Since there is a trend for the return of Albert Wesker, it would be good to raise this topic.
On the one hand, in a universe where leeches can mimic the body and mind of a corpse, and a southerner can regenerate even if his entire body is demolished, it would not be difficult to explain the return of Albert Wesker. I even have an idea how to do it. On the other hand, the difficulty here lies in another: the return of Wesker is a serious artistic challenge, because by returning this villain, you can easily devalue the events of Resident Evil 5, which, in my opinion, is unacceptable. Perhaps that is why I am interested in how the authors will get out of this situation.
When I thought about it more, good old George Orwell came to mind. The idea may seem trivial to you, but at least it seems interesting to me. Now, let's say that in a rival company, when Albert Wesker was still alive, a cult of personality developed around him. Let's say that the people who worked there were not only afraid of him, but also very much respected him. And it is no accident that members of the organization that red Umbrella reports to call "Wesker" not just a leader, but a legendary leader. Even Abraham Jackson mentions that "Wesker" is feared and respected there.
We know that before meeting Spencer, Wesker had taken absolute control of a rival organization. Like Albert, his subordinates might also want to restore Umbrella. Since Wesker was leaking viruses on the black market and to various syndicates like The Sacred Snakes and, I believe, even The Connections, Albert is the cause of the world's dire situation, so it makes perfect sense to have a legal organization that offers effective methods of fighting. And Wesker's subordinates could share that.
When Wesker met Spencer, his life changed forever. Albert took over the right of God, abandoned the organization, and began implementing his plan with TRICELL. Despite the general idea, the organization has lost a leader and an authoritative figure who would inspire and lead the team. Therefore, realizing the situation and trying to find effective leverage, the top management of the organization in its "secret office" could decide to create a a false Wesker, whose figure could influence the organization and inspire it.
I can't even forget the moment from Umbrella Corps when Abraham Jackson, after receiving a "Wesker" hair, decided to run it through the organization's library, but then disappeared without a trace. Don't you think that's strange? Of course, it is obvious that Jackson knew nothing about Wesker, so the meeting with the legendary leader did not tell him anything. But what would the library say about "Wesker"? If he found out that the leader's name was Albert Wesker, would it make a difference to Wesker? "Albert" openly contacts and even communicates with scientists of the red Umbrella, so it does not seem that it is so important for him to hide his Wesker's identity. Would Jackson have been able to access the profile of a completely different person who looks different and speaks in a different voice?
I think it's even possible to link this Umbrella storyline to The Family, since the reorganizations of Umbrella is intertwined with both the US Government and the idea of stabilizing the world. And the false Wesker itself can be created using the same technology that was used to create the false Ada Wong.
I may also like this idea for the simple reason that we won't know that Albert Wesker is a fake. And Chris doesn't know about it, either, so he will be chasing the phantom, although in a sense, Albert Wesker has already become something big in this world: he has become an immortal symbol of bioterrorism.