We have officially completed one of the biggest updates to our forums in years and have pushed the update to live for all members! Enjoy a new forum structure that is all inclusive, as well as a prefix system that categorizes topics per game! The latest update is more akin to multiple forums like old Biohaze, however they’re all in one! Popular topics also have their own prefix system, such as virus discussion, translations and more. All threads will require a prefix, all former threads have been manually sorted for your convenience! Prefix can be accessed anytime by the sort option or accessed via the list below. Users also now have many more thread options such as articles, questions, deep dives, etc. In addition we’ll be introducing new themes in the future as well as even more QOL updates. We hope you enjoy the latest iteration of Biohaze! |

For those that haven’t joined us in a while, all posts from 2018+ have been ported in their full fashion. All threads have been hand tagged appropriately with the new prefix system. We take care in preserving all of your work, thoughts and insight shared on our community.
If you have any trouble logging into your accounts of old please e-mail us at biohazeig@gmail.com or DM me on Discord at Yama#0001
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