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General Name five things you currently hate about Resident Evil...

Having no established villains for multiple games after Albert Wesker’s death.
A question but would you like to see carla again if capcom's interested to bring her back? Her fate is left on some kind of a cliffhanger or at least it feels like it. Did you check the thread that ı created about her? She could be the next mainstay villain for couple games, this would be refreshing too since she has nothing to do with wesker, umbrella, project w, spencer etc. I like her a lot more than " she-wesker " .
Outside of RE5/RE6, I don't see any point to calling the overall RE series action/adventure
Well if you think this way, then you might as well say capcom returned to re1's roots with those games. Since the magazines for re1 list the game's genre as action / arcade adventure. Lets say survival horror " became " a game genre sometime after re1 for a replacement for action-adventure. If people think re5 and re6 are the death of survival horror; then without being aware of it, they would be saying " The franchise returned to roots! " or something like that. They would be actually praising those games despite their intention being negative.

Personally ı never liked the " Return to roots " statement said for games released after re6. Cause the franchise never went away from its roots and even if it was; it doesnt seem like a bad thing cause the change seems satisfying for previously explained reasons. This is one of the reasons why ı have some disdain against rerev games cause their selling point seems to be " horror " for fans who dislike many of the action aspects of re5 and re6. They dont seem to have much value storywise either, at least not as interesting as chronicles games in this aspect imo.
What does " hollywood " and " indie " mean exactly? I understand re6 gives a similar feeling that degeneration and damnation do but it has a reason to do so. Btw you forgot to include outbreak games which are very unique games that have similar camera style to recv.
Indie, meaning new, or not established. Not that they were ever really indie. But I meant that they were fresh and yet to receive the doing over that would occur later in their lifespan.

And "Hollywood" meaning Michael Bay style explosions, cutting and pasting prior ideas in an attempt to cater to multiple fans, and lots and lots of cheesy action hero phrases. 😁
Well ı would say re4 and especially re6 also feel fresh with their changes. Re5 not so much since it's too similar to re4. Not that that's a bad thing but as a product; it doesnt make it as interesting or unique as re6 imo.

And ı never liked micheal bay statements, especially when it's said for re6. I didnt watch those movies nor that ı'm interested. But ı think those movies are mindless. I wouldnt call 4 / 5 / 6 mindless personally, they have plenty of horror elements too just like having a lot of action. Capcom was always catering to new fans, starting with re2 or even re1 director's cut. And the franchise was always cheesy, intentional or not.

" You cant kill me! "

" You lose, big guy! "

" Hey! It's up to us to take out umbrella! "

" All the foxy ladies love my accent, it drives them crazy! "

" You want stars? I'll give you stars! "

" Your knight in shining armor is here! "

Just some examples of cheesy lines.
A question but would you like to see carla again if capcom's interested to bring her back? Her fate is left on some kind of a cliffhanger or at least it feels like it. Did you check the thread that ı created about her? She could be the next mainstay villain for couple games, this would be refreshing too since she has nothing to do with wesker, umbrella, project w, spencer etc. I like her a lot more than " she-wesker " .
She was the least developed character in RE6 so I am indifferent if she comes back but that would be more interesting than the mold returning again. All we know is that she was a genius scientist who continued Birkin and Alexia's work and she really wanted in Simmons pants to the point of becoming his crush. The way she was "killed off" by liquid nitrogen was sloppy since it seemed she could clone herself infinitely and was becoming apart of the ship. Maybe The Family/US Government took samples of her body so her or Wesker could come back again by cloning.

I think Capcom won't bother though since they want to keep newer mainline games as fresh as possible, even if it means bringing in aliens.
I think the series has become like other things about zombies, in that it has gone on so long, the story is more convuluted than exciting.

In the earliest episodes of the The Walking Dead for example, you had just a group of characters, who had to come together to survive. Now many, many groups have came together. Nobody knows who a lot of characters are any more, as they just come out of the blue in rather forced upon ways. You're supposed to believe the main cast has known a massive black guy called Duncan, for years. Yet he dies in one brief scene. That caused some people to make snide memes about how they're gonna be "missed" and all.

In RE, they make so many plot threads and viruses, that even if you wanted an argument you could win, how could you achieve that? :D


BSAA North America
then you might as well say capcom returned to re1's roots with those games. Since the magazines for re1 list the game's genre as action / arcade adventure. Lets say survival horror " became " a game genre sometime after re1 for a replacement for action-adventure. If people think re5 and re6 are the death of survival horror; then without being aware of it, they would be saying " The franchise returned to roots! "

I think you are taking these 90's indie magazines way too literally. They just used a term that people were familiar with before this new genre was coined.

But, without even utilizing the term Survival Horror, (just forget the "official" genre for a second) the fact of the matter is that the first Resident Evil games are horror games first and foremost. Their main MO was to illicit intense feelings of fear and claustrophobia. To give players a real feeling of barely surviving crippling odds. To limit the amount of times they can fuck up before realizing that cost them their life/progress. To shroud them in atmosphere. To tell them a narrative grotesque proportions.

RE6 didnt do those things the same way. Is it horror game? Sure. Does it fit the mold of what those earlier RE games standardized? Not one bit. And the majority of long time players realized this. Capcom realized this. You had more freedom, more jumping, more running, more bullets, more explosions, more ACTION. It was indeed very different than Sweet Home, Clock Tower, Silent Hill, and any Resident Evil before it. It doesn't make it bad. But people who have been playing this series from the start all noticed it was not the same thing. It is because it isn't. Semantics be damned.

Does RE6 belong in RE? Thats up to the player to decide. I personally think it does. I wish it did a lot of things more traditionally though. And I sure as hell ain't going to pretend that it's the same thing that came before because it isnt.

I think you like RE6 a whole lot and you are trying to justify its existence among its predecessors. Which you shouldnt have to.

As a "made up" genre, Survival Horror for a long time has been something extremely specific to a lot of players. Whether or not it is "real". There is also wiggle room in genre. Genres become redefined with time. Maybe RE6 can be deemed Survival Horror by contemporary standards. But at the time it wasn't. It was an action game in the way that RE games before were not. Much like how the first RE games were horror games like most action games were not. RE6 shared much more DNA with pure action games and shooters and run and gun titles. Which was the problem with fans in the first place and Capcom even admitted it with its "return to roots" campaign.
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Well, Alien is a horror film. So the same formula has been applied to Resident Evil beginning as horror, and then becoming rather daft later on.

Aliens is more of an epic action drama, with shades of horror. I don't agree when people say it is not a horror film. It is very terrifying to first time viewers. The rest are crap.

Too many horror franchises turn dumb, like Leprechaun, Friday the 13th, and so on. But the main villain is a hoot to witness, which is why they still appeal to fans for a while, until even they lose interest when the actor gets old, or the story becomes integrated with reality. Like real life rappers appearing. Oh my God...


BSAA North America
Alien franchise is a good analogy.

The franchise, overall, is considered Sci-fi/Horror.

Just because the second one, Aliens, is also an action movie, doesnt make it not a horror adjacent film. And it doesnt mean we should classify the rest of the franchise as action films just because they had hints of action but one in particular went all out on it.

Its also all so moot. RE is Survival Horror in its DNA and at its roots, whether or not the term was made up by the company who birthed these games. Survival Horror defines the small sect of games that had similar playstyles that were unique among other horror games and differentiated themselves from action/adventure games. It was never action/adventure until it WAS action/adventure. Thats why there are so many people who rag on the title or two that went that direction. There is merit to these complaints is all I am saying.
I think you are taking these 90's indie magazines way too literally. They just used a term that people were familiar with before this new genre was coined.

But, without even utilizing the term Survival Horror, (just forget the "official" genre for a second) the fact of the matter is that the first Resident Evil games are horror games first and foremost. Their main MO was to illicit intense feelings of fear and claustrophobia. To give players a real feeling of barely surviving crippling odds. To limit the amount of times they can fuck up before realizing that cost them their life/progress. To shroud them in atmosphere. To tell them a narrative grotesque proportions.

RE6 didnt do those things the same way. Is it horror game? Sure. Does it fit the mold of what those earlier RE games standardized? Not one bit. And the majority of long time players realized this. Capcom realized this. You had more freedom, more jumping, more running, more bullets, more explosions, more ACTION. It was indeed very different than Sweet Home, Clock Tower, Silent Hill, and any Resident Evil before it. It doesn't make it bad. But people who have been playing this series from the start all noticed it was not the same thing. It is because it isn't. Semantics be damned.

Does RE6 belong in RE? Thats up to the player to decide. I personally think it does. I wish it did a lot of things more traditionally though. And I sure as hell ain't going to pretend that it's the same thing that came before because it isnt.

I think you like RE6 a whole lot and you are trying to justify its existence among its predecessors. Which you shouldnt have to.

As a "made up" genre, Survival Horror for a long time has been something extremely specific to a lot of players. Whether or not it is "real". There is also wiggle room in genre. Genres become redefined with time. Maybe RE6 can be deemed Survival Horror by contemporary standards. But at the time it wasn't. It was an action game in the way that RE games before were not. Much like how the first RE games were horror games like most action games were not. RE6 shared much more DNA with pure action games and shooters and run and gun titles. Which was the problem with fans in the first place and Capcom even admitted it with its "return to roots" campaign.
I understand the points you make. Yes horror is important but ı feel like horror and " survival horror " are somewhat exaggerated by fans, especially for some games. While for other like re6; they was downplayed. Like ı said; " horror " / " survival horror " aspect of re6 worked for me since it was the 1st re game that ı played and the monsters looked threatening at that time.

I'm aware the game is extremely different but it feels like a good thing. Plus they've been making changes for the franchise starting with re2. Many of the entries before re6 feel similar despite having plenty of differences cause they wanted to keep the limitations for those games, even for re4 and re5. With re6, it was the right time to go with freedom approach. That makes the game more fresh and new.


RE is Survival Horror in its DNA
I wouldnt say that. I would say resident evil's " dna " is biohazard. Cause that's the actual name of the franchise and in japan, that's how the entries are called. That feels like the main theme of the franchise as well.

" Survival horror " isnt used for many of the entries in the franchise. Some use different marketing terms. Those entries are usually ignored and downplayed cause they are spinoffs. This is a big problem for chronicles games cause they are very valuable storywise.

There is merit to these complaints is all I am saying.
You might disagree with me on this but ı dont think there's really any merit when it comes to complaints made for re6. I've read many negative opinions and they come off as confusing with fans sounding like they dont know what they want. I wouldnt take them that much seriously.
Alien franchise is a good analogy.

The franchise, overall, is considered Sci-fi/Horror.

Just because the second one, Aliens, is also an action movie, doesnt make it not a horror adjacent film. And it doesnt mean we should classify the rest of the franchise as action films just because they had hints of action but one in particular went all out on it.

Its also all so moot. RE is Survival Horror in its DNA and at its roots, whether or not the term was made up by the company who birthed these games. Survival Horror defines the small sect of games that had similar playstyles that were unique among other horror games and differentiated themselves from action/adventure games. It was never action/adventure until it WAS action/adventure. Thats why there are so many people who rag on the title or two that went that direction. There is merit to these complaints is all I am saying.
I personally dont watch many movies. However a friend of mine said this to me and ı agree with it:

" I genuinely think people get so stuck on how the REmake made them feel that they forget what RE has always been like. The slow-paced horror works, but it's not really the heart of the series nor has it ever been. Even with the new games, they slip into series tropes very often that people typically dislike (but not when these do it, of course). In my mind, the series has always fallen somewhere between Romero's Dead series, the Alien series, and the Terminator series. RE6 does a good job of portraying that. "
I sometimes find it hard to engage with the RE community too, especially after that nonsense with Nemesis on YouTube. But at the end of the day, Capcom is content to keep doing half-assed remakes, go back to 1998 with tacky online games, and bring back characters in weird ways, to milk the franchise into the ground.

So I gave up caring, since people are not swayed by a reality check. Now I just judge the games once I play them, knowing I will probably be a bit amused, but more so disappointed.

In fact, I do think Naughty Dog is better than Capcom, when it comes to delivering a superb experience.
I just wish Capcom would move on from 1998. We understand. This was when RE was at its best. But I feel as if outside of fans giving them a pat on the back, it's hindering them going forward with newer stories. And I'm honestly concerned that they're struggling with new ideas, which is why they used so many horror movie "homages" in 7. It was a good game, sure. But much of it felt like it rehashed classic horror movie moments, so it wasn't very original. And I think the enemies being so cheaply designed, was because Capcom, wanted it out while the Silent Hills buzz was still high. Compared to other games, 7 was severely lacking a wide range of creatures.

And I don't like how they lied with 8 being more action focused, because people claim 7 was "too scary". A load of bullshit, really. I mean, fans actually *WANTED* the franchise to go back to survival horror because of the action based sequels, but then 8 goes back to the RE4 audience. Now they're gonna revisit RE4 with a full on remake, so 8 was a love letter to 4 anyway. Do you see where I'm going with this? :D

All they've been doing is using the same ideas again, and even the same enemy AI, which people are starting to see needs worked on. The plot for 8 is just like 4. A van is hijacked. You need to save a person. A village is invaded. There's a castle, a vendor, a house, a lake, and a factory. It's all the same, really. :D
She was the least developed character in RE6 so I am indifferent if she comes back but that would be more interesting than the mold returning again. All we know is that she was a genius scientist who continued Birkin and Alexia's work and she really wanted in Simmons pants to the point of becoming his crush. The way she was "killed off" by liquid nitrogen was sloppy since it seemed she could clone herself infinitely and was becoming apart of the ship. Maybe The Family/US Government took samples of her body so her or Wesker could come back again by cloning.

I think Capcom won't bother though since they want to keep newer mainline games as fresh as possible, even if it means bringing in aliens.
I liked her in the game personally. I thought she was very charismatic plus she had a good va just like everyone else. She even appears in marhawa desire and ı like her cloak which makes her look intimidating.

A " Chaotic evil vs lawful evil " fight wouldnt be out of place for the series imo. If capcom's planning to do that, then ı would be very happy if carla was brought back. It's possible she could have survived. Maybe create some neo umbrella survivors who wants to recreate the organization. Some could be even spies within the family. That would cause a lot of chaos in bio-real world. I didnt even mention governments fighting with each other using bows after bsaa got destroyed.

If capcom's planning to make villains win, then this means ı need to make a choice between " chaotic " and " lawful " . Between those, ı would rather pick " chaotic " and have carla laugh over her enemies with her victory. I'm more a fan of everything being destroyed with nothing left over laws being completely corrupted and only some bad guys being benefitted from this. Either a completely peaceful world or a completely destroyed world with nothing left. Not a completely corrupted world which isnt worth to live in.

Carla also left a better impression on me than wesker. She 1st appeared in re6 while wesker 1st appeared in re1. He appeared again but the way he was used was quite a mixed bag. Other than umbrella chronicles, he felt quite one dimensional though his appearance in re5 is still iconic until he mutates. I'm gonna be honest, ı'm not the biggest fan of wesker, spencer and umbrella like many people are. I'm more a fan of government corruption, neo umbrella, simmons and carla.

I'm also a fan of god of war series, greek era only. Kratos destroyed the greek world which was lawful evil while kratos was presenting chaotic evil. Couldnt carla become death itself like kratos? Re6's " NO HOPE LEFT " messages would come into play if carla won.

Sorry if my idea might seem crazy. I just wanted to look at the series from another angle. It might not happen but ı still want to mention it. I'm still wondering how long the series is gonna continue.
You know ı always wonder why this' series name is " resident evil " or " biohazard " . I think they have meaning. Let me try to give an explanation.

About " resident evil " ; ı got the idea that the name's meaning is evil has to reside in a .... Location. This " location " doesnt have to be limited to one thing like a building. " Evil " seems to be used in a general way, not just monsters but evil people that's not infected too. As series went on, evil became more and more common and it found more place to reside. Notice " evil " word again. Am ı supposed to get the feeling that evil is gonna win and in the end, there will be nothing left in this " mad world " ? Cause everyone will kill and destroy each other, basically the purpose of becoming evil in the 1st place.

As for " biohazard " ; what that means is it's a hazard to environment that's biological. Again this " hazard " found more places to exist as series went on. Am ı supposed to believe that " hazard " eventually is gonna destroy everything? Pretty much nothing will be left to exist.

Honestly russident might be right on this. Evil or hazard will never stop to exist, fights will continue and in the end, it will reach to a stop. It has to.

Honestly the more ı think about it, the more ı find reasons why carla's actions was understandable and why ı should want her to win over any other villains if evil absolutely has to win.

I dont think ı would like a world that's completely corrupted with no good people, justice, equality, optimism etc. in it.

Umbrella wanted evolution with only specific people benefitting from it. That doesnt sound " equality " to me. Alexia and wesker wanted evolution with their ultimate weapons. Only evolved people benefitting from t-veronica or uroboros would rise and they obviously wouldnt be good people. Evil would exist without any good in it.

I understand more about carla due to this. She didnt want to destroy the world just as a payback against simmons, she knew about umbrella and she wanted that to suffer too. Us government made dealings with umbrella and that's why carla's organization is named " neo umbrella " . It's a new umbrella that has nothing to do with og company, it's meant to be some kind of a rivalry against it as well as us government and others that made dealings with umbrella.

If good people arent gonna win their fight and create a new world with no evil or corruption in it, then this means nothing should exist in the end. No hope left after all.

And the answer to " nothing " would be carla and neo umbrella who want chaos over order like wesker and umbrella want. That sounds more " justice " to me than " order " and evolution with only some people benefitting from this. If a world without " good " and " equality " is gonna exist, then this means evil shouldnt exist too.

Due to this, ı believe in carla supremacy. She... Must... Win...

Very cash grabby, truth be told, and also annoying because of the lack of care to make them like the originals, and missing creatures and areas that "cameo" in the distance, that you NEVER get to visit. Also, the mood is a bit meh, meh, meh, at times as well. If you treat them as general zombie games, then it's just like, whatever.

Re-used assets!

Lady Dimitrescu's castle is just the Baker estate, but tweaked to well, resemble a castle like environment. Same boring AI. Hen, surely to God you can jump over that table. It's really not that hard. Big claws and all, you could easily extend your reach. Mr. X is more like Mr. Never Flex. :D

RIP Chris!

Is he going senile or something? He adds that feeling of, "I'm only here so you can still call it RE" and he also acts way off nowadays. His redesign for 7 sucked monkey spunk, too.

People whining about Leon!

He is the backbone of RE overall, as much as Chris and Jill. Don't like him being in so much media that Capcom churns out!? STFU. K? Ta! ;)

1998 - I'll never forget it!

For the love of God. Capcom... STOP DOING THESE POINTLESS AND VASTLY PISH SPIN OFFS. Because 1998 ended in 1999. :(

P.S. F*ck my Android TV box, for messing up the text! :p

Downgrade in gameplay mechanics, especially in RE engine era.

There was no need to downgrade the sweet/precise gunplay from 5 & 6 to a floaty misaligned mess that is RE Engine gunplay.

Seriously. Survival horror does NOT mean you nerf the aiming/shooting. That's what resource management, ammo scarcity, and puzzles are for.

Dead Space and Lost In Nightmares (RE5 DLC) are good examples of survival horror having good gunplay.

The aiming/shooting in RE2R is absolute crap with horrible gun sounds.
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