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General Nitpicking...

Lucky you have that kind of patience. For me this whole spinning in circles using full herbs and wasting ammo thing was bad in 2009 and it's bad now. The PS4 playthrough I just finished will be the last and I kinda regret revisiting it.
But it still doesnt bother me so ı dont really get that " patience " thing in regards to partner aı. There are games in the series that have worse partner aı, like outbreak games for example. Now partner aı at those games is incredibly flawed and ı still cant stand to that hive scenario where if your partner dies, they become a leech zombie and you cant even defeat them there. Neither in re0 nor in re5, re6 and rerev2 this happens if your partner dies during the stories, they are much more forgiving by comparison. I'm still playing the game on ps4, ı'm trying to upgrade all weapons and get infinite ammo for all of them. Idk if ı would play professional cause ı dont remember liking that difficulty but ı might finish it on veteran after fully upgrading all weapons. Regardless it still surprised me how much ı enjoyed the game on ps4, ı think both re5 and re6 are better than re4 and ı still dont understand how re4 fans can even dislike those 2 games. The only way to enjoy re4 would be playing it on steam with tweaks patch otherwise the controls are unbearable.
ı think both re5 and re6 are better than re4 and ı still dont understand how re4 fans can even dislike those 2 games. The only way to enjoy re4 would be playing it on steam with tweaks patch otherwise the controls are unbearable.
Outbreak doesn't really count as a functional game to me so I don't see a comparison. On these other points I think it's time that I just agree to disagree.
Outbreak doesn't really count as a functional game to me so I don't see a comparison. On these other points I think it's time that I just agree to disagree.
I decided to mention them cause both re5 and re6 are inspired by outbreak games. Haruo murata who worked at those games as a writer returned for re5 while eiichiro sasaki returned to work as a director for re6. I kinda miss them, especially when re2-3-4r have developers returning from re5 but not those 2 developers. They are taking a very lazy route with re engine compared to past where there was more passion and effort put into the entries.
Yes. Outbreak is one of the better low budget games in the franchise. However, it's not the easiest game to play. I decided to have another attempt at it after years of leaving it alone, and Jesus, the controls are so sluggish...

Have you heard of an upcoming game called The Day Before? If so, do you think it will be decent? 🧟‍♂️
Yes. Outbreak is one of the better low budget games in the franchise. However, it's not the easiest game to play. I decided to have another attempt at it after years of leaving it alone, and Jesus, the controls are so sluggish...

Have you heard of an upcoming game called The Day Before? If so, do you think it will be decent? 🧟‍♂️
I find them difficult games as well but ı feel that the controls are a big improvement over the previous fixed camera angled games. Outbreak file 2 particularly allows you to move and shoot just like dead aim and yet re4 and re5 dont for some strange reason. Personally it's the virus meter mechanic ı'm not a fan of, it pretty much makes you rush through the scenarios fast, even re6 gives you more breath to relax and calm down compared to outbreak games. I would have preferred if that mechanic was optional. And no ıdk about that game you mention.
What's your user name on GameFAQs?

Somebody the other day on there said that RE6 is a masterpiece. I assumed it was you.

Most of the users on there fight amongst themselves. I keep saying I won't go back there, but at least the forum is always active. Because people reply all the time. The thread is now on the 19th page, I think. The one where I talk about being tired of remakes. Which I kind of am, to be honest.

One remake I am looking forward to though is Alone in the Dark from THQ Nordic.
What's your user name on GameFAQs?

Somebody the other day on there said that RE6 is a masterpiece. I assumed it was you.

Most of the users on there fight amongst themselves. I keep saying I won't go back there, but at least the forum is always active. Because people reply all the time. The thread is now on the 19th page, I think. The one where I talk about being tired of remakes. Which I kind of am, to be honest.

One remake I am looking forward to though is Alone in the Dark from THQ Nordic.
I saw your thread there. I didn't comment on that but unpopular opinion one where ı voiced my negativity about recvx there for the 1st time. Tbh ı think you should stop creating threads there along with new accounts. It doesnt serve much purpose.
I posted on NeoGAF for a while with a new account. They banned me again just for saying JoyFreak was copying their layout. I decided to return to GameFAQs because it's active there, but many other forums today are not.

Like I said, I only really post here, Silent Hill Community, and on dreamindemon.com because at least posts don't get censored on there. I've had issues posting on some other sites. You post, to find you are in moderation mode. Then you check back, but the post didn't get approved.

I am now very cautious about where I post. Forums with idiots makes me feel like the online world is dull. But there's that Australian guy pestering me into the bargain. I don't want to talk about him, as that's basically what he wants.

I had to install Gboard on my phone. I use a Samsung phone. My Ulefone was slow and so I binned it. But with Samsung's default keyboard, I was making too many spelling errors, and they don't allow you to edit posts on GameFAQs until you get a certain amount of karma. WTF? :(

Karma!? How babyish. :p
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