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RE9 Resident Evil 9 Rumor Teases Jill Valentine Return

I don't know if Chris found out that wasn't really Ada, but Carla. Although it's definitely going to be more interesting to see Chris running into Jake again, should this ever occur down the road.

Since RE6 wasn't the critical darling Capcom was aiming for, I think they're just going to kind of skip over all of that now, by acting like it doesn't exist. That isn't to say it's still not canonical. But it came out such a long time ago, and it is a mainline title that is never really mentioned by Capcom anymore.

They probably don't want to remind fans of how poorly received it was, so I think they'll prefer to bring up 4 or 5 in discussions, over 6. Not that they talk about older games much now anyway, outside of remakes.

They obviously wanted people to know RE8 was inspired by both RE4 and RE7. But for anything else, they don't seem to like to offer much acknowledgment.
Yeah ı wished they continued from re6's loose ends too. I remember voicing my concerns for them a lot of places. I dont think they are gonna bother though.

Plot points like:

The family selecting a new leader after simmons' death while obtaining his corpse which has enhanced c-virus inside.

Fos hacking com between simmons and his men which hints at a war starting against the family in order to destroy the corruption within the government from the face of the earth.

Bsaa going after jake to obtain more of his blood.

Carla spreading ada's name to the world. Is ada gonna come up with a new alias?

Carla herself. I feel like she could have survived ada's attack. Also would leon figure out that the one in blue dress is carla? I would like him to mention this or discuss it with helena, chris or ada or something.

Secret ending with jake.

The aftermath of c-virus attacks. And probably some j'avos escaped or hid somewhere or something. Maybe they picked carla and transported her to a secret unknown place with choppers? Like the ones that are seen in ada chapter 5?

Sherry's freedom. Is she gonna be given more freedom now after the death of simmons? I think leon would be allowed to visit her after the death of simmons.

I remember before the release of revillage, ı really wanted the game to tie re6 and re7's stories to each other but the game only follows from re7 and has pretty much nothing to do with re6. ( Other than a reference in a special file which is a paid dlc cause utilizing files through re net in a similar fashion re6 did is too hard for capcom apparently. )

But anyway, ı lost hope for getting any proper follow up from re6 already. If they try to follow up, they'll probably make the same mistakes vendetta and infinite darkness did really.

I wonder if this rumored game about jill is true but we shall see what happens. In any rate, ı'm not holding my breath much for anything really.
Since RE6 wasn't the critical darling Capcom was aiming for, I think they're just going to kind of skip over all of that now, by acting like it doesn't exist.

Meanwhile, Umbrella Corps acknowledges the C-Virus.

Chris acknowledges Piers in the epilogue of Biohazard 7 by Tokyo Marui.

The Daughters episode mentions Edonia.

Vendetta touches on the topic of how Leon hunted The Family, and also mentions Glenn's deal with Neo-Umbrella.

Zoe's report acknowledges that after the events in China and Eastern Europe, the reputation of the BSAA improved, which was one of the reasons why it was decided to cover the incident at the Baker estate, since the alliance miscalculated in Germany.

Capcom does not ignore Biohazard 6. It's just a contained and finished story.
I think with time and other games/film acknowledging Re6 the story felt less disconnected. I think Village hasn't done much for the story other then the ending really unless they will make the bad guys in that more relevant in future titles by retconning the more important parts of the plot.

I think since 4 Capcom are still trying to find there feet again regardless if it's survival horror or not. When umbrella was still a major bad guy there seemed like a clear goal for the story and even still with Wesker being the main bad guy. I think/hope 9 stops with the isolated story's and sets the foundation for the future of the series.
When umbrella was still a major bad guy there seemed like a clear goal for the story and even still with Wesker being the main bad guy.

Umbrella is still the main villain and everything that ties all the stories together. The company never died, it was just inherited. Many fans simply did not understand Shinji Mikami's intentions with his Biohazard 4 story.
I don't get how RE6 was poorly received because back then everybody loved it and wanted more story DLC, then they release the remaster of Revelations 1, and then people wanted Claire and released the Revelations 2 game.

it was until RE7 came out people started talking shit about 6, and there was a new bandwagon of normies joining the franchise, pretending to be die hards but only played RE2 smh.
Meanwhile, Umbrella Corps acknowledges the C-Virus.

Chris acknowledges Piers in the epilogue of Biohazard 7 by Tokyo Marui.

The Daughters episode mentions Edonia.

Vendetta touches on the topic of how Leon hunted The Family, and also mentions Glenn's deal with Neo-Umbrella.

Zoe's report acknowledges that after the events in China and Eastern Europe, the reputation of the BSAA improved, which was one of the reasons why it was decided to cover the incident at the Baker estate, since the alliance miscalculated in Germany.

Capcom does not ignore Biohazard 6. It's just a contained and finished story.
I might need to be corrected on this but doesnt chris say arias took over tricell and neo-umbrella's operations? He didnt make a deal with them ı think. He only made a deal with los iluminados. It's been a while since ı watched vendetta and there was a localization mistake there apparently.

I'm aware re6's story is finished ( Just like other games in the series which also have contained stories. ) but if they want to, they can follow it up from the game's loose ends. They probably dont and never will though cause it was a very big ambitious project and suga passing away really messed things up ı feel like.

Re1 didnt leave anything to follow up and re2 follows from it fine despite no returning cast.

Re5 didnt leave anything to follow up upon either and ı thought re6 followed it well when it comes to chris and bsaa. ( Though ı still wished some things in re5 happened differently so that re6 would have been even better with more returning characters as well as new characters. )

Regardless ı appreciate the references to it but they will still just quickly gloss over it in a more similar fashion to outbreak games which all have the same director.
I don't get how RE6 was poorly received because back then everybody loved it and wanted more story DLC, then they release the remaster of Revelations 1, and then people wanted Claire and released the Revelations 2 game.

it was until RE7 came out people started talking shit about 6, and there was a new bandwagon of normies joining the franchise, pretending to be die hards but only played RE2 smh.
Yeah you're right. Capcom making re7 and re2 2019 the way they are only seems to cause some fans to gain even more ego than ever before. They are a joke and make no sense. Statements like " They saved the series. " , " Return to form. " or " Re6 isnt a good re game. " are just downright wrong. The whole horror / survival horror talk gets on my nerves too.

What's more confusing is re7 devs describe re6 as a " great game " in one of making of videos for it. Yet this still doesnt stop many fans from trashing re6. If they were making more sense, they would be praising both games together.

I still cant stand to the whole war between re6 and re7 fans. I took a part in it by criticising re7 as much as ı can in the past without resorting to " It's a bad game! " comments that ı've seen a lot for re6 but it feels like waste of time these days. I want to just leave the game alone and not bother expressing my thoughts about it that much.

Regardless suga dying will probably result in re6's loose ends not being followed ever again. A very tragic case just like what happened to sugimura unfortunately.
I don't get how RE6 was poorly received because back then everybody loved it and wanted more story DLC, then they release the remaster of Revelations 1, and then people wanted Claire and released the Revelations 2 game.

it was until RE7 came out people started talking shit about 6, and there was a new bandwagon of normies joining the franchise, pretending to be die hards but only played RE2 smh.

Well, if you ask me, I had to defend Resident Evil 6 a lot even before the announcements of Revelations 2. There were a lot of people who didn't like this game.

And when Resident Evil 7 was announced, I had the experience of discussing with a lot of toxic fans of Resident Evil 6, who gave themselves the right to insult someone just because the new title chose a different direction.

Regardless suga dying will probably result in re6's loose ends not being followed ever again. A very tragic case just like what happened to sugimura unfortunately.

Minimizing references to previous titles was Jun Takeuchi's intentional decision, so the team focused on the "ultimate horror experience", trying to recontextualize the first game. Regardless of Shotaro Suga's involvement, the team would still stick to this direction.

As Takeuchi-san himself explained it, if earlier he was under pressure because he thought a lot about what the fans wanted to see and tried to meet these expectations, this time he had the opportunity to realize exactly the horror that he intended to do. It was more of a personal game than an attempt to satisfy someone.

The people at Capcom were well aware that there were fans who liked the characters, the specific camera, and even the co-op mode. They were doing research. Not to mention that many developers are fans too, who could share these preferences. But if you have the intention to make a small and personal horror game that does homage to the formula of the first part and The Evil Dead, you inevitably come to the conclusion that you can't have everything that different fans want. You can't have old characters as the main characters because they are too experienced for such an incident. You can't use a known pathogen to show a ghost angle and create intrigue. Etc.

I might need to be corrected on this but doesnt chris say arias took over tricell and neo-umbrella's operations? He didnt make a deal with them ı think. He only made a deal with los iluminados. It's been a while since ı watched vendetta and there was a localization mistake there apparently.

No, why. I just remembered this part of the story incorrectly.

Quote from the novel:

"He is an arms dealer who owns most of the Neo-Umbrella and TRICELL legacy and who supplies goods to criminal groups in hotspots."
Meanwhile, Umbrella Corps acknowledges the C-Virus.

Chris acknowledges Piers in the epilogue of Biohazard 7 by Tokyo Marui.

The Daughters episode mentions Edonia.

Vendetta touches on the topic of how Leon hunted The Family, and also mentions Glenn's deal with Neo-Umbrella.

Zoe's report acknowledges that after the events in China and Eastern Europe, the reputation of the BSAA improved, which was one of the reasons why it was decided to cover the incident at the Baker estate, since the alliance miscalculated in Germany.

Capcom does not ignore Biohazard 6. It's just a contained and finished story.
Do you have sources of links of some of those points, I don't remember Leon talking about hunting the family.
Well, if you ask me, I had to defend Resident Evil 6 a lot even before the announcements of Revelations 2. There were a lot of people who didn't like this game.

And when Resident Evil 7 was announced, I had the experience of discussing with a lot of toxic fans of Resident Evil 6, who gave themselves the right to insult someone just because the new title chose a different direction.

Minimizing references to previous titles was Jun Takeuchi's intentional decision, so the team focused on the "ultimate horror experience", trying to recontextualize the first game. Regardless of Shotaro Suga's involvement, the team would still stick to this direction.

As Takeuchi-san himself explained it, if earlier he was under pressure because he thought a lot about what the fans wanted to see and tried to meet these expectations, this time he had the opportunity to realize exactly the horror that he intended to do. It was more of a personal game than an attempt to satisfy someone.

The people at Capcom were well aware that there were fans who liked the characters, the specific camera, and even the co-op mode. They were doing research. Not to mention that many developers are fans too, who could share these preferences. But if you have the intention to make a small and personal horror game that does homage to the formula of the first part and The Evil Dead, you inevitably come to the conclusion that you can't have everything that different fans want. You can't have old characters as the main characters because they are too experienced for such an incident. You can't use a known pathogen to show a ghost angle and create intrigue. Etc.

No, why. I just remembered this part of the story incorrectly.

Quote from the novel:

"He is an arms dealer who owns most of the Neo-Umbrella and TRICELL legacy and who supplies goods to criminal groups in hotspots."
if half of that was true the Remakes of 2 and 3 would be better.

Idk who got the great idea to make handguns hard to use in those remakes, and for being reimagined the gameplay mechanics are very old dated. The gimmick of grabby zombies QTE was already boring after 9 games already.
I find it comical really the term “saved the franchise.” Like how many more times is RE going to need saving? Eventually the first person era will get stale and then what will happen? I’m surprised Capcom hasen’t changed its other IP’s just because some titles get poor reception like SFV, so SFVI should be an OTS by that logic.

It’s ridiculous…
Also, I wanna add if the developers were fans of the characters as much as the fans, and the genre of previous games 4-6 then how come to the director of 7 straight forward say, this game is not for blood lusters if you are trigger happy you can enjoy the multiplayer experience of Umbrella Corps, they pretty much told off to a big chunk of the fanbase.

When in reality 7 was the goriest RE ever made with so many fake shock moments.

If they respected the fans they would put better quality on their sad attempts of multiplayer games, for me RE2 Remake gameplay is as bad as RE Zero and RE Zero can be better because aiming with the gun is even more bearable. RE3 Remake improved a bit gameplay but it ruined it with the perfect dodge, how come they had to add that?
I find it comical really the term “saved the franchise.” Like how many more times is RE going to need saving? Eventually the first person era will get stale and then what will happen? I’m surprised Capcom hasen’t changed its other IP’s just because some titles get poor reception like SFV, so SFVI should be an OTS by that logic.

It’s ridiculous…
if you compare Biohazard 7 and Village they pretty much sold by game, then you have Evil Within games that are pretty decent, they didn't sell that much because they don't have a brand name, nowadays people just buy stuff because it's from a establish franchise, this kinda makes Capcom confident releasing awful side games like Umbrella Corps, Resistance and the disgrace of Reverse.
Do you have sources of links of some of those points, I don't remember Leon talking about hunting the family.

It came from a novel. This is the reason why Leon lost his men and went on a binge. I don't remember, however, whether this was explained in the film itself, because I watched it a long time ago.

if half of that was true the Remakes of 2 and 3 would be better.

I have no idea how you came to this conclusion. Remakes have nothing to do with BIO6, BIO7, or anything I wrote about above.

Also, I wanna add if the developers were fans of the characters as much as the fans, and the genre of previous games 4-6 then how come to the director of 7 straight forward say, this game is not for blood lusters if you are trigger happy you can enjoy the multiplayer experience of Umbrella Corps, they pretty much told off to a big chunk of the fanbase.

What do you mean? I remember how the director of the game, that is, Koshi Nakanishi, said that they did not want to limit themselves because of censorship this time.

When in reality 7 was the goriest RE ever made with so many fake shock moments.

Maybe, but the classic games were no less bloody. This series often featured a large amount of high-degree violence before it began targeting a more mainstream audience and censorship. If earlier we had such violent scenes as Ben's death, then in Resident Evil 5 the characters don't even lose their heads when they are killed with a chainsaw. The camera is just trying to hide it.

The goal of Biohazard 7 was to convey this spirit of niche horror such as The Evil Dead, which inspired the first BIO HAZARD too. In fact, the second game was already kind of a departure from this, because Kamiya-san was not a horror fan, so he wanted to see the game more Hollywood-like.
I have no idea how you came to this conclusion. Remakes have nothing to do with BIO6, BIO7, or anything I wrote about above.
Because you said the developers are aware of what fans are and respect that.

It came from a novel. This is the reason why Leon lost his men and went on a binge. I don't remember, however, whether this was explained in the film itself, because I watched it a long time ago.
Is the novel even canon? Why it was removed from the film is that so.

What do you mean? I remember how the director of the game, that is, Koshi Nakanishi, said that they did not want to limit themselves because of censorship this time.
My point was he call the action fans "blood lusters" and "trigger happy", do you understand how harmful was that statement and they can enjoy Umbrella Corps more?

so he wanted to see the game more Hollywood-like.
I'm gonna give you a shocking fact, Horror is a Hollywood product, and what is wrong with having something Hollywood-like? I mean what would be the opposite of something well done that isn't Hollywood-like? I would love it if you elaborate on this statement because I doubt you people-watch independent movies.
Because you said the developers are aware of what fans are and respect that.

I'll give you a shocking fact, but separate teams with different directors, different writers, different art directors and so on are working on each title. They all have different perspectives on things and different visions regarding the series. So no, you can't point to Biohazard 6 or Biohazard 7 to explain why you don't like Biohazard RE:2. This game has nothing to do with these titles, nor with what I wrote to Mert about.

Is the novel even canon?

It expands the story pretty well and doesn't contradict the established mythology, so I don't see any reason why it's not canon.

My point was he call the action fans "blood lusters" and "trigger happy", do you understand how harmful was that statement and they can enjoy Umbrella Corps more?

I'm not sure I understand what kind of statement you're talking about.

In fact, the entire main Resident Evil series is a "Survival Horror" games, including action-oriented titles. Umbrella Corps is a departure from that, so it doesn't even have a Resident Evil title.

Not to mention that Capcom actually acknowledged the failure of Umbrella Corps and Kawata-san explained what caused this quality. It is not related to Biohazard 6 or Biohazard 7 in any shape or form.

"At the start of the project, a small team of mostly game designers started to create a prototype. Using the highly versatile Unity engine, the prototype was completed in a short period of three months. The prototype, which incorporated unique approaches such as 3-on-3 battles and zombies that interfere with the game, passed internal tests smoothly and was well received by their superiors. With this prototype as a foundation, they started full-scale development of the game.

This is where the first stumbling block occurred.

The first stumbling block, according to Mr. Kawata, was that they got greedy and started looking in other directions. 'The pride of having created a high quality prototype in three months made us think we could make it more interesting. As it turned out, it wasn't very interesting, so we had to revert to the original plan, but the scheduled development deadline remained the same. Because we were too eager to try something new, we spent a lot of time on trial and error, which resulted in delays.'"

I'm gonna give you a shocking fact, Horror is a Hollywood product, and what is wrong with having something Hollywood-like? I mean what would be the opposite of something well done that isn't Hollywood-like? I would love it if you elaborate on this statement because I doubt you people-watch independent movies.

I've watched different movies, you can be sure. From Dreyer with his lighting technique to a 1970s Belgian horror film where a man fell in love with a pig. And I know perfectly well what Hollywood is. Not to mention that I've watched many Hollywood movies, including the New Hollywood era and before it.

What I said is that Kamiya-san was focused on action films. RoboCop, Terminator, Speed and other popular action blockbusters were sources of inspiration for this game. For the same reason, the game became easier than the first part, as the developers intended to open the door for new players.

This is where "Hollywood-like" came from. This is the way people call this kind of blockbusters, and if you love movies and don't live in a cave to discuss movies with people, you obviously knew about it, but decided to play semantics with me.

And no, I didn't say that Hideki Kamiya's direction is something bad. In fact, this was the reason for the popularization of the franchise. The direction of action will always be more popular than the direction of horror, because horror is a niche genre.
Russident where did you get that quote of kawata talking about umbrella corps? Is there an interview about it?

Also where did you read that novel of vendetta? It's not available on project umbrella.
they just scare to turn Jill into Alice, I mean look at the RE3 Remake, Jill personality was awful she acted like a bad ass but she didn't show any of that, she got rag dolled by Nemesis several times, being beat by Nicolai, she didn't show any action scenes or moments you would be like wow she is such a bad ass besides the awful ending boss fight she use a final fantasy type of weapon.
If Jill did return, I would want her to get a great storyline, like she had received in all of the prior games she was a primary character throughout.

Chris gets a lot of appearances, but sometimes I think to myself, that he's only included as a side character, for the legacy to remain intact, or for what you can label as fan service.

If you didn't have at least one of the main heroes or even a familiar villain resurfacing, it's not really going to be considered a proper sequel to most gamers.
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