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General Everything Wrong With Dartigan / GCN RE Edition

Dartigan is funny. He, like CinemaSINS which he bases his content off of, isn't meant to be taken 100% seriously. Still, there are many times where, joke or not, he is lazy with his sins. I still watch him. I blame CAPCOM's poor localisation botching the story more than I do him.
His re6 video was still very cringy though. It's one of the worst he made though ı dont see many people saying that. Same thing with gcn. I watched those videos a lot too though ı only started to realize how terrible those videos are after a lot of thinking.

Though ı couldnt think of anything to create long essays for their re0 videos. As of now, ı pretty much have no choice but to agree with them though it would be interesting if extra videos were created as counterpoints against them. Or if someone else created long essays against their re0 videos.
His re6 video was still very cringy though. It's one of the worst he made though ı dont see many people saying that. Same thing with gcn. I watched those videos a lot too though ı only started to realize how terrible those videos are after a lot of thinking.

Though ı couldnt think of anything to create long essays for their re0 videos. As of now, ı pretty much have no choice but to agree with them though it would be interesting if extra videos were created as counterpoints against them. Or if someone else created long essays against their re0 videos.
Hey buddy, sorry it's been a while these projects are very time consuming. I've got the next video ready to premiere on Monday on Devil May Cry 5, but I've got a major teaser at the end of this premiere I know you're going to like!
Hey buddy, sorry it's been a while these projects are very time consuming. I've got the next video ready to premiere on Monday on Devil May Cry 5, but I've got a major teaser at the end of this premiere I know you're going to like!
It's ok, take your time. Good luck with your videos as always.
A lot of people knock RE6, but they like RE7, which feels like even less of a RE game. The same with RE8. I now consider RE8 to be the worst mainline game.

In fact, RE6 has the same gameplay as 4 and 5, yet 5 and 6 are often detested. Especially 6. But 6 improved the controls and was definitely like the older RE games. Basically, when they were on the PlayStation.

Some community. People are hard to please / understand / deal with. :p
Hey buddy, sorry it's been a while these projects are very time consuming. I've got the next video ready to premiere on Monday on Devil May Cry 5, but I've got a major teaser at the end of this premiere I know you're going to like!
Sorry for replying again but ı saw your dmc5 video. I havent fully watched that yet but ı decided to check the end part quick and ı've found out that you're planning to create the re6 video against dartigan.

Thanks for accepting my request and good luck with your video as always.

Edit: I watched it and enjoyed the dmc5 video. Now ı'm more excited for the upcoming re6 video, it's one of the worst dartigan made.
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So ı've found this thumbnail. Gotta say ı think it's pretty good. Character placements are well made. I especially like ada's and how she isnt as easily seen as others. Fits to her well due to her mysterious nature.

I think this is gonna be the best eww video to date. Cant wait!
View attachment 1720

So ı've found this thumbnail. Gotta say ı think it's pretty good. Character placements are well made. I especially like ada's and how she isnt as easily seen as others. Fits to her well due to her mysterious nature.

I think this is gonna be the best eww video to date. Cant wait!

Yes!! This was the thumbnail I finally decided on after my initial thumbnail was too plain for my liking (it only had Chris and Leon).

I got the inspiration for this design from this wallpaper:

And yes, Ada's avatar is purposely faded to mirror her role in the game, working in the shadows for the most part.

And for the YouTube comment I have yet to respond to, I'll address it here for you, buddy:

"I'm glad you enjoy the game. I think it's really underrated and didnt deserve the unnecessary amount of hate at all. Some criticism is fine but from the time ı've spent lurking on re community, ı've always thought the criticisms were exaggerated from what ı've seen."

After finishing the game on all of the campaigns at least once, I'm inclined to agree with this. A great deal of effort definitely went into the game and I commend Capcom for trying to make the game diverse with a lot of options. I do feel not enough praise is given to what good it does.

"I dont mind the changes for the most part, ı think the game improves from previous entries' gameplay formula very well. I also think it makes sense for the game to be the way it is from a story perspective and it felt like a great progression from past entries."

On this one the only real objection I have is the cover system, its execution and way it works was very wonky to me. It makes sense from a story perspective with the gun wielding J'avo's though. Also agree that it's definitely a natural and terrifying progression. The C-Virus is one of the most terrifying viral agents in the series and Carla comes close to succeeding.

"I agree that the tutorial level could have been better to explain the game's mechanics more properly. I think they should have made separate tutorial levels in a more similar fashion to outbreak file 2's tutorial level which is designed separately for all characters. While re6's prelude level only has leon playable. ( Re6 is directed by eiichiro sasaki who previously directed outbreak games. )

Definitely agree here, especially since there are some unique mechanics that aren't explicitly explained. Like how to draw Leon's 2nd handgun (though very simple this one), or how you can charge Jake's melee meter by holding certain buttons.

"And ı definitely know which part you're talking about. That small door opening part in jake chapter 2 is annoying so ı agree with that. For the most part; at the ones where you need to repeatedly press buttons / shake sticks, breakout skill, which makes those qte types easier to perform, works but there are a few where the skill doesnt work for some reason. I also wished ustanak was utilized more properly at that chapter, instead the drill weapon is only used as an instant kill section. It should have been a more proper boss fight instead of simply evading. Regardless ı still enjoy his sections and ı think the game's annoying parts are very few. I still find the game more enjoyable to play than other ones."

Oh yeah that damn Mine section lol.
I actually didn't mind Ustanak's section being designed that way, since he is fought more directly before Jake and Sherry meet the BSAA, and then he is fought directly in China after meeting Leon and Helena. This game is all about variety.

"I understand why you would find it difficult, even more so due to the reason that you seem to start at a harder difficulty, but ı dont remember having much problems when ı 1st started it. It might be that ı stayed in easiest difficulty for a while due to it being my 1st re game in the past until ı slowly moved my way to the top. I think the game was challenging to me as well when ı 1st replayed the campaigns on normal difficulty followed by other difficulties. Eventually ı adapted to the game and now the game is very easy to me for the most part. I really know the game like the back of my hand and can perform counters on a very constant basis. And the game is very different from re4 and re5, especially the latter which is too similar to re4. Not a bad thing but it just feels like re6 is more unique with its changes and new additions compared to re5 which doesnt improve from re4 enough imo."

That might have been a way for the game to not be so frustrating in some ways, to start on a more modest difficulty. But that was a case of clearly underestimating it lol. Agree also on the changes. So many new mechanics changes it significantly from RE5. It ups the feeling of being in control and being an absolute badass though it does hurt the scare factor a bit.

"It has a lot of content and depth to it from both gameplay and story perspective and ı really wished the game wasnt described with statements like " bloated " by some. I just think people do disservice to the amount of effort put into the game. I feel that the game's reception is why ı find the new entries starting with re7 lacking since it feels like they are pleasing the crowd who complained about re6. I still havent played revillage cause it looks very similar to re7 in terms of how it plays and feels ( And ı still dont really have the interest. ) but ı find re7 and re engine reimaginings a massive step down from re6 in many ways. ( And in regards to re engine reimaginings, ı dont think they are as good as og re2 and re3 either. )"

This is a good way to counter that "bloated" line of criticism. It does have a lot going on in the game, but this is by design since the game's events take place over a lengthy time period so it makes sense a lot of things can and do happen. Especially with the bio terror attacks not only not being confined to small areas but happening in 3 continents over a 6 month period. I definitely agree that RE6 deserves some appreciation for trying and for its effort and presentation. For all the bitching that we the fan base do with Capcom and how they do fail at giving the fans what they want RE6 is a rare case where Capcom did try and please everyone and set certain styles into each campaign. It would be nice if we show a little more appreciation for the good and hard work and attention to detail Capcom does put into these projects.

I still haven't played RE7 (I have it thanks to the PS Plus Collection) or Village (not even bought yet), but I'll take my time to get to those. 1st person just isn't my style. And I have no complaints over the RE Engine, it's beautiful and really adds to the visuals that make RE 2 Remake and RE3 Remake great to look at. Though, how they took liberties with the canon and lore is a different topic...

And for another question from a follow up comment:
"Curious but did you enjoy the remaining chapters of ada's campaign? Also how would you rank the campaigns from most to least favourite? I personally love them all but my number 1 favourite is ada's campaign. I think ı enjoyed playing as her more than others."

I absolutely did enjoy what was left of Ada's campaign. The section when you're on the ship while the mutated Carla spreads her influence all over and gets to the point where her face pops up in that white goo is unsettling to say the least and seeing her reaction at the end destroying Carla's lab was a really great cap on her story in this game. Since she's normally cold with the demeanor to boot it's really telling and a defining moment when she shows emotion. It's like even that was grotesque and disturbing enough for it to get under her skin. I remember a long time ago when I 1st saw the video by GCN where they dismissed that scene using a sexist terminology by saying Ada was acting like she was on her period and saying she shouldn't be showing emotion. If I sinned their videos too, I would have eviscerated that one.

Now of all the campaigns which was my most and least favorite is a surprisingly tough choice. I expected Chris and Pier's campaign to take the least favorite, and sure the cover system is one of a few negatives that I have with the game and it's mostly present in this campaign, however, this campaign has one of my favorite sections in the game which is the part dedicated to the Iluzja. Its slow build as you hunt it is terrifying enough but the added bonus is Chris' character throughout the whole section as his obsession with revenge against 'Ada' results in his new team also being slaughtered. The emotion that Roger Craig Smith (Chris' voice actor) brings to the character to showcase his flaws and his humanity as a whole is the main reason of why I dislike Capcom's redesign of Chris in 7, because the voice actor changed. So for that and other things that I enjoyed throughout this campaign, I'll say Chris and Pier's were my favorite of the 4.

Ada's section I thought was great, too. And with her emotional cap at the end of the campaign no less! Her going it solo and the gameplay being sort of a mix of action horror and survival horror along with the puzzles made it stand out more than the other 3, so this one will be the 2nd one I enjoyed above the others.

The campaign that I would rank 3rd after thinking it over, I'll give to Jake and Sherry's campaign but I almost did give it to Leon's. I honestly liked all of them, but reason I give Jake's campaign the points here over Leon's is I liked how Jake actually goes through some characterization and growth over the course of the game that Sherry as a supporting character contributes to, which both GCN and Dartigan if I recall completely ignore (no shock there). Leon's campaign is great also, atmosphere is amazing, the tragedy in the background is evident, and the monsters you encounter are also terrifying and nightmare inducing. I just like Jake's a little more.

So my ranking from favorite to least favorite would be:
Chris / Piers, Ada, Jake / Sherry, and then Leon / Helena.

These are of course opinions and I may change some in the future lol.
Definitely need some more time to let this game sit with me, play on No Hope, do some exploring, do some reading, etc.
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Yes!! This was the thumbnail I finally decided on after my initial thumbnail was too plain for my liking (it only had Chris and Leon).

I got the inspiration for this design from this wallpaper:

And yes, Ada's avatar is purposely faded to mirror her role in the game, working in the shadows for the most part.

And for the YouTube comment I have yet to respond to, I'll address it here for you, buddy:

"I'm glad you enjoy the game. I think it's really underrated and didnt deserve the unnecessary amount of hate at all. Some criticism is fine but from the time ı've spent lurking on re community, ı've always thought the criticisms were exaggerated from what ı've seen."

After finishing the game on all of the campaigns at least once, I'm inclined to agree with this. A great deal of effort definitely went into the game and I commend Capcom for trying to make the game diverse with a lot of options. I do feel not enough praise is given to what good it does.

"I dont mind the changes for the most part, ı think the game improves from previous entries' gameplay formula very well. I also think it makes sense for the game to be the way it is from a story perspective and it felt like a great progression from past entries."

On this one the only real objection I have is the cover system, its execution and way it works was very wonky to me. It makes sense from a story perspective with the gun wielding J'avo's though. Also agree that it's definitely a natural and terrifying progression. The C-Virus is one of the most terrifying viral agents in the series and Carla comes close to succeeding.

"I agree that the tutorial level could have been better to explain the game's mechanics more properly. I think they should have made separate tutorial levels in a more similar fashion to outbreak file 2's tutorial level which is designed separately for all characters. While re6's prelude level only has leon playable. ( Re6 is directed by eiichiro sasaki who previously directed outbreak games. )

Definitely agree here, especially since there are some unique mechanics that aren't explicitly explained. Like how to draw Leon's 2nd handgun (though very simple this one), or how you can charge Jake's melee meter by holding certain buttons.

"And ı definitely know which part you're talking about. That small door opening part in jake chapter 2 is annoying so ı agree with that. For the most part; at the ones where you need to repeatedly press buttons / shake sticks, breakout skill, which makes those qte types easier to perform, works but there are a few where the skill doesnt work for some reason. I also wished ustanak was utilized more properly at that chapter, instead the drill weapon is only used as an instant kill section. It should have been a more proper boss fight instead of simply evading. Regardless ı still enjoy his sections and ı think the game's annoying parts are very few. I still find the game more enjoyable to play than other ones."

Oh yeah that damn Mine section lol.
I actually didn't mind Ustanak's section being designed that way, since he is fought more directly before Jake and Sherry meet the BSAA, and then he is fought directly in China after meeting Leon and Helena. This game is all about variety.

"I understand why you would find it difficult, even more so due to the reason that you seem to start at a harder difficulty, but ı dont remember having much problems when ı 1st started it. It might be that ı stayed in easiest difficulty for a while due to it being my 1st re game in the past until ı slowly moved my way to the top. I think the game was challenging to me as well when ı 1st replayed the campaigns on normal difficulty followed by other difficulties. Eventually ı adapted to the game and now the game is very easy to me for the most part. I really know the game like the back of my hand and can perform counters on a very constant basis. And the game is very different from re4 and re5, especially the latter which is too similar to re4. Not a bad thing but it just feels like re6 is more unique with its changes and new additions compared to re5 which doesnt improve from re4 enough imo."

That might have been a way for the game to not be so frustrating in some ways, to start on a more modest difficulty. But that was a case of clearly underestimating it lol. Agree also on the changes. So many new mechanics changes it significantly from RE5. It ups the feeling of being in control and being an absolute badass though it does hurt the scare factor a bit.

"It has a lot of content and depth to it from both gameplay and story perspective and ı really wished the game wasnt described with statements like " bloated " by some. I just think people do disservice to the amount of effort put into the game. I feel that the game's reception is why ı find the new entries starting with re7 lacking since it feels like they are pleasing the crowd who complained about re6. I still havent played revillage cause it looks very similar to re7 in terms of how it plays and feels ( And ı still dont really have the interest. ) but ı find re7 and re engine reimaginings a massive step down from re6 in many ways. ( And in regards to re engine reimaginings, ı dont think they are as good as og re2 and re3 either. )"

This is a good way to counter that "bloated" line of criticism. It does have a lot going on in the game, but this is by design since the game's events take place over a lengthy time period so it makes sense a lot of things can and do happen. Especially with the bio terror attacks not only not being confined to small areas but happening in 3 continents over a 6 month period. I definitely agree that RE6 deserves some appreciation for trying and for its effort and presentation. For all the bitching that we the fan base do with Capcom and how they do fail at giving the fans what they want RE6 is a rare case where Capcom did try and please everyone and set certain styles into each campaign. It would be nice if we show a little more appreciation for the good and hard work and attention to detail Capcom does put into these projects.

I still haven't played RE7 (I have it thanks to the PS Plus Collection) or Village (not even bought yet), but I'll take my time to get to those. 1st person just isn't my style. And I have no complaints over the RE Engine, it's beautiful and really adds to the visuals that make RE 2 Remake and RE3 Remake great to look at. Though, how they took liberties with the canon and lore is a different topic...

And for another question from a follow up comment:
"Curious but did you enjoy the remaining chapters of ada's campaign? Also how would you rank the campaigns from most to least favourite? I personally love them all but my number 1 favourite is ada's campaign. I think ı enjoyed playing as her more than others."

I absolutely did enjoy what was left of Ada's campaign. The section when you're on the ship while the mutated Carla spreads her influence all over and gets to the point where her face pops up in that white goo is unsettling to say the least and seeing her reaction at the end destroying Carla's lab was a really great cap on her story in this game. Since she's normally cold with the demeanor to boot it's really telling and a defining moment when she shows emotion. It's like even that was grotesque and disturbing enough for it to get under her skin. I remember a long time ago when I 1st say the video by GCN where they dismissed that scene using a sexist terminology by saying Ada was acting like she was on her period and saying she shouldn't be showing emotion. If I sinned their videos too, I would have eviscerated that one.

Now of all the campaigns which was my most and least favorite is a surprisingly tough choice. I expected Chris and Pier's campaign to take the least favorite, and sure the cover system is one of a few negatives that I have with the game and it's mostly present in this campaign, however, this campaign has one of my favorite sections in the game which is the part dedicated to the Iluzja. Its slow build as you hunt it is terrifying enough but the added bonus is Chris' character throughout the whole section as his obsession with revenge against 'Ada' results in his new team also being slaughtered. The emotion that Roger Craig Smith (Chris' voice actor) brings to the character to showcase his flaws and his humanity as a whole is the main reason of why I dislike Capcom's redesign of Chris in 7, because the voice actor changed. So for that and other things that I enjoyed throughout this campaign, I'll say Chris and Pier's were my favorite of the 4.

Ada's section I thought was great, too. And with her emotional cap at the end of the campaign no less! Her going it solo and the gameplay being sort of a mix of action horror and survival horror along with the puzzles made it stand out more than the other 3, so this one will be the 2nd one I enjoyed above the others.

The campaign that I would rank 3rd after thinking it over, I'll give to Jake and Sherry's campaign but I almost did give it to Leon's. I honestly liked all of them, but reason I give Jake's campaign the points here over Leon's is I liked how Jake actually goes through some characterization and growth over the course of the game that Sherry as a supporting character contributes to, which both GCN and Dartigan if I recall correctly ignore (no shock there). Leon's campaign is great also, atmosphere is amazing, the tragedy in the background is evident, and the monsters you encounter are also terrifying and nightmare inducing. I just like Jake's a little more.

So my ranking from favorite to least favorite would be:
Chris / Piers, Ada, Jake / Sherry, and then Leon / Helena.

These are of course opinions and I may change some in the future lol.
Definitely need some more time to let this game sit with me, play on No Hope, do some exploring, do some reading, etc.
I agree with what you say. You make really good points. For cover; ı understand that it could have been implemented better too but one thing that might help you in future playthroughs is while in cover, you can recover stamina fast. You can also recover it fast while being on ground. Another thing with cover is you can take out stunned or unaware enemies using that. It's usually an instant kill and it works the best in ada's campaign.

Chris' campaign used to be my number 1 favourite instead of ada's which was my least favourite but ı've grown more fond of ada's eventually. Now her campaign is my favourite. For other 3; ı guess ı like all 3 of them equally but storywise leon's is the least interesting but still good for what it is. I agree with your reasons for chris' campaign being your favourite. Yeah with re7 and revillage, the way chris' utilization in their stories feel like step down from re6 imo.

And the ending scene of ada's campaign is simply amazing so ı agree with that too. She shows her emotions well and it also feels like a reference to her epilogue file in re3.

I wish you luck on your future playthroughs about the game. For files; ı recommend checking project umbrella site. The files are translated there just like other entries. ( Official localization is a problem for the series and the site helps. ) Re net portions are included there too, it has important bits that expand the files which arent included in the game. ( Like c-virus being a combo of g and t-veronica viruses. )

I also recommend checking biohazard the stage, damnation and marhawa desire. Biohazard the stage and marhawa desire add more backstory for the game while damnation fills the gaps between re4 / re5 and re6 while connecting those 2 to re6 better.
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So ı decided to watch gcn's re3 video and ı want to say that ı think it's pretty bad. I finally managed to make another essay for another entry:

Sin 1: What is the purpose behind this sin? Are you saying that Jill shouldnt be surprised by another incident, especially one with a bigger scale compared to mansion incident, in her hometown with the same virus that previously caused that said incident?

Sin 2: Do you not listen what she says? She was simply telling the situation. You kinda answer yourself. And what else do you expect her to say?

Sin 3: Cause the forces fight against a lot more monsters? More than that's shown in gameplay?

Sin 4: What is even the point of this sin? How does it even relate to re5? You dont sin that game here, you sin re3. A pretty pointless one.

Sin 5: So you're sinning what's simply shown on the screen? Really now?

Sin 6: So just cause she survived a previous incident does this mean she would be completely invulnerable now? Again ı dont understand this sin at all.

Sin 7: The opening cutscene takes 2 days before the game actually starts. ( 26 september - 28 september ) And why would she encounter his daughter at that time?

Sin 8: So you're saying that jill cant help him escape? Or even shouldnt try at least? She's more experienced, she could help him.

Sin 10: I agree with this for the most part however live selection mechanic imo isnt that good personally. It's basically a slow and pointless qte. It would be better to do these decisions by your actions in game, like in outbreak games. I think ı prefer the connected scenarios of re2. ( Which came back in re6 and ı like that even more. ) Also ı dont like the one on the bridge where you're forced against nemesis. I wished jill actually pushed it in canon and you would still be able to get the best ending where barry saves her along with carlos. Instead you need to jump off the bridge to make barry appear. You forgot to mention the randomization factor as well though ı dont like how it's not utilized that much and it's not related to nemesis in any capacity.

Sin 11: I dont think it's inconsistent. It's hard to pull off for sure but the only thing ı dont like is when next to something, jill can still get hit even though it would have been better if she could still dodge the attack through other means. And ı dont think it would result in cheap death, the death would be player's fault for not paying attention to their hp which would most likely be very low. Also you should have praised re6 here.

Sin 12: They arent part of stars anymore. Irons disbanded it. Also he's trying to say that none would be ready for a city-sized outbreak, they were caught off guard.

Sin 13: What else do you want him to tell? They need to escape, especially when that said monster is chasing them off-screen. They cant talk too much and brad's scared.

Sin 14: Another pointless sin.

Sin 16: Did you just sin the introduction of nemesis? I dont care what your excuse is; this sin is stupid. And why would he be dropped by a chopper? The goals of t-103 tyrants are different from nemesis'.

Sin 17: Fatally wounded doesnt mean he's dead or would still immediately die. Also you forgot to tell the fact that he escapes after jill obtains the lockpick. He's not there when nemesis enters rpd. You also forgot to say his wound was caused due to what happened in desperate times of outbreak file 2.

Sin 19: The equipment is destroyed which means they cant be used to contact others however that doesnt mean it cant still receive calls from others.

Sin 20: Barry isnt in raccoon yet, he arrives at the end. I agree that ı would like to see chris and rebecca in raccoon however he left cause they wanted to split up and investigate different areas.

Sin 21: Cause he changed his mind and decided to get out to wonder what's going on? And ı dont see how he would survive even if he didnt get out considering the city would be destroyed.

Sin 22: Sorry but there's nothing that the game ( or the others you're referring to ) does wrong about this. It's completely your fault. And yes carlos is jill's partner in this game, you dont decide the rules.

Sin 23: He said " Calm down. " cause jill sounded worried there.

Sin 24: Why wouldnt all of them fit into choppers? Sure trying to rescue all of them would still be unlikely even if the mission went well but at least they would try to save as much as they could.

Sin 25: In re engine 3; nemesis goes down with a generic grenade. In og game, that can only happen in rare situations with specific items. Not to mention you dont take the canisters into account there.

Sin 26: What else did you expect him to say? She recklessly threw the lantern next to the area with canisters. They are lucky nothing happens to them there.

Sin 27: Or he could be waiting for the right moment.

Sin 28: Refer to sin 13.

Sin 29: But it's true. They are mercenaries, hired hands. There isnt anything wrong he said.

Sin 31: Come on why did you sin this line of carlos? That was amazing, ı dont care what your excuse is.

Sin 32: I agree that taking this photo is reckless but how did you assume the person who took the photo survived? And cant someone else take the photo from where it was left off instead?

Sin 34: That's a very ridiculous nitpick and doesnt feel like a sin at all.

Sin 35: What the hell? What's the point of this sin? Maybe she wanted to express she was part of stars cause this was the right time? Not cause she forgot it?

Sin 36: So what? Do you expect jill to give up hope instantly? What else she should say?

Sin 37: Or cause she wanted carlos to introduce her, especially he's part of ubcs while jill isnt?

Sin 38: I think with bell; it would be easier to call one. Maybe there werent any flares.

Sin 40: So sinning another game that has nothing to with this game? Really?

Sin 41: Cause that would take too long? And did you forget nemesis?

Sin 43: That's a pretty ridiculous sin.

Sin 44 and 45: Why would jill die there? The zombie takes the blast instead. Also you're underestimating jill with the next sin.

Sin 46: Cause nikolai thought he was infected? He was too far gone. Jill would understand this and simply wouldnt need to tell it to carlos. Besides they learn of nikolai's true nature later on anyway.

Sin 48: I agree that grave digger isnt that good but that's more reason why it could have been improved more properly in re engine 3. Instead of merging 2 creatures into one.

Sin 50: That was a very weak sin.

Sin 51: Cause mikhail was nearby?

Sin 52: Them dying there would be ridiculous.

Sin 53: Or that's cause carlos would decide to jump out of the window?

Sin 54: Why would she play those? She doesnt need to at that point.

Sin 55: She meant that they made to a safer place temporarily. Again you need to understand that they cant give up hope, that's part of their characterizations.

Sin 56: What else do you expect her to say? How else she would consider escaping from the city? She didnt know that barry would come to save her at that time.

Sin 57: How would it not make sense? Him saying that doesnt mean he cant change his mind and help jill when she needs it.

Sin 58: Come one that was funny. You should have removed a sin.

Sin 60: That's a very convoluted excuse to sin a puzzle.

Sin 61: Another stupid sin. I dont care the excuse, this is one of the most iconic moments in the game as well as the entire franchise.

Sin 62: Or cause he was toying with her? Not to mention he wanted to reduce her chances of survival. And the " hentai " line is very cringeworthy.

Sin 64: So making fun of characters now? Really?

Sin 65: I think that was more of a line directed at players since you switch to carlos for this playable part.

Sin 66: She's simply scared and expressing her worriness about how the virus inside reacts to her.

Sin 67: I think what carlos tried to mean was that she shouldnt give up, either by killing herself due to being infected.

Sin 69: Cause he was killing others? How do you know he never considered that?

Sin 76: But he administered it to jill. That doesnt make sense.

Sin 77: He can actually do that in game though.

Sin 78: Another ridiculous sin.

Sin 79: Why is that a bad thing? That sin doesnt make sense.

Sin 80: She's shocked and wasnt expecting it to appear at that time again.

Sin 81: Why didnt you sin this for the fact that it doesnt allow you to get the ending where barry saves jill?

Sin 82: She was wondering how he learned it.

Sin 83: Why cant it be one of them that wasnt killed yet by nikolai at that time?

Sin 84: It's not a nuke. And it's not umbrella who decides to bomb the city; it's us government.

Sin 86: Why would he need evidence? He already killed other monitors. That would reward him. And it's not a nuke that's planned to be dropped into the city.

Sin 87: That's called arrogance and characterization.

Sin 90: It's meant to surprise the players.

Sin 91: You didnt need to sin this at all.

Sin 92: Which happens. It also effects the future stories that involves us government in the plot, especially re6.

Sin 93: I cant believe you sinned this track, this theme was amazing.

Now ı dont have the best explanations and ı couldnt find one for some of them not to mention ı lost track of the counter but here it is regardless.
Also omegablackheart; ı told you that ı wanted to share my username on discord and ı might as well share it here now:


You can add me through this if you want.
I watched dartigan's re7 video recently which he says that he likes the game in the description for it. I noticed that it was his most popular eww video with the most amount of views compared to others. After watching it; ı have to say that ı agree with dartigan to some extent, especially in regards to characterizations of ethan and mia. I also dont like vhs tapes in re7 along with camera portions that much so ı agree with that too. Still ı think some portions could be explained by checking the files and ı'm surprised that he sins jack surviving attacks over and over. The video seems to be released before dlcs for it came out. I think gcn made a more detailed video along with a separate one that includes dlcs. I also remember watching that before but it's not his most popular eww video with the most amount of views so ı dont have the interest to watch it again.
I watched dartigan's re7 video recently which he says that he likes the game in the description for it. I noticed that it was his most popular eww video with the most amount of views compared to others. After watching it; ı have to say that ı agree with dartigan to some extent, especially in regards to characterizations of ethan and mia. I also dont like vhs tapes in re7 along with camera portions that much so ı agree with that too. Still ı think some portions could be explained by checking the files and ı'm surprised that he sins jack surviving attacks over and over. The video seems to be released before dlcs for it came out. I think gcn made a more detailed video along with a separate one that includes dlcs. I also remember watching that before but it's not his most popular eww video with the most amount of views so ı dont have the interest to watch it again.
Sorry pal, very busy last few days. I'll respond to your messages on Discord later tonight, so I'll just address what's here.

Saw your breakdown on GCN's RE3: Nemesis vid, nicely done (y)

Also, thanks a lot for the vids on RE6 mechanics. They'll come in very handy when I play No Hope and I get the same feeling of no hope because of the difficulty lol.

As for Dartigan's RE7, that's alright if you agree. Of the videos I've made so far, there's been only one I can think of where I didn't remove any sins except for only one because he complimented something very well done which was his awful Spider-Man video. But usually there are 1 or 2 things he'll point out which are legit sins or an opinion of his which I agree with. I haven't watched that video (RE7) so I reserve the right to pass judgement on it. I say that because I've been using your breakdown of Dartigan's RE6 video as a basis for my script, but so far, EVERYTHING that Dartigan has said has something wrong with it and that includes sins that you don't directly address or skip over. You really weren't kidding when you said this is his worst RE video lol.
Sorry pal, very busy last few days. I'll respond to your messages on Discord later tonight, so I'll just address what's here.

Saw your breakdown on GCN's RE3: Nemesis vid, nicely done (y)

Also, thanks a lot for the vids on RE6 mechanics. They'll come in very handy when I play No Hope and I get the same feeling of no hope because of the difficulty lol.

As for Dartigan's RE7, that's alright if you agree. Of the videos I've made so far, there's been only one I can think of where I didn't remove any sins except for only one because he complimented something very well done which was his awful Spider-Man video. But usually there are 1 or 2 things he'll point out which are legit sins or an opinion of his which I agree with. I haven't watched that video (RE7) so I reserve the right to pass judgement on it. I say that because I've been using your breakdown of Dartigan's RE6 video as a basis for my script, but so far, EVERYTHING that Dartigan has said has something wrong with it and that includes sins that you don't directly address or skip over. You really weren't kidding when you said this is his worst RE video lol.
I see. Yeah ı couldnt cover everything; ı didnt have the best answers for some of them not to mention ı wanted to rely on youtube comments that ı saw so some of them are taken from those in regards to both gcn and dartigan's videos.

But anyway; ı'm sure you can do better than me with your next eww video and improve from my essays.
Honestly, i'm grown past Dartigan and GCN videos. Back then i've used to enjoy them but as i grew older i developed my critical thinking skills and they became self parody to me at this point. I found it hilarious that Dartigan complained "When did Chris Redfield smoke?" in RE8 Village which was hilarious. Chris was shown smoking in the opening intro of RE1(Uncensored edition) and you see cigarette butts in ashtray next to him in the opening of his campaign.
Honestly, i'm grown past Dartigan and GCN videos. Back then i've used to enjoy them but as i grew older i developed my critical thinking skills and they became self parody to me at this point. I found it hilarious that Dartigan complained "When did Chris Redfield smoke?" in RE8 Village which was hilarious. Chris was shown smoking in the opening intro of RE1(Uncensored edition) and you see cigarette butts in ashtray next to him in the opening of his campaign.
Yeah ı remember that sin of dartigan well. Like you say; chris was seen smoking in the intro of re1's uncensored version and they also reference this at the start of his campaign in re6. I still dont remember his revillage video other than that though but when ı 1st watched it; ı was bothered by chris' actions in the game and found myself agreeing with him for the most part. If ı would watch it again; ı would probably have more issues with the video since ı solved some problems of mine in regards to chris' characterization in the game.
I watched dartigan's recv video which he released recently. It starts off extremely terrible then becomes repetitively boring. It's more of a mocking video about the game's design elements in regards to gameplay rather than its story.

" Re4 deserves a remake cause it would more easier to do so. "

" People asked for a remake of recv cause bla bla bla. "

" Rerev2 is like recv. "

" Darkside chronicles remade recv. "

How are these sins of the game already? I dont get it.

He makes fun of the game's older design mechanics, ( Apparently it's fine for re1, re2, re3, remake but recv has a problem for him for some reason. He really goes overboard. ) makes fun of steve to the point of calling him a " school shooter " , at one point questions claire's decision of contacting leon for him to find chris so that leon can warn him, questions wesker's actions, makes a stupid twitter joke, a terrible redfield bloodline joke, at the end he says that the game's unique plot points; mainly t-veronica inside steve's body, wont be followed up again which is wrong cause darkside chronicles and re6 followed it by bringing back t-veronica.

His sentence is steve and chris apparently having canadian accents which ı didnt understand and again makes fun of protagonists for some reason.

I agree with his sins for wesker and ı also think ashford twins feel underdeveloped compared to claire and chris but ı still didnt like dartigan mocking the game's story, especially redfield siblings and steve.

I dont understand. People talk about the more action focused entries, like re6, about how they arent " survival horror " cause they are streamlined at adventure elements while focusing more on action elements than ever before and yet go ahead and make fun of recv's adventure design elements. And despite that, still go ahead and praise re7 and re engine 2 for returning to the so called " roots " somehow. Do people even know what to say? I remember dartigan praising re7 as return to roots during his sinning video.

It's more of a video about mocking recv's game design rather than its story.

" Recv is designed bad and that's why re4 will get remade cause it's more popular and a much more adored entry! " That's the impression ı got from the video.
I watched dartigan's recv video which he released recently. It starts off extremely terrible then becomes repetitively boring. It's more of a mocking video about the game's design elements in regards to gameplay rather than its story.

" Re4 deserves a remake cause it would more easier to do so. "

" People asked for a remake of recv cause bla bla bla. "

" Rerev2 is like recv. "

" Darkside chronicles remade recv. "

How are these sins of the game already? I dont get it.

He makes fun of the game's older design mechanics, ( Apparently it's fine for re1, re2, re3, remake but recv has a problem for him for some reason. He really goes overboard. ) makes fun of steve to the point of calling him a " school shooter " , at one point questions claire's decision of contacting leon for him to find chris so that leon can warn him, questions wesker's actions, makes a stupid twitter joke, a terrible redfield bloodline joke, at the end he says that the game's unique plot points; mainly t-veronica inside steve's body, wont be followed up again which is wrong cause darkside chronicles and re6 followed it by bringing back t-veronica.

His sentence is steve and chris apparently having canadian accents which ı didnt understand and again makes fun of protagonists for some reason.

I agree with his sins for wesker and ı also think ashford twins feel underdeveloped compared to claire and chris but ı still didnt like dartigan mocking the game's story, especially redfield siblings and steve.

I dont understand. People talk about the more action focused entries, like re6, about how they arent " survival horror " cause they are streamlined at adventure elements while focusing more on action elements than ever before and yet go ahead and make fun of recv's adventure design elements. And despite that, still go ahead and praise re7 and re engine 2 for returning to the so called " roots " somehow. Do people even know what to say? I remember dartigan praising re7 as return to roots during his sinning video.

It's more of a video about mocking recv's game design rather than its story.

" Recv is designed bad and that's why re4 will get remade cause it's more popular and a much more adored entry! " That's the impression ı got from the video.
Great, talk about a schedule re-write....
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