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RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

I miss Wesker too. But I don't think he can return after his death in molten lava. However, Alex is in the body of Natalia. She was basically introduced to fill a void.

But of course, Capcom will probably make every game feature a new virus, as opposed to ending the previous storylines, which I reckon makes more sense than making up crap now as they go along.

So this is a video ı found. It looks like giant chainsaw ganados can decapitate the characters in mercenaries but the normal chainsaw ganados cant decapitate the characters for some reason. I find that odd.

Also this is wesker getting decapitated on mercenaries by a female chainsaw ganado. I found it funny.
The giant chainsaw ganado can instantly decapitate you in the original as well, so it's consistent in that sense.
So replying to this thread after a long while but ı'm planning to record a session of mine in regards to playing re:4. I was thinking about recording ada's only but it's still possible that ı might record one about leon before continuing with ada later. I'll think about it in the meantime...
I thought Capcom didn't like modders, so had put a stop to that. :p

Where there's a will, there's a way...
That's just another lie spread around the internet like a wildfire. Capcom updated rerev unexpectedly but that caused many to flame review boards for re games on steam. It feels like a way to tarnish re5 and re6's reputation that hypocritical re4 sycophants do still very repetitively. Reviews eventually turned back to normal but ı didnt have any problem using mods ever since that incident.
Some of the mods are quite amusing. Like when they had this rap song playing whenever Mr. X showed up, around the time the actual recording artist got out of prison.

Very imaginative.

Keep out of the steam room. It just fuels Thomas more. 😄
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Some of the mods are quite amusing. Like when they had this rap song playing whenever Mr. X showed up, around the time the actual recording artist got out of prison.

Very imaginative.

Keep out of the steam room. It just fuels Thomas more. 😄
I dont recall playing re:2 with mods that much. The only ı recall fully using was claire darkside chronicles mod but other than that, ı played the game without mods. For re:4, ı used more mods to the point of taking screenshots on my profile. Re6 is still more enjoyable for me to play with mods on pc regardless.
So ı'm saying this a bit late but ı bought re:4 on ps4 store after the game being on a sale. I played ada's scenario and ı enjoyed it but it still feels too unpolished to me due to being a re engine title. While ı'm not someone who cares much for graphics, ı still dont understand why re engine is praised for the games' graphics. I just cant see them " good " no matter how ı look into them. Personally ı prefer mt framework cause the experience feels more polished to me during that.
The graphics are incredibly emo looking in the RE Engine era when the lighting in some sections is poorly, and the acting is not very good either.

When Leon looks at Claire behind the fence in RE2, it just didn't feel like a natural conversation had just took place. 😵💫

"Just surviving!"

Ah. Cool. Same here. 😐

Here's footage ı recorded from ps4. I also played the next 2 maps with wesker but at those, ı died while playing as him but ı still got s ranks during them that it allowed me to unlock handcannon for leon's scenario. Personally the controls still dont feel comfortable enough on ps4 compared to other games ı have there and the overall feeling is still off-putting despite the game still being enjoyable enough for what it is.
Resident Evil 4_20240615133544.jpg

This is another image ı took. Now that ı finished both scenarios twice through easiest difficulty on ps4, ı'm gonna move to standard and keep playing the game through that.
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