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General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

It's kind of shitty of some people on YouTube and Reddit and whatnot, to say that people are fanboys or 'not true fans' of something, because they might have started playing a series with a latter entry, and not the older (classic) ones.

I mean, come on. You can do as you please with your time and money.

Film franchises that started out 4 decades ago may not appeal to modern day viewers, but they like the recent ones. This is okay. The same with gaming. So I don't see how that makes people sell-outs, fanboys, not true fans, and other similar terms people often use to sum up people that may be like this. Meh.
Chronicles games are the best spinoffs of the franchise and darkside chronicles is better than umbrella chronicles.

Ustanak is fun to fight ( Especially the hand to hand fight with jake at the end ) and has a better backstory than nemesis.

Re6 has the best chris, sherry, leon and ada.

Red9 and blacktail in re4 are overrated. The best handgun in that game is the silver ghost.

I think re7 should have focused more on jack. Also the not a hero and end of zoe dlcs should have been longer.

Character designs in darkside chronicles are underrated.

Speaking of character designs, re6 has the best character designs of the franchise.

Javier, sergei and alex wesker are underrated villains.

Manuela is an underrated character.

Resident evil games arent that scary.
RE7 and Remake 2 are insanely overrated and are some of the most bland, generic, and poorly written games in the series. It astounds me how so many people let all the problems these games have slide. I'd rather play Memoir of a Lost City in DSC and the RE2 board game over RE2 2019. Oh, and EoZ is the only real fun part of the 7.

RE6 is a terrible RE game, but it is fun as hell to play while drunk with your friends so it's not entirely bad as an experience.

HUNK is an overated character and Nicholai works better as villainous representative of Umbrella.
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Original Resident Evil 2 is overrated and only popular because it is really dumbed down version of original Resident Evil 1.

No trap puzzles that Punish you for failing at trap and extremely simplified puzzles which basically 90% fetch items.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
Original Resident Evil 2 is overrated and only popular because it is really dumbed down version of original Resident Evil 1.

No trap puzzles that Punish you for failing at trap and extremely simplified puzzles which basically 90% fetch items.

Far from overrated, it was a technical masterpiece for PSOne's standards. It carried what RE1 started and made it better and more polished, like what RE5 did with 4. Better combat mechanics, enemy ragdoll physics and an impressive zapping system that allowed you to play 4 different paths.
Out of all the mainline games, CVX has dropped in my ranking the most out of all of them over the years. While I do like some of the story beats, the music, and villains present, the whole experience just falls flat on its face in the end. Even Wesker says it; “Turns out Alexia’s work wasn’t much of anything.” All this game did was set up a cliffhanger that fizzled out almost completely with spinoffs.

I 100% got everything in this game on PS2, GC, PS3, PS4 and the experience has not aged well at all. Even if you know all the tricks and missable items like the magnum, this game will chew you up and spit you back out at a moments notice. So many cheap insta death parts and the item management is almost on the same level of annoyance as RE0.

It’s sad when a next gen game for its time ages worse than most of the PS1 entries, it seriously needs a remake more than 3.
This might be unpopular but I feel Chris got duped in Revelations.
He’s usually written smarter.
He gets deceived by O’Brian and Jessica. It’s just too much.
He would’ve caught onto all of it I think.

Nero Sparda

RE6 is extremely fun and is better than RE5 in many ways. It's as good as RE4.

RE7 is the worst RE game in the series; I would like to imagine it never happened.

RE3 and RECV are equally good IMO. Apparently there's a rivalry between both games' fans but I never really understood that.

RE0 is unnecessarily frustrating and Billy is a boring character.

RE1 is good but didn't age that well.

Remake > RE2 Remake

RE6, RECV and RE3 are the most underrated RE games in the series.

As much as I like Revelations 2; it shouldn't have been a separate game and instead should have been a part of RE6. Basically; 2 more campaigns for the game and one of them is Jill's campaign ( She's partnered with Barry. ) and one of them is Claire's campaign. ( She's partnered with Moira. ) I still don't understand why Capcom needed a separate game for Claire, Barry and Moira.

Revelations is a waste of time. I only had fun with Raid Mode in that game. Generic characters and generic villains. Weird character designs too.


RE2 Remake is kinda overrated. It could have been a lot better, especially storywise which for some reason has scenarios / campaigns that don't even connect to each other at all unlike RE2 and RE6. Not to mention the impact of the weapons is way too low which becomes a big problem when using shotgun or magnum. And I don't like how Mr. X doesn't drop items when you knock him down temporarily. I hope in RE3 Remake; Nemesis will drop items when you knock him down. I would love to use that badass shotgun again.


It's my turn now, Bitch!
I cannot stand Claire in RE2make. Her 'tough-girl' shtick gets on my nerves and it makes her look stupid if you consider that she's a civilian, yet acts like she's more badass than anyone else. I liked her original RE2 persona way much more but unfortunately she has lost her original charm in the RE2make. Leon is surprisingly much better in RE2make. I really like him there.
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OK, Michael Does Life's videos pop up in recommendations everywhere on YouTube. I wanted to talk a little about this guy's rantings. He always makes videos like this, taking a dump on Resident Evil fans.

Not all modern day fans even know what Fortnite is. I do agree that some games of this nature are just turd person shooters. But Capcom is back on track, so please ignore this guy. His opinions are very, very unpopular. It also doesn't make someone a "true fan" if they got into the games back in the 90's, as opposed to just last night.

One thing I'll give him is that the RE 2 remake didn't quite 'hit that home run'. It seems RE 3 will be faithful. Betterment is always good. I'm just happy the Hunters are in, and the other monsters. Although understandably, the spiders ain't gonna appear.
RE 4 is a great action game... but it has always sucked as a sequel.

The same with RE 7, which is a good horror game with decent action, but it doesn't feel totally like it's a RE game.

Yes, Leon is popular, but he isn't a "normal" type of guy, like say, Harry Mason or James Sunderland from the Silent Hill series.

We can all agree that Chris' redesign in RE 7 is pretty much the death of that character! :D

It could also be argued that RE hasn't been the same since we lost Wesker.


It's my turn now, Bitch!
Ada gets way too much hate from the fanbase. She's a decent character but she definitely needs a game where she is the focus.


It's my turn now, Bitch!
I think a good amount of people just hate RE6 and how it handled a lot of things, but not Ada herself. Ada in RE2 and RE4 was one of the best.
Oh, you'd be surprised how many I've seen people trashing her on forums and elsewhere because of her 'mysterious spy image'.

A. Wesker

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
I've never seen anyone hating her over that, however I'm yet to find someone who likes Ada as she is in RE6. She's basically Batman in that game and that's awful, just awful.
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