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RE6 Why RE6 is one of the best RE's

Resident Evil 6 in my opinion is one of the best Resident Evil game ever made, alongside Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations 1 and Resident Evil 8 (the one thing I just don't like about RE8 is being first person and Ethan not having a face, the rest is amazing).

1- 4 Campaigns that complete each other.
Resident Evil 6 is the longest RE game ever made until this date. I get that Resident Evil 4 and 8 are very long but they don't compare to RE6. Is very enjoyable cause of all the work from everyone involved. We have Leon and Helena campaign where is more old school with a lot of investigating and creepy places and situations. We have Chris and Piers campaign which is focused on the Military perspective of fighting Bio Terror, which is perfect for Chris since he has experience. Also Piers is one of my favorite new character from the series, he's like a little brother to Chris. We have Jake and Sherry where the action intensify giving us a little nostalgia from Nemesis from RE3. Jake and Sherry were great together. And finally we have a Solo campaign, no partner for Ada, which fits the character since she prefer to work alone. And which is even more great is that all campaigns, all story, is related to each other and the characters eventually meet up.

2- Is not just about size, RE6 story is actually amazing and Chris campaign has made me cry, one of the most sad endings of all history of Resident Evil.

3- Gameplay is actually great, the ability to do physical attacks and get little buffs is great. The character feels more alive than any other game, we can use guns, physical attack at will, not needing to be after a gun shoot like in RE5. In RE6 I can just kick a zombie at anytime but of course this move can't be spammed or else the character gets tired and slow, perfect balance.

4- The levels and Cut scenes are really well made. You know, one thing I miss the most is to see beautiful cut scenes. We don't have cut scenes in RE7 or RE8, and in Remake 2 and 3 there's very little cut scenes. In RE6 the cut scenes are as big as a movie which is great cause I love the story and not just shoot zombies. I really dislike the removal of cut scenes from this moderns games. I remember back in 2009 to be stunned by Chris/Sheva vs Wesker/Jill cut scene from RE5, and all the great cut scenes from 2013 RE6. Now, there's no cut scenes in RE8, nothing that compares to anything showed in RE5 and RE6.

5- Capcom fixed all the big issues from early RE6 release. Initially, RE6 had hundreds of QTE which I admit it was annoying, but capcom fixed that. The majority of QTE became just a cutscene for you to watch. Problem solved. Another issue was the screen format which was little and we couldn't see it very well the enemies and locations around all, well capcom fixed that too, the screen format became larger like RE5 wich was all I wanted.

I'm sure there are more reasons as to why RE6 is one of the best RE game ever made, I'll let you guys to fill in what I forgot to mention. There's just one thing that I didn't like about RE6 which is that fact that Jill and Claire were not included in it and Jill isn't even mention by name. That's the one thing that bothers me, I feel like Jill should have been at least mentioned. But Jill and Claire not being in RE6 doesn't hurt the game at all, I just wish they had made room for them. I mean, I dislike Helena, I sort of feel like Claire should have been Leon's partner instead and that Jill had her dlc campaign, cause I wouldn't like to change anything from Chris and Piers story. But Jill could have had a dlc campaign since RE6 is Global, all around the World, stuff was happening.
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I agree with what you said overall. Though ı like helena personally, ı enjoy her character arc. I used to find her the weakest character in the game but ı've been warming up to her a lot. But ı wished claire was in the game as well and it would also be cool if jill was mentioned.

For claire; ı wouldnt remove helena but instead make a separate campaign for her while her partner being ricky from marhawa desire. I think it would work. I dont like claire in rerev2 that much, ı dont think she was done justice in that game for the most part. I wished she was in re6 and be voiced by alyson court.

I still play the game these days, it's so entertaining to play. I love the characters and story a lot along with its satisfying combat system, qtes and setpieces.

This is also my favourite re6 video.
Agreed, in spite of its relatively few flaws when compared to other games in the series, especially RE Engine games, it is up there in the rankings of the sequels. I personally believe it is the most innovative sequel since Outbreak, which to me feels like the true BIO2. The games before that feel like mere expansions and thus extensions of the original BIO, whereas BIO6 feels like the most fully realised incarnation of the shift bio4 sought. This to me makes BIO6 feel like the true BIO3.
Resident Evil 6 in my opinion is one of the best Resident Evil game ever made, alongside Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations 1 and Resident Evil 8 (the one thing I just don't like about RE8 is being first person and Ethan not having a face, the rest is amazing).

1- 4 Campaigns that complete each other.
Resident Evil 6 is the longest RE game ever made until this date. I get that Resident Evil 4 and 8 are very long but they don't compare to RE6. Is very enjoyable cause of all the work from everyone involved. We have Leon and Helena campaign where is more old school with a lot of investigating and creepy places and situations. We have Chris and Piers campaign which is focused on the Military perspective of fighting Bio Terror, which is perfect for Chris since he has experience. Also Piers is one of my favorite new character from the series, he's like a little brother to Chris. We have Jake and Sherry where the action intensify giving us a little nostalgia from Nemesis from RE3. Jake and Sherry were great together. And finally we have a Solo campaign, no partner for Ada, which fits the character since she prefer to work alone. And which is even more great is that all campaigns, all story, is related to each other and the characters eventually meet up.

2- Is not just about size, RE6 story is actually amazing and Chris campaign has made me cry, one of the most sad endings of all history of Resident Evil.

3- Gameplay is actually great, the ability to do physical attacks and get little buffs is great. The character feels more alive than any other game, we can use guns, physical attack at will, not needing to be after a gun shoot like in RE5. In RE6 I can just kick a zombie at anytime but of course this move can't be spammed or else the character gets tired and slow, perfect balance.

4- The levels and Cut scenes are really well made. You know, one thing I miss the most is to see beautiful cut scenes. We don't have cut scenes in RE7 or RE8, and in Remake 2 and 3 there's very little cut scenes. In RE6 the cut scenes are as big as a movie which is great cause I love the story and not just shoot zombies. I really dislike the removal of cut scenes from this moderns games. I remember back in 2009 to be stunned by Chris/Sheva vs Wesker/Jill cut scene from RE5, and all the great cut scenes from 2013 RE6. Now, there's no cut scenes in RE8, nothing that compares to anything showed in RE5 and RE6.

5- Capcom fixed all the big issues from early RE6 release. Initially, RE6 had hundreds of QTE which I admit it was annoying, but capcom fixed that. The majority of QTE became just a cutscene for you to watch. Problem solved. Another issue was the screen format which was little and we couldn't see it very well the enemies and locations around all, well capcom fixed that too, the screen format became larger like RE5 wich was all I wanted.

I'm sure there are more reasons as to why RE6 is one of the best RE game ever made, I'll let you guys to fill in what I forgot to mention. There's just one thing that I didn't like about RE6 which is that fact that Jill and Claire were not included in it and Jill isn't even mention by name. That's the one thing that bothers me, I feel like Jill should have been at least mentioned. But Jill and Claire not being in RE6 doesn't hurt the game at all, I just wish they had made room for them. I mean, I dislike Helena, I sort of feel like Claire should have been Leon's partner instead and that Jill had her dlc campaign, cause I wouldn't like to change anything from Chris and Piers story. But Jill could have had a dlc campaign since RE6 is Global, all around the World, stuff was happening.
I agree about RE5, RE6, and REV1. They're masterpieces.
Resident Evil 6 in my opinion is one of the best Resident Evil game ever made, alongside Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations 1 and Resident Evil 8 (the one thing I just don't like about RE8 is being first person and Ethan not having a face, the rest is amazing).

1- 4 Campaigns that complete each other.
Resident Evil 6 is the longest RE game ever made until this date. I get that Resident Evil 4 and 8 are very long but they don't compare to RE6. Is very enjoyable cause of all the work from everyone involved. We have Leon and Helena campaign where is more old school with a lot of investigating and creepy places and situations. We have Chris and Piers campaign which is focused on the Military perspective of fighting Bio Terror, which is perfect for Chris since he has experience. Also Piers is one of my favorite new character from the series, he's like a little brother to Chris. We have Jake and Sherry where the action intensify giving us a little nostalgia from Nemesis from RE3. Jake and Sherry were great together. And finally we have a Solo campaign, no partner for Ada, which fits the character since she prefer to work alone. And which is even more great is that all campaigns, all story, is related to each other and the characters eventually meet up.

2- Is not just about size, RE6 story is actually amazing and Chris campaign has made me cry, one of the most sad endings of all history of Resident Evil.

3- Gameplay is actually great, the ability to do physical attacks and get little buffs is great. The character feels more alive than any other game, we can use guns, physical attack at will, not needing to be after a gun shoot like in RE5. In RE6 I can just kick a zombie at anytime but of course this move can't be spammed or else the character gets tired and slow, perfect balance.

4- The levels and Cut scenes are really well made. You know, one thing I miss the most is to see beautiful cut scenes. We don't have cut scenes in RE7 or RE8, and in Remake 2 and 3 there's very little cut scenes. In RE6 the cut scenes are as big as a movie which is great cause I love the story and not just shoot zombies. I really dislike the removal of cut scenes from this moderns games. I remember back in 2009 to be stunned by Chris/Sheva vs Wesker/Jill cut scene from RE5, and all the great cut scenes from 2013 RE6. Now, there's no cut scenes in RE8, nothing that compares to anything showed in RE5 and RE6.

5- Capcom fixed all the big issues from early RE6 release. Initially, RE6 had hundreds of QTE which I admit it was annoying, but capcom fixed that. The majority of QTE became just a cutscene for you to watch. Problem solved. Another issue was the screen format which was little and we couldn't see it very well the enemies and locations around all, well capcom fixed that too, the screen format became larger like RE5 wich was all I wanted.

I'm sure there are more reasons as to why RE6 is one of the best RE game ever made, I'll let you guys to fill in what I forgot to mention. There's just one thing that I didn't like about RE6 which is that fact that Jill and Claire were not included in it and Jill isn't even mention by name. That's the one thing that bothers me, I feel like Jill should have been at least mentioned. But Jill and Claire not being in RE6 doesn't hurt the game at all, I just wish they had made room for them. I mean, I dislike Helena, I sort of feel like Claire should have been Leon's partner instead and that Jill had her dlc campaign, cause I wouldn't like to change anything from Chris and Piers story. But Jill could have had a dlc campaign since RE6 is Global, all around the World, stuff was happening.
I agree with the points you made. Most people criticize RE6 for what it wasn't instead of praise it for what it is. That's the mistake fans make. There's so much that RE6 does well. But it still gets criticized for not being survival horror, even though no Resident Evil game has even felt like survival horror until RE8 anyways.
I forgot to say this but ı love c-virus a lot. It's a very fascinating virus imo. It's a combo of g-virus and special t-veronica strain called t-02. I love the monsters and variety as well. The backstory in the files is also very fascinating imo.

I would have preferred c-virus to be featured again in future stories but capcom isnt interested. They'll just make up nonsense like mold and cadou instead which ı'm not a big fan of.
The only problem I have with it nowadays is that Ada's campaign is available from the start with newer ports. When I first unlocked it back in the day, finding it felt like a whole new adventure opened up. It was like unlocking a secret character for games like Mario Kart, but even better. Now thats it available from the start, any new player can immediately spoil the behind the scenes story and play through the other campaigns with full knowledge of who the bad guys really are, causing the other campaigns to lose impact. Other than that though, the game is one of my favorites, and I had more fun playing it than any of the newer titles.
RE6 is one of the most fun videogames I have ever played, idk how people can sit and play the same COD or same fifa game series but we are not getting any cool action games like RE6, I mean if Capcom created that cool gameplay why did they waste it, and not create another IP.
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The only problem I have with it nowadays is that Ada's campaign is available from the start with newer ports. When I first unlocked it back in the day, finding it felt like a whole new adventure opened up. It was like unlocking a secret character for games like Mario Kart, but even better. Now thats it available from the start, any new player can immediately spoil the behind the scenes story and play through the other campaigns with full knowledge of who the bad guys really are, causing the other campaigns to lose impact. Other than that though, the game is one of my favorites, and I had more fun playing it than any of the newer titles.
I agree, ı feel like capcom ruined some of ada's mystery for the game to please some people who complained about the game. I also would like if ada's campaign was always unlocked after beating 1st 3 campaigns as well. I mean re4 is ported more than re6 and yet separate ways portion is always unlocked after beating leon's story, this feels inconsistent.

I also would like agent to get his own solo campaign in the game rather than being forced as ada's partner, again this seems to be done to please the people who apparently complained that ada was alone. They probably never played separate ways in re4.

Regardless ı played the game in recommended order ( Leon, chris, jake and ada. ) and the story was interesting to learn and go through really.
I know ı said this before but ı really wished re2 2019 also had scenarios that connected to each other like re6's campaigns. It seems more like an adaption of remake ( Which had parallel scenarios just like re1, this feels step down from re2. ) rather than an actual remake of re2.

Its story also seems to be designed in a way that doesnt even connect to re6. I mean sherry is somehow free of g-virus after being infected. I cant believe they combined all 4 scenarios and even darkside chronicles in a very messy way, it's unbelievable.

I cant stand how leon isnt aware of sherry at all until he encounters claire on train either. He never encounters or tries to help her in rpd or sewers like in re2 claire a / leon b scenarios as well as darkside chronicles.

I have no other choice but to stick to darkside chronicles really. It feels like its re2 retelling connects to re6 better. Way better than trainwreck re2 2019.

People bash re3 2020 all the time but give re2 2019 and even remake a pass while chronicles games are usually ignored or downplayed. Such a shame really.
idk how people can sit and play the same COD
Honestly ı find it funny that people compare re6 to cod. It's nothing like it. It's very unique game, there isnt really any game like it on market.

One of the reasons why the game seems to disliked is due to feeling like call of duty somehow. And yet somehow those games are liked? Great double standards right there. I dont even care much for call of duty but ı love re6.
Honestly ı find it funny that people compare re6 to cod. It's nothing like it. It's very unique game, there isnt really any game like it on market.

One of the reasons why the game seems to disliked is due to feeling like call of duty somehow. And yet somehow those games are liked? Great double standards right there. I dont even care much for call of duty but ı love re6.
it doesn't even play like the same thing, and its hilarious that COD players youtubers are the ones that actually broadcasting RE7, I have a friend that plays first person shooters, he never care for RE until 7 only because its first person.

it's just double standards like you said.

Zombie Army Trilogy and Zomby Army 4 are the tiny closes to RE ORC and RE6 in PS4. But still doesn't have any melee attacks or CQC or pvp
it doesn't even play like the same thing, and its hilarious that COD players youtubers are the ones that actually broadcasting RE7, I have a friend that plays first person shooters, he never care for RE until 7 only because its first person.

it's just double standards like you said.

Zombie Army Trilogy and Zomby Army 4 are the tiny closes to RE ORC and RE6 in PS4. But still doesn't have any melee attacks or CQC or pvp
Yeah ı agree, it's annoying. Re7 and revillage are more closer to cod than re5 and re6 if anything. Especially re7's not a hero and revillage's chris section.

Re5 and re6 have plenty of variety when it comes to their combat systems while re7's not a hero and revillage's chris section seem to be barebones in terms of gameplay.
Hey, I found this guy on YouTube, hating on RE6. :D

Really? RE6 is way better than 7 and 8. I do prefer Revelations 2, but maybe that's just because Barry is so cool, and the atmosphere in that game is fab.

I feel kind of sad about RE6, because they were kind of getting back on track with the Neo-Umbrella stuff, and characters returning. You know? Things like that should be expanded upon, rather than being quietly let go when Capcom gets heat for something. But once you boot up RE7, you lose all of that link to the series. It's hard for people, still to this day, to think 6 and 7 are even in the same continuity.

Which one? They had Neo-Umbrella in RE6. Blue Umbrella is in RE7, but otherwise, it feels like they made it all up just to make people think it's still RE. Because gameplay wise and for most of the story before the end, it doesn't seem like 6 and 7 are supposed to be related. Also, the way 6 plays out is action and 7 is more serious, slower paced, and like a 70s exploitation movie. 6 in comparison seems like it has the budget of a James Cameron epic.

Of course, I guess that would be like saying Spiral isn't related to Saw, or that Prometheus is not really an Alien movie. They're still set in the same universe. There's a link. Even if you don't get the same vibes.

But I think you know what I mean...

EDIT: OK. Umbrella is Umbrella. 🤓
Blue Umbrella is in RE7

The so-called "Blue Umbrella" is not called that at all. This company is called Umbrella Corporation, because it is literally the same organization, but reorganized on the basis of the American bankruptcy law.

It started back in Resident Evil 4, when the corporation went bankrupt and became an illegal organization of Albert Wesker. He and such loyal members as Jack Krauser intended to bring the company back to the public, so they prepared the world for this step.

This storyline, which actually began in 1996, was unfairly forgotten by Resident Evil 5, and I honestly find it insulting that fans do not give Resident Evil 7 due respect at least for the fact that this game has returned to such a major storyline for the entire franchise.

Oh, right, because fans don't care about the mythology of this series. They would rather argue with each other, proving whose preferences are better.
I know ı said this elsewhere before but ı personally dont find umbrella that interesting. The reason for that is the founders' actual true plans' dont seem that interesting to me. Which is evolution one way or another.

I find neo umbrella more interesting cause it was founded by carla alone by her stealing simmons' / the family's resources. And her plan was downright chaos, she didnt want to evolve humans, she just wanted everyone to suffer to clean the world from corruption completely.

I personally find chaos more " fair " than evolution or corrupted order that many villains are so obsessed with. Mainly cause that could be the only other way, other than heroes scrubbing the virus from the face of the earth, to put an end to biohazards. By destroying the world, none would benefit from it for their own twisted needs.

I have my own reasons for thinking this way, one of them being starting with re6 of course. I didnt grow up with past entries like many people did.

It would be nice if a neo umbrella / carla revival plot started but ı know it wont happen.

This storyline, which actually began in 1996, was unfairly forgotten by Resident Evil 5
I wouldnt say that. I feel like they ignored it on purpose mainly cause they wanted to put an end to wesker 1st followed by expanding the government corruption while letting umbrella grow on background. Remember re4 separate ways portion and re5 were written by the same person. But ı understand what you mean. Re7 is still connected to the series and so is revillage even if it doesnt feel that much related to re6's story other than some small references. ( Though ı dislike the microtransactions of those 2 games, at least the ones that are canon. )

I'm still not that interested in it personally cause ı'm more fan of government corruption / the family plot point. I dont find wesker as interesting as many other people either. Though it wouldnt surprise me if they revived him too.

" Even in death, as long as a tissue fragment remains, the virus resuscitates by reconstructing bodily tissues. "

This is before re5 as well as umbrella corps, the game that gives a revival hint for him. It seems that with re5, they werent even sure whether they wanted to kill him or not.

All they have to say really is a piece of flesh of him wasnt burned in lava and it survived followed by that regenerating and forming an entire body. It might go against real life physics but this is resident evil. Anything can happen really.

But regardless; ı'm glad you're interested in umbrella.
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