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RE6 Why RE6 is one of the best RE's

I know ı said this elsewhere before but ı personally dont find umbrella that interesting.
I find Lucas Baker more interesting than Albert Wesker, but this does not mean that Baker will be more important than Al.

The Umbrella storyline, which was at the foundation of the series, never got its climax, so it deserves it. And its significance cannot be overstated when even Simmons is clearly inspired by Spencer, and Carla's organization used Umbrella's name and logo.

I wouldnt say that. I feel like they ignored it on purpose mainly cause they wanted to put an end to wesker 1st followed by expanding the government corruption while letting umbrella grow on background.
Mikami-san personally said that Umbrella was important to him, and also that this decision was made intentionally in order to be able to resurrect the organization later. It was obvious to everyone that after Raccoon City, the future of the company in the form in which it existed was impossible. Or very doubtful, at least. And even Wesker himself acknowledged this at the time of the Zero events. So it is not surprising that the developers have changed the status quo of Umbrella to justify the existence of the organization.

Though it wouldnt surprise me if they revived him too.
So far, I'm pretty sure that's the case. The more I thought about it, the less sense I found in the idea of an impostor. And this is actually a good opportunity to bring Jake back into the narrative.

It seems that with re5, they werent even sure whether they wanted to kill him or not.
While some see this story as a story about Wesker's death, for me it's a story about how he took Spencer's place. And intentionally or not, it ends up repeating an early idea with Tony, who was supposed to kill his father and become the leader of his company.
Yeah that makes sense russident. Though ı forgot to say this but the thing ı'm wondering is, wouldnt wesker want to continue his uroboros plan if he revived from a piece of flesh?

I mean he learned the truth from spencer and that changed him. Is there any reason why he wouldnt continue his evolution plan from re5? I dont see why he would be interested about his prior umbrella revival plot plan. Unless some secret people captured and brainwashed him? Or some other reason? Maybe ı'm missing something here.
Welcome. Hope you'll have fun posting here. It's much better than gamefaqs.

I agree with what you said overall. Though ı like helena personally, ı enjoy her character arc. I used to find her the weakest character in the game but ı've been warming up to her a lot. But ı wished claire was in the game as well and it would also be cool if jill was mentioned.

For claire; ı wouldnt remove helena but instead make a separate campaign for her while her partner being ricky from marhawa desire. I think it would work. I dont like claire in rerev2 that much, ı dont think she was done justice in that game for the most part. I wished she was in re6 and be voiced by alyson court.

I still play the game these days, it's so entertaining to play. I love the characters and story a lot along with its satisfying combat system, qtes and setpieces.

This is also my favourite re6 video.
Thank you.
Sorry took so long for the reply.
What annoyed me about Helena was actually Leon LOL. My God, Helena avoided tell the truth about her reasons for so long and Leon just took it. Kept waiting and waiting. That made annoyed. I also didn't like how she got a free card of jailed after assisting on the President of the United States death. I don't know, I think Capcom told poorly this part of the story but I do feel sorry about Helena and her sister. It was very moving. I just think that Helena should have the very least lost her job you know, she assisted on the President's death, she can't be trusted cause she can be blackmailed. I didn't wish for her to go to prison. But she keeping her job after everyone seeing that she can betray her country. Is a tough spot. I'd have done the same. To save my brother I'd have done the same thing Helena did to save her sister. I just think that she got off easy. Should have lost her job.
Marhawa Desire was nice. Is the only Resident Evil manga that I read. I'd be fine with Claire being partner with Ricky.
Yeah that makes sense russident. Though ı forgot to say this but the thing ı'm wondering is, wouldnt wesker want to continue his uroboros plan if he revived from a piece of flesh?
I really don't remember if I wrote about it here, but it seems to me that the bioweapons from the new game are indeed related to the Uroboros Virus. Simply because they have eyes that are characteristic of the Progenitor Virus, pale skin and black smudges, as if they have metabolized the "pustules" of this virus.

So I believe that Wesker and Umbrella did not leave this virus, but bred a recombinant strain for mass production of soldiers.

Is there any reason why he wouldnt continue his evolution plan from re5?
The legendary executive is still obsessed with the ideas of evolution and Social Darwinism, so I believe that Wesker actually survived. And that's the point of Umbrella anyway, since it's a eugenic Nazi-like organization.

I should dive into Umbrella Corps myself again and better this time, but I learned from our mutual friend that Umbrella still wants to create a new order in which most people will not survive.
Thank you.
Sorry took so long for the reply.
What annoyed me about Helena was actually Leon LOL. My God, Helena avoided tell the truth about her reasons for so long and Leon just took it. Kept waiting and waiting. That made annoyed. I also didn't like how she got a free card of jailed after assisting on the President of the United States death. I don't know, I think Capcom told poorly this part of the story but I do feel sorry about Helena and her sister. It was very moving. I just think that Helena should have the very least lost her job you know, she assisted on the President's death, she can't be trusted cause she can be blackmailed. I didn't wish for her to go to prison. But she keeping her job after everyone seeing that she can betray her country. Is a tough spot. I'd have done the same. To save my brother I'd have done the same thing Helena did to save her sister. I just think that she got off easy. Should have lost her job.
Marhawa Desire was nice. Is the only Resident Evil manga that I read. I'd be fine with Claire being partner with Ricky.
It's alright, take your time.

About helena, ı'm personally glad she didnt go to prison since she was forced to help simmons. She didnt annoy me that much either though a reason for that might be due to the fact that re6 was the 1st re game that ı played and ı was blind to everything. Neither did leon imo. I also dont see a problem with her keeping her job, ı dont see how she would be manipulated again since her family relatives are dead. Though ı dont feel like capcom can bring her back again. It's a shame, her character arc was tragic and her storyline was enjoyable.

I really don't remember if I wrote about it here, but it seems to me that the bioweapons from the new game are indeed related to the Uroboros Virus. Simply because they have eyes that are characteristic of the Progenitor Virus, pale skin and black smudges, as if they have metabolized the "pustules" of this virus.

So I believe that Wesker and Umbrella did not leave this virus, but bred a recombinant strain for mass production of soldiers.

The legendary executive is still obsessed with the ideas of evolution and Social Darwinism, so I believe that Wesker actually survived. And that's the point of Umbrella anyway, since it's a eugenic Nazi-like organization.

I should dive into Umbrella Corps myself again and better this time, but I learned from our mutual friend that Umbrella still wants to create a new order in which most people will not survive.
Well we shall see what happens then. Welcome back btw, hope you'll have fun posting here.
I forgot to say this but ı love c-virus a lot. It's a very fascinating virus imo. It's a combo of g-virus and special t-veronica strain called t-02. I love the monsters and variety as well. The backstory in the files is also very fascinating imo.

I would have preferred c-virus to be featured again in future stories but capcom isnt interested. They'll just make up nonsense like mold and cadou instead which ı'm not a big fan of.
Regarding t-veronica, re6 really made that much more relevant by putting it into a good use along with g-virus. T-veronica was introduced in recv but couldnt shine properly due to t-virus causing most of the monsters. Darkside chronicles brought it back but that also focused more on t-virus.

With re6; t-veronica was brought back for the 1st time in a main numbered entry. It made t-veronica much more relevant while putting it into a good use. This makes re6 a really valuable entry.

It also brought back g-virus for another time in a main numbered entry but that was introduced with re2 which is a main numbered entry unlike recv which is a spinoff. So due to this, ı think bringing t-veronica back is much more interesting than bringing g-virus back.

This is yet another reason why recv doesnt need to be recreated. Since re6 already puts t-veronica to a good use. If recv gets recreated, then they might downplay t-veronica, like steve not turning back to his human form after taking damage before dying. They might do this cause of people complaining about simmons' mutant forms and how he turns back and forth. Personally ı found that badass. He can even turn back to his human form as a way to attack, by grabbing leon or ada, slamming them to ground and kicking them. That's one of the most badass attacks ı've ever seen.
It's too bad that Capcom will probably ignore this game now. To me, RE7 was a soft reboot, so I think from now on, most of the past events like those in RE6 will be discarded. That isn't to say they never happened in the eyes of the fans. But for some reason, I just don't see Capcom caring about following up on any of it. Now the games will just be different adventure games, with the main heroes somehow involved as a cash grab.

That's basically how I see both RE7, and 8.
From all campaigns; my favourite is ada's. It used to be my least favourite for a while ( despite playing as ada more than others ) but eventually ı've grown more appreciation for it to the point, it's my favourite from all of them. I even found a carla mod that can replace ada's outfit with carla's.

I like the other 3 equally but after spending a lot of time in the game; ı can say which characters ı prefer playing as more than others.

For leon; ı prefer to play as helena more than leon.

I love her hydra shotgun along with the quickshots and while her picador isnt as good as leon's wing shooters, it still gets the job done. She has 2 shotguns after acquiring the other one.

For chris; ı prefer to play as piers more than chris.

I love his anti-materiel rifle and his mp-af is also pretty good imo. He has 2 sniper rifles after acquiring the other one.

For jake; ı prefer to play as sherry more than jake.

She has better handgun than jake's and her stun rod, while being slower than jake's hand to hand skills, can inflict high stun and damage fast without consuming much stamina. I like her return a lot in the game; her chemistry with jake is pretty good and they are surely better people than their parents.

If ı had to rank the characters:

Ada = Carla > Sherry > Helena = Piers > Chris = Jake > Leon
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Resident Evil 6 in my opinion is one of the best Resident Evil game ever made, alongside Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations 1 and Resident Evil 8 (the one thing I just don't like about RE8 is being first person and Ethan not having a face, the rest is amazing).

1- 4 Campaigns that complete each other.
Resident Evil 6 is the longest RE game ever made until this date. I get that Resident Evil 4 and 8 are very long but they don't compare to RE6. Is very enjoyable cause of all the work from everyone involved. We have Leon and Helena campaign where is more old school with a lot of investigating and creepy places and situations. We have Chris and Piers campaign which is focused on the Military perspective of fighting Bio Terror, which is perfect for Chris since he has experience. Also Piers is one of my favorite new character from the series, he's like a little brother to Chris. We have Jake and Sherry where the action intensify giving us a little nostalgia from Nemesis from RE3. Jake and Sherry were great together. And finally we have a Solo campaign, no partner for Ada, which fits the character since she prefer to work alone. And which is even more great is that all campaigns, all story, is related to each other and the characters eventually meet up.

2- Is not just about size, RE6 story is actually amazing and Chris campaign has made me cry, one of the most sad endings of all history of Resident Evil.

3- Gameplay is actually great, the ability to do physical attacks and get little buffs is great. The character feels more alive than any other game, we can use guns, physical attack at will, not needing to be after a gun shoot like in RE5. In RE6 I can just kick a zombie at anytime but of course this move can't be spammed or else the character gets tired and slow, perfect balance.

4- The levels and Cut scenes are really well made. You know, one thing I miss the most is to see beautiful cut scenes. We don't have cut scenes in RE7 or RE8, and in Remake 2 and 3 there's very little cut scenes. In RE6 the cut scenes are as big as a movie which is great cause I love the story and not just shoot zombies. I really dislike the removal of cut scenes from this moderns games. I remember back in 2009 to be stunned by Chris/Sheva vs Wesker/Jill cut scene from RE5, and all the great cut scenes from 2013 RE6. Now, there's no cut scenes in RE8, nothing that compares to anything showed in RE5 and RE6.

5- Capcom fixed all the big issues from early RE6 release. Initially, RE6 had hundreds of QTE which I admit it was annoying, but capcom fixed that. The majority of QTE became just a cutscene for you to watch. Problem solved. Another issue was the screen format which was little and we couldn't see it very well the enemies and locations around all, well capcom fixed that too, the screen format became larger like RE5 wich was all I wanted.

I'm sure there are more reasons as to why RE6 is one of the best RE game ever made, I'll let you guys to fill in what I forgot to mention. There's just one thing that I didn't like about RE6 which is that fact that Jill and Claire were not included in it and Jill isn't even mention by name. That's the one thing that bothers me, I feel like Jill should have been at least mentioned. But Jill and Claire not being in RE6 doesn't hurt the game at all, I just wish they had made room for them. I mean, I dislike Helena, I sort of feel like Claire should have been Leon's partner instead and that Jill had her dlc campaign, cause I wouldn't like to change anything from Chris and Piers story. But Jill could have had a dlc campaign since RE6 is Global, all around the World, stuff was happening.
Couldn't agree more with this! It's been my favorite ever since I've played it many years ago and no Resident Evil game has come close to even matching its legacy, let alone beat it. It's a phenomenal game that gets so much right.
Four scenarios is actually very ambitious for any game. And at least this game has zombies. Having zombies again made it feel more like RE of the past than 4 and 5 ever achieved.

I think Capcom tried to give fans what they wanted, even if the results were a bit uneven. I think if anyone likes 4 and 5, then 6 should be considered a natural progression of those storylines. And the amount of playable characters we got as well.

Some fans are odd this way...
Four scenarios is actually very ambitious for any game. And at least this game has zombies. Having zombies again made it feel more like RE of the past than 4 and 5 ever achieved.

I think Capcom tried to give fans what they wanted, even if the results were a bit uneven. I think if anyone likes 4 and 5, then 6 should be considered a natural progression of those storylines. And the amount of playable characters we got as well.

Some fans are odd this way...
I agree that this was the natural progression of the series. If the enemies of the games are biological weapons, then eventually the story needs to show them being used in a warfare setting. Edonia showed this pretty well, as well as the chapters in China.
Tbh I feel its a self waged war, nobody really cares anymore its so far out from being released and relevant and so many great BIO titles have came after. I'm not knocking it at all, I get it, I was the same with OB because I felt it never got the respect it deserved. But yeah, is what it is at this point it'll always be divisive.

For me I always felt it was over ambitious, which I respect, but it did too much. In trying to do too much though it didn't really master anything and fell short, for me at least, in almost all of its campaigns. I did like the gameplay though and the scale of the world. I'll say this no BIO has taken on scale like that again, for better or worse.
Tbh I feel its a self waged war, nobody really cares anymore its so far out from being released and relevant and so many great BIO titles have came after. I'm not knocking it at all, I get it, I was the same with OB because I felt it never got the respect it deserved. But yeah, is what it is at this point it'll always be divisive.

For me I always felt it was over ambitious, which I respect, but it did too much. In trying to do too much though it didn't really master anything and fell short, for me at least, in almost all of its campaigns. I did like the gameplay though and the scale of the world. I'll say this no BIO has taken on scale like that again, for better or worse.
I agree with your 1st point; ı also find talking about the hate for it pointless tbh. I used to mention it whenever ı could as a way to discuss about it but eventually ı realized that it's pointless while feeling like an unnecessary way to downplay the enjoyment of the game. Nowadays ı would prefer dismissing the hate along with criticisms completely cause they serve no purpose. They look like bait as a way to get others railed up and trying to give attention to them would only make its critics more boastful in the 1st place anyways.
So after thinking about it; ı want to mention the very few portions during campaigns that ı'm not a fan of.

For leon; ı dont like whoppers in 1st 3 chapters and ı also dont like the boring environments in chapter 3. That's until they go underwater then it becomes amazing again cause ı really like brzak and the underwater section is atmospheric. Blowing that thing up at the end is very satisfying as well.

For chris; ı dont like the docks section in chapter 3 at all. It simply feels unnecessary and fighting another chopper after the amazing encounter with the 1st one is also tedious and redundant while feeling cheap due to its attacks as well as narrow environment.

For jake; ı dont like door opening section in chapter 2. The qtes are kinda annoying there. I also wished ustanak was utilized more properly in that chapter. I also dont like the tank in chapter 3; again ı think ustanak should have appeared there. It's simply unnecessary and it doesnt even get destroyed for some reason.

For ada; ı still dont like whoppers in her chapters and the core gameplay of chopper section at chapter 5 is also boring, despite liking it from a story perspective. I enjoy the other vehicle sections in the game more than her chopper section.

I think these are the only things ı find boring from gameplay perspective in the game. Other than these gripes of mine; imo the game still has the best story, best character interactions, best voice acting / character dialogue as well as the best combat / core gameplay in the entire franchise.

So ı found out this video. It combines the 2 cutscenes in leon and ada's campaigns very well into each other. It's very interesting to watch. I love how ada's theme from re2 plays here too.
Imo ı would have preferred merah to survive marhawa desire's events and appear in the game as playable character. I dont like how piers doesnt mention her in this, ı wished she was mentioned in the files at least.

3 more campaigns which would be:




I dont like how agent is forced to ada's campaign as an online coop partner either. I wished he got his own campaign.

And with rebecca; ı think piers might have survived. Since in the stage; she says that she will bring piers back from the dead. Her quote there gets me everytime; it's so sad. Rebecca doesnt mention piers in vendetta either.
This is a statement of someone else that ı shared to elsewhere before; ı want to share it here too:

" RE6 is probably one of the best modern Resident Evil games imo. Not only did it deliver great gameplay and atmosphere, but it did the characters and plot justice in general. People can say whatever they want with RE6, but the matter of fact is that the narrative was actually really good when you focus on the core aspect of the global problem with bioterrorism as the series evolved. The plot twists were well executed, along with each theme of the following four campaigns;

- For Leon's, it delivered a theme of both acts of justice and redemption. Justice for the fact that Leon is a character filled with determination to do the right thing and find justice among those that cannot see it for themselves. Redemption, because Helena thought of herself as guilty for her sister's death in failing to protect her and for her assistance in the assassination of the president, but proved that she was not far from redemption in the end after everything she's done for Leon and everyone else around her throughout the bioterror incidents.

- For Chris', I gotta first say that I'm still confused as to why some people think of his campaign as "full-on Call of Duty" when his campaign has little to no similarities with such franchise, especially when the campaign still focuses on bioterrorism rather than just civil wars or territorial annexations. His chapters are also quite similar with Jake's campaign, with the only difference of having a whole squad to direct under his command whilst combating BOWs on a rampage in China. Sure Edonia was in the middle of a civil war, but after C-Virus injections took place, it took a death turn, much like with what happened in Damnation with a country having access to the black market for both licker and parasite BOWs. And yet I still hear no one complain about Damnation looking like a "Call of Duty" film-style but I guess that's just the hate wagon with RE6.

Anyway, with that out of the way, Chris' campaign focuses on both heroism and sacrifice. Heroism for the fact that Chris is always on the lookout for his teammates but his mind gets degraded into insanity from time to time as he sees his teammates die one by one, triggering his PTSD and blind anger. Despite those setbacks, he is always determined to protect those around him, even if his failures try to blind him from doing so, no matter what, which is exactly what makes him a character of being an actual hero. The theme of sacrifice is similar to what I said above, with the addition of Piers willing to sacrifice everything he's got, including his own sanity for the sake of saving the one person he looked up to and saw a hero within.

- For Jake's it's all about acts of trustworthiness. We see Jake initially being distrustful with Sherry and Sherry seeing Jake as just some guy who just doesn't care about anyone but himself. As the campaign progresses and we see them both trying to survive in the snowy mountains with a heavy blizzard roaring at them, they begin to grow an emotional bond together, making Jake even more determined to help Sherry get what she first wanted to do; save the world by donating his blood by the time she starts having doubts about Simmons and if the world could ever be saved with him in the way. In the end, because of their mutual trust, they were able to survive together throughout their entire ordeals.

- For Ada, it was simply all about themes of both compassion and determination. Compassion because we see Ada, for the first time in the entire series, actually have deep compassion for people other than Leon. She seemed to understand the circumstances behind Helena's decision to have helped in the assassination of the president, bring in help to the son and daughter of two people she deeply had a bad connection with, sympathize with Carla about her hatred and feelings for Simmons, despite not being accepting of her actions, and put her main objectives aside to save multiple survivors in China from zombie attacks. We also see determination, because we see Ada determined not only to help those in need, but to also help bring down the mess that both Simmons and her own clone made in their methods to go against one or the other.

Yeah sure, you can say that Ada probably did all this just to clear off her name (the typical Ada way), but in the end, we get to see that Ada really does care for the well being of the chaotic world we live in, as she clearly states that what Carla has done to the world and human nature in itself is beyond sympathy of any kind, even if Carla really was a victim of the same violence she herself put to the world as well.

This is all my take on at least one of the reasons why I love RE6 in general. There's a lot more reasons why, but I think I pretty much explained a lot through my view on each of the campaigns already so I'll just leave it at that. "

It's an amazing statement that describes the story very well imo.
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