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General Name five things you currently hate about Resident Evil...


Very cash grabby, truth be told, and also annoying because of the lack of care to make them like the originals, and missing creatures and areas that "cameo" in the distance, that you NEVER get to visit. Also, the mood is a bit meh, meh, meh, at times as well. If you treat them as general zombie games, then it's just like, whatever.

Re-used assets!

Lady Dimitrescu's castle is just the Baker estate, but tweaked to well, resemble a castle like environment. Same boring AI. Hen, surely to God you can jump over that table. It's really not that hard. Big claws and all, you could easily extend your reach. Mr. X is more like Mr. Never Flex. :D

RIP Chris!

Is he going senile or something? He adds that feeling of, "I'm only here so you can still call it RE" and he also acts way off nowadays. His redesign for 7 sucked monkey spunk, too.

People whining about Leon!

He is the backbone of RE overall, as much as Chris and Jill. Don't like him being in so much media that Capcom churns out!? STFU. K? Ta! ;)

1998 - I'll never forget it!

For the love of God. Capcom... STOP DOING THESE POINTLESS AND VASTLY PISH SPIN OFFS. Because 1998 ended in 1999. :(

P.S. F*ck my Android TV box, for messing up the text! :p


BSAA North America
- No more Fixed-Camera titles: I rather like the over-the-shoulder and first-person RE games. I just wish that there was main series games still being made in the fixed-camera style. As it is wholly original and made RE what it is. After REV3, do a new trilogy of Fixed-Camera titles!

- The inability to follow upon anything: Every main title brings a new loose thread into the fray only to be ignored in the next title by introducing another loose thread.

- Code: Veronica needs a Remake: I honestly cannot believe they are skipping over C:V for RE4, which IMO doesn't need a Remake at all. It is near perfect and still looks good on modern displays.

- Umbrella's End and Operation: Javier: I actually love these stories, I think they are super important to the overall story of the first four games up to RE4. It is a CRIME they are in crappy on-rails shooter versions of the OG games and on-rails shooters themselves.

- The movies: Not the actual canon Capcom CGI stuff. The bullshit Anderson films, and what looks to be trashy Netflix movie.
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Having to adjust the camera while controlling your game character. I liked it when the camera would either be still or move with your actions (like RE4, 5).

Let's face it, I'm 39 and video games are just not as appealing to me anymore like it used to. I'd be happy if Resident Evil was movies from now on, especially the CGI ones.


BSAA North America
6. Re6 bullying meme and re6 hate bandwagon. ( Yes, ı will include this here too. )

I totally get that, I have a lot of dislike for hatred bandwagons in other fandoms. For me, RE6 is the worst RE by a long margin. But I still play it often enough, along with the rest, and do find immense enjoyment out of it. It did a lot right. I do wish it had more limited control scheme more similar to RE4/RE5 to make it feel more claustrophobic and less QTE and explosions though. Love both Chris and Leons Scenarios. Love seeing and playing as Sherry, The Mercenaries, and the homage to Nemmy with Ustanak. Great scenarios all around tbh.
I cannot call RE6 a horror game. Not even close. But it does have some RE like overtones, especially in Leon's campaign.

I must say that the opening part in the president's building, was actually very well done and atmospheric. Another part I can say I like is the section where you are helped by a group of ill-fated survivors, and you run over the fat f*cker with a getaway bus. That's cool. It was like Robert Kendo was watching down from the sky, smiling with approval. :p

The rest? Well... I don't think RE6 is a bad game. But it's not really that creepy. It even has some lame puzzles, kind of like how Village was designed as mostly an action game with some "scary" stuff involved. But the puzzle parts are piss compared to years ago.

Now granted, I don't care for puzzles anyway. But I can see why people think Capcom skimped on these sections. They are too simple. :D

I miss the zombies. People universally hate RE6, but hell. It has zombies!

It also has, gosh, Leon, Ada, Chris, Sherry and Ingrid, all returning from previous games. So it did have an all-star cast! ;)


BSAA North America
I mean none of re games are horror games anyway.

I am sorry, but RE is inherently horror. The first two literally kept me up at night in the 90s. It seems we may have different definitions of horror and that's ok too. Only RE5/RE6 lean into action/adventure. Arguably RE4 and REV. That doesnt mean they are also not horror games. Because they are. But ∅/1/2/3/C:V/7/8 don't have any traditional action/adventure elements in them.

As for re6; it was the 1st re game that ı played and the monsters looked threatening at that time so ı started on easiest difficulty and moved my way to the top. So ı would say re6 has plenty of horror elements just like having a lot of action.

This is why you see the series as an action/adventure series and also probably why you love RE6 a lot. It was your first. RE6 is a good game but it is hard for me to agree that its the same thing that came before or after. Maybe that helps contribute to its originality.

RE6 is an Action/Adventure Horror title. While the rest are most definitely easier defined as strictly Horror and Survival. That isnt saying there arent action-esque moments in them though.


BSAA North America
Sure resident evil is in horror genre just like action but ı still wouldnt call them horror or action games. I would call them action-adventure games cause that's the actual genre of the franchise and covers them all in a broader way.

Very hard disagree. Though I am certain that I cant change your mind. I have a friend who refuses to go into the first cabin in RE4, due to being afraid. That sort of thing is not going to happen when he is playing Spider-man 2. Another friend who refuses to play the series at all because RE3 scared him as a kid and he doesnt like scary movies. Not going to happen with Uncharted. Horror elements override any type action/adventure tropes you are apparently seeing in abundance.

Either way, if it was a marketing term, Survival Horror has become a legitimate sub-genre that inspired future games and retroactively labeled games, but thats not the point. Its not about what Capcom labels them for marketing. It's about what they are in the ether. And what atmospheres, tones, designs, feelings, tropes, and claustrophobic gameplay schemes, they enact. Its about the intention of the game by Capcom in the first place. RE's GOAL is to scare. So in that way Survival Horror is a great explanatory term. The series overall is Horror to the tee.

I guess we will agree to disagree. If you are looking to get super technical about it, sure, I guess. But there is absolutely zero reason to do that. Outside of RE5/RE6, I don't see any point to calling the overall RE series action/adventure, especially in regard to recommending them to anybody. Because it would be extremely false advertising.
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In no order...

1. People hating Leon and Ada as well as the relationship between them.

2. People hating RE4 or RE6, especially the latter.

3. Capcom's new direction for the series after RE6.

4. Claire not being voiced by Alyson Court anymore.

I dont know what to add for 5th one. It might be a repetition so I would rather leave it alone. Though I agree a lot with what Mert says.
1. Shipping in general. I am tired of going on social media and having ships forced down my throat. Especially if people keep trying to convince me it's canon when that's never been confirmed (Chris x Piers, Jill x Carlos). Ship who you like, I'm fine with that, but just because two characters get along well doesn't mean they're in love.
Though that's a fandom problem, not a problem with the series.

2. Leon's new VA. In RE2 Remake it made sense, but in Infinite Darkness it kind of put me off if I am honest.
Same goes for Chris, actually. I miss RCS. And I still keep hearing Carlos when I play Village, whereas Heisenberg being voiced by the same guy as Nikolai 3make doesn't bother me too much, as they sound different enough.

3. As OP said, cash grabby remakes. I always wanted a remake of CV as it's my favourite RE game, but after seeing how 3 was treated I'm not too sure anymore.

4. Indeed people hating on games, especially 6. I never understood the sheer hatred I see sometimes. I understand some might dislike it, but they took a bit too far in my opinion. I enjoyed it for what it is, personally.

5. So many unresolved plot points. Oh, and characters that only appear once, just be killed off or never to be seen again. Every. Single. Game.
I guess there's nothing in the BIO series that I hate.

However, I've had a lot of negative experiences in the community, but I don't hate it either.

Every year I understand more and more that there is no point in hatred. If a person considers some movie or some game to be the worst in the history of art, why does they necessarily need to hate it? And it's the same with toxic positivity: a strong attachment to games is also an issue. You risk starting to treat real people like garbage for the sake of computer code.

I personally found this video very inspiring, but for a reason that wasn't shown in it.

Do you see how painstaking and long this work is? As soon as the monks reach the final result, they destroy their work in a matter of seconds. In this way they train themselves not to get attached to things, since everything eventually has its end.
Yeah, why are fans shipping Leon with Claire these days?
Probably cause of RE2 Remake. It spawned the Redfield Bloodline meme which isnt funny at all. The game also downplays Ada IMO, her interactions with Leon was lacking when compared to other games that had them together. Their interactions previously felt stronger and more emotional.

RE2make would have been far greater with her presence.
Yeah definitely. I would also prefer either Paul Mercier or Matthew Mercer to voice Leon and I'm a big fan of Sally Cahill and Courtenay Taylor as well so I would prefer either one of them to return to voice Ada too.

I always wanted a remake of CV as it's my favourite RE game, but after seeing how 3 was treated I'm not too sure anymore.
They wont remake RECV. They will go ahead and ruin RE4, a game that doesnt even need a remake. It still holds up and looks fine.

But anyway; I found an answer to my 5th point. It's without a doubt Redfield Bloodline meme which is completely obnoxious.
1. Remakes (not counting the first one)
I abhor the two latest remakes, the changes in the story always make me groan, and the awkward conversations between the characters feels so stilted. The action is fine, and there are terrifying moments, but when they are the only thing really available for newcomers to the series while the originals are made practically unavailable, especially with the retro game bubble right now, it leaves a horrible taste in my mouth.

2. Plot behind DLC or waiting till the next game to do plot
Re7 was the worst game in the series storywise. The explanation behind the events is saved till the very end, and even then it just expects you to read a bunch of files. We dont even know what happened to Lucas until the Chris DLC, or what happened to Zoe. So if someone wants closure for the events, they have to pay for it. But even then the game doesnt explain what really happened until the next game. At least with 1 through 6 you always got some feeling of closure at the end, but at the end of 7 (without DLC), I was left totally dissatisfied.

3. Lack of enemy variety
7 was the worst offender, but 8 still has some problems. Yes, it has a bit of variety in the designs, but it always comes down to basically three different typea of enemies: the males who become Lycans, the females who become Moroaicas, and the Soldats. I can kind of forgive it because they have different types of each of these, but they all have a similar feel to others within their group. With the other games you had a ton of enemy variety. For example, zombies, hunters, chimeras, spiders, sharks, dogs, snakes, and crows in the original game. Sure they are simple designs, but they give a unique atmosphere to the mansion, and each have their own way to deal with them. With Re8, its pretty much shoot them in the head, or the core when it comes to Soldats.

4. The new movie
The casting for it is awful. They couldnt get actors who look even somewhat like the characters? And what the hell did they do to Lisa?! I do plan on watching it at the theaters, and I'll probably make a thread about it after I watch it, though I have no idea if my theater will actually show it. At least with the Anderson movies he got people who looked like the characters. Leon and Barry looked pretty close, and you couls have a good time cringing at it. This new movie looks like it might be boring, and possibly disregard the story.

5. Censorship
The censorship in the Oculus port of Re4 ticks me off. While I get that some people dont like some of the dialogue, that doesnt mean that the lines should be removed. It also makes me wonder whats going to happen with the remake of 4, and if they will remove a bunch of the scenes with Ashley or give her a gun so she isnt a "damsel in distress" anymore. While the game long escort quest is somewhat annoying, it is good gameplay wise because it forces you to be aware of your surroundings and to be careful what you shoot at, as shooting at an enemy carrying Ashley could result in hitting her, and you have an easier time if you tell her to wait outside of the room with the three armor plagas. If they remove that aspect of the game, I will lose even more respect for them.
1) Changing character likeness and voices too much.

2) Relying too much on other horror tropes rather than having it’s own self identity.

3) Remakes being more reimaginings that butcher the lore.

4) The action vs horror fans.

5) Having no established villains for multiple games after Albert Wesker’s death.
One thing I find strange is how people say RE5 isn't as good as 4, yet 5 has the same gameplay as 4 anyway. The story also has more to do with RE in general than 4 ever did too. Being that it was about Chris finally defeating his arch nemesis, Wesker, and Jill was in the game as well. And while it's not really scary, there are some edge of your seat battles.

I kind of feel the same way about RE6, which is not wholly unenjoyable, but just lacks the eerieness of earlier games. 7 in my opinion was a fine return to form, even though I can't say I've ever cared much for first person games. But I cannot help but think Capcom tricked us a bit. Because by the end of it all, it was becoming an action saga again, with both Chris and Joe [Baker] punching the Molded. And then of course, RE8 was mostly an action game, but with some unique horror parts, like the doll house. ;)

Those Wii shooters were better remakes than the actual remakes, as they were at least rather faithful. Stupidly done in parts, but nearly spot on otherwise. A lipstick launcher!? UM!? :p
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