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RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

I was kept busy with my mother's funeral yesterday and I had a good talk with her spiritually before the coffin lid went on. The service began at 12. Then I walked up Easter Road to the cemetery. Seeing the limo driving past was making me tear up.

I still remember when my mum went with me to Argos on Christmas Eve in 2002, to buy a PS2. I was working in Comet and Fads that year, so I was able to purchase a GameCube for only £128 to play the remake.

She knew I really liked horror games. I remember she would text me about any RE news, if she seen anything. Although I always used to let her know that some games weren't as good as they should have been. But the RE4 remake has redeemed the previous disdain I felt for Capcom.
Finished castle right now. I managed to get a weapon ticket that allowed me to unlock infinite ammo for handcannon even before finishing the game. It's just another way ı see re4r more action oriented than re4, re5, re6 and rerev games. I'm glad they did this, especially after previous re engine games that felt like they were trying to please the " Too much action, not enough horror, not grounded or realistic, too fantasy " type of complaints. Overall ı'm still very enjoying the game so far, ı even enjoy ashley more despite still preferring og game's portrayal over the new interpretation. Krauser however ı did it again and ı dislike it even more. I just cant stand to krauser in this game at all, imo he's the worst thing re engine games ever did, even ignoring separate ways and suga's scripts, ı still prefer og game over the new interpration by a long mile. He's much more enjoyable both as a character and even the gameplay, including the introduction with qtes where the cinematics are much more better executed to me than the new interpretation. There are still qtes in re4r anyway, they are just much more easier than ever before. At least in og game, the knife couldnt be broken while here the knives can be broken except the unlockable one for leon that needs to be upgraded to become unbreakable. With ada, her unlockable knife automatically comes unbreakable so her unlockable knife is better than leon's unlockable knife ı think. I'm gonna continue playing island but ı just dread krauser part with a passion, ı just cant see myself enjoying krauser in re4r at all.
I am just recuperating after the grinding ball part, which got me once, as I didn't shoot the eagle logos in time. I drained the water.

For £7.99, I think this is really good DLC. The RE8 DLC was long too, but this is definitely value for money. So this is something Capcom should keep up for future games.
Played island yesterday and finished leon's story for the 1st time on steam. I used re6 leon china and carla outfit mods to change the characters' outfits. Overall enjoyed the game very much, though ı still dislike krauser. The voice, the boss battles, the cutscenes and overall the execution. I much prefer og game's iteration over the new interpretation. Will continue to use re6 mods in regards to leon and ada. They increase the enjoyment a lot.
Still really love how they bring back themes from re2 and re5 in separate ways. For leon's story, ı also played it this time without soundtrack swap and compared to re2r, which needed the track to even enjoy the game slightly, ı think re4r is much more enjoyable without the soundtrack swap dlc. I played it that way before and ı didnt mind the themes from og game's story brought back but the new track is also enjoyable for me. Probably except krauser of course cause ı just cant stand to krauser at all. Due to the way krauser is handled in the story, ı just cant see leon in this ( without taking ada into account ) connecting to re6 well unlike darkside chronicles. It's like the devs when making the story were taking leon's stories in cgi movies released after re6 into account, ı feel that krauser being the only survivor from his unit is meant to be a reference to vendetta where leon is also the only survivor from his unit. But the family is still not referenced here, ı wished they were taken into account for the next releases, other than brief mentions in vendetta novel which dont even make it to the movie for some reason, they are overall forgotten despite their influence all around the world.
I still cant stop to hate that krauser doesnt scar leon's cheek with his knife either. That scar was in re6, it's one of the best details ı've ever seen in a game.

Re4 leon knife scar.jpg

Re6 leon knife scar.jpg

In re4r, the scar is absent, same as cgi movies which also remove the scar from leon's cheek, it's really annoying for the next leon stories released after re6 where despite the game bringing back the scar inflicted from krauser, still dismiss that very important moment.
Finished separate ways again for another time, ı relied on carla mod fully this time. I took a lot of screenshots to the point re4r on steam has the most amount of screenshots of any game ı have there. I saved 199 amount of screenshots with re6 having 85 amount of screenshots as the 2nd. For re4r, that amount is gonna increase for sure since ı will rely on ada's default outfit from re6 this time, might swap leon's china outfit to tall oaks one too. I also bought infinite rocket launcher on separate ways after saving enough money. Right now ı have 52 hours on re4r.
I noticed Wesker was actually present on the island with Ada, at one point in a house. He was bossing her around, and that was interesting to have it happening this way, considering he originally just barked out orders to her over the monitors.

I also noticed the gondolas people assumed got cut, were included in this DLC. So nice one.
I noticed Wesker was actually present on the island with Ada, at one point in a house. He was bossing her around, and that was interesting to have it happening this way, considering he originally just barked out orders to her over the monitors.

I also noticed the gondolas people assumed got cut, were included in this DLC. So nice one.
You mean village? Yeah he saves ada's life after she gets knocked out. I saw some claiming that it doesnt fit to wesker's character even though wesker always attempted to save those who were useful to him. In umbrella chronicles, he helps ada as well by giving her hookshot as well telling her the means to escape. Personally ı was still surprised at wesker making a physical appearance in the village as well as the island later, he points a gun at ada where she accepts what he says before going against his orders later by reducing the amount of blasts from the explosives planted at the island through the device wesker gave to her. This still benefits wesker, especially since he obtains krauser's corpse which has dominant plaga sample inside. Glad they show krauser's corpse obtained, before that it was told in the guidebooks. Even re5 theme plays out at the end, foreshadowing the events of that game. I saw many claiming re5 to be done in re engine due to this even though ı saw it more as a way to tie to re5 where wesker's the central antagonist in it with his last appearance storywise. Since ada last appeared in re6 storywise as well, it doesnt surprise me that her writing ties to re6 more than leon as well where he appeared in cgi films set after re6.
Finished it last night and seen the post credits scene with Wesker on the ferry. This is definitely going to lead to the RE5 reimagining.

It's a pity we haven't received any hint about CV being remade. But I reckon Capcom is once again only interested in the money makers, with 5 being exceptionally successful and CV being modest in terms of the sales and fan appreciation.

You would be surprised at how many people downgrade it. Yet I do wonder how much mismanagement it could undergo all the same. With, after all, Capcom's prior history of omitting enemies, areas, and just changing up too much of the story.
Finished it last night and seen the post credits scene with Wesker on the ferry. This is definitely going to lead to the RE5 reimagining.

It's a pity we haven't received any hint about CV being remade. But I reckon Capcom is once again only interested in the money makers, with 5 being exceptionally successful and CV being modest in terms of the sales and fan appreciation.

You would be surprised at how many people downgrade it. Yet I do wonder how much mismanagement it could undergo all the same. With, after all, Capcom's prior history of omitting enemies, areas, and just changing up too much of the story.
Between recv and re5, ı guess ı would take re5 being done on re engine over recv cause it's much more action oriented than pre-4 games in the series and since they made re4r a lot more action oriented than 4-5-6 and rerev games combined which made the game a lot of fun, ı think this can also carry over to re5r since re5 carries over a lot of aspects from re4 before re4r doing the same from re5 too. For re engine cv, there's a chance that ı would dislike it more than re2-3r combined since it may not be favored as much as re4r. And due to this, ı dont have any reason to want re6r either since og game follows from re2, re3 and recv more than re4 and even re5 do ı think.
I played re6 today using re4r ada mod with her face being kept and ı even took more screenshots. Right now ı have 531 amount of screenshots on re6, taking screenshots for re4r ada with her re6 face being kept resulted in a lot of screenshots. Both re6 and re4r have a lot of screenshots in my steam account.

This is an article ı found. It states about capcom planning to raise the prices for their games further. Doesnt surprise me, especially after all the effort that was put into re4r compared to previous re engine games that make them feel like test run demos. Glad ı bought the game on a sale without buying deluxe edition, especially since that seems to be only for leon's story with pointless additions that dont serve much purpose in the end.
While some of their prior RE Engine games were lacking in the Capcom magic from yesteryear, I must say that 2023 did kind of prove to be a year that served as something of a redemption arc for them.

However, you can bet we won't be happy campers if they end up making some more ridiculous fantasy adventure games with things even stupider than black dragons, robots and werewolves. God, please give that a miss next time.

Other than that, I will hopefully be seeing a trailer someday that will really grab our attention.
I've been thoroughly enjoying the RE Engine era, while still having nostalgia for my favourite entries of the past.
especially after all the effort that was put into re4r compared to previous re engine games that make them feel like test run demos.
The idea that previous RE Engine game were like test run demos compared to RE4r shows how ridiculous and negative your opinions on this era are. The amount of work that goes into developing these modern games is absolutely massive.
While some of their prior RE Engine games were lacking in the Capcom magic from yesteryear, I must say that 2023 did kind of prove to be a year that served as something of a redemption arc for them.

However, you can bet we won't be happy campers if they end up making some more ridiculous fantasy adventure games with things even stupider than black dragons, robots and werewolves. God, please give that a miss next time.

Other than that, I will hopefully be seeing a trailer someday that will really grab our attention.
I feel the same way. I hope capcom will utilize re4r's approach for the new game stories taking place after revillage. It straight up felt like the most fun game in the series for me ever since 2013. After enjoying separate ways, ı'm even more angry at capcom due to cutting ada's role from revillage's story, this is just one of the many reasons why ı still didnt bother playing the game and at this point, ı never will. I want ada to return to a new game story taking place after re6 along with lily gao to give her impression on the character in a new numbered game story.
I found out that some of the unlockables are obtained by beating the game through a time limit which can affect the rank. I personally dont like this requirement since ı want to take my time to explore and inspect the environment as much as possible. Other than costume mods that bring back outfits from re6, ı've been also using a trainer like mod that gives special weapons through a console like command similar to the tweaks patch in re4. This is just yet another reason why ı bought the game on pc rather than the consoles since the mods really increase enjoyment for the game by allowing to obtain the unlockables. Meaning ı now have chicago sweeper unlocked without beating the hardest difficulty on a special requirement as well as obtained the headgears with different effects without beating the game through intended rank. I think the unlockable weapons are enjoyable though chicago sweeper feels weaker compared to many other weapons in the game, in og game, ı feel that the weapon was stronger. Rocket launcher doesnt have a scope which bothers me, even in re6, the scope was available for the weapon. I guess ı would prefer it over re2-3r's unlockables but compared to the rocket launchers in 4-5-6 and rerev games, ı think it's weaker. The headgears look annoying on the characters and apparently you can only equip one at a time, they dont really come off that useful ı think.
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