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General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

I haven't played the old RE games in such a long time, but I love CV's atmosphere. It's up there with all of the Team Silent era SH games. Great visuals. Stunning music. All around eerie.

Never understood why it got so shit on, as it was one of the very best fixed camera angles games before the switch to third person happened a mere 5 years later, which basically rendered the old style of survival horror an indies only addition. The same with point and click games.
BioHazard: REsistance was CapCom's best shot at a co-operative multiplayer game in RE Engine. It was less of an asset recycling bin than RE: verse but even then, that's honestly a low bar.

I do have disc copies of REmake 2 and REmake 3 but even, I imported them from Japan. If we want to go by the standards of an exclusively single-player game, I say BioHazard 2 REmake and BioHazard 3 REmake were good games; however in the grand scheme, they leave so much to be desired. The RE Engine is inferior to Unreal Engine or even Unity Engine at delivering a bipartisan single-player and multiplayer gameplay experience, which is why I'm developing at least 1 fan REmake with no profit🧠🎮💻
BioHazard: REsistance was CapCom's best shot at a co-operative multiplayer game in RE Engine. It was less of an asset recycling bin than RE: verse but even then, that's honestly a low bar.

I do have disc copies of REmake 2 and REmake 3 but even, I imported them from Japan. If we want to go by the standards of an exclusively single-player game, I say BioHazard 2 REmake and BioHazard 3 REmake were good games; however in the grand scheme, they leave so much to be desired. The RE Engine is inferior to Unreal Engine or even Unity Engine at delivering a bipartisan single-player and multiplayer gameplay experience, which is why I'm developing at least 1 fan REmake with no profit🧠🎮💻
Just don’t publicize it or you will face a cease and desist like the recent RE:1 and RE:CV remakes.
1) Most of those fan REmakes were motivated by profit

2) Corruption of assets led developers to self-cancel fan REmakes of BioHazard: RE1 and BioHazard - Code: Veronica
Just don’t publicize it or you will face a cease and desist like the recent RE:1 and RE:CV remakes.
Even if I ran for USA President, my BioHazard 1 fan REmake would have been publicly REvealed. In fact, I "soft launched" a campaign for USA President and the BioHazard: RE community is my grassroots audience!🧠:LOL:
I have something to look forward to this spring. It's been ages since I played any survival horror games, and this looks scarier than the original.

Dudes with bull masks. 🐂
If United States of America had a truly multi-party system, I'd have launched a grassroots political party with USA citizens who play BioHazard: Resident Evil videogames and named it the United States Biohazard Scholars Party!🧠🌿🎮:LOL:
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If United States of America had a truly multi-party system, I'd have launched a grassroots political party with USA citizens who play BioHazard: Resident Evil videogames and named it the United States Biohazard Scholars Party!🧠🌿🎮:LOL:
The kicker with that party is how divisive it would be. We would have the classic vs action vs RE Engine parties.😝


carla image.jpg

I took this image. It's possible to see carla here, before starting the sequence to chase her. It's only possible after winning the gauntlet though.
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