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RE5 RE5 vs RE6

Is capcom gonna reimagine re5 and re6 in the future? I mean they are planning to reimagine re4. Not to mention re5 and re6 sold a lot despite getting a lot of criticisms from fanbase.

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It solely rides on the sales of REmake 4 and its reception. I mean, if they can actually pull a master stroke and cut out the fat from these titles and not the meat like REmake 3 did, then I say go for it. They need to take their time and stop with this yearly release nonsense though.

It would be interesting how they could inject more horror themes into REmake 5. Perhaps feature more unique mutations of Uroboros instead of throwing hundreds of generic Majini henchmen at us all the time. I was always upset how much content from the beta didn’t make it into the final game.

As for a REmake 6, they can certainly cut out a lot and have a more refined story that has less filler. All those vehicle sections and swimming were completely unnecessary besides the fighter jet section and maybe the Ada chase on the jeep. I always liked how the campaigns intersected with one another so they better not abandon that like REmake 2 did.

RE5 and RE6 were made with a completely different vision from the RE Engine Capcom of today, so it could completely backfire, plus they have a bad habit of cutting back on budgets. I would rather see REmake CV, REmake 0, and perhaps a RE-REmake before they even consider touching the latter again.
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Honestly ı dont mind that much that they cut stuff from reimaginings nowadays. Since they arent canon and more of a what if takes similar to reorc, ı guess that can excuse the cut content.

I wonder what changes they will make when reimagining re5 and re6 with a what if alternative take similar to reorc.


No I hope not. I dont want RE4 to be remade, why should I be interested in RE5 and RE6 getting remakes? That's absurd.
Yeah, they hold up fairly well too visually so I don’t see the reason. Perhaps a super low resource port with modern mechanics, better textures, etc. but not a full on remake. If they had rebooted the series sure, but seeing as they didn’t and started with RE:2 and fit it into what we already had, now there’s little to no reason.
Not really overly fond of either, but they are entertaining action games.

I think I like 5 slightly more because of Wesker and the throwbacks to Chris and their rivalry. But 6 was definitely an ambitious effort that felt more in line with older RE games, being that zombies show up in China and the US, and you had several returning characters. I do think they gave fans a mixture of gameplay styles, from puzzles to gun battles, to even car chase sequences. Yet nobody was happy. LOL.

It's also the last game to have Roger Craig Smith as Chris, so that's another reason to appreciate it being a numbered sequel. It's not the same any longer, knowing in the RE Engine era that a voice actor who was previously doing a Mexican character, tries to play Chris too. It's too obvious it's the same person speaking. :D
I prefer re6 over re5 in a lot of aspects.

For re5; ı enjoyed chris' character as well as the story from his perspective along with voice acting of many characters however many aspects at the same time felt wasted. I wished sheva wasnt forced to be his partner and instead was partnered with josh, jill didnt get captured by wesker and was partnered with chris right from start, barry and rebecca were in the story, excella was utilized better, plaga was overused while progenitor was barely utilized along with unnecessary uroboros etc.

Re6 fixed the mistakes of re5 as well as past games for me. All 7 main playable characters had character development throught the story and they were utilized better than ever before, the voice acting was improved to perfection, ı really liked c-virus which is a combo of g-virus and special t-veronica strain called t-02, simmons and carla felt more enjoyable antagonists than irving and excella, it felt more epic along with more variety etc.

Re6 also felt very unique compared to re5 which is too similar to re4 imo.

Now for re6; ı wished claire was in the game along with alyson court voicing her. I would also add ricky as her partner. I wished agent got his own campaign too rather than being forced as ada's online partner in her campaign. I would have preferred for jill to be mentioned as well but ı dont see it possible for her to return unfortunately. I wished she wasnt handled like that in re5 so that she would appear in the stories that are set between re5 and re6 which have chris and piers. If re5 happened differently then ı feel both piers and merah would have survived.

Regardless ı enjoy both games and ı feel that both can get unnecessary hate but ı'm more on the side of the latter.
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My favourite third person RE game overall between 2005 and 2015, is Revelations 2, as it's similar to 4-6, but creepy, and entertaining. I was hoping Capcom would consider scrapping first person and going back to third person, but I think they're just waiting to see how the next first person game turns out, as it's going to be a trilogy. So it would make sense to retain that gameplay style, for the time being.

But I prefer seeing my character. They are deluding themselves into thinking third person is not scary, when games like The Evil Within 2 achieve this so greatly.
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I wanted to create this thread cause these are still capcom's best selling re games and ı saw a thread like this created on another resident evil forum.

Which game do you prefer more and why?
I prefer Resident Evil 6. It's nothing that Resident Evil 5 lacks that makes me say that, it's a great game. It's just that Resident Evil 6 excels in nearly every area. It was a more memorable experience for me that left a bigger impact. It was more dynamic in its approach to the Resident Evil formula.
They both have their pros and cons but ultimately BIO6 is the superior game I think. It pushes the series to greater heights in spite of areas where it stumbles. BIO5 while an improvement over bio4 takes no risks and in fact is one of the least bold entries in the entire series.
For me it's Bio5. I enjoyed 6, the gameplay is fun, but I felt like it was a struggle to complete all the campaigns. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed what I played but I enjoyed 5 alot more. 5 had a better story and the the final conclusion for the Redfield v Wesker story plot. Ultimately its really down to personal preference.
Depends on what I feel like playing at the moment. If I feel like playing 5, I'm going to have more fun playing it. If I feel like 6, I'm going to have more fun playing it. Storywise though, I'm going to have to say 6.
RE5 was more of a world building game while RE6 was more of a homage and character study which is what I liked most between the two. I have issues with some of the pacing from both games. Half of RE5 is just a wild goose chase until you actually reach the ruins; from there, more lore starts to build up which I liked alot.

While I liked how the campaigns crossed over in RE6; it added a lot of redundancy which was one of the few things I disliked about RE1 and 2. There was also too much focus on vehicles for my taste and any sequence that has forced turret’s makes me feel agony.

People who hate on these games really confuse me if they like RE4. I am not sure if it’s from nostalgic scares or it being one of the first 3rd person games to define a genre, but it’s getting old.

RE5 wins for me because of the simple fact it was a send off to Spenser and Wesker as a whole and I liked the treasure and weapon upgrading. RE6 has cooler monster designs though.
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Oh, Resident Evil 5 for sure.

I think the most basic reason is the contribution of the story. I took great pleasure in visiting the places where the history of the Umbrella company began, as well as potentially the history of all mankind.

The idea that Albert Wesker inherits Oswell E. Spencer's place seems fair to me for a character who debuted as the main antagonist in the very first game, in which Spencer was not even mentioned, largely because he was not in Kenichi Iwao's script.

In a way, I find Wesker's role similar to that of Alexia Ashford and the Queen Leech. Not because he is also a Gothic-like villain who challenges the planet, but because of his similar connection with one of the founders of Umbrella as a product of his experiment and a consequence of his ideology.

The way Spencer was killed seems like the perfect ending for a character who built his empire on betrayals. He thought he had the right to lead a loyal people, but he only bred monsters like himself. And it reminds us how villains by their nature cannot unite or appreciate each other's help, because it is their selfishness and sense of superiority that leads to their defeat, unlike the good guys.

I also love the Uroboros Virus. It is so named because the virus forms snake-like "pustules" from body tissues that grow by feeding on the same body from where they originated. Like an ouroboros.

This idea, of course, was directly inherited from the G-Virus, which worked in the same way, as the altered cells fed on William Birkin's cells for evolution, and I love how the game makes comparisons with leeches in this regard. It helps to link all biology together.

Similarly, I like what the game has done with the Plaga parasite. Not only because we find fossils in the Ndipaya Kingdom and also explore through the environment the history that is most likely associated with these parasites in ancient times, but also because of the fresh design that gives these life forms a more unique look than the obvious borrowing from Parasyte that was in the previous numbered title.

Resident Evil 5 is also very fun in terms of design. I like a lot about it, from the level design to the inventory. I still find Resident Evil 4 stronger in these aspects, though, but I enjoyed it anyway. The only thing that really annoys me is my partner, who literally prevents me from immersing myself in the atmosphere.

And yeah, speaking of which, I really love the atmosphere in this game. I have had the experience of visiting Africa several times, and I can admit with confidence how well the developers actually conveyed this environment. Especially the feeling of bright and scorching sunlight, beautiful sunset and dark and relatively cold night. It's a game of contrasts, and I genuinely enjoyed that Resident Evil Village did a similar thing through the progression of time. This is one of the main reasons that makes the game incredibly beautiful for me. And I genuinely did not understand those who think that the atmosphere only becomes a thing if you just add the night and the cemetery to it.

And since I started talking about Village, their close connection with each other gives me a reason to love Resident Evil 5 even more.

Even before Village, it seemed strange to me how Spencer believed in the anti-science book by Henry Travis. And even his idea of starting a company, which either annoyed or confused others, gave the impression that either the character's actions lacked substance, or we were not given the full context.

It makes perfect sense after Miranda now. Especially considering the fact that Spencer was fond of archaeology, so we can find a book about El Dorado in his mansion from the remake.

Similarly, I love to read about how Brandon Bailey does not hide his irritation and disrespect for the old man, and also intended to move forward when his career at Umbrella was coming to an end in November 1998. This evolves perfectly into The Connections for me.

I also find the mold's connection to the Progenitor Virus possible thanks to Resident Evil 5 as well. The way how the haustoria-like organs of the fungal root resemble the vegetative bodies that ancient art and the Uroboros Virus showed us support Dr. Marcus' theory of the virus-driven evolution of all life forms.

After all, I believe that the BSAA soldiers could have been created thanks to a new strain of the Uroboros Virus because of a number of characteristic traits. After all, it's Al's organization that sponsors the alliance now.

I think I could write more, but these are the most important things for sure.
I wrote this elsewhere before and ı dont remember if ı said it here but ı'll copy paste it:

" I prefer re6 over re5.

One of the reasons why ı prefer re6 over re5 is due to the fact that re5 has gameplay elements which are online exclusive while re6 doesnt.

Re5 feels more designed around online while re6 feels more designed around single player. I've played them for the most part by myself rather than online so that's one of the reasons why ı prefer re6 over re5.

Plus re5 has tank controls while re6 doesnt. ( Why does re4 and re5 have tank controls? Dead aim and outbreak file 2 are more survival horror oriented games than those 2 and those allow moving and shooting while not having tank controls. ) So that's another reason why ı prefer re6 over re5.

Another thing is the story.

Like ı feel like barry and rebecca could have been utilized in main story of re5. ( Instead of them being exclusive to mercenaries reunion. )

The reason why ı think they could have is cause re5 is a re1 reunion ( " Well; isnt this one big family reunion. " ) and only barry and rebecca are missing.

I've seen people criticise re6 for missing claire and while that's understandable since re6 is basically a re2 reunion not to mention, leon says " This is raccoon city all over again. " . But ı've literally never seen anyone criticise re5 for missing those 2 characters. Not to mention re5 is missing more main characters from re1 compared to re6 that's missing only one main character from re2. And the non-canon modes dont count.

I dont think it's even said somewhere why barry and rebecca are missing in re5 either. I mean claire wasnt in re6 cause capcom wanted her in rerev2 which is a more survival horror oriented game and claire's more fitting to that since re6 is extremely action oriented and claire is a civilian who works for terrasave which is a non combat org compared to chris ( bsaa ) and leon ( dso ) who work in combat org. Meanwhile rerev has nothing to do with those 2; it's about chris and jill with lackluster voice performances for characters except chris and that's due to roger craig smith. Rerev2 ( Barry and moira. ) and biohazard the stage ( Rebecca. ) are released after re6 and those 2 take place after re5; not before. Oh and there's a big 3 year time gap. ( 2006-2009. ) Re6 only has 6 month time gap which is shorter while re5 has 3 years. I wonder what chris and bsaa were doing during that 3 year time period.

Oh and claire is mentioned in re6 ( She supported sherry as well as other things like meeting chris and leon to each other. ) while barry and rebecca arent mentioned in re5 other than the game's files that retells past events. Like the files dont say what those 2 were doing in bsaa. I dont think they are mentioned in re5 guidebooks; not sure if those explain what those 2 were doing in bsaa either.

I have some ideas about the new re5 and how characters could have been utilized in a different way.

Here let me share this:

1. Chris and jill in re5 lin but a longer one.
2. Wesker alone in re5 lin but a longer one. ( Shows his adventures about going to spencer's estate. Ends after wesker kills spencer and chris and jill find him. )
3. Chris and rebecca in re5's main story.
4. Jill and barry in re5's main story.
5. Sheva and josh in re5's main story. ( As much ı like sheva; she feels forced to re5's story, sure not as much as ashley and entire re4's plot but still. Like her backstory doesnt have any relevance to the game's story and ı liked her big brother sister relationship with josh. Wished that was utilized more. I think re6 and rerev2's coop feel less forced and side characters / their backstories play more role in story. Though ı will say that in some ways; re5's coop has more depth than re6's coop even though ı prefer re6 coop over re5's. )

Not sure how the new story would turn out but ı wanted to mention this. I feel like re5 could have turned out like this and wesker could have been killed in a different way. Instead of chris and sheva firing 2 rockets; make chris, jill, barry, rebecca and sheva fire 5 rockets instead.

Oh and rebecca and barry have their melee attacks from mercenaries reunion.

And ı mentioned multiple story modes cause ı love multiple story modes a lot ( Re2 and re6 handle multiple campaigns best ı think. ) and ı dont think re5 handles multiple story modes ( Jill's dlcs ) as good as re4 ( Separate ways. ) and re6 do.

Another thing; re5 uses more dangerous compounds ( Plaga type 2, plaga type 3, dominant plaga, uroboros and progenitor. ) than re4 ( Plaga type 1 and dominant plaga. ) and re6 ( C-virus and enhanced variant. ) do and in this department; it feels less focused than those 2 games.

The monster designs in re5 dont look as interesting as the ones in re4 and re6 do imo and ı think the monsters feel more fun to fight in those 2 games. Re4 has more interesting plaga mutations than re5 and re6 has better j'avo mutations ( They can mutate up to 3 body parts, the combination is insane. ) than those 2 games.

One small thing that really bothers me is ı wished ndesu could have been fought normally instead of bow being exclusive to a turret section.

They could have used uroboros and progenitor more as well. Uroboros is only used in bosses; the only normal monster related to it is reaper honestly there should have been more uroboros monsters. And re5 lin should have had more monster variety; the only monster in that mode is blob; like ıdk couldnt there be more monsters in that mode related to progenitor? You dont fight anything else until you find wesker.

Oh and ı feel like the whole p30 stuff is unnecessary. It doesnt add that much anything to story and jill gets underutilized in the game due to this. I'm not bothered that much by it but ı wished re5 lin was longer at least plus there are some cut dialogue.

To sum this up; ı dont dislike the final version of re5, but ı think it could had been much better.

For me; re6 is better than re5 and fixes that game's issues and even re4's. "

This was my old reply and other than uroboros which doesnt feel necessary since ı simply would have preferred progenitor virus to be utilized more; ı would say it holds up.
While I liked how the campaigns crossed over in RE6; it added a lot of redundancy which was one of the few things I disliked about RE1 and 2.
That's one of the things ı really liked about re6 too. It felt like an improvement from past games that had multiple scenarios. I still cant get over that re2 2019 felt like a step back in storytelling when compared to re6. The scenarios dont even connect to each other in that game.

I dont mind the repetition either, it actually feels satisfying to go through the same situations rather than like an annoyance like how it felt in older games. I also dont see rerev2 as good as re6 in this aspect, it reminds me more of recv's annoying backtracking if anything.

People who hate on these games really confuse me if they like RE4. I am not sure if it’s from nostalgic scares or it being one of the first 3rd person games to define a genre, but it’s getting old.
Yeah ı know. I'm not a big fan of many statements said by re4 fans either.

Stuff like:

" Re4 is a perfect balance action, horror and camp! Re5 and re6 are too serious and full of action and cod shoot em up with no camp, horror or charm! "

" Who cares about story in re games? "

Etc. While ı dont mind preferring one over the other, making statements like these is really overreaching and doing these 2 games disservice.

Oh yeah and the horror talk still gets on my nerves. Like how can people even say " Re4 is a perfect balance of action and horror. " ? I mean sure it's a mix of action and horror elements but saying " Re4 is perfect! " while also saying that " Re5 and re6 have no horror. " doesnt make sense.

I mean all re games are mix of action and horror. Why isnt that the thing that matters the most? Idk why people try to measure action and horror tbh. I tried to this too since ı also said things like " X focuses on horror more than action while y focuses on action more than horror. " but ı dont think that's really accurate. I also dont understand, why do action and horror have to be mutually exclusive things from each other? Re6 has a lot of action for example but ı thought the game's horror was effective, at least for me. The whole game felt very threatening due to world destruction and ı even stayed in easiest difficulty when ı 1st played it. It was the 1st re game that ı played too. For me; re6 has a lot of action and horror at the same time.

I liked the treasure and weapon upgrading. RE6 has cooler monster designs though.
What do you think about skills in re6? I personally like them more than weapon upgrading system of re4 and re5. It feels more simple and enjoyable way to improve your stats. I also liked how you can remove them from your set while for re4 and re5, once you upgrade a stat for your weapon, you cant manually degrade it. You need to buy the same weapon again to start from stratch.

That being said ı wished ı could equip every skill in re6 at once like in rerev2 but ı still prefer former over the latter, especially due to the reason that once you buy a skill in rerev2, you cant deactivate it unlike in re6. I feel that re6's skill system has more depth than rerev2's.

There's also infinite ammo system. I personally like re6's system a lot, it feels more enjoyable to acquire those while in re5, ı think it felt harder. In re6, you can even reload your weapons when using those skills while re5 doesnt allow that when infinite ammo is enabled.

But anyway ı used the skills in creative ways during my many playthroughs for re6 and ı still do. While they dont seem necessary to beat the game not to mention some dont feel that useful at all, ı still dont mind since there are weapons in re4 and re5 that ı dont like that much either while not finding them useful at all. I mean ı upgraded every weapon in re5 and stored them to my backpack but ı dont go back to every single one of them really.

There's also no hope that disables skills. I wished re4 and re5 had a difficulty like that that disabled weapon upgrading and infinite ammo tbh.
Oh, Resident Evil 5 for sure.

I think the most basic reason is the contribution of the story. I took great pleasure in visiting the places where the history of the Umbrella company began, as well as potentially the history of all mankind.

The idea that Albert Wesker inherits Oswell E. Spencer's place seems fair to me for a character who debuted as the main antagonist in the very first game, in which Spencer was not even mentioned, largely because he was not in Kenichi Iwao's script.

In a way, I find Wesker's role similar to that of Alexia Ashford and the Queen Leech. Not because he is also a Gothic-like villain who challenges the planet, but because of his similar connection with one of the founders of Umbrella as a product of his experiment and a consequence of his ideology.

The way Spencer was killed seems like the perfect ending for a character who built his empire on betrayals. He thought he had the right to lead a loyal people, but he only bred monsters like himself. And it reminds us how villains by their nature cannot unite or appreciate each other's help, because it is their selfishness and sense of superiority that leads to their defeat, unlike the good guys.

I also love the Uroboros Virus. It is so named because the virus forms snake-like "pustules" from body tissues that grow by feeding on the same body from where they originated. Like an ouroboros.

This idea, of course, was directly inherited from the G-Virus, which worked in the same way, as the altered cells fed on William Birkin's cells for evolution, and I love how the game makes comparisons with leeches in this regard. It helps to link all biology together.

Similarly, I like what the game has done with the Plaga parasite. Not only because we find fossils in the Ndipaya Kingdom and also explore through the environment the history that is most likely associated with these parasites in ancient times, but also because of the fresh design that gives these life forms a more unique look than the obvious borrowing from Parasyte that was in the previous numbered title.

Resident Evil 5 is also very fun in terms of design. I like a lot about it, from the level design to the inventory. I still find Resident Evil 4 stronger in these aspects, though, but I enjoyed it anyway. The only thing that really annoys me is my partner, who literally prevents me from immersing myself in the atmosphere.

And yeah, speaking of which, I really love the atmosphere in this game. I have had the experience of visiting Africa several times, and I can admit with confidence how well the developers actually conveyed this environment. Especially the feeling of bright and scorching sunlight, beautiful sunset and dark and relatively cold night. It's a game of contrasts, and I genuinely enjoyed that Resident Evil Village did a similar thing through the progression of time. This is one of the main reasons that makes the game incredibly beautiful for me. And I genuinely did not understand those who think that the atmosphere only becomes a thing if you just add the night and the cemetery to it.

And since I started talking about Village, their close connection with each other gives me a reason to love Resident Evil 5 even more.

Even before Village, it seemed strange to me how Spencer believed in the anti-science book by Henry Travis. And even his idea of starting a company, which either annoyed or confused others, gave the impression that either the character's actions lacked substance, or we were not given the full context.

It makes perfect sense after Miranda now. Especially considering the fact that Spencer was fond of archaeology, so we can find a book about El Dorado in his mansion from the remake.

Similarly, I love to read about how Brandon Bailey does not hide his irritation and disrespect for the old man, and also intended to move forward when his career at Umbrella was coming to an end in November 1998. This evolves perfectly into The Connections for me.

I also find the mold's connection to the Progenitor Virus possible thanks to Resident Evil 5 as well. The way how the haustoria-like organs of the fungal root resemble the vegetative bodies that ancient art and the Uroboros Virus showed us support Dr. Marcus' theory of the virus-driven evolution of all life forms.

After all, I believe that the BSAA soldiers could have been created thanks to a new strain of the Uroboros Virus because of a number of characteristic traits. After all, it's Al's organization that sponsors the alliance now.

I think I could write more, but these are the most important things for sure.
That's very cool that you wrote. Do you have anything to say about re6 though?
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