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General Nitpicking...

Well, I always wonder why most folk online openly hate on RE5, when 5 plays exactly like 4 does, clearly. I'd even say 6 plays better than 5, since you get more freedom to move around. Sure, it's an action game too like 4 and 5, but I think that was inevitable when they kept using the same hero figures of the franchise to go up against these organizations. So duh! 😵

While I am here, I also find it's hypocritical of the Silent Hill fans too, to hate 3 when 2 and 3 are the exact same sort of game. I'm not saying in any way that 2 is overrated. I guess it is, but 3 is the actual sequel to 1 and 2 is a separate story that doesn't have anything to do with Harry Mason, or Heather. So I don't understand why people don't seem to care much for 3, when 3 wasn't as awkward to play as 2, with that horrid apartments section or the hotel with the warping rooms, or whatever that was. There's a lot of backtracking in all of them, to be honest. 💬

Maybe it's Pyramid Head, right? Yeah, it's gotta be Pyramid Head. 🤔

But yes. Hypocritical people are rampant on gaming forums like GameFAQs, IGN, etc. They should like all of the games that play the same. Because honestly. I'd go as far as to say RE6 is RE's grand return and not 4 or 5.

Am I big fan of 6? No. Not especially. But then again, I blame 4 for the decline. But if you prefer the action RE games, you should probably like 4, 5 and 6 equally. It's like when people mock RE3, they clearly misjudge it as it plays almost like RE2 and 1. Yet you get more weapons. So yep. RE3 was the true beginning to the action era, even if they all have action oriented gameplay. 3 amped it up.

But 4 was overkill. I agree. 💣
Well, I always wonder why most folk online openly hate on RE5, when 5 plays exactly like 4 does, clearly. I'd even say 6 plays better than 5, since you get more freedom to move around. Sure, it's an action game too like 4 and 5, but I think that was inevitable when they kept using the same hero figures of the franchise to go up against these organizations. So duh! 😵

While I am here, I also find it's hypocritical of the Silent Hill fans too, to hate 3 when 2 and 3 are the exact same sort of game. I'm not saying in any way that 2 is overrated. I guess it is, but 3 is the actual sequel to 1 and 2 is a separate story that doesn't have anything to do with Harry Mason, or Heather. So I don't understand why people don't seem to care much for 3, when 3 wasn't as awkward to play as 2, with that horrid apartments section or the hotel with the warping rooms, or whatever that was. There's a lot of backtracking in all of them, to be honest. 💬

Maybe it's Pyramid Head, right? Yeah, it's gotta be Pyramid Head. 🤔

But yes. Hypocritical people are rampant on gaming forums like GameFAQs, IGN, etc. They should like all of the games that play the same. Because honestly. I'd go as far as to say RE6 is RE's grand return and not 4 or 5.

Am I big fan of 6? No. Not especially. But then again, I blame 4 for the decline. But if you prefer the action RE games, you should probably like 4, 5 and 6 equally. It's like when people mock RE3, they clearly misjudge it as it plays almost like RE2 and 1. Yet you get more weapons. So yep. RE3 was the true beginning to the action era, even if they all have action oriented gameplay. 3 amped it up.

But 4 was overkill. I agree. 💣

When there's so many issues that are more time worthy (healthcare, etc), nitpicking of BioHazard: RE games ironically validates Albert Wesker's "the human race requires judgement!" one-liner in BioHazard: RE5!🧠🎮:LOL:
Yeah. But this is a huge issue on GameFAQs and other platforms like YouTube.

They're biased towards certain games, because they glorify the originals too much. I noticed it after the RE2 remake came out, followed by 3. People were constantly shitting on 3 for having cut content, which I can admit, was a lot. But I seldomly ever noticed people criticising RE2 for doing the same thing. Hence as to why it felt hypocritical. ;)
Yeah. But this is a huge issue on GameFAQs and other platforms like YouTube.

They're biased towards certain games, because they glorify the originals too much. I noticed it after the RE2 remake came out, followed by 3. People were constantly shitting on 3 for having cut content, which I can admit, was a lot. But I seldomly ever noticed people criticising RE2 for doing the same thing. Hence as to why it felt hypocritical. ;)

These people ironically REemphasize the 'evil' in resident evil. For that matter, those people operate an "umbrella" of red flags within the BioHazard: RE community!🧠:LOL:
Yeah. But this is a huge issue on GameFAQs and other platforms like YouTube.

They're biased towards certain games, because they glorify the originals too much. I noticed it after the RE2 remake came out, followed by 3. People were constantly shitting on 3 for having cut content, which I can admit, was a lot. But I seldomly ever noticed people criticising RE2 for doing the same thing. Hence as to why it felt hypocritical. ;)

CapCom cutted out QTEs from the BioHazard 4 REmake and these hypocrites won't even complain about that. I'll develop QTEs with my BioHazard 1 fan REmake even if it means inviting pitchforks and torches from those hypocrites. These hypocrites are themselves a caricature of the Ganados!🧠👨‍💻:LOL:🎮
Well, I always wonder why most folk online openly hate on RE5, when 5 plays exactly like 4 does, clearly. I'd even say 6 plays better than 5
I would say a significant difference compared with RE4 is that RE5 & 6 have common enemies with guns and you have fire fights with enemies popping up from cover and firing guns at you. In RE5 that starts in about Chapter 5 I think and I remember how shocked I was at the time. Then RE6 has more of those types of fire fights in it. In both of those games I remember thinking at the time that this is not Resident Evil and I had to come back to RE5 & 6 later with a different attitude to appreciate them properly. I didn't have that reaction when I played RE4, even though it is more of an action game compared to previous titles.
Especially the battles with El Gigante and Ndesu are exactly the same, right.

The only difference was the execution of those boss battles. Ndesu is a spiritual remake of El Gigante and that's very poetic because Umbrella Corporation was created by a European colonization of Africa in the BioHazard: RE narrative timeline🧠🎮
I mean, it was sarcasm. The execution is completely different, but this is a good example of why RE5 and RE4 are different designs.

Firstly, Resident Evil 4 is not a cooperative game, which affects many aspects of the experience, and the game as a whole gives you more freedom and exploration. This is already enough reasons why a fan of this game can find reasons not to like RE5.
Yeah I thought it was the same... until I played RE4 recently and then went back to RE5. In theory a live selection inventory should be good.... except you have to manage Sheva's items in the middle of a fight. But you cannot trust her with the health items (or heavy ammo in attack mode) in case she wastes them. Which she will. Plus there a bunch of moments that require team work, for example the Wesker hangar fight. This alone cripples the game in many sequences unless you do co-op. And Capcom should stop pushing co-op games on us. Beyond gameplay there are various other problems in terms of level design/creature design creativity and story tone, but that's another topic I won't get into for a game from 2009. It's time to move on.

Silent Hill 3 though? That's the last good game in the series......
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I'm continuing to play re5 on ps3 right now and ı dont understand how people can like re4 but dislike re5 along with re6 either. Compared to re4's ps2 port that ı played on pcsx2, it felt much more polished and the game also feels more polished than its pc port. Re5 received some of the worst pc ports ı've ever seen in my life. Compared to re4 and re6 which received much better releases on steam, re5's feels like downgrade by comparison. And even more of those steam patches, ugh...
I miss the more action upping direction too. Re2 is also more action oriented than re1 with a bigger scale to the point it changes the size of raccoon. Re3 does this but more so. Then starting with recv is when the sequels take place in new environments. Dead aim, re4, re5 and re6. I feel conflicted at including dead aim here but it's the story that takes place after recv with its new bigger locations. None of the next other released stories during sugimura's writing era takes place after recv, only dead aim does.
Yeah. I seen videos of people saying that it is funny to dislike 5 and love 4, since 5 repeats elements from 4. And 6 is the only RE-ish game from 4-6 anyway. The Las Plagas plot was all alien to me. Then 6 felt like RE was back to basics.

But 7 and 8? LOL.
I think marshlands chapter is the best one in re5. That chapter is so comfortable to farm money through. You can even get free rpg, in re4, you cant replay past chapters which feels like an annoyance but in re5 you can. In re6, it's also possible to replay chapters but it doesnt feel as helpful as in re5's case.
After finishing the game on ps3, ı can safely say that ı think re5 is better than re4's ps2 version. However it didnt come with gold edition dlcs, particularly jill ones. The person who repaired my ps3 at the time didnt include those parts it seems.
Well, I always give unfavorable opinions on RE5 etc, because I like my horror games to be scary, and now that RE is anything but that, I enjoy them at face value for their storylines, more than anything. So there's essentially other survival horror games I chase after now, that gives me a much better experience as a genre buff. ;)

In other words, they fill a void when RE games don't satisfy me, because I feel they stopped being scary. And I consider them to be more like science fiction thrillers nowadays. :)
I decided to buy re5 on ps4 during a sale. Apparently gold edition needs to be obtained separately so rather than getting more content there, ı took a new step and got the game on ps4 instead. I started playing it from the stratch. I will say it's better than both ps3 and especially pc ports, just did the 1st chapter. However just like re6's ps4 port, ı dont like aiming / shooting with l2 / r2, ı prefer l1 / r1. Between re5 and re6, ı think the former has more effort put into its port than the latter, it's so much more improved from that pc port, while re6's ps4 port was mostly lifted from steam with not that much amount of noteworthy changes ı noticed. Graphics particularly feel much more improved from pc for re5 compared to re6.
I think RE5 or CV will be their next remake project. But it will probably more so be CV, which is the obvious choice. 🤔


Many fans were kind of surprised RE4 was remade first. It's not even that old. Although I know Capcom just went with that to bring in more cash. Which doesn't surprise me. Just how many times was RE4 ported to other formats since it was initially released in 2005? 😶 💰

🤑 🙈
Re6 steam > Re5 ps4 = Re6 ps4 > Re6 ps3 > Re5 ps3 > Re4 steam > Re5 steam > Re4 ps2 >>>>>>> Re4 all other ports ( Only tried gamecube and wii versions on dolphin emulator but ı didnt like them. )
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