"But just take a look at this!"
As expected, at night the eyes of Ganados don't burn with hellfire, as it was in many alien fiction.
Their eyes are still red, but now just because of the swelling of the blood vessels in the sclera. Obviously, because of the parasite inside.
Judging by this screenshot and the Lycans from Village, the pupils will only reflect light, and dynamically, not statically. Anyone can try to lure a Lycan into the house and see how their eyes begin to "glow", in fact simply reflecting photons onto photoreceptors, so that they can navigate in the dark.
There was no explanation for the phenomenon from the original, when the phenomenon from Village and the remake is hybridization. Since the parasite also assimilates the optic nerves, this is its gene transfer mechanism, which allows crossing organisms, I think.
And in general, the new designs of the Ganado and the Plaga parasite reminded me of Damnation:
Probably, due to the fact that this is a late iteration of the parasite, they focus on it in order to recontextualize the setting. Maybe for the same reason Leon will see hallucinations a couple of times, besides that bad dream.