Yeah. I agree that 7 and 8 are just terrible games. I felt as if RE was going downhill for a while, and it's only recently when they started to have characters teaming up, that I'm a fan again. I mean, I feel like this will probably only apply to spin offs, with the mainline games always being "experimental" in some ways. Like, I don't see Capcom ever really sticking to one storyline, pathway, gameplay style, or whatever. It's probably always going to be confusing and messy in that regard, which is precisely why fans began to feel pissed off to begin with. But if they do continue any story, I hope they reveal why the people Chris used to work with started making clones.
The time leap in 8 bothers me. I also just hated 8 in general. The DLC in 7 with Lucas talking to the Connections had me intrigued about where they could take this route, and while 7 wasn't the most fascinating sequel, they finally had something interesting going on. Then 8 comes out, and I felt like I was watching a rejected pilot for a new Game of Thrones series. It just wasn't anyone's idea of a true RE entry at all, and they just wanted to copy elements from RE4, because they knew that was gonna get remade. I honestly feel like 8 was made to promote 4, in a way. But all in all, the plot and the bosses was just outlandishly crappy. So if that's gonna continue in 9, I'll be about done with the franchise.