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RE6 Why RE6 is one of the best RE's

I don't 100% agree with this video. RE6 has good mechanics. But everything else stated? Yep. NightCrawler is spot on here...

The RE remakes are appallingly bad, especially RE3. Games like RE6 look like masterpieces in comparison. Also, 6 has a good variety of gameplay and the story isn't all that bad. Is it?

Unlike games such as RE7. You have to watch a series of VHS tapes to get the back story for some of the characters, and you're confined to mostly the same house. At least 6 was expansive.

Finally the video ı was excited for is released. I fully watched it as of now and ı have to say... This is one of the best re6 videos ı've ever seen. Seriously. I've never seen anyone else defending and praising the game's story through such an excellent and informative format before. It's quite long and very entertaining. Felt like a very high quality movie. I absolutely loved watching this, it's everything ı was expecting for and even better! Definitely one of the best re6 videos on youtube right next to " Why re6 is awesome? " one by tgbs.

Thank you so much for this omegablackheart! I really appreciate the effort put into this. I had no doubt about the amazingness of this perfect masterpiece and it delivered very well.
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Finally the video ı was excited for is released. I fully watched it as of now and ı have to say... This is one of the best re6 videos ı've ever seen. Seriously. I've never seen anyone else defending and praising the game's story through such an excellent and informative format before. It's quite long and very entertaining. Felt like a very high quality movie. I absolutely loved watching this, it's everything ı was expecting for and even better! Definitely one of the best re6 videos on youtube right next to " Why re6 is awesome? " one by tgbs.

Thank you so much for this omegablackheart! I really appreciate the effort put into this. I had no doubt about the amazingness of this perfect masterpiece and it delivered very well.
RE6's story is so good, that it should be removed from the rest of the series, entirely. Make it standalone - because it's so good - and everyone will be happy.
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The funny thing is, I can actually play RE6 and complete it. I know it's very action heavy, but I think RE was eventually going to go that route when they decided to use the same heroes over and over again. So 4 and 5 are your titles to blame, and 6 just served as icing on the cake.

I played RE4 recently, as it has truly been years since I touched it. And wow. The gameplay is a bit ass. I don't like how it has the old controls which makes aiming harder. Although some people like that, and it does present a challenge.

In the remake, you're gonna be able to run away and reload. I seen it in the trailer. But I think the AI needs some working on. Villagers shouldn't walk into traps in a 2022 game, if they see fire in front of them.
Haven't read it yet, nor do I care much about the topic tbh, but this popped up on N4G today: https://www.dualshockers.com/resident-evil-6-deserves-more-credit/
I checked it and ı agree with the points but he calls carla " simmons' wife " even though she was one of his researchers. And the sickening project cost a lot of innocents' lives before carla being deceived into taking part for the project. Simmons also didnt want to " revive umbrella " , he wanted to conceal the truth in regards to us government's dealings with umbrella. Carla is the one who established her umbrella as a way to take revenge against the family and even umbrella.

It also says the default order of playing the campaigns isnt ideal even though for the 1st time playing, ı played it through that way and enjoyed the story fine. On replays, ı still changed the order however and the way ı played the chapters was:

C2, J1, J2, A1, L1, L2, A2, L3, J3, C1, C3, J4, L4, A3, A4, C4, J5, C5, L5, A5.

Here's this video ı found. It praises the game through a very unique way. However ı played the game through the intended order and enjoyed the story fine. Honestly all that matters is playing ada's campaign last since that's unlocked after beating previous ones.
I never understood why RE6 was so hated, as it plays better than 4 and 5. I do kind of hate that mandatory training sequence at the start, as it spoils a cutscene that comes later on, and cannot be skipped on new game runs. :(

Like when Capcom made 4, didn't they think it would be cool to move and shoot at the same time? Clearly not.

And out of 4, 5 and 6 or even the two Revelations titles, I think 6 is the only game where you would have a newbie who's familiar with 1-3 and, or, 0, but not 4-6, saying "Hey, that's RE. I see zombies and a city."

4 and 5 were about villagers infected with parasites, although granted, 6 has them too, but then there's zombies in some sections. And zombies are the primary enemy in a way. So 6 is more indicative of RE games from previous years, than 4 and 5.

Now Code: Veronica is also very much a RE game, yet people make fun of it over Alfred pretending to be his sister, but yet they openly choose never to mock RE8 for its bosses, and Lady Dimitrescu is just so overrated. And Ethan not having his face revealed.

It's like some RE fans have an on and off switch in them, hidden someplace. :p
I never understood why RE6 was so hated, as it plays better than 4 and 5. I do kind of hate that mandatory training sequence at the start, as it spoils a cutscene that comes later on, and cannot be skipped on new game runs. :(

Like when Capcom made 4, didn't they think it would be cool to move and shoot at the same time? Clearly not.

And out of 4, 5 and 6 or even the two Revelations titles, I think 6 is the only game where you would have a newbie who's familiar with 1-3 and, or, 0, but not 4-6, saying "Hey, that's RE. I see zombies and a city."

4 and 5 were about villagers infected with parasites, although granted, 6 has them too, but then there's zombies in some sections. And zombies are the primary enemy in a way. So 6 is more indicative of RE games from previous years, than 4 and 5.

Now Code: Veronica is also very much a RE game, yet people make fun of it over Alfred pretending to be his sister, but yet they openly choose never to mock RE8 for its bosses, and Lady Dimitrescu is just so overrated. And Ethan not having his face revealed.

It's like some RE fans have an on and off switch in them, hidden someplace. :p
J'avos arent infected with a parasite though. They basically behave like evolved humans due to g and t-veronica making them show their potential. I see progenitor virus as more of a " character " than umbrella and wesker, re6 showcases its potential the most due to bringing those 2 viruses back. It's quite fascinating. I dont think the series will reach to its very high quality ever again.
Sadly, I don't think your dream of Capcom doing a sequel to RE6 or any older game will happen. I see the series going forward being more jumbled up nonsense with viruses or something being spread across just one or more games, with main characters like Chris just being involved alongside certain new characters, because...

It was kind of confirmed that Rosemary Winters is joining his Wolf Hound Squad because of her mold powers. Oh, God help us all.

I mean, in all honesty, they didn't even have to use him in RE7. Any generic soldier could have appeared on that chopper. But he's the main character, so of course they needed a link to the other games or there wouldn't be any proper affiliation with those classic titles. But essentially, this is all I see RE as going forward. They're just never gonna be able to stick to one simple but exciting storyline to keep the fans engrossed in whatever shit they try pulling next. Like I was kind of accepting of their recent blue Umbrella (or evil BSAA) plot point, as I had some thought that hey, this might actually be good for a change. Only will that go anywhere with Capcom in the near future? Nah. Probably not. LOL!
None of these storylines are recent. They were established a long time ago and continue to develop.

People also said that Alex Wesker would never come back after BIO5, but it happened. Now they're doing the same thing.

Capcom develops its storylines. People just don't care to keep an eye on them.
Yeah, but they do it in such a vague way. I still don't think they flow as well as the other games. I know that it's all supposed to be a glue that sticks together, as convoluted as it may be.
Sadly, I don't think your dream of Capcom doing a sequel to RE6
At this point it doesnt really matter. It's been too long since its release. Same thing with jill's absence in a storyline after re5. I wished capcom just ended the series but they seem so dedicated at running down the quality to dirt with corps and moon era.
They are too into money, but not enough people speak up about them.

Days Gone not getting a sequel still bothers me. That was a way better game than RE8 ever was, in my opinion.
Sadly, I don't think your dream of Capcom doing a sequel to RE6 or any older game will happen. I see the series going forward being more jumbled up nonsense with viruses or something being spread across just one or more games, with main characters like Chris just being involved alongside certain new characters, because...

It was kind of confirmed that Rosemary Winters is joining his Wolf Hound Squad because of her mold powers. Oh, God help us all.

I mean, in all honesty, they didn't even have to use him in RE7. Any generic soldier could have appeared on that chopper. But he's the main character, so of course they needed a link to the other games or there wouldn't be any proper affiliation with those classic titles. But essentially, this is all I see RE as going forward. They're just never gonna be able to stick to one simple but exciting storyline to keep the fans engrossed in whatever shit they try pulling next. Like I was kind of accepting of their recent blue Umbrella (or evil BSAA) plot point, as I had some thought that hey, this might actually be good for a change. Only will that go anywhere with Capcom in the near future? Nah. Probably not. LOL!

The worst part is the jumbled up nonsense will deviate from the franchise's philosophical message about universal healthcare.

Sherry Birkin at least had the benefit of a vaccine for G-Virus infection. However, Rosemary Winters never got vaccinated for her mold infection🧠💉
I find it funny how RE6 gets shit on for being an action game. Blame Capcom, then. They made the game, LOL.

RE4 and 5 have more action than most games. RE3 was kind of when the series dipped to full on action. But if I have to be honest, basically all RE games are action oriented horror games regardless, as everyone you play as is already quite capable. It's subjective.

But at least RE6 felt more like a "traditional" RE game, as it gave us zombies. Because, I don't know. Since zombies haven't been in many games besides remakes, the franchise doesn't feel like the same series at times. Zombies became like the staple foe. It gave the series the personality it was known for in the 90s. Now they can just chuck in all types of weird ideas. We finally got werewolves. Next, it will be aliens or dinosaurs.
I find it funny how RE6 gets shit on for being an action game. Blame Capcom, then. They made the game, LOL.

RE4 and 5 have more action than most games. RE3 was kind of when the series dipped to full on action. But if I have to be honest, basically all RE games are action oriented horror games regardless, as everyone you play as is already quite capable. It's subjective.

But at least RE6 felt more like a "traditional" RE game, as it gave us zombies. Because, I don't know. Since zombies haven't been in many games besides remakes, the franchise doesn't feel like the same series at times. Zombies became like the staple foe. It gave the series the personality it was known for in the 90s. Now they can just chuck in all types of weird ideas. We finally got werewolves. Next, it will be aliens or dinosaurs.
Re4r is already looking to be like re6 so far. Just wait until you see re4r get praised while seeing re6 still hated at the same time. Never understood why many re4 fans dislike re6 so much, ı think both games do well what they aim. Meanwhile re7-village takes re4's style and degrade it in an attempt to make it more " survival horror " . I hope re4r will surpass all previous re engine games.
Maybe it's a Leon thing. People always say 5 and 6 have too much action. But 4 was the game that picked up where RE3 left off.

And if they think Chris knocking over a boulder into a lava lake is dumb, which it ain't, parrying a chainsaw with a small combat knife tops all.
Maybe it's a Leon thing. People always say 5 and 6 have too much action. But 4 was the game that picked up where RE3 left off.

And if they think Chris knocking over a boulder into a lava lake is dumb, which it ain't, parrying a chainsaw with a small combat knife tops all.
I think that's why ı dont see many pointing out re2 as the entry with an escalated premise and scale, the direction that continued with re3, recv, re4, re5 and finally re6 along with spinoffs filling the gaps. Kamiya even compares it to the 1st game while declaring its atmosphere more akin to an action movie in an interview. Hollywood was always at the heart and core of the series. They've been trying to please everyone starting with re2 and this continued and it still does.
Personally, I have no issue with Leon. Others may feel he is overrated. I think I like Chris just a bit more because he was there since day one.

However, Leon is great in the action games too, and the movies, and because of his role as an agent, he gets the international adventures. I also really like Chris and his, "I am tired of this shit taken away the ones I care about" approach.

But his RE7 model is horrible. His RE8 redesign is not bad, but I think he is gonna retire soon. Unless all the games he will be in will be prequels to the DLC, as it does proceed quite far into the future, with Chris announced to still be alive.

One downside to using fan favourites though is that it can take away from the horror feel. If they are used to it, as you the player is, you cannot be creeped out.
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