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RECV RECV Dreamcast Version

I'll go ahead and rank wesker's appearances again:

Re1 = Recv > Umbrella chronicles = Prelude to the fall > Re0 > Darkside chronicles > Re4 = Re5 > Remake >>>>>>>>> X scenes of recv
I still feel that jill could have appeared in recv. Idk how she was going to be in the game and whether she would have got herself captured on purpose or not but ı wished recv did a claire-jill reunion. And chris would save them both in the end while wesker would have been killed completely.

In re5; they seem to want to do this but the execution feels quite lacking. I find jill the most unique " enemy " in re5. Better than wesker and all those other mutants infinitely. I wished she appeared more as an enemy along with p30's potential being expanded. They seem to want that device centered purely around jill but wouldnt it make more sense if she appeared more as a mysterious figure along with setting traps to bsaa during the journey of re5? She does one at the start anyway so why couldnt this be expanded? I also have this issue with poor lisa trevor in remake.

I also wished wxc made it to recv. If that made to final product; it could have prevented umbrella from coming out of nowhere in re4. The next logical after wesker's character arc in re1 would have been a whole new organization along with a new codename where he would lead his men into a trap. Some would survive and they would feed wesker info or samples before they would be killed and wesker would escape alone. I dislike x version of recv infinitely along with wesker's report 1. Same thing with mikami's umbrella. He wasnt even one of the founders of umbrella, he simply does it cause he wants to do so.

I guess they will reveal about the connections being wxc while hcf would be revealed as corps unit all along.

I think this is the best chris vs wesker encounter for the series set after re1 storywise. None else from re1 returns and wesker gets tricked by alexia while he was laughing. Chris punching wesker's sunglasses is also quite entertaining.

This scene exists in og version as well but x version doesnt change this thankfully. I'm also not that bothered by wesker's laugh here unlike other times during x version.

I think this is the best chris vs wesker encounter for the series set after re1 storywise. None else from re1 returns and wesker gets tricked by alexia while he was laughing. Chris punching wesker's sunglasses is also quite entertaining.

This scene exists in og version as well but x version doesnt change this thankfully. I'm also not that bothered by wesker's laugh here unlike other times during x version.
I loved this scene very much. I have been playing RE series since 96. When i heard this scene was in the game i had to watch it. I downloaded this cutscene on dial up internet and watched it on Realplayer if anyone remembers that. I got dreamcast as gift later that year but I had to watch this scene.

In all of RE series I have never been as impressed by RE games graphics as I was with Code Veronica on Dreamcast. It was a huge jump for me from ps1 to DC.
There used to be a rumour that you could pick up Wesker's sunglasses, which were used to unlock something. But I never found them.
I didnt know that but ı dont think that's true. You can find luger replica while playing as chris and that will unlock steve for battle game.

It was hilarious to learn that a mouse could author a diary. :p
I was thinking about discussing that.


It seems to have 2 versions with x altering it. I prefer og version of it too since x version simply adds unnecessary wesker cameos as text. Though ı still like " valkyrie " description for claire.


The file is also here but it seems that only x version is translated.
There used to be a rumour that you could pick up Wesker's sunglasses, which were used to unlock something. But I never found them.
Sorry for replying again but did you know that wxc was planned to destroy chris' boat after he climbed the mountain like a badass during his intro? This seems to be cut from what ı learned just like many other things. Idk if that's even true or not but ı would have preferred if wxc made it to recv instead of umbrella coming out of nowhere in re4.

Personally ı think recv ( without x alterations ) has the best story from pre-4 entries but the cut content makes me love the game even more. And the less talk about that utter failure re engine, the better.
Does anyone else wish capcom made the og version available with later ports? It bothers me that the later ports are all based on x version. They should have at least put an option for players to select between og and x version. This is yet another reason why ı cant stand to x version at all. Kato seems to wrote that along with wesker's report 1. From my understanding; sugimura doesnt seem to work on those. Considering kato later wrote wesker's report 1 along with gaiden. I dont think those 3 entries were meant to be taken seriously since they dont seem to have separate writers hired for them. This also comes into effect for remake due to mikami not hiring a writer for that either which only has lisa trevor as an unique story value to me.
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Sorry for replying again but did you know that wxc was planned to destroy chris' boat after he climbed the mountain like a badass during his intro? This seems to be cut from what ı learned just like many other things. Idk if that's even true or not but ı would have preferred if wxc made it to recv instead of umbrella coming out of nowhere in re4.

Personally ı think recv ( without x alterations ) has the best story from pre-4 entries but the cut content makes me love the game even more. And the less talk about that utter failure re engine, the better.

Hmmm. That's interesting. I never knew about that.

I feel like CV was the [first] ending to the franchise, like a low budget film that ends abruptly because they had no more funding, but they released it like that anyway. LMAO.

I think there's more they could have done between CV and RE4. Because CV and RE4 do not feel related at all. I don't like the ending to CV and that's because it's not a shit ending. It's just an ending that didn't really go anywhere, until the on rails spin offs came along. But come on. On rails spin offs!?

We'd have probably preferred one last game with all the iconic enemies and heroes, and the same camera angles, plus Wesker. More action could be in it, yeah. But still make it scary, and with a fitting ending. One that still sets up future games, but you know Umbrella won't live on. They are dead. With how it all happened though, it truly sucked. Didn't feel satisfactory, especially as someone who got invested in the storylines from the PlayStation era up to the GameCube period, and beyond.
Hmmm. That's interesting. I never knew about that.

I feel like CV was the [first] ending to the franchise, like a low budget film that ends abruptly because they had no more funding, but they released it like that anyway. LMAO.

I think there's more they could have done between CV and RE4. Because CV and RE4 do not feel related at all. I don't like the ending to CV and that's because it's not a shit ending. It's just an ending that didn't really go anywhere, until the on rails spin offs came along. But come on. On rails spin offs!?

We'd have probably preferred one last game with all the iconic enemies and heroes, and the same camera angles, plus Wesker. More action could be in it, yeah. But still make it scary, and with a fitting ending. One that still sets up future games, but you know Umbrella won't live on. They are dead. With how it all happened though, it truly sucked. Didn't feel satisfactory, especially as someone who got invested in the storylines from the PlayStation era up to the GameCube period, and beyond.
Yeah ı feel that they should have released entries set at 1999, 2000 and 2001 respectively. I find dead aim's time skip out of nowhere. I think re4's time skip is fine but ı just dont like los iluminados and wesker's umbrella. The latter didnt need to exist imo, especially when outbreak file 2 already gave a conclusion to umbrella with yoko's epilogue. I would have preferred ada to investigate wxc instead. The cult would be much more interesting if it was connected to umbrella and they made a bioterrorism attack. It's an escalated sequel that doesnt feel like a bioterrorism incident unlike re5 and re6. Those 2 progress from storyline better due to that. They do this in vendetta but it feels out of place this time.

I dont mind chronicles' gameplay being on rail shooter but ı just dont like umbrella chronicles' simulation premise. I feel that it should have been centered much more around wesker without a simulation being introduced to the mix. Basically a wesker-nikolai game. Everything else would have been better being cut and ı would have preferred to play as ada and hunk at darkside chronicles instead.

I think we will be getting plenty of games with Chris, since RE8 time jumped, and Chris is mentioned by Rosemary. Unless she aged fast because her Molded ability made it happen that way. But it's all a bit daft.

I think it's about time Chris and Jill returned regardless.
CV has the best Character entry cutscene for me. When chris climbing the hill, that's my favourite cutscene. Chris was my favourite character from RE1 and it made me so happy when i get to play as him. The thing I love about CV is that it has returning characters from two separater games in the series.
Did anyone unlock rocket launcher in dreamcast version? I tried to unlock the weapon through cheats by freezing the timer and save count but it didnt feel like it worked. I remember unlocking it while playing x version on pcsx2 but it didnt work on dreamcast emulator. I could get around this by making the weapon spawn in item box infinitely but ı just dont like this method due to hurting space.

Thinking about this, this is the only reason ı could go back to x version on pcsx2 despite the downplayed gameplay but ı despise its story infinitely along with the altered script due to wesker's bloated exposure to it. Skipping the cutscenes wont work either since some scenes are unnecessarily changed and it hurts the pacing of the story infinitely.
I love the music in CV. I truly do think it's an amazing soundtrack. The track in the credits to CV on the Dreamcast is not as rocky as the track featured in the ports.

Also, the music is very creepy in the palace, and the save room theme is relaxing. A lot of YouTubers also like to use the music from Silent Hill, as it's quiet, and yet it still gives you the chills.
The track in the credits to CV on the Dreamcast is not as rocky as the track featured in the ports.
I prefer the credits track in dreamcast port personally. The one for recvx sounds like a rehash of past tracks instead. I still cant believe playing dreamcast port of the game changed my opinion about the series significantly. I'm glad ı played it.
I know ı mentioned this before but ı find the knife in dreamcast port much more useful than x version ı played on pcsx2. I managed to get the knife finisher on nosferatu every time ı killed it by using that. Sniper rifle also felt more comfortable to use during the boss fight. Though ı didnt get the special finisher using that.

I was poisoned by nosferatu once but ı dont mind it since ı like the extra cutscenes between claire and chris. After that, ı was never poisoned again.
I don't doubt that we won't get a remake. It's all about squeezing money from the fans, so once RE4 comes out, they will do RE9 most likely, then come back to remakes down the line.
I don't doubt that we won't get a remake. It's all about squeezing money from the fans, so once RE4 comes out, they will do RE9 most likely, then come back to remakes down the line.
I think recvx feels like a " remake " for recv before mikami's 2002 game was even released. It's overall the same game from dreamcast being ported to other platforms except with downplayed gameplay and story due to wesker's bloated overexposure. That's another reason why ı cant stand to corps and moon simulations since it's pretty much a re4 producing direction while blatantly imitating past entries at the same time. I hope recv wont get a re engine version due to this since ı would be heavily bothered.
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