Even as a child, Albert Wesker resented humanity. He was a sociopath, and while brilliant, lacked basic emotion or any sense of empathy. He saw humans as weak because of this, and hated them for the way the world was.
After joining the Umbrella Corporation, his ambitious nature served him well, and he eventually became head reasercher with Birkin at the primary t-Virus development facility. He became obsessed with Spencer due to his "programing", and began to question his plans - Spencer, despite being in the buisness of bioweapons development, forwarded research that was not effective for creating cheap, mindless soldiers. He also had this primary facility located in an area bursting with life, as if he wanted an outbreak.
Wesker became contimplative, and his views on humanity, suspisions of Spencer's goals, and natural ambition set him on a path - he would mantle Spencer, usurp Umbrella, and use it to reshape the world, eliminating the blight called humanity. He saw Tyrants as a superior species - cold, unfeeling, intelligent immortals. He would replace humanity with similar creatures.
In 1998, with the emergence of the Queen Leech, Wesker saw his chance. His plan was as follows:
- He would steal Umbrella BOWs and gather combat data, giving it to the Rival Org, who also seem to want to take over Umbrella's role. This would deal a critical blow to Umbrella, as it allowed the RO to distribute BOWs before Umbrella got the chance to, eliminating the monopoloy they had. It would also guarantee tha high position in the RO for Wesker, something he couldnt hope to achieve with Umbrella due to Spencer's iron grip.
- He would rise to complete ownership of the RO, and use them to undercut and eventually usurp Umbrella, reforming both it and the Rival Org in his image.
- Wesker's Umbrella would develop and distribute not only BOWs, but also anti-BOW weapons. He would start a war on bioterror and dominate both sides of the conflict, propelling his Umbrella to enormous levels of power (Lansdale tried something similar with the FBC).
- After reaching political superpower status, Wesker would use this power to reshape the world.
The intervention of STARS and Sergei set his plans back, forcing him to work his way up in the Rival Org. At some point, Wesker developed plans for a series of firearms named after himself for anti-BOW use.
In 2002, Wesker experimented with the idea of global virus saturation with t-Veronica during Operation: Javier.
In 2003, Wesker orchestrated the Caucacus incident, which led to the destruction of Umbrella's largest and most important facility, and to Wesker stealing the accumilated data of the UMF-13. Wesker had access to all of Umbrella's research, a critical step towards creating his own Umbrella. He made a deal with the US government, providing them with enough incriminating evidence to take Umbrella down.
Wesker also stole the perfected t-Virus and leaked it to the black market, creating the age of bioterror and plunging the world into chaos (by 2009, there were 3000 incidents per year). This was an extremely important part of Wesker's plan, as it would make his anti-BOW Umbrella an important power in the world.
Wesker supplied virus samples to Excella that same year. His relationship with the leadership of the Rival Org was strained, as they saw his ambitions to take over. Tricell could serve as a second choice for Wesker if he couldnt get what he wanted from the RO.
After the 2004 incident in Spain, Wesker finally took control of the RO. Before he could move on with his plans, however, he needed to scratch an itch that had been bothering him since the begining - Spencer. He used up much (if not all) of the RO's resources. in his obsessive search for Spencer, and finally found him in 2006. Spencer revealed the true nature of his plans, and that Wesker was a pawn all along. Wesker, to compinsate, decided to steal Spencer's plans, not knowing thats' exactly what he wanted.
The only real difference in his plans now was that he would evolve humanity instead of killing them off and replacing them. However, the RO was crippled, and so he switched over to Tricell, which was already the leader in the BOW underworld thanks to the seeds he planted in 2003. The discovery of Progenitor led to the Uroboros plan, and you all know the rest.
However, in 2007, perhaps as part of Wesker's deal with the US, seized Umbrella assets and former employees were used to create a rehabilitated Umbrella. We call this iteration of the company Blue Umbrella (BU), and the pre-2003 version Red Umbrella (RU). It is run by new management, and developes anti-BOW equipment as a private military corporation (PMC).
BU is far from benevolent, however.They send troops into outbreak zones and perform demonstrations for sponsors in the BOW underworld, and talk of destroying the BSAA and establishing a new world order. Their leader, the executive, was present for the events of RE4, and has Wesker's MO. They have recently become a prominate player endorsed by the BSAA due to the technology they develop, created from none other than the gun plans by Wesker I mentioned earlier. RE7 also names HCF (special forces group of the Rival Org) as being involved with the Mold.
The overwhelming amount of evidence suggests the Rival Org IS the new managment of BU, and that Wesker's plan prior to RE5 is being continued. Seeing how deeply ingrained into the story and lore BU is, I hope people can appreciate how special this new plot arc is, and how it ties up the series in a neat little bow, with each era of events contributing to this over arching narrative