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Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

It’s tough to say since Wilson is so forgettable that Capcom won’t ever bring him up again, unless they take another stab at Infinite Darkness and do another ‘season.’

As for T-Abyss it could still be used in the future to manufacture a new virus. It was done with T-Veronica and G as you know, so anything can be possible. Lately though it seems they are more focused on evil BSAA and a possible Uroboros Virus variant so I doubt we will get any answers for a long time. I will go out on a limb and say he is not a member of The Family as it seemed his actions were of his own accord, if anything he would go to The Family for help and not Tricell. Where he got the money to finance a giant BOW facility like that and what kind of virus was it?

This movies plot was so underdeveloped it hurts.
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I got a question. Do you think wilson knew of the family? Could he be one of its members?

Also what do you think will happen to him? From what ı remember watching the movie; he was making a dealing with tricell at the end. Since they collapsed after both excella's and albert's defeat in re5; ı guess he would have been caught and be put into jail or something?

Now that ı think about it more; it makes me wonder if the same will also happen to both raymond and jessica after their epilogue at the end of rerev. I dont feel like there will be much use for t-abyss sample they obtained either since it doesnt get mentioned in re5 meaning that it will fade into shadows and there wont be any good reason to bring that back.
It's likely that Capcom will never revisit Wilson, making him another character to disappear from the series. I agree with Rip, I don't think he was connected with the Family for the same reasons. Jessica and Raymond probably won't appear again either, though like Rip said, it is possible for T-Abyss to return, probably as a component for another virus.
I got a question. Do you think wilson knew of the family? Could he be one of its members?

Also what do you think will happen to him? From what ı remember watching the movie; he was making a dealing with tricell at the end. Since they collapsed after both excella's and albert's defeat in re5; ı guess he would have been caught and be put into jail or something?

Now that ı think about it more; it makes me wonder if the same will also happen to both raymond and jessica after their epilogue at the end of rerev. I dont feel like there will be much use for t-abyss sample they obtained either since it doesnt get mentioned in re5 meaning that it will fade into shadows and there wont be any good reason to bring that back.
He might have been part of it. If he wasn't, then he probably didn't know about them, since even Benford didn't.

I think the implication with the ending was that they wanted to do a second season. He wasn't making a deal with TRICELL, they were the ones he was making deals with from the beginning, in 2000. They made his virus.

I think Raymond and Jessica were in an Ada situation, and therefore weren't really affected by TRICELL falling since they were just paid agents. t-Abyss was used to just help make good aquatic B.O.W.s possible, and TRICELL getting it was to just show one of the ways they increased in power, leading up to how they are in RE5. Same thing with Infinite Darkness including them.

TRICELL being involved in Rev1 is also important because it shows that they planned for the BSAA to rise to power for their own nefarious purposes. The BSAA was being controlled by bioterrorists every single step of the way.

t-Abyss itself wasn't used by TRICELL as a product, because it was too dangerous to the environment and could easily cause Armageddon. Only B.O.W.s created by it would be used, like how the Rival Org made t-Veronica B.O.W.s without selling the actual virus.
We at Project Umbrella actually did an interview with the author of the upcoming manga series based on Infinite Darkness:

The author, Keith DeCandido, is excellent, and I have high hopes for him just pouring detail into the prequel.
He might have been part of it. If he wasn't, then he probably didn't know about them, since even Benford didn't.

I think the implication with the ending was that they wanted to do a second season. He wasn't making a deal with TRICELL, they were the ones he was making deals with from the beginning, in 2000. They made his virus.

I think Raymond and Jessica were in an Ada situation, and therefore weren't really affected by TRICELL falling since they were just paid agents. t-Abyss was used to just help make good aquatic B.O.W.s possible, and TRICELL getting it was to just show one of the ways they increased in power, leading up to how they are in RE5. Same thing with Infinite Darkness including them.

TRICELL being involved in Rev1 is also important because it shows that they planned for the BSAA to rise to power for their own nefarious purposes. The BSAA was being controlled by bioterrorists every single step of the way.

t-Abyss itself wasn't used by TRICELL as a product, because it was too dangerous to the environment and could easily cause Armageddon. Only B.O.W.s created by it would be used, like how the Rival Org made t-Veronica B.O.W.s without selling the actual virus.
We at Project Umbrella actually did an interview with the author of the upcoming manga series based on Infinite Darkness:

The author, Keith DeCandido, is excellent, and I have high hopes for him just pouring detail into the prequel.
I see, thanks for the explanations. Yeah ı remember checking the interview before. I checked it again and there seems to be a prequel manga to the movie revolving around leon. I guess claire wont be utilized then?
Is anyone here really that interested about another season? If it's like infinite darkness; then ı dont think ı'll watch it. I'll probably just look up its summary to see if ı would find its plot concept interesting.

Personally if ı have to prefer one; ı would take another new movie over another season cause the way infinite darkness is structured is really boring to me. Splitting the movie into 4 parts is one of the reasons why it's my least favourite. I prefer suga's movies and even vendetta due to its entertaining action.

Though ı still think infinite darkness has better story than vendetta and ı would say ı like leon's utilization in infinite darkness more than vendetta but at the same time; leon's voice acting in infinite darkness is simply unbearable. At least in vendetta; he was voiced by matthew mercer who's my favourite va for leon. Not as good as in re6 and damnation but ı still like his voice acting in the movie. I would have preferred roger craig smith to return to voice chris as well but ı think kevin dorman is still alright.
As much as I think this series was high up in the meh category, I prefer new stories like this. It's better than going back to 1998 endlessly. However, the ending with Leon and Claire not on good terms with one another, had soured it a little.
At least Vendetta had that badass Chris vs Arias fight at the end, Infinite Darkness had no good fight scenes. I am not sure why Leon keeps being overused for movies while Chris is overused for the games. You made a good point about the chip risking getting destroyed. I also disliked Vendetta but at least with that movie there was some good fight scenes with Arias and zombies. Infinite Darkness really has no outstanding scenes and a lot of them feel like rehashes from the other movies.
Chris is underused on his own games tho.

RE6 campaign he is being put as the stereotypical soldier, they did a disservice to him to make him braindead action.

Not a Hero follows the trend and makes it worse, his role in 7 didn't have any weight. You could replace him with any other character.

RE Village he is the "bad" guy for some reason then he had a stupid reason to do the things he did, and his own segment was brain dead COD experience, I wish they respect the character and give him a better segment.

I would RE9 redeem the character but not kill him off, would be nice to finally have a campaign with both Chris and Leon as partners but somehow nerf them without some sort of stupid gimmick.

I don't think Claire or Jill would ever return, Capcom has made it clear they are not combating characters, even in their own spin-offs and remakes, they were reduced to fewer action parts.

RE3 Remake could have given us some cool scenes from young Jill but there was nothing just a random Final Fantasy-esque type of weapon at the end of the game, Jill had an attitude but most of the time she was treated as a ragdoll.

Claire who was more interesting in Revelations 2 was put on a side to let Moira shine, then she was on Heavenly Island just to be defeated so easy by the bad girl, and then she was once again in Infinite Darkness to add some boring conspiracy plot to turn into the damsel in distress. it's obvious we would never have a female character as powerful as Leon/Chris, maybe Ada is closer to those 2.
Is anyone here really that interested about another season? If it's like infinite darkness; then ı dont think ı'll watch it. I'll probably just look up its summary to see if ı would find its plot concept interesting.

Personally if ı have to prefer one; ı would take another new movie over another season cause the way infinite darkness is structured is really boring to me. Splitting the movie into 4 parts is one of the reasons why it's my least favourite. I prefer suga's movies and even vendetta due to its entertaining action.

Though ı still think infinite darkness has better story than vendetta and ı would say ı like leon's utilization in infinite darkness more than vendetta but at the same time; leon's voice acting in infinite darkness is simply unbearable. At least in vendetta; he was voiced by matthew mercer who's my favourite va for leon. Not as good as in re6 and damnation but ı still like his voice acting in the movie. I would have preferred roger craig smith to return to voice chris as well but ı think kevin dorman is still alright.
Kobayashi is now out of Capcom, I'm worried about the CGI universe because he wrote Degeneration, Infinite Darkness, and helped to produce Damnation and Vendetta, he knows the characters so well.
I wouldn't mind seeing a season 2.

I don't think I'll rabbit on about RE on other forums anymore. :(

Like, there's people on other message boards that always pretend that Capcom ain't doing things like copying other games. You can even provide proof and they don't even answer for it. They're still in denial after you make a lengthy post, with one submitting the evidence needed to prove that what you're saying is true. So really. Why continue to speak to people that don't care? :p
The fandom itself is hypocritical and Capcom will do whatever it needs to do to sell their product and cater to their whimsical demands. It’s quite hilarious in hindsight, especially when playing through all the games for a marathon. Fans wanted more grounded approaches to the games but are ok with bloated storylines that are not well fleshed out at all. I am sure the comic will help flesh out Infinite Darkness more but again; the mass audience who watched it will never read it. So what was the point of half assing it in the first place?

In comparison; FFXV suffered because of this very same thing by spreading it’s story across multiple types of entertainment mediums, which RE has always struggled with. The amount of time and effort it takes to dissect and translate it all is simply not worth it to me when Capcom themselves don’t really seem to care.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they never make a Season 2. They seem to have the attention span of a ADHD toddler withdrawing from suger consumption when it comes to making cohesive storytelling between their games/movies. Surface level references do not count, and how many times do they have to reference 1998? They need to move on to brand new storylines.
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The fandom itself is hypocritical and Capcom will do whatever it needs to do to sell their product and cater to their whimsical demands. It’s quite hilarious in hindsight, especially when playing through all the games for a marathon. Fans wanted more grounded approaches to the games but are ok with bloated storylines that are not well fleshed out at all. I am sure the comic will help flesh out Infinite Darkness more but again; the mass audience who watched it will never read it. So what was the point of half assing it in the first place?

In comparison; FFXV suffered because of this very same thing by spreading it’s story across multiple types of entertainment mediums, which RE has always struggled with. The amount of time and effort it takes to dissect and translate it all is simply not worth it to me when Capcom themselves don’t really seem to care.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they never make a Season 2. They seem to have the attention span of a ADHD toddler withdrawing from suger consumption when it comes to making cohesive storytelling between their games/movies. Surface level references do not count, and how many times do they have to reference 1998? They need to move on to brand new storylines.
I blame them for keep changing directors and each director wants to make their own take of RESIDENT EVIL, instead of helping the lore they are arrogant and are like, I can do better than the previous one. You can tell there's a huge difference between 7 and Village when it comes to the story, some things were just shoehorned.
I blame them for keep changing directors and each director wants to make their own take of RESIDENT EVIL, instead of helping the lore they are arrogant and are like, I can do better than the previous one. You can tell there's a huge difference between 7 and Village when it comes to the story, some things were just shoehorned.
That’s exactly what happened with Star Wars. Creative liberties are a bad thing when they shakes up and changes preestablished lore so badly. These modern day writers are delusional and should have no business being hired if they are unwilling to put the time in and invest deeply into an IP. This creates a product fans will despise while serving to be just another video game or movie normies will forget a week later. Subverting expectation is also a risky move to pull with these older IP’s, which in itself can lead to an identity crisis.

But what do we know; we are only the minority apparently.
If that were true, the series wouldn't be so consistent.

Can you? They differ exactly as much as Bio Hazard and Bio Hazard 2 differed from each other.
the series is NOT consistent. Did you even play RE5 to Village or you are one of those groupies that can't see wrong?

Let's take note of the cgi, side games, and mangas. And now let's roll back.

They hired an American writer for 7, he got the great idea of Blue Umbrella, Chris working for them temporarily. To the amazing writing of Village, so many things are shoehorned, like Chris conveniently being the bad guy and then learning he is just stupid and he made a bad choice not explaining anything to Ethan.

Chris changed his personality between 7-Vendetta-Village.

Then we have Umbrella Corps and Heavenly manga hinting at the Umbrella Corps and the possibility of Wesker being alive to be ignored in 7 and 8.

7 and 8 highlights are just scenes torturing the main character and getting off with that, it feels like they put you on another subgenre of obscure horror. I never felt RE1-RE6 made me feel I was into a sadomasochistic game. 7 and 8 are terrible takes from western horror and trying to appeal to a casual market.

That’s exactly what happened with Star Wars. Creative liberties are a bad thing when they shakes up and changes preestablished lore so badly. These modern day writers are delusional and should have no business being hired if they are unwilling to put the time in and invest deeply into an IP. This creates a product fans will despise while serving to be just another video game or movie normies will forget a week later. Subverting expectation is also a risky move to pull with these older IP’s, which in itself can lead to an identity crisis.

But what do we know; we are only the minority apparently.
Yeah, it's like studios are so secretive between each other that they can't even keep the same lore, characters change personalities, reasons motives and honestly I prefer they ditch this western style in RE9.
Did you even play RE5 to Village or you are one of those groupies that can't see wrong?
I've played all the games and I know them well, thank you.

They hired an American writer for 7, he got the great idea of Blue Umbrella, Chris working for them temporarily.
First of all, Richard Pearsey wasn't hired to write the plot. He was hired to adapt a script that was already written by the Japanese. This includes dialogues and such that they seem more natural to a Western audience. This is what Kawata himself explained, calling it a "culturalization process", as well as the reason why Pearsey is mentioned in the credits as a narrative consultant.

The main writer was Morimasa Sato, and he also directed Resident Evil Village.

Secondly, "Blue Umbrella" was Shinji Mikami's idea, and he established it in Biohazard 4. When he left the company, this storyline continued to be developed by Yasuhiro Seto in the Chronicles series and Umbrella Corps, which he wrote too.

To the amazing writing of Village, so many things are shoehorned, like Chris conveniently being the bad guy and then learning he is just stupid and he made a bad choice not explaining anything to Ethan.
Chris didn't work for Umbrella, he worked with Umbrella because the alliance's jurisdiction is limited in the US, which was explained even in Resident Evil 5.

The UN Council banned Umbrella from having its own mercenaries, but instead an agency was established where BSAA staff are transferred for military operations.

And after the events in Louisiana, the company became a sponsor of the BSAA, so the soldiers at the end of Village are equipped with Umbrella's things and carry Wesker guns. Not to mention it's a freaking B.O.W.

Chris changed his personality between 7-Vendetta-Village.
Keeping people in the dark out of a sense of protection has always been part of Chris' character. This is literally the reason why Claire got into a couple of incidents. And before that, it annoyed her that he didn't tell her everything.

Chris had different voices and faces, but never a character.

Then we have Umbrella Corps and Heavenly manga hinting at the Umbrella Corps and the possibility of Wesker being alive to be ignored in 7 and 8.
Umbrella Corps literally tells about the illegal corps of the company from 7 and Village, lol. Just because so far the developers have chosen to build up the storyline while they focus on something else does not mean that they are ignoring something.

7 and 8 highlights are just scenes torturing the main character and getting off with that, it feels like they put you on another subgenre of obscure horror. I never felt RE1-RE6 made me feel I was into a sadomasochistic game. 7 and 8 are terrible takes from western horror and trying to appeal to a casual market.
This is irrelevant to continuity.

The old games and their gaidens had a high degree of violence, where we were shown death scenes with all the details no worse than in Italian films.

Only after that, the series became censored to the point where the characters no longer lose their heads from the chainsaw even. The camera is just trying to hide it.

So BIO7 for me was nothing less than a return to form in this regard.
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