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RE:3 RE:3 Remake Thoughts

When they finished the first scenarios of Claire and Leon, I suspect that’s when they realized they were only half way done with making it. That’s when they decided to rush the project with the “2nd scenarios” so that they could get RE:3 and RE8 out the door asap. I still like the gameplay but overtime I have come to realize it is simply an unfinished product. The game could have easily been twice as long as the original and expanded more on Raccoon City, but as of now they are mere cliff notes to the originals that are still deeply rooted in the lore. Being appreciative for what we got is one thing, but when you are charged for a whole cake and only recieve half of it, that kind of sucks.

If RE:4 was made first, it would of ran into the same problem with missing content. This is why they are putting 3 different teams in charge of the village, castle, and island. This is what they SHOULD have done with RE:2 and had multiple teams working on both variations of A/B scenarios.
Honestly ı would have preferred if they remade re2 and re3 more akin to outbreak games. That would have expanded the games' potential more. They feel like re4 demos instead which doesnt sound surprising, especially considering re4r looks more faithful to og game than previous re engine games.
RE4 doesn't look rushed. No doubt parts will be trimmed, but not by much. It is of course not a faithful scene-for-scene remake like RE1, but people should know by now that's a thing of the past. That was 20 years ago...

I love how RE4 is a game they play it safe with, but feel it is okay to change 2 and 3.
RE4 doesn't look rushed. No doubt parts will be trimmed, but not by much. It is of course not a faithful scene-for-scene remake like RE1, but people should know by now that's a thing of the past. That was 20 years ago...

I love how RE4 is a game they play it safe with, but feel it is okay to change 2 and 3.
I agree plus the fact they got themselves in trouble with the lawsuit that covers dmc1, remake and re4 is another reason why they are putting much more effort into re4r compared to past re engine games ı think. If remake would get a re engine treatment, there's a good chance it would receive the same effort re4r seems to receive. Of course they would favor the game mikami directed much more than the 2 games mikami didnt even like.
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Honestly ı would have preferred if they remade re2 and re3 more akin to outbreak games. That would have expanded the games' potential more. They feel like re4 demos instead which doesnt sound surprising, especially considering re4r looks more faithful to og game than previous re engine games.

Excellent point because Outbreak File #1 and #2 at least counted as a co-op multiplayer experiment with the Raccoon City saga, especially considering that CapCom originally intended BioHazard: RE1 to be co-op multiplayer🧠🎮
Excellent point because Outbreak File #1 and #2 at least counted as a co-op multiplayer experiment with the Raccoon City saga, especially considering that CapCom originally intended BioHazard: RE1 to be co-op multiplayer🧠🎮
I would have preferred to see another outbreak game, including with sasaki returning to direct it, but ı dont think it will happen. Since re6 didnt do as much as capcom intended, they seem to be dragging the quality to dirt with corps and re engine while producing re4 demos with the latter. All they do is cut content and make pointless changes that dont fit in line with past storyline. I suppose re4r might be an exception to this since it's actually re4 rather than a pseudo re4esque demo with less than half content. What happened to the creativity during sugimura's and suga's writing eras? Ever since both of their demises, the storyline doesnt feel the same.
RE6 takes place in 2013. We are up to 2021 now, excluding Rosemary's storyline. So I want to know what Ada has been doing since she went to China. Also, there's so many characters I would like to see Capcom revisiting. Billy Coen, 100%. Sheva, maybe. There's others too, but I think they're not going to return. Carlos? He's another one.

I really don't think it's gonna happen. But I do have hope, now that they're once again focusing on releasing these animated side story projects.

I'm just so glad to have Jill back. ♥️
RE6 takes place in 2013. We are up to 2021 now, excluding Rosemary's storyline. So I want to know what Ada has been doing since she went to China. Also, there's so many characters I would like to see Capcom revisiting. Billy Coen, 100%. Sheva, maybe. There's others too, but I think they're not going to return. Carlos? He's another one.

I really don't think it's gonna happen. But I do have hope, now that they're once again focusing on releasing these animated side story projects.

I'm just so glad to have Jill back. ♥️
I dont understand why re3r is compared to re6 by some. I dont see how they are similar just cause both are more action and setpiece oriented. Re4 was also like that after re2, re3 and recv which also increased the stakes 1 by 1. Nemesis in re3r acts more like a plaga creature than a tyrant, ustanak felt more like a better successor to nemesis in re3 if anything. I also see similarities to rerev games in regards to dodge animation but that's also a small thing just like the few running sequences.

But anyway ı hope re4r will be better than all previous re engine games. From what ı've seen it seems to be expanding re4 so far, much more than cutting it in the same way previous pseudo re4esque demos do. I even got good amount of re6 and rerev2 vibes from it. I hope it will push the drama to its limits just like re6 and rerev2.
RE6 is way better than the RE3 remake. That was so bad, I wonder if they even played the original. So much was changed. Butchered, more like it.

For example, Barry saving Jill was always canonical. It was always the case. But this remake was so bland, leaving out Barry. Having locations appear for decorative purposes.

When they said you could explore more of Raccoon City and then it turned out you couldn't really go to many places other than a few shops up one street, wow. So they lied.
RE6 is way better than the RE3 remake. That was so bad, I wonder if they even played the original. So much was changed. Butchered, more like it.

For example, Barry saving Jill was always canonical. It was always the case. But this remake was so bland, leaving out Barry. Having locations appear for decorative purposes.

When they said you could explore more of Raccoon City and then it turned out you couldn't really go to many places other than a few shops up one street, wow. So they lied.
Outbreak, ORC, and even games like Daymare 1998 explored the city settings more extensively than what we got in RE:3. They completely missed the core aspects of what made the original so great to begin with. Turning it into an on-rails video game movie and mixing up the pacing so badly makes me dislike it more every time I replay it. It’s good to change things in a “remake” but when the game is barely recognizable from the original, that is a big problem. They should of made an actual “campaign portion to Resistance” and had Division-1 make a 1:1 faithful remake.

TBH the game coming out right now should of been RE:3 and not RE:4 but here we are.
Yeah. I even think the Silent Hill games have more exploration. LOL. Like in Downpour, you could do side quests which were optional. But you had so many houses to explore. You could even find a room like Henry's apartment. I don't know if it was the same one. It could have been.

Clearly just a case of Capcom being in it for the money. Although for some reason, RE4 looks absolutely splendid. Probably because it's RE4. The one game that a lot of teenagers started the series with in 2005, but probably never played nor even liked the titles from the PS1 era, even if they had a go at any of them.
Outbreak, ORC, and even games like Daymare 1998 explored the city settings more extensively than what we got in RE:3. They completely missed the core aspects of what made the original so great to begin with. Turning it into an on-rails video game movie and mixing up the pacing so badly makes me dislike it more every time I replay it. It’s good to change things in a “remake” but when the game is barely recognizable from the original, that is a big problem. They should of made an actual “campaign portion to Resistance” and had Division-1 make a 1:1 faithful remake.

TBH the game coming out right now should of been RE:3 and not RE:4 but here we are.

I'm happy that you brought up BioHazard: REsistance because it at least counted as a co-op multiplayer concession within the BioHazard 3 REmake. "Ghost Survivor" DLC scenarios weren't even such in BioHazard 2 REmake!🧠🎮
I'm happy that you brought up BioHazard: REsistance because it at least counted as a co-op multiplayer concession within the BioHazard 3 REmake. "Ghost Survivor" DLC scenarios weren't even such in BioHazard 2 REmake!🧠🎮
They couldn’t even bother bringing back The Mercenaries which was introduced in RE3… like wow guys. It honestly makes my skin crawl that RE:3 was lumped with Resistance at all. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but Capcom seemed to think that was ok.
I don't play Mercenaries, but I know people like it. They shouldn't cut content at launch, or otherwise.

I hope we still get Separate Ways. It maybe doesn't matter about Assignment Ada as I don't think that's canon, so it shouldn't matter. But Separate Ways kind of revealed why Ada was working with Weaker, so they need to explain why Ada is now in Europe. Because she was last seen in Raccoon City. They cannot just keep doing that, as we're supposed to be filled in on what's going on. And as a remake, they should follow the same rule, as remakes are individual canon. So just because we know it in the original, the remake needs to pretend like this is alien to any newcomers.
I don't play Mercenaries, but I know people like it. They shouldn't cut content at launch, or otherwise.

I hope we still get Separate Ways. It maybe doesn't matter about Assignment Ada as I don't think that's canon, so it shouldn't matter. But Separate Ways kind of revealed why Ada was working with Weaker, so they need to explain why Ada is now in Europe. Because she was last seen in Raccoon City. They cannot just keep doing that, as we're supposed to be filled in on what's going on. And as a remake, they should follow the same rule, as remakes are individual canon. So just because we know it in the original, the remake needs to pretend like this is alien to any newcomers.
I hope so too. I would also like to see separate ways as an episodic scenario more akin to ada's campaign in re6. It wouldnt surprise me if it would be cut though since it wasnt in gamecube port unlike assignment ada but ı hope it will make it to the upcoming game.

As for the mercenaries, it was also in revillage and from what ı've seen, it looked quite underwhelming. My favourite version is re6 but ı dont go back to it as much as campaigns.
I hope so too. I would also like to see separate ways as an episodic scenario more akin to ada's campaign in re6. It wouldnt surprise me if it would be cut though since it wasnt in gamecube port unlike assignment ada but ı hope it will make it to the upcoming game.

As for the mercenaries, it was also in revillage and from what ı've seen, it looked quite underwhelming. My favourite version is re6 but ı dont go back to it as much as campaigns.
It was more like raid mode and in order to get the S ranks you had to memorize where every enemy spawn was. Sometimes they wouldn’t even spawn so you would lose your chain. It was a huge chore on my way to the platinum trophy and not very fun. They clearly forgot what made Mercenaries work to begin with. I didn’t even bother to play as Lady D or Heisenberg because I don’t want to use superpowers in a canon mainline RE game.
BioHazard 2 REmake and BioHazard 3 REmake were REleased at a time when Donald Trump was the incumbent President. If there's anything I've learned from videogame development myself, context is very important. Despite the multigenerational improvement from the PlayStation hardware limitations that surrounded the original REleases in the 1990s, the 2019 BioHazard 2 REmake and 2020 BioHazard 3 REmake were byproducts of an otherwise Presidentially very limited time period.

At the very least, the Raccoon City/Raccoon Forest saga is now on a temporary vacation. I don't even expect CapCom to REvisit Outbreak File #1 and File #2 anytime in the 2020s.
Michael Does Life got RE4 early. The other day, he debuted a techno song on his streams. He mentions all of the OG's content that's not in the game. And it's a lot.
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