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RE5 RE5 vs RE6

I felt the skill system of RE6 was too slow going for a game that size. You only start getting more skill points in later chapters and by the time you finish the entire game, you still have to grind out a lot of skill points to even see infinite ammo. My favorite skills to equip are the stamina ones since getting tired out after only 3 melee attacks gets annoying. RE5 had the same grind issues and was one of my least favorite things to do going for the platinum.

I prefer unlocking infinite ammo and such through a grade system like the classics but I also never use those features in an RE game. (I really want to use for RE8 though because that game feels like a slog).
I felt the skill system of RE6 was too slow going for a game that size. You only start getting more skill points in later chapters and by the time you finish the entire game, you still have to grind out a lot of skill points to even see infinite ammo. My favorite skills to equip are the stamina ones since getting tired out after only 3 melee attacks gets annoying. RE5 had the same grind issues and was one of my least favorite things to do going for the platinum.

I prefer unlocking infinite ammo and such through a grade system like the classics but I also never use those features in an RE game. (I really want to use for RE8 though because that game feels like a slog).
During my 1st playthroughs on ps3, ı managed to farm a lot of skill points through rasklapanje. If you can properly defeat them by destroying all of their body parts, the last defeated body part drops 3000 skill point. After that, ı restarted from nearest checkpoint which causes rasklapanje to respawn. ( More can respawn if there are more. ) I remember having a lot of skill points by the time ı finished all campaigns for the 1st time through that trick. I replayed them again with 2nd characters plus ı played as ada again cause ı really love her in re6 and ı obtained even more points. So unlocking infinite ammo felt a lot more easier, especially compared to re5 where you need to rely on separate exchange points while having to fully upgrade said weapon to unlock infinite ammo for it. ( Rpg is different, that's unlocked through a short time limit like in classic games rather than like how it was in re4. I wished re6 had an infinite rpg like re5 but at the same time, at least grenade launchers have infinite ammo unlike re5. )
For me is Resident Evil 5, but I love them both.

The why I prefer RE5 is cause of the story and characters. I kind of hate Leon, so any game without him is a win for me, plus in my opinion the best Jill is the one from RE5. I really enjoy until this day playing the RE5 campaign. I love Chris and Sheva working together, love Josh and Jill in Desperate Escape, Chris and Jill in Lost in Nightmare. Plus the Mercs game in RE5 is amazing, is the mercs that I've played the most. I do love Chris and Piers in RE6 and also Sherry and Jake, these four characters are amazing and that chapter where they all work together is one of the best chapters in the Resident Evil Series, Chris, Piers, Sherry and Jake together were incredible.
I think Capcom and Leon fans are the cause for me to end up hating him. They keeping irritating me with RE4 being such a masterpiece where I don't really see anything special about it, I mean, RE5 and RE6 are way better than RE4. Plus capcom uses Leon in every movie, that's very annoying. Also, Leon is very woke. In that TV Show Infinite Darkness he would save that woman just for being a woman, and she was evil, I mean, she killed all those innocent men in the sub without thinking twice. Anyway. Love both RE5 and RE6. I just love RE5 more.
During my 1st playthroughs on ps3, ı managed to farm a lot of skill points through rasklapanje. If you can properly defeat them by destroying all of their body parts, the last defeated body part drops 3000 skill point. After that, ı restarted from nearest checkpoint which causes rasklapanje to respawn. ( More can respawn if there are more. ) I remember having a lot of skill points by the time ı finished all campaigns for the 1st time through that trick. I replayed them again with 2nd characters plus ı played as ada again cause ı really love her in re6 and ı obtained even more points. So unlocking infinite ammo felt a lot more easier, especially compared to re5 where you need to rely on separate exchange points while having to fully upgrade said weapon to unlock infinite ammo for it. ( Rpg is different, that's unlocked through a short time limit like in classic games rather than like how it was in re4. I wished re6 had an infinite rpg like re5 but at the same time, at least grenade launchers have infinite ammo unlike re5. )
I farmed skill points for everything in Chris Ch. 5 in the big room with the snipers and levers, then would quit out after the Chris and Jake scene.
I farmed skill points for everything in Chris Ch. 5 in the big room with the snipers and levers, then would quit out after the Chris and Jake scene.
Yeah ı'm aware of that spot. I usually take care of those j'avos fast. I basically camp at j'avos' spawning position then blow all of them up with grenade launcher when they keep coming. Eventually they stop and after that, ı pull the levers to spawn chrysalids which would birth napad and gnezdo.

There are also easy ways to kill them. Napads are weak to nitrogen rounds, one round destroys all of their armor and after that, 2nd round instantly kills them upon shatter.

As for gnezdo, when queen bee gets revealed, they can be instantly killed with a acid round. Basically shoot one to ground where they are near and they instantly die.

Figuring out these easy ways to kill the monsters make the game immensely replayable imo, ı still rely on these tricks to take care of monsters fast.
Honestly if ı created this thread somewhere else like reddit or gamefaqs, it would most likely result in re5 fans praising their game while trashing re6 at the same time. At least that's what ı've seen and remember when some mainline entries get compared to re6. I find re6 peak bio sequel personally.

Thankfully the picks are more balanced here.
RE6 has the most demanding mechanics in the series which is why it can be frustrating at times to go back to. Even though I put in about 100 hours into it throughout the years the knock back and QTE grabs can still get me killed in certain situations.

When the common gamer fires RE6 up for the first time after hearing “RE IS SURVIVAL HORROR!” their whole life and they start seeing the action unfold on screen they are automatically set up to hate on it. Same with RE5 honestly, yet these two games still make the top 5 in SKU sales and have high entertainment value.

Action AND horror have always been apart of every mainline game and even our least favorite ones still have something to offer. RE as an IP needs to be that at the end of the day or it will die out like all the other horror franchises.
RE6 has the most demanding mechanics in the series which is why it can be frustrating at times to go back to. Even though I put in about 100 hours into it throughout the years the knock back and QTE grabs can still get me killed in certain situations.

When the common gamer fires RE6 up for the first time after hearing “RE IS SURVIVAL HORROR!” their whole life and they start seeing the action unfold on screen they are automatically set up to hate on it. Same with RE5 honestly, yet these two games still make the top 5 in SKU sales and have high entertainment value.

Action AND horror have always been apart of every mainline game and even our least favorite ones still have something to offer. RE as an IP needs to be that at the end of the day or it will die out like all the other horror franchises.
For me, the game feels very smooth as butter as well as very satisfying and responsive to play. For knock back, you can do a quick recovery that gets your character back on feet and breakout skill makes qtes more enjoyable to perform. ( Also only zombies make common qte grabs which can be countered, j'avos dont grab as much as ganados and majinis do. ) Honestly qtes in re4 and re5 feel more tedious to perform. In pro, ı also remember re5 especially being very brutal. Re6 no hope didnt even feel that annoying and ı thought it was balanced well.

Survival horror fans are very generic and ı dont feel like they can put 2-2 together and make common sense. With their ridiculous statements, it feels like they are blinded by nostalgia. Nothing wrong with a preference but the whole " Re6 is bad! " meme is just downright wrong and make no damn sense.

Reddit is full of them, like ı sometimes lurk there and whenever a thread about re6 gets created, chances are it would be followed with stupid statements like " It's a bad game! " , " It's a unfocused mess. " , " Re6 fanboys " , " Call of duty " etc. I still saw some fans of re6 but it seems to be more hate for it there and positivity for it seems to be downvoted or described as " trolling " or " fanboying " . This also applies to other places like gamefaqs, steam discussion threads, youtube comment sections and many more.

Resident evil has one of the dumbest fanbase ı've ever seen. It's full of cringe and nonsense most of the time really. The hate bandwagon for the game, doesnt matter if it's majority or minority, really decreased my passion for future. Capcom's trying to please it and it feels like their entries are really lacking while feeling barebones at the same time.

Thank god this place exists. It's seriously the best place to discuss resident evil and post honest thoughts about it.

Reddit is basically upvotes and downvotes with a confusing structure.

Gamefaqs is also uncomfortable not to mention it's connected to metacritic, a stupid site that some people like to rely on for some reason. It's also connected to gamespot and their re6 review is terrible. And there are many re6 haters there.

At youtube comment sections, comments can get ghosted for no real reason.

Steam discussion threads are also full of trolls similar to previously mentioned places. Re6 discussion board for it still has people bashing the game for no real reason. It would make more sense if there were more people praising it but common sense doesnt really exist in the fandom really.

More reasons for me to cut my connection to fanbase.
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I just found this on reddit. This is one of the rare instances where the guy knows what he's talking about but the replies made to him there are so stupid that it hurts.

" You’re not just wrong, you’re probably the most wrong person yet. "

" As someone who does like and appreciate RE6 for what it is, sometimes I get why some of us go extra hard and contrarian in defense of it. There is such an extra, over-the-top, unnecessarily bitter hate bandwagon against it that isn't justified to the extent that it exists. It's cool to shit on RE6 and pretend it's the worst game ever in existence, complimenting literally any aspect of it is really not a popular opinion.

Though calling it "the best game in the series" and pretending it did a good job of balancing horror and action, nah I'm gonna disagree on that. "

" Of course it's the best re game. It had awful story, awful boss fight, the worst inventory system, weird ass camera angle during sprinting, zombie can lunge at you from miles away, among many other things that make it great. /s "

" Maybe they had good intentions, but the execution was messy and extremely inconsistent. "

What the hell are they even talking about? Why are they acting still so disturbing and doing disservice to the amount of effort put into the game? It's still so repetitive to the point as a big fan of re6, sometimes it makes me not want to be part of this stupid fanbase anymore, ugh. Like all of their effort is put into bashing re6. There are other a few titles that also get criticised but for re6, the game gets pretty much no merit there. Meanwhile barebones re engine gets put to a ridiculously high pedestal.

There's also this. I noticed that threads like this get created on reddit all the time and the people who make replies to these type of re6 threads bash the game as much as they can and give barely any prop to the game.

Also ı cant believe they describe the story as " mess " or call the game and its characters " generic " or " repetitive " . They make no sense ever.

They also describe re6 fans as " defenders " or " part of a cult " or something like that, as if trying to say enjoying the game is an evil thing to do. If anything the haters are the ones who have no soul whatsoever. Re6 is a masterpiece and one of a kind, they try to prevent others from thinking themselves by repeating the same forced statements over and over and ı will never have any of it. I'm not gonna believe to their stupidity ever. I tried to understand and be respectful but the assholes act like clowns. It's so annoying.

I swear if ı went there and defended re6 as much as ı could, they could probably ban me or something. I saw some being banned just for defending re6.

More reasons for me to cut my connection to fanbase really.
I just found this on reddit. This is one of the rare instances where the guy knows what he's talking about but the replies made to him there are so stupid that it hurts.

" You’re not just wrong, you’re probably the most wrong person yet. "

" As someone who does like and appreciate RE6 for what it is, sometimes I get why some of us go extra hard and contrarian in defense of it. There is such an extra, over-the-top, unnecessarily bitter hate bandwagon against it that isn't justified to the extent that it exists. It's cool to shit on RE6 and pretend it's the worst game ever in existence, complimenting literally any aspect of it is really not a popular opinion.

Though calling it "the best game in the series" and pretending it did a good job of balancing horror and action, nah I'm gonna disagree on that. "

" Of course it's the best re game. It had awful story, awful boss fight, the worst inventory system, weird ass camera angle during sprinting, zombie can lunge at you from miles away, among many other things that make it great. /s "

" Maybe they had good intentions, but the execution was messy and extremely inconsistent. "

What the hell are they even talking about? Why are they acting still so disturbing and doing disservice to the amount of effort put into the game? It's still so repetitive to the point as a big fan of re6, sometimes it makes me not want to be part of this stupid fanbase anymore, ugh. Like all of their effort is put into bashing re6. There are other a few titles that also get criticised but for re6, the game gets pretty much no merit there. Meanwhile barebones re engine gets put to a ridiculously high pedestal.

There's also this. I noticed that threads like this get created on reddit all the time and the people who make replies to these type of re6 threads bash the game as much as they can and give barely any prop to the game.

Also ı cant believe they describe the story as " mess " or call the game and its characters " generic " or " repetitive " . They make no sense ever.

They also describe re6 fans as " defenders " or " part of a cult " or something like that, as if trying to say enjoying the game is an evil thing to do. If anything the haters are the ones who have no soul whatsoever. Re6 is a masterpiece and one of a kind, they try to prevent others from thinking themselves by repeating the same forced statements over and over and ı will never have any of it. I'm not gonna believe to their stupidity ever. I tried to understand and be respectful but the assholes act like clowns. It's so annoying.

I swear if ı went there and defended re6 as much as ı could, they could probably ban me or something. I saw some being banned just for defending re6.

More reasons for me to cut my connection to fanbase really.
I can't stand the types of people who jump on the RE6 hate bandwagon without even having good arguments for why the game is so "bad." They'll say things like, the "the story is silly." Well, that's kinda how the story always was. The criticism for RE6 is so blind at times and it shows. There's a reason the game sold so well and continues to as it spreads to different platforms. People have a great time with it. Most won't admit that, but they do.
I can't stand the types of people who jump on the RE6 hate bandwagon without even having good arguments for why the game is so "bad." They'll say things like, the "the story is silly." Well, that's kinda how the story always was. The criticism for RE6 is so blind at times and it shows. There's a reason the game sold so well and continues to as it spreads to different platforms. People have a great time with it. Most won't admit that, but they do.
I overall agree with what you say and yes the game sold well along with capcom considering it a " success " but at the same time; it still seems to miss the target numbers back in the day. For sales, they also put re engine games higher than re6 in another way to bully it. Even though the game is 2nd best selling re game after re5.

I also have speculations that the reason for shotaro suga ( Writer of re6 who also previously wrote degeneration, darkside chronicles and damnation. ) passing away is due to getting depressed by re6 hate bandwagon. He doesnt seem to get much praise for his wonderful work on the game's story script from the time ı wondered during the community.

There are more reasons why the fate of re6 is so sad and tragic but the same repetitive statements are still said all the time. What do they even gain from this?
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