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RECV RECV Dreamcast Version

recv dreamcast.jpg

I played recv's dreamcast version on an emulator during the past couple days. I want to say that ı enjoyed it more than x version. The gameplay also felt slightly more smooth and that includes the op knife. X version seems to downplay it to the point of making the gameplay a bit more sluggish. The emulator ı played also had cheats function and that allowed me to use infinite ammo cheat for the weapons.

I also like steve's old haircut now. I prefer it over the new one. It bothers me that they changed it.

I also love this scene. I think it's way better than x version. In re6; carla goes ahead and calls wesker " colossal imbecile " due to his imcompetence and it adds to so much entertainment. My mind goes to this scene when she says that.

I'm not gonna go back to x version anymore...
I have played CV when it came out. I was very impressed by the graphics and cutscene. That for me is the biggest jump in graphics. I played RE3 few months before playing CV. The graphics looked amazing. These two scenarios had more zapping effect than RE2. It was amazing experience
I see some people on other forums saying it's weird and boring, and sundry. But that couldn't be any further from the truth. ;)

An underrated classic from the golden era of survival horror. :(
I have played CV when it came out. I was very impressed by the graphics and cutscene. That for me is the biggest jump in graphics. I played RE3 few months before playing CV. The graphics looked amazing. These two scenarios had more zapping effect than RE2. It was amazing experience
Yeah ı like the art style. The graphics are also neat for what they are but still looks more " cartoonish " . If that's the correct word to use but ı dont think that's a bad thing. I think it's better to look it more unique entry than previous numbered entries. I also agree that re3's and especially recv's ( not including x scenes ) premises are more focused than re2 but ı'm still a big fan of connected scenario system. Re2 had it but you still had to do repeated exploration in b scenario. Re6 improves massively from this and the game to me is peak re in every single way imaginable.

I find remake's and dead aim's art style much more boring personally. Dead aim especially feels quite lacking despite a few aspects ı like from it.

I see some people on other forums saying it's weird and boring, and sundry. But that couldn't be any further from the truth. ;)

An underrated classic from the golden era of survival horror. :(
I find conflicting views boring personally. I just dont care about what others say as much ı used to anymore. Dont care much for " over / under rated " statements these days either. Same thing with boring stereotypical " survival horror " statement as well as the so called " rules " fans create as a way to act more superior than devs, especially iwao.

" CH: How would you define survival horror, and what game mechanics would you focus on, for a true survival horror experience? "

" KI: Most people enjoy their own choices and freedom, but when we are in difficult situations our choices become limited. Currently our freedom is curtailed because of coronavirus. So, what would you do if your life was in such danger? Run, fight, or other means? These are the feelings of fear, frustration and sadness I wanted to create. For example, the experience of entering a cave that is getting smaller and smaller around you.

The elements of Resident Evil, such as zombies who have lost their humanity and free-will, co-workers who have lost their lives and options, doors that you have to open even though you have a bad feeling about what awaits you on the other side, and bullets & medicine being lost. I created scenarios, designs, and game elements to provide these types of fears. "

He leaves the so called " meaning " quite ambigious. The fans try to force these " rules " deep down their throat and ı dont care about any of it.
I think RE "died" with CV. Because if you think about it, this was the last game with fixed camera angles, that was a sequel. The rest aren't even about Umbrella half of the time, and they have an entirely different tone. But yeah, sure. They mention Umbrella for the sake of there being a link.

The same thing happened with Godzilla. You had the original Showa era from 1954 to around 1975. The films after that are in a different setting. Yet Godzilla is just in them all.

RE is somewhat different to my description of Godzilla. They're all canon entries besides a few spin offs, but they feel so distant in some strange way. Like they just include the main characters in individually focused plots, that have different monsters and villains. But they don't really feel like they are in the same universe. That's mainly because of the gameplay, I suppose.

Like if you play CV, then 4, they feel worlds apart. Play 6 then 7, and it's the same thing. So it's hard to accept it sometimes.
I think RE "died" with CV.
I think it " died " with suga's tragic demise. Sugimura still worked on more entries as a writer after recv but his writing seems to be altered most of the time. I also find his demise tragic too. If ı didnt start the series with re6; my beliefs could have turned out differently. If iwao had stayed, the story development would have gone through much better. I still dont understand the intention of making an entry set in 2002 after 4 years. I learned that parasite eve series seem to have solid writing and the protagonist seems to be written more similarly to re3 jill and re6 ada.

Like if you play CV, then 4, they feel worlds apart.
I can also say the same thing about remake compared to previous entries. The references there dont serve any purpose just like re engine experiments. I wished lisa trevor got her own game, ı adore her as a tragic antagonist.

Personally ı think re4 saved the series cause re3,5 could have been an abrupt end but ı still wished mikami didnt take charge of the project. I dont even mind the barebones story script that much as much as ı dont agree with mikami. It's the core gameplay that's tedious to go through. Idk ı cant enjoy it as much as ı used to. I can go back to re6 at any time but re4 feels quite annoying to go through. The tweaks patch on pc makes the gameplay a bit smoother but it still feels quite flawed and barebones.

Re4's prototype versions seem to be extremely messy and they are all over the place. Honestly ı prefer the final product. I know they will make re engine 4 more similar to re3,5 and ı cant say ı find that interesting.

Mikami doesnt seem to do much for the final version of re4 anyway. All he did was to write a barebones story script. I mean remake's story script was barebones with barely any improvement from iwao's script so looking back, why is re4 turning out the way it is that surprising? Re3,5 versions seem to have separate directors but it's easy for me to forget about them easily due to the game's extremely messy development. All ı remember is dmc became its own franchise and that's the only valuable thing ı find about them.

I still dont like that re engine feels like it's imitating re4 quite blatantly. It wouldnt surprise me if they recreated the game over and over through new entries, even after re engine 4.
steve's old hair.png

steve's new hair.png

I learned that the new " hair " seems to be a texture slapped onto his head. I never gave it a detailed look until ı was told about this but after playing dreamcast version; ı prefer the old haircut now. I dont think this applies to darkside chronicles though, only x version.


Dreamcast appreciation. ❤️

There was nothing like it when it came out, CV was so impressive. It took the Dino Crisis approach of rendered but at 128-bit and at the time was simply too good, especially the cut scenes. I will say though, it's strongest aspect then is perhaps it's weakest now. The rendered detail lacks now in comparison and didn't age the best, where as the even older pre-rendered games retain their feel through the art in the backgrounds.
Dreamcast appreciation. ❤️

There was nothing like it when it came out, CV was so impressive. It took the Dino Crisis approach of rendered but at 128-bit and at the time was simply too good, especially the cut scenes. I will say though, it's strongest aspect then is perhaps it's weakest now. The rendered detail lacks now in comparison and didn't age the best, where as the even older pre-rendered games retain their feel through the art in the backgrounds.
I see your point but it still didnt bother me that much personally. I was focusing more on gameplay and sugimura's script without x alterations. I'm not someone who cares much about graphics. I prefer to look more deeper at the entries' heart and soul. I find remake's and dead aim's art styles more dull. Re0 and outbreak games dont have this problem for me.


I see your point but it still didnt bother me that much personally. I was focusing more on gameplay and sugimura's script without x alterations. I'm not someone who cares much about graphics. I prefer to look more deeper at the entries' heart and soul. I find remake's and dead aim's art styles more dull. Re0 and outbreak games dont have this problem for me.
Outbreak is a truly odd case, given that it's rendered (back then) but has such an insane amount of detail in the BG's still. That engine was severely underrated. Looked great in Demento and DMC3 too.
Outbreak is a truly odd case, given that it's rendered (back then) but has such an insane amount of detail in the BG's still. That engine was severely underrated. Looked great in Demento and DMC3 too.
Yeah you're right. And ı definitely agree about dmc3. That game is a masterpiece in every single way imaginable. Idk much about demento but ı remember learning that re5 seems to be inspired by it along with re3,5.
I'll also say here that ı think recv has the best version of wesker. I think it's a good follow up from iwao's script. However x alterations are without a doubt the worst. X version has the worst take on wesker and it effects future stories, especially re5, quite badly. I cant stand to wesker's report 1 either. I always disliked that with a passion.

From a pure story standpoint; ı still think re1 handles wesker the best as a stars captain and my favourite take is umbrella chronicles due to him being playable in actual scenarios. I wished pablo kuntz stayed to voice wesker though. The others act and sound out of character imo.

I think wesker is still tolerable during sugimura's and suga's scripts. I always liked his relationship with birkin and suga expanded from this very well for re6. I can see re1 wesker, voiced by pablo kuntz, having a son out of nowhere. It was never really revealed about wesker being asexual. Birkin in re2 sounds more cold than wesker in re1 and yet he has a family with not much explanation given why and how.
Oh yeah. That was just so Sherry could have a plaintive, romantic interest. We'll probably never even see Jake again.

That's too bad. I wouldn't have minded seeing the guy kicking ass in other countries. Riding around on a motorcycle too. That would be cool.

But 6 being a critical failure doomed his character. As the years go by, I also think about Ada's ending as well. What was planned for her next?

Ah, the suspense of never knowing anything.
CV graphics in early 2000 were amazing. Can see emotion on face and eyes clearly. I loved graphics and non linear design. I would always mix up the gameplay. I leave different weapons for chris in each playthrough. Having different combination of weapons.
Oh yeah. That was just so Sherry could have a plaintive, romantic interest. We'll probably never even see Jake again.

That's too bad. I wouldn't have minded seeing the guy kicking ass in other countries. Riding around on a motorcycle too. That would be cool.

But 6 being a critical failure doomed his character. As the years go by, I also think about Ada's ending as well. What was planned for her next?

Ah, the suspense of never knowing anything.
I think ada can come back though. Iwao created her by " ada " being mentioned during his script. Sugimura created the character by expanding from iwao's script. She was expanded later on but ı prefer suga's writing. But ı dont think it will be much related to re6 really. Other than her becoming " linda " or something.

As for jake; ı prefer him to be concluded and just have his happy ending. I find wesker's overexposure lacking without iwao. Suga created the character and ı dont think they will do anything with jake without his creator due to their policy. It limits capcom's vision quite badly along with the way localization is being handled after rerev2.

I also found out that pablo kuntz seems to have a son and that sounds very heartwarming. I actually found out about them playing entries together and showcasing them as videos on youtube. If suga didnt meet his tragic end, then it could have been possible for pablo kuntz's son to voice jake later on. I've seen people expressing those on comment sections, to the point of calling him as " wesker jr. " like ada does.

I just think the series ended with re6 for me...
I just think the series ended with re6 for me...
It's interesting to think if 6 was the last RE game could it be a satisfying conclusion.

I have divided series in 3 parts.
1st is from 96 RE to 0
2nd is 4 to 6.
3rs is 7 to present.

If suddenly all games after 6 are vanished. I will still be happy with the series and satisfied with it. There is plenty of story and enough games to enjoy the series for years.
It's interesting to think if 6 was the last RE game could it be a satisfying conclusion.

I have divided series in 3 parts.
1st is from 96 RE to 0
2nd is 4 to 6.
3rs is 7 to present.

If suddenly all games after 6 are vanished. I will still be happy with the series and satisfied with it. There is plenty of story and enough games to enjoy the series for years.
Yeah ı agree with you. I wished the series ended with re6 too. I just dont know how long the fight against biohazards is gonna continue. Even more so when wesker and his " umbrella " will continue to create simulation experiments over and over so that re4 can be imitated. I wished capcom stopped trying to remedy the game with new entries, they ported it enough already.

I would divide the series into 3 groups as well but my groupings would be defined by writers:

Iwao, sugimura and suga. And their most unique entries are imo re1, recv and re6.

There are still more important developers but this is how ı would divide it into eras.
RE6 actually turned 10 years old recently. 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️

Personally, I like it more than 4 and 5 at times.

I find " unpopular opinions " posts boring. They seem to be created all the time in the fandom and there's also one in biohaze which ı responded a lot in the past but honestly the whole " unpopular " word feels like a good way of saying " I cant express my opinion bravely, ı have to create a forced excuse so that ı can express it due to not being able to trust my own beliefs. " . I cant stand to fanbases these days. Pointless drama happens all the time.
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