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RE9 Resident Evil 9 Rumor Teases Jill Valentine Return

As someone who thinks that the Rosemary epilogue was part of Ethan's story that shows him reuniting with his daughter, I don't think the next title has to be about Rosemary. Although it is also possible, and I can even imagine how it would work.
As someone who thinks that the Rosemary epilogue was part of Ethan's story that shows him reuniting with his daughter, I don't think the next title has to be about Rosemary. Although it is also possible, and I can even imagine how it would work.
dear God no, as bad as RE story is, I hope they just drop her along with all the little girls they keep discarding like Natalia, Sherry, Manuela, Ashley, Rani.

Next game needs to be about Claire, Jill or Leon.
Next game needs to be about Claire, Jill or Leon.

I'd like to explore a new character instead, ha-ha!

To be honest, I would be happy to return only to Ada and Jake, because I feel that there are stories with them that should be told, but the rest of the characters are unessisary.

And Kobayashi-san will not let Leon disappear, as he does not stop making movies with him, lol.
Shemale Jill was already in the RE3 remake.

Seriously. She's all man. ;)
I don't know what happen but the RE Engine always butchers female characters, I think no female looks good besides Ada as the exception, the girls in DMC5 looked pretty bad despite the real life models are beautiful women.

Zacha the current model of Jill is very attractive but they made her very plain in RE3 Remake, and gave her a potato nose that is more noticeable everytime Jill makes angry faces lol...
I think this would be a good title for the game and would end the series. (Or at least the mainline numbered titles). With the looming hints of bio-terror incidents becoming increasingly worse over the years and the potential collapse of the BSAA, I can see this being a recipe for ending the world. It would have to be a much bigger incident than what happened in RE6 and pop it off with the last main characters.

Since 7 and 8 focused so much on mold; I don’t see why it wouldn’t have spread to other parts of the world. Miranda may have been obsessed with reviving her daughter, but I can see her having a failsafe option like Carla did with Haos if her Megamycete kingdom were to ever be extinguished.

Perhaps RE8 DLC will focus on her backstory more and hint at this, this would be a big plus from me and make me like Village more.
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I think this would be a good title for the game and would end the series. With the looming hints of bio-terror incidents becoming increasingly worse over the years and the potential collapse of the BSAA, I can see this being a recipe for ending the world. It would have to be a much bigger incident than what happened in RE6 and pop it off with the last main characters.

Since 7 and 8 focused so much on mold; I don’t see why it wouldn’t have spread to other parts of the world. Miranda may have been obsessed with reviving her daughter, but I can see her having a failsafe option like Carla did with Haos if her Megamycete kingdom were to ever be extinguished.
Curious but where did you find that image?
With a title like that, you would assume that will be the final entry. But I doubt it will be the last one. There's too much going on in the fictional universe, and Capcom knows they can make millions off the name alone. So I can very well see them doing more games, that eventually stop including numbers, but it's a continuation. Like how everything after RE5 is just to carry it ahead.
With a title like that, you would assume that will be the final entry. But I doubt it will be the last one. There's too much going on in the fictional universe, and Capcom knows they can make millions off the name alone. So I can very well see them doing more games, that eventually stop including numbers, but it's a continuation. Like how everything after RE5 is just to carry it ahead.
I would rather they have an actual end point for the main story soon before we get into the double digits. It’s weird and off putting that they suddenly switched to Roman numerals. They can shoehorn in as many entries as they want, as evident with Infinite Darkness. I prefer if they expand more on the timeline between 6, 7, and 8. Ethan personally feels more like a catalyst of things to come, and I feel it’s the best option for Capcom to take more risks.

I mean just look how RE5 turned out. It ended the main story originally by killing off Spenser and Wesker of all people, and they expected to replace him with someone as iconic? It’s laughable.

I really hope we get to see Jill post RE5 again. They treated her badly over the years and needs to make a comeback.
They seem creatively stifled.

If it was not for these remakes and movies, they would not be as successful. I even think the whole point of the RE Engine is to "skin" a new location, using assets that already exist to carry over.
I dare to suggest that the reason why Jill was not mentioned in Resident Evil Village, as well as the reason why it was not mentioned which organization Rose works for, may be that the developers did not want to oblige other teams if they wanted to use the stories of these characters in their games. I don't feel that Resident Evil Village has a context in which mentioning Jill would be necessary for the narrative, but any clarification of her status is already causing a limitation. In the same way, it would be silly to say, for example, that Rose works for the BSAA when the story ended on a plot twist with a bioweapon. Therefore, developers can take this storyline in any direction so that this organization turns out to be something new. And I think that such a sense of caution helps games to establish a lot of knowledge retroactively, whether it's the resurrection of Umbrella in 2007 or the appearance of Albert Wesker's son.

Speaking of the next title, I don't believe it's the last one, because the developers planned others as well. For example, that game about HUNK hints that Apocalypse may not even be a game that will focus on Umbrella. And such a subtitle can actually mean anything: from the return of Alex Wesker and the true intention of Bailey's syndicate to something completely new and unrelated to anything before.

I personally also don't think that this title will necessarily come back to Rose. Yeah, I can see how the game can work that way, but part of me thinks that adding her to the epilogue wasn't some kind of hint or promise related to the next game.

Initially, the developers had the idea that Rose would be the one who would avenge her father, but this idea could easily be considered for Resident Evil Village itself. This idea could have been rejected, but the developers could have decided not to cut out the adult version of Rose, but to find her another place. And if in the epilogue that agent said they found Brandon Bailey or something like that, then that would be a clue that we should expect something with her.

But then why would this scene have been added? I think the epilogue is still part of Ethan's story, so we were shown that line about the father after this scene, and not before it. This could be a scene about Ethan reuniting with his daughter many years later. And considering how the game itself imitates a fairy tale, the epilogue fits the act, usually called a "Wedding". It's an act that Village of Shadows lacks, but that Ethan's story has.

That's all my perspective, though.
if you think about it, they did a huge skip in time in Village, the ending hints the BSAA is gonna use bioweapons and Chris is gonna find out what's going on, then jump in time Chris is suppose to still alive and Rose is now adult but what about the huge plot hole of corrupted BSAA? it's like they take players as braindead zombies unless Rose grow in a matter of a week?
We don't know which organization Rose works for, so it could be either the BSAA or a completely new organization. And the reason why we weren't told about it, I believe, was precisely so that the developers could take this storyline in any direction after the scene with Chris.

The reason why the BSAA became this way is because Umbrella became its sponsor and began to expand its influence. If people get rid of this tumor, they can reform the alliance, for example. Or this second "UBCS" will fall together with its sponsor, so that something new will be established in its place.
I’ll stand firm that RE9 will have some sort of pathogen recombination of mold+virus which will cause a world ending event. It would be ironic since both Spenser and Miranda were so hard headed in their respective approaches to finding immortality and playing god.

This happened before with Carla’s C-Virus which was a combination of G and T-Veronica viruses. Both of those viruses were made from Birkin and Ashford which were also rivals back in the day. Also with how Spenser neglected mold and Miranda neglected viruses; it would take a new scientist to discover the link between the 2.

It’s like when Wesker rediscovered the Progenitor Flower in Africa when he was unsatisfied with the end result of all the current T strains; he went back to its source and started from scratch making Uroboros.

This approach would be symbolic and ironic to an extent, and mark the marriage of 2 evils that would be taken down for good in a final entry.
By the way, speaking of mold and virus, my personal theory is that the origin of the Black God is very similar to the origin of the Queen Leech.

In other words, at some point it was a life form that evolved because of the Progenitor Virus and therefore learned to steal genes. Thus, it has assimilated biomaterials for centuries and has become something completely new.

In fact, we can easily doubt that the abnormal mold is a fungus, because fungi do not have real tissues, since their cells divide in one direction, after which these filamentous hyphae branch and intertwine with each other to form bodies such as mycelium and fruit body. But the mold from the games not only has tissues, but also has the genes of different life forms in them. In other words, it is a hybrid life form, which is attributed to fungi only because it is structurally closer to these microorganisms.

I think this is equivalent to how we can hardly call the Queen Leech a leech, because it is a new life form in its essence.

And Oswell Spencer, being passionate about eugenics, decided to find the key to evolution itself, which could lead humanity to the next stage of their biological species, avoiding thousands of years of natural development. I think that the meeting with Miranda became for him a proof of the concept that very powerful biological agents that can give immortality and turn people into weapons actually exist in the real world. And it could also support the theory that viruses, including the Progenitor Virus, so named for a reason, are directly related to the evolution of all life forms on the planet.

And again, Spencer believed both Marcus' theory of virally-driven evolution and Travis' work, although the scientific world did not accept any of this. It's kind of hard for me to believe that it was just silly luck, but we know that Oswell was fond of archaeology and even had a book about El Dorado, so he could have witnessed something special. That's why I think everything fits perfectly.

Similarly, I just love how the Spencer family crest was added to one of the photos. This was a big surprise for me, because even such a devoted and optimistic fan as me doubted that the developers would remember it. And I was wrong.

However, there is a certain irony in the whole story of Oswell E. Spencer. It seems to me that the new game intentionally established parallels between Miranda and the Queen Leech, since their abilities are described in the same way on katakana, and they are also both associated with the image of Jesus Christ. And the irony is that one M-mimicry gave Oswell direction, which led to the beginning of everything, when another M-mimicry ruined things, which led to the collapse of everything.
The main story would come full circle if the events in RE9 would link all the way back to RE0’s in some way. The story as a whole would be wrapped up and give fans closure to a 25+ year old story that I personally feel needs to end soon.

I was always a fan of going back to the ruins of Arklay and Raccoon where they somehow find trace amounts of some leftover pathogen that mutated in the surrounding area after decades of festering in radiation fallout. Like a Chernobyl type setting which would feel more refreshing for an RE title. This was even shown way back at the end of Outbreak which has always intrigued me.

There will always be side games and such, but with all the main characters getting older with each iteration, it’s getting tiresome and nothing can last forever without completely rebooting it. Eventually this first person era will die out and then what?

Proper closure is needed for some of the most iconic characters ever made in this industry. Even if it’s like the epilogue files in OG RE3; I would be happy with that than having nothing at all.
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