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General Timeline...

Actually the references to past titles in rerev2 is exclusive to official localization. According to news bot; the og japanese script in rerev2 doesnt have these references. Like " Claire sandwich " doesnt exist in og japanese script for example.

I talked with him about this and he said that rerev games are the most butchered mainline entries in terms of official localization.
I've been disappointed with Capcom for years, to the point where I do feel like not supporting their games any more would be a more mentally healthy option.

The games don't even really feel like they are Resident Evil anymore. They can add in references all they want and put Chris in there, but I know they do that just to keep it going.

I'm kind of concerned that Naughty Dog will eventually go the same way. They're apparently working on a remake of The Last of Us, besides completing filming for the upcoming TV series. But it's probably the same thing, really. They're backing themselves into a corner, and like Capcom, are trying to get the big dollars by using what's already established.

I guess they realized that killing off Joel maybe wasn't such a good idea after all.
Here is my own personal marathon timeline I try to go through every year, especially before major releases. The titles of each chapter were taken or inspired by TheBatMans chronology and how he divided the games. Titles with red letters symbolize main events, have gameplay, and feature main characters. While the words with black letters only are CGI and game movies from my own library or pulled from Youtube.

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I don't include the retelling of main events from the Chronicles games because I feel it will become too redundant and repetitive, disrupting the natural flow of a marathon.

I combined some of the scenarios from the Chronicles games, such as Umbrella's End. It's comprised of Wesker's Report I, Umbrella's End, and Dark Legacy all in one. Survivors is the last cutscene of Memories of a Lost City and The 4th Survivor from the Chronicles games since I feel that provides the most story context of any iteration of Hunk’s scenario.

I know that its missing the manga's but after reading them once I feel like not reading them again, not a fan of rereading things. If anyone is curious about them;

Prelude to the Fall would be between Dead Aim and Umbrella's End, The Marhawa Desire between Rev2 and RE6, and Heavenly Island after Vendetta.

Edit: Extra's are old or grey/non-canon material that is not necessary to the overall plot, but can add extra depth to the experience. Removed Redux title and RE1.5.
I'm experiencing a bit of burnout with RE, but when I get back to it I'm probably going to use this list for my marathon as well.
They've screwed up the timeline so many times, I'm surprised anyone still cares enough about it.

Throughout the years, we've had so many spin off games, movies, and this other drivel. Some stuff hasn't even been canon, so like, what was even the point of it being released? To make more money?

For sure, Capcom. At least do some online game with co-op that people will indeed play, enjoy, and want to revisit. It's the PS5 era... and we still haven't got that Outbreak type perfection delivered to us yet. It's insane.

Gonna drop this here cause ı watched this in one setting and it balances cutscenes and gameplay well enough to create a re6 movie that's satisfying to watch.

Here's another one that ı found. It's even longer than the one that ı shared here.

I'm planning to watch this one and see how events are arranged once ı would have more free time.

Here's another one that ı found. It's even longer than the one that ı shared here.

I'm planning to watch this one and see how events are arranged once ı would have more free time.
Alright so ı watched the video up to the part in edonia where chris and jake's campaigns connect. I'm sorry to say this but after watching that part; it kinda bored me fast. The editing is also not as interesting as coldshade's video imo not to mention the variety felt lacking in terms of character utilization.

I also have an issue with one part and that being that he showed the battle between bsaa and j'avos on bridge ( which can also be seen by jake and sherry ) later than some events in jake's campaign even though it should have been shown earlier.

From my understanding; chris' campaign starts earlier than jake's cause during the latter, as you progress it kinda gives the feeling that some events in edonia during chris' campaign happened already judging by them seeing bsaa battle j'avos on bridge. Now the gap between bridge battle and campaign intersection part is kinda large so ı'm guessing jake and sherry were battling and evading ustanak during that time. It's possible that bsaa did some off screen movement during that time after taking care of the tank as well which eventually leads to campaign connection part.

But anyway, honestly ı would rather play the game in timeline order by myself instead of watching it. It just kinda bores me fast not to mention he wasnt playing the game well.

I actually finished doing that again a few days ago but after that ı found this video. Idk if ı would continue to watch it, tall oaks section doesnt have much campaign connection parts either. China is where all campaigns happen at the same time overall but ıdk if ı can go up to that point. It's way too long.
I would love to see characters return like Jake and Sherry. I think Capcom are running from RE6.

I think I would prefer a continuation of that storyline instead of the Van Helsing type stuff in RE8. Mert feels the same way.

Capcom are just looking at these games as things to forget about today, and it's sad.
I would love to see characters return like Jake and Sherry. I think Capcom are running from RE6.

I think I would prefer a continuation of that storyline instead of the Van Helsing type stuff in RE8. Mert feels the same way.

Capcom are just looking at these games as things to forget about today, and it's sad.
in my opinion Jake and Sherry made a nice couple for Capcom to explore further but now it's very uncertain if they'll ever bring any of them back. I'd be a bit more satisfied if Sherry and Jake get further explored as sidekicks or even protagonists in a new CG movie or the possible follow up to Netflix's Infinite Darkness (or if Capcom actually find a way to add decent roles for them at the next Revelations 3, that is, if somehow this game is still part of the plan for RE future.)
I’m definitely sick of them setting future games within the same year of their release. It’s pushing the timeline out further and further to the point they won’t be able to use classic characters anymore. I don’t mind “passing on the torch” but from what I have seen Capcom writers do not have the talent to pull it off in a meaningful way. They would rather kill off new characters instead of main ones. I don’t understand the point of Ethan at all and the fact they hid his face in RE8 and expect me to sympathize with him was laughable.

RE9 will probably be set at least 4 years after RE8 so who knows what they are going to do. I wouldn’t mind if they do another grandiose entry like RE6 and end the world. Have Jill and Claire look for Chris as the story gives flashbacks to him storming BSAA HQ or something throughout the game.
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