyline. However re engine games directly adapt re4's style both from gameplay and story perspective while undermining the game's existence. With re4, the devs wanted try to something much more new and re engine games trying to do this by doing the exact same thing re4 does make the game less and less impactful as the series goes on. Technically remake too since before re4, both mikami and kobayashi worked on its role as both director and producer respectively.
I think Capcom should make the next game like The Evil Within with RE4 gameplay, but have a lot of creepy locations, zombies, and bosses, and tone down the amount of weapons just a tad bit. I think an open world game could be very unique. They're always confining you to corridors to make it scary, when they could expand the world.

I don't like RE without zombies and viruses. When it's the mould and vampires, it doesn't feel like RE anymore. The idea of this mould is just so Capcom can make their imagination run like crazy.

I also don't like the idea of a shopping system, because that's barely realistic. I think there should be a personal workshop instead, for crafting. But you need to collect a lot of materials first. Like, a lot. I would say that's more akin to a horror experience.
I also don't like the idea of a shopping system, because that's barely realistic. I think there should be a personal workshop instead, for crafting. But you need to collect a lot of materials first. Like, a lot. I would say that's more akin to a horror experience.
I don’t mind collectibles in games but RE8 and RE:4 take it to the extreme to the point they feel like open world Uncharted games and adds a ton of padding. I like it more when levels feel like mazes where each item has an actual function rather than a currency to make the game easier. Having to find weapons and upgrades rather than just buying them feels more RE to me than anything which the classic games did wonderfully.

On a side note; Capcom Division-1 has a fetish for broken knives and useless key items cluttering your inventory. I swear about 20% of my playtime was just managing my damn inventory around such junk. I even heard someone say that was a genius decision like what are they even talking about? What “great” innovative game design!
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Ripvanx so what do you think about the possibilities of maria coming back if it will ever happen? Lets keep this thread more dedicated to the story rather than the gameplay. Just like mia surviving in revillage, ı also dislike the whole idea of maria not dying after leon's attack resulting in her getting impaled to a broken pipe. Since this is a movie rather than a game, the whole idea of keeping an antagonist who comes back from a previous cgi movie alive for a future one sounds quite irritating.
Ripvanx so what do you think about the possibilities of maria coming back if it will ever happen? Lets keep this thread more dedicated to the story rather than the gameplay. Just like mia surviving in revillage, ı also dislike the whole idea of maria not dying after leon's attack resulting in her getting impaled to a broken pipe. Since this is a movie rather than a game, the whole idea of keeping an antagonist who comes back from a previous cgi movie alive for a future one sounds quite irritating.
If she were to come back I think they would of teased that at the end. Her death was pretty lame though and she couldn’t even defeat a weakened Leon. With RE anything could happen and I could see the BSAA collecting samples of the virus for their own gains. I don’t know what Maria is even infected with? But if she is infected they could use her body as experiments.

Personally I think she is never coming back and Death Island was made to wrap up Vendetta’s loose ends.
If she were to come back I think they would of teased that at the end. Her death was pretty lame though and she couldn’t even defeat a weakened Leon. With RE anything could happen and I could see the BSAA collecting samples of the virus for their own gains. I don’t know what Maria is even infected with? But if she is infected they could use her body as experiments.

Personally I think she is never coming back and Death Island was made to wrap up Vendetta’s loose ends.
Yeah ı agree with you. I also think she wont come back and ı hope she wont but there are still some out there who think she will for future cgi movies due to her body disappearing when rebecca and claire arrive at the control room. Personally ı think that was just an error with the movie, ı dont think that will play any plot significance and ı hope it wont.
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