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RE:4 Do you want a Resident Evil 4 remake?

Do you want to see a Resident Evil 4 remake someday?

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They'll have to remake CVX too, right? It wouldn't make sense to leave out CVX and just remake RE4. ?

I am not sure how either would turn out. You cannot catch lighting in a bottle multiple times. ?
They'll have to remake CVX too, right? It wouldn't make sense to leave out CVX and just remake RE4. ?

I am not sure how either would turn out. You cannot catch lighting in a bottle multiple times. ?
Well according to rumor, CV will be remade... after RE4R. That's what I read in one article weeks ago, anyway. It's odd that they would skip over it to remake RE4 first though, seeing as CV is the next main game in the series. I don't get why on Earth they would do that. Releasing CV after RE4R is going to confuse a lot of newer fans of the series because they will think that the events of RE4 happen before CV. Personally I don't care for CV much; never really liked it that much. But it's a very integral installment to the series and a big part of the main story, so surely they can't just leave it in the dark. They're treating it as though it were some sort of spin-off that nobody cares about.

Just yesterday though I was reading another article saying that there may be an RE game released between RE8 and RE4R, so maybe it'll be CV remake? Maybe it's already being developed and it'll be a surprise release or something.
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You know? RE8 could be an opportunity for people to actually "like" Ethan as a character. I'm not saying people don't care about him, but they could show us what he looks like, so it gives him more of a personality. Sadly, I think we'll just get more of the same as what was served up in RE7.

And Leon in RE4 better not look like he did in the RE2 remake. Or they'll have us singing this crap...

You know? RE8 could be an opportunity for people to actually "like" Ethan as a character. I'm not saying people don't care about him, but they could show us what he looks like, so it gives him more of a personality. Sadly, I think we'll just get more of the same as what was served up in RE7.

And Leon in RE4 better not look like he did in the RE2 remake. Or they'll have us singing this crap...

I agree. I don't understand why Capcom is so hellbent on keeping Ethan's physical appearance so hidden in-game. It's actually really stupid, honestly. If this guy is going to be our main protagonist from here-on-out, then we should at least get to see him in-game. Even if it's first-person, they can still show us through pictures or files or mirror shots. ...Something... anything. We already know what he looks like, anyway. They made a full model for him... with a face and everything, and it's out there on the internet. So why are they still trying to keep him a secret? It does take away from his character/personality indeed, and I worry about that because, if our new protagonist is going to be so boring and uninteresting, AND we start to lose already-beloved characters (like if they start to phase them out or kill them off which I feel like they might do to Chris in RE8), then people may start to lose interest in the series and it may start to crumble once again. The No.1 thing people like most about this series are the characters. Capcom needs to remember that.

Hehe yeah, I know a lot of people didn't like Leon's new design. I personally like it, but it does sometimes get a little distracting while playing the game. That baby-face of his just makes you want to pinch his cheeks more than anything and it does get a bit hard to take him seriously. I was definitely expecting something a bit more bold and mature rather than something so cute and innocent, but I still like the design on its own. I don't mind if they use it again in RE4R; however, judging by the fact that RE4 takes place 6 years after RE2 I'm assuming they'll either: (1) re-use the RE2R model and make him look a little bit older or (2) get a whole new face-model to capture. Overall I'm not too worried about it though because Leon's designs have been fairly consistent throughout the series, even with so many different face-models; unlike Chris, who looks so different in almost every game/movie that he's in. Personally I think they should have used the REmake/RE5/RE6 model (which was supposedly modeled after actor Matt Mullins, but has never really been confirmed?) throughout the entire series because it's the most frequent and popular look. However it would have been BEST if they had just stuck to using Charlie (OG Chris) from the very beginning!
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I really hope that RE4 and CVX are the final remakes. I don't know what Capcom thinks they can do to improve them, when they subtracted so much from RE2 and 3 already. It's a giving the same things are going to happen regardless of what they decide to rehash. They're not the same Capcom from 2002 anymore. ?

Man, I cannot believe "Nemesis" on YouTube gave RE3 a 7 out of 10 rating. He never used to be such a shill. Although he did say he doesn't want a RE4 remake. Otherwise though, I think he's in bed with Capcom for the free promotion.

In fact, he was the complete opposite to what he is nowadays back in the day. You'll gather that if you check out his videos from 3 years ago. He hated Capcom with a fiery passion. Now he barely uploads anything on his channel, because he's normally just spouting about SJW crap on his Twitch streams and saying he has personal life issues that is holding him back from creating new content. Like anybody cares about that on a gaming channel. ?

Yeah, it's okay to get over some of the hate for a company you admire, but I honestly think he started doing that ass licking carry on to gain more suck-ups. Hell, the guy even got to do several interviews with the voice cast in recent months, so that's going to make him think he's King Shit now, if it didn't before.

I don't like people who say for a year they won't buy a game in every new video or live show they do, because they're clearly saying things for to gain views, then they go back on their word. He bought the RE2 remake anyway, despite all this protesting. Now he loves that game, even though it was not a true remake. Yet when I pointed that out to him, he started behaving like I was the cause of all of my issues and he went around calling me fucked up, and screaming like a banshee. Keep in mind I defended him when many people accused him of being toxic, so my great effort to be his friend backfired. Although I did say something pretty wacko which I won't repeat, but I think he started to play up on that one remark for scapegoating purposes.

But my hate for the guy stems from the fact I was a white knight for him in the past, and then he sided with the very two trolls who were discrediting his channel. They essentially said he deserved to be blacklisted and had many videos mocking him. Well, I put them on Internet Archive as evidence, but they're not on YouTube now.

Last year, they did a suck ass live stream on Discord where they called me a paedophile, and they kept going on about a Scottish actress who slandered me over the past 4 years. Why I do not know. The debate had nothing to do with her, yet they implied that I'm a sex pest. She's just some actress in my country who talks shit about me. Although I've never met her in person, we had a dispute on Twitter in 2016 that she refuses to let go of. She's just some fancy pants independent actress called Nicolette McKeown. Yet she reported me, for stalking. So sending a message asking someone to stop badmouthing me and messing up my career is stalking someone now. Cool.

One benefit to that podcast was that she literally admitted to talking about me behind the scenes and messaging people she doesn't know, mentioning me. So in a manner of speaking, I finally garnered the proof that eluded me previously. Kudos for providing the on-screen evidence I need for to pursue a small claims case, bitches. ?

Thanks to her, I lost out on a lot of acting opportunities in Edinburgh, and I even lost money when I contributed towards the production costs for films that they rejected me for. And the thing is, I cannot go to court to address any of this stuff just yet, as it's shut for an undetermined period of time due to the COVID-19 disaster. Or trust me, I'd be doing it ASAP. ?

7 out of 10 my ass. He's clearly faking his optimism for to get those early access titles. Please hit that dislike button, and always be true to yourself.

Re4: You encounter luis for the 1st time at the end of chapter 1-1.

Re4 remake / reimagining: You encounter luis for the 1st time at nest 3 and he gets killed by saddler without even being able to introduce himself. His corpse will get pulled out while magically disappearing as well so no inspecting. Leon's reaction will be " WHAT THE?!! " .
I wouldnt be surprised if they would cut the castle section completely and replace it with a sewer section as well as cutting island in favor of nest 3.

I would also imagine shortening the village section as well cutting most of the bosses due to realism obsession.
I think they will keep the village, but shorten it and still include some aspects of the castle, and the island. But I can see them making it quite a linear experience, for speed junkies and all that. Like, the original RE4 had a lot of boss battles. It's a big list. So I can see them scrapping a handful of those.
I think they will keep the village, but shorten it and still include some aspects of the castle, and the island. But I can see them making it quite a linear experience, for speed junkies and all that. Like, the original RE4 had a lot of boss battles. It's a big list. So I can see them scrapping a handful of those.
RE4 is CRAZY long, so I wouldn't be surprised if this were to be the case, unfortunately. Quite honestly, as long as they don't get rid of Krauser, it's fine. I saw a picture on Instagram a while back that looked like the thumbnail image to a video about RE4 remake. It was in Spanish and it said that Krauser and Ada aren't going to appear in the game! I tried searching around the web to see if I could find anything more about this outlandish rumor, but I couldn't find anything else besides that one image.

Now, obviously, it's such an insane rumor that I doubt anyone could even believe it. I certainly can't. I mean, can you imagine? Both of these characters play an integral role to RE4's story. If they cut them out, then it's not even going to be a remake. It's going to be an entirely different game, with an entirely different plot. The plot-line of the series as a whole would also be significantly altered.

If this is true and Capcom really does do this, then I feel really fucking sorry for them. I can't (and don't even want to) begin to imagine all the hate they would get from fans. This is already a controversial decision they're making by remaking this game. It's an extremely divisive matter and half of fans don't even want it to be a thing. The last thing they should want is for the pro-remake fans such as myself to end up being let down and disappointed by the finished product, and then hop on the "this was a bad idea" wagon. I get that this is going to be a remake, so things are going to be cut, added in and switched around, but they should be cautious about playing with the fire. They have to keep in mind that they're not just messing with the best game of the series--they're messing with one of the best games ever made, period.

Tread carefully, Capcom.
Krauser and Ada aren't going to appear in the game!
Wouldnt be surprised if they cut separate ways while handling ada, her character as well as her section in the same way she was in handled in re2 2019 tbh. I dont think they would change her design that much though.
I cannot say I really want a RE4 remake at all, but I do want the Silent Hill reboot to be at Tokyo Game Show. We're just so tired of Konami keeping us in the dark.

If the remake confirms that the dominant strain is associated with the Progenitor virus, for me it will be enough justification for the existence of a remake, regardless of which sections and enemies will go under the reduction.
I dont think there's gonna be a re4 remake / reimagining. I think the rumors are all about a mobile game and it contains things from some re games, one of them being re4.

Notice re4 leon behind jill.
It makes bugger all sense to remake RE4 anyway, even if they did remake CVX first. The original RE4 is the primary reason (besides the COD series) that we have all these shooter games, pretending they are horror games. They have shades of horror, yes, but RE6 for example is one game that couldn't scare a carpet flea, even if it tried. RE6 though is still amazingly fun to play, as it does have that cool co-op mode, and it's great that you can run and shoot at the same time. And the story is generally engaging. But it's a poor man's RE2 (if that's the vibes they were going for)...

Of course, we're older now, so RE games are not likely to "scare people" anyhow, giving how I'm 34 and I've seen it all. But you know what I mean. They are just lacking in that special something nowadays. Like when you trace the series from the original to Shinji's remake, to where it is now, it's clear they are lost in the woods creatively. The supernatural tone for example, is so reminiscent of the P.T. demo that everybody was so daft on 6 years ago.

That isn't to say we'll give up on the franchise, but I personally find it hard to get excited anymore. When you do the homework beforehand, you just suspect they're cutting corners. I don't think Ethan is all that interesting, which doesn't help. But the feeling I think they're going for is that he's a normal guy, and not a beefed up fighter.
Apparently, this is an unpopular opinion, but I was really scared of Resident Evil 4 when I played it for the first time. I still remember some game situations that were for me one of the creepy experiences in the series.

This game can be even more intimidating if the developers use the RE Engine and its lighting.



But I believe that remakes are necessary in order for new players to understand the plot. Resident Evil 2 could have linked the story better, including showing Adam's cameo at the end. But this was not done. So how can we be sure that the remakes of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil CODE: Veronica will help players understand Resident Evil 7 better? Are we going to see how H.C.F. worked with the syndicate? Unlikely.

It's just a waste of time and resources for the sake of nostalgia.

I would like to see Revelations 3 about Rebecca and blue Umbrella to get to know the company and employees better.
For me; none of the games in the series are scary. All of them have action / horror elements along with creepy / tense moments one way another. But despite that; ı wouldnt call the re games scary.

Re6 also have horror moments here and there and this isnt exclusive to leon's campaign which is simply the most horror themed campaign in the game. Like iluzija, j'avo mutations, ustanak and carla's mutated form for example. Plus ı think re6 creates better tension than re4 and re5 do and one of the main reasons for that is it doesnt have tank controls unlike re4 and re5 which have some fake difficulty due to this decision. Still dont understand why moving and shooting isnt allowed in those 2 games and yet dead aim and outbreak file 2 allows moving and shooting. And those 2 are more survival horror oriented than 4 / 5 / 6.

I would use the " poor man's re2 " statement for re2 2019 due to lame scenarios and messy story, not for re6. Storywise; re6 is better than other re games. Plus the campaigns connect to each other unlike re2 2019's scenarios which have an identity crisis.

But I believe that remakes are necessary in order for new players to understand the plot. Resident Evil 2 could have linked the story better, including showing Adam's cameo at the end. But this was not done. So how can we be sure that the remakes of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil CODE: Veronica will help players understand Resident Evil 7 better? Are we going to see how H.C.F. worked with the syndicate? Unlikely.

It's just a waste of time and resources for the sake of nostalgia.

I would like to see Revelations 3 about Rebecca and blue Umbrella to get to know the company and employees better.

Dont you mean re3 2020? Re2 didnt have benford, re3's epilogues and darkside chronicles' re2 end section had. Though ı know what you mean. Yeah; they could have been better connected to main storyline instead of having " reimagining " excuses.

As for rerev3; ı dont think capcom would make one since re7 has its main story which is survival horror while the not a hero / end of zoe dlcs are more action packed stories.

But anyways; if there's one, ı would like some follow-up from re6 storywise while making that game connecting to re7 more. One edonia easter egg is simply not enough.
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Tank control is important because it creates an important part of the tension. This is not just a control model, but something that affects the entire design of the game. I am, of course, talking specifically about Resident Evil 4.

So I was scared when, for example, I was attacked by my sisters with chainsaws: I couldn't completely control the situation, so I constantly had to retreat and be on the move and keep the enemy in sight. It is especially disturbing when enemies come close and start shouting before attacking. I've had situations where I let them get close to do more damage, but then I got scared and made a mistake.

In Resident Evil 6, all the horror elements just don't work for me, because the game doesn't actually offer disturbing situations. All the horror that is there, it is only in the background as part of the setting. I wouldn't even call the game a survival horror game. It's no more horror than Left 4 Dead, but Left 4 Dead had scary witches.

Maybe that's why I like Jake's campaign and The Mercenaries better: they focus on what the game does best.
I know that tank controls are iconic; especially in pre-re4 mainline entries but in re4 / re5's case, it's a bad design choice imo. Like ı said; dead aim and outbreak file 2 are more survival horror oriented than those 2 games while allowing moving and shooting. I used those 2 games as examples cause they were released before re4.

In Resident Evil 6, all the horror elements just don't work for me, because the game doesn't actually offer disturbing situations. All the horror that is there, it is only in the background as part of the setting. I wouldn't even call the game a survival horror game. It's no more horror than Left 4 Dead, but Left 4 Dead had scary witches.

Maybe that's why I like Jake's campaign and The Mercenaries better: they focus on what the game does best.

Did you play the game on no hope difficulty? The higher difficulties have good amount of tension and this isnt exclusive to leon's. Leon's is actually easier than others due to lack of j'avo and mutations. I s ranked all campaigns with all characters on all difficulties btw.

But anyways; ı dont think re6 is a survival horror experience either and ı'm pretty sure the devs didnt want that same pre-re4 mainline experience for re6. Plus the " dramatic horror " statement. The re4 devs along with mikami didnt want that same pre-re4 mainline experience for re4 either plus one of back of cover arts for re4 uses statements like " Forget the survival horror. " and something like that. I think with re4; the devs started using the " action horror " statement as well and ı look 4 / 5 / 6 as action horror experiences rather than survival horror.
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