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RE:3 RE:3 Remake Thoughts

Michael Does Life got RE4 early. The other day, he debuted a techno song on his streams. He mentions all of the OG's content that's not in the game. And it's a lot.
It doesnt surprise me really. I saw many already excusing the cut content with statements like " Who cares? It was never good in the 1st place. " etc. More reason why re4r didnt need to exist and so does every other re engine game. The only time where a remake made sense was for the 1st game. Other times it doesnt feel necessary. Thankfully ı have og game on steam and tweaks patch already makes steam port feel like a remake due to updating it with additional features. I can keep sticking to that.
I've been telling people online for years now that none of the remakes after the original were necessary. Technically, it's not just the games either. There's the movies and the crap on Netflix. They just cannot move past Raccoon City, 1998, and whatnot. It's tiring.

Sure. RE4 is not set in that region. But you know? It's still a rehash of an old game that's been ported a million times since the initial release back in 2005.

Even if it's good, it's nothing new. We played these games when they were relevant. Now instead of getting new games from Capcom, we're having to look elsewhere. Alan Wake II, for example.

Yeah, so we got RE8 DLC last year. The upcoming CG movie ought to be interesting. But they could have made the effort to change Jill. Their excuse for keeping her the same is her antibodies. So they can now start putting her in games that aren't remakes, like we clamoured for years ago.

Nice trick, Capcom.
I've been telling people online for years now that none of the remakes after the original were necessary. Technically, it's not just the games either. There's the movies and the crap on Netflix. They just cannot move past Raccoon City, 1998, and whatnot. It's tiring.

Sure. RE4 is not set in that region. But you know? It's still a rehash of an old game that's been ported a million times since the initial release back in 2005.

Even if it's good, it's nothing new. We played these games when they were relevant. Now instead of getting new games from Capcom, we're having to look elsewhere. Alan Wake II, for example.

Yeah, so we got RE8 DLC last year. The upcoming CG movie ought to be interesting. But they could have made the effort to change Jill. Their excuse for keeping her the same is her antibodies. So they can now start putting her in games that aren't remakes, like we clamoured for years ago.

Nice trick, Capcom.
I usually facepalm when ı see elitists disliking re5 and re6 only to praise re engine as the right direction for the series. Those 2 games were pushing through sugimura's writing, even more so since chronicles games were made as prelude to them in regards to them going back to past while taking place before re4 as well as expanding the game's potential. With re engine, the opposite happens, re7 and revillage feel like prelude " remakes " to the next games pretending as remakes. Re engine games try to be sequels, remakes, reimaginings and reboots but dont succeed at neither other than being trashpits. Idk how long this embarrassing direction is gonna continue, ı wished the series ended already.
RE6 is also more of a RE game than 4 and 5, if looked at logically. It's about a viral outbreak in a city or two, and there are zombies, following a long absence. Some zombies are in the DLC for RE5, sure, but they look more mummified and there's not many of them either. :(

RE was not intended to be just limited to cities. However looking at it from how the older games were, they follow a similar formulaic route. 4 and 5 are also action heavy, so if they keep saying that "RE6 sucks, because it's an action game" - then they should be critical of 4 and 5, but especially the one they glorify the most, which is 4. Because the last time we all looked, 4 has a lot of action. In fact, 6 allows you to move and shoot, so shouldn't those haters appreciate that control scheme?

It's fanboy, GameFAQs type hypocritical jive like this that I don't understand. There's so many people like that all over YouTube as well.

I also see that the same rule of sorts can apply to remakes with things missing. Like how 2 and 3 and now 4, all have cut content. They are all guilty of doing it, really. For I mean, Capcom does refer to all of them as being reimaginings of the originals, for a reason. But if one hates 3 for having things cut, then they shouldn't give 2 and, or, 4 a pass. Those gamers will just be presenting themselves as genuine hypocrites. :D
RE6 is also more of a RE game than 4 and 5, if looked at logically. It's about a viral outbreak in a city or two, and there are zombies, following a long absence. Some zombies are in the DLC for RE5, sure, but they look more mummified and there's not many of them either. :(

RE was not intended to be just limited to cities. However looking at it from how the older games were, they follow a similar formulaic route. 4 and 5 are also action heavy, so if they keep saying that "RE6 sucks, because it's an action game" - then they should be critical of 4 and 5, but especially the one they glorify the most, which is 4. Because the last time we all looked, 4 has a lot of action. In fact, 6 allows you to move and shoot, so shouldn't those haters appreciate that control scheme?

It's fanboy, GameFAQs type hypocritical jive like this that I don't understand. There's so many people like that all over YouTube as well.

I also see that the same rule of sorts can apply to remakes with things missing. Like how 2 and 3 and now 4, all have cut content. They are all guilty of doing it, really. For I mean, Capcom does refer to all of them as being reimaginings of the originals, for a reason. But if one hates 3 for having things cut, then they shouldn't give 2 and, or, 4 a pass. Those gamers will just be presenting themselves as genuine hypocrites. :D
I agree with your points overall. Re4r still seems to receive very high scores but ı dont care much for reviews. The game footage is also out on youtube now. Just wait when they release re5r and then everyone will point out the cut content there while excusing it with re4r in the same way many excusing re2r's cut content while overbashing re3r. I still dont think they will do recv or re6, ı think capcom prefers them to not exist save for quick references before glossing over them fast.
I usually facepalm when ı see elitists disliking re5 and re6 only to praise re engine as the right direction for the series. Those 2 games were pushing through sugimura's writing, even more so since chronicles games were made as prelude to them in regards to them going back to past while taking place before re4 as well as expanding the game's potential. With re engine, the opposite happens, re7 and revillage feel like prelude " remakes " to the next games pretending as remakes. Re engine games try to be sequels, remakes, reimaginings and reboots but dont succeed at neither other than being trashpits. Idk how long this embarrassing direction is gonna continue, ı wished the series ended already.

I REmember when a CapCom Japan employee said "if you try to please everybody, you please nobody" after BioHazard: RE6 was REleased. Ironically the quote is increasingly RElevant to the games developed in RE Engine.

BioHazard: RE6 was a narrative sequel but it gave us something close enough to a BioHazard 2 REmake and BioHazard 3 REmake with co-operative multiplayer. We can't even say that about the DLC in BioHazard 2 REmake. BioHazard: RE6 had co-operative multiplayer even before Project: REsistance was packaged with BioHazard 3 REmake.

I'll go as far as to say that BioHazard: RE6 influenced me to work on a BioHazard 1 fan REmake in Unreal Engine 4. I wanted to not only REvisit the Raccoon City/Raccoon Forest saga but more importantly, do a REfreshing REtake on it!🧠👨‍💻🎮:LOL:
I REmember when a CapCom Japan employee said "if you try to please everybody, you please nobody" after BioHazard: RE6 was REleased. Ironically the quote is increasingly RElevant to the games developed in RE Engine.

BioHazard: RE6 was a narrative sequel but it gave us something close enough to a BioHazard 2 REmake and BioHazard 3 REmake with co-operative multiplayer. We can't even say that about the DLC in BioHazard 2 REmake. BioHazard: RE6 had co-operative multiplayer even before Project: REsistance was packaged with BioHazard 3 REmake.

I'll go as far as to say that BioHazard: RE6 influenced me to work on a BioHazard 1 fan REmake in Unreal Engine 4. I wanted to not only REvisit the Raccoon City/Raccoon Forest saga but more importantly, do a REfreshing REtake on it!🧠👨‍💻🎮:LOL:
I wished the game didnt receive so much criticism back in 2012. That way capcom would have made a proper sequel to it before concluding the series permamently. According to the leak, re engine games are even described as " reboots " meaning they take re6 criticisms into account as a way to please the people who complained about the game at the time. I just dont think the amount of effort put into re6 is put into re engine games, they offer less than half value compared to re6. It had both director and writer returning as well as 2 producers returning. It was capcom's most passionate project at the time but sadly it didnt do as much as capcom intended. I miss the creativity during sugimura's and suga's writing eras deeply.
I wished the game didnt receive so much criticism back in 2012. That way capcom would have made a proper sequel to it before concluding the series permamently. According to the leak, re engine games are even described as " reboots " meaning they take re6 criticisms into account as a way to please the people who complained about the game at the time. I just dont think the amount of effort put into re6 is put into re engine games, they offer less than half value compared to re6. It had both director and writer returning as well as 2 producers returning. It was capcom's most passionate project at the time but sadly it didnt do as much as capcom intended. I miss the creativity during sugimura's and suga's writing eras deeply.

In other words, these RE Engine games were all developed under an "umbrella" of complaints about BioHazard: RE6. From this perspective, RE Engine is an "umbrella" Engine that makes the development team look like a caricature of Umbrella Corporation.
In other words, these RE Engine games were all developed under an "umbrella" of complaints about BioHazard: RE6. From this perspective, RE Engine is an "umbrella" Engine that makes the development team look like a caricature of Umbrella Corporation.
You're right, ucorps even brings back both wesker and umbrella with revival hints, re engine goes ahead and follows from this. They feel like simulation experiments as a way to tie up to ucorps.
If CapCom put me in charge of a BioHazard 3 REmake, I would have developed it with Unreal Engine because it's a Made In USA Engine that outshines the otherwise "umbrella" Engine manufactured by CapCom Japan.
So I am now at the part in the remake where you need a key card, and an electronically locked door has itself yet another stupid puzzle. 🤨

I swear, we ought to shoot the producer who thought that it would be a good idea to put puzzles in the one game that was lauded for the action sequences. 👎
I finished it years ago and I was a little disappointed too short for me!

Only 4 Hours to see the ending
If they kept in The Clocktower, Park, and Dead Factory levels it would of easily added another hour or more, not even sure why they bothered “remaking” it in such a lazy fashion. No love for RE3 </3
Should have kept the gas station, the original diner, and the press office too since now the city feels so small. Oh well, I'm kinda over it. It's fun to play while it lasts. But without the unique areas like the battle with Nicholai's helicopter on the tower and the remains of the Tyrant military fight this isn't the real story.

Though it's funny looking at the old posts about a 'Stalker Brad' mode and a BS news about the 'Nemesis Edition' when everyone was so desperate to believe it. Capcom's attitude towards DLC is pretty weird, when there was so much RE7 stuff but hardly anything elsewhere.
Should have kept the gas station, the original diner, and the press office too since now the city feels so small. Oh well, I'm kinda over it. It's fun to play while it lasts. But without the unique areas like the battle with Nicholai's helicopter on the tower and the remains of the Tyrant military fight this isn't the real story.

Though it's funny looking at the old posts about a 'Stalker Brad' mode and a BS news about the 'Nemesis Edition' when everyone was so desperate to believe it. Capcom's attitude towards DLC is pretty weird, when there was so much RE7 stuff but hardly anything elsewhere.
It still offers more than re7 though. Re7 even with dlcs feels empty, even more so after taking revillage into account. If capcom wanted, they could have combined both re7 and revillage into one game while concluding its story more akin to re6 but they just instead make a report a paid dlc rather than expanding the files free in the same way re6 did with re net. They are becoming so greedy with re engine.
Besides Lucas I did like The Bakers character developement and it helped to add a more personal story. It’s rare to see both sides when it comes to villains and The Bakers was a tragic one. They could of added side quests where you could try help rescue civilians in RE:3 but that also seems to be glanced over.
Can’t even go back to see Dario.

It’s so laughable how rushed RE:3 actually was compared to the rest of the RE Engine games. Imagine an RE:1 where you can see the Residence outside but can’t actually go there, that is RE:3 in a nutshell. You can see the locations from the classic but no way to visit without mods. It feels like Ghostbusters 2016 where the original cast didn’t even reprise their roles but played different characters. How can a director of a game be so ignorant and tone depth to the source material is beyond me.
Besides Lucas I did like The Bakers character developement and it helped to add a more personal story. It’s rare to see both sides when it comes to villains and The Bakers was a tragic one. They could of added side quests where you could try help rescue civilians in RE:3 but that also seems to be glanced over.
Can’t even go back to see Dario.

It’s so laughable how rushed RE:3 actually was compared to the rest of the RE Engine games. Imagine an RE:1 where you can see the Residence outside but can’t actually go there, that is RE:3 in a nutshell. You can see the locations from the classic but no way to visit without mods. It feels like Ghostbusters 2016 where the original cast didn’t even reprise their roles but played different characters. How can a director of a game be so ignorant and tone depth to the source material is beyond me.
I agree with your points but ı still cant see both re2-3r being quite stripped from their values compared to their og counterparts without taking re7 into account. It as a game also feels quite stripped compared to practically every past game in the series. The way they return to the so called " horror " with re engine feels quite forced and not something that feels earned that much. Despite my problems, rerev returns to a re1 approach better than re7 ı think.
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