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Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

I watched it and it seems to allude more to a potential REmake 4. The assets of RE8, they showed Ashley’s photo so she is also in the RE engine by now, Leon’s new voice actor adjusting to the mid 2000’s witty Leon. It’s inevitable folks.

Besides all that, this only leaves more questions than it solves. What was Tricell’s involvement with Wilson and what happened to him before they shut down in 2009? What virus was involved that would make super soldiers? What kind of Tyrant did Jason mutate into? Did Leon keep the chip from Claire to protect Graham from public scrutiny?

This also left Leon and Claire’s friendship on a sour note unlike Degeneration that came 2 years before this mini series. Not a big fan of that, considering their strong connection as survivors of Raccoon City. Overall, it had some neat moments but it felt like it was forced into the timeline to prepare for REmake 4.
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Assets are not associated with engines. You can import and export any asset to any engine. For example, I took some assets from old games and added them to new engines just to see how the old locations look with the new lighting. Not to mention the fact that people in general create assets not on engines, but in other programs.

The characters in the new series look very cartoonish and, most likely, were created in the old way without photogrammetry. I'm sure that Ashley will look different in the remake.

I mean, there will definitely be a remake. It's not even a rumor, because I've seen real leaks. Although it's still a big question what direction this remake will take, since it looks like Leon is ignoring the remake of the second game in the new series.
At this point, Capcom is like this: Two steps forward, another ten back. I don't really care about remakes as they are technically not new storylines, and it seems if the money is there, Capcom will continue to rehash everything. Plus, there's the awful, pointless online stuff as well.

Give us a new Outbreak, or something. I don't know. But don't provide this Fortnite style slop that few people are going to play, then call that fan service.
I thought it was absolutely terrible. It's also very clear Kobayashi would sleep with Leon if he could. First off, it's very clear this was just a movie cut into 4 episodes. The story is god awful and most of the time it's just boring. Coming from Vendetta (which I hated), I appreciate the more grounded tone here but now it's just a slog and feels anticlimactic.

Also so much shit makes absolutely no sense. Why did Jason blow up Shen Mays estate? He risked destroying the chip. Why did he kill her? Why does he spare Leon? He even manages to grab Leon and just tosses him aside even after Leon blows his arm off. Jason's whole monologue about "FEAR!" got incredibly cringe and old by the end. I like RE2 remake Leon but his voice coming out of post RE4 Leon just doesn't work for me. Speaking of which, his "rest in peace assholes" line was so ridiculous and felt like someone who is desperately trying to sound cool wrote. The people didn't choose to turn into zombies like 10 minutes before that scene and Leon knows this. Feels out of character. Claire does practically nothing and its a shame.

The Panamstan flashbacks got old and felt like padding by the end. Also why can Tyrant Jason keep his intelligence? There's a line in the first episode with Leon asking if it's the T-Virus but then it's never brought up again. Is it a variant? Why can Leon and Shen May just casually stroll into Wilson's facility? Are there no guards? Finally, that ending had about as much impact and satisfaction as a wet fart. Canonically this is the last time that we know of that Leon and Claire have interacted in person and of course they leave it on a bad note.

About the only cool thing about this was the chest bursting rats. Felt like they were onto something good there and then it just all went south. Also the movie just kind of feels like a retread of Degeneration between Jason and Curtis's motives, although slightly different. It's a shame that it feels like these movies (with the exception of Damnation) keep getting worse while the CG gets better.

Damnation > Degeneration > Vendetta > Infinite Darkness
I thought it was absolutely terrible. It's also very clear Kobayashi would sleep with Leon if he could. First off, it's very clear this was just a movie cut into 4 episodes. The story is god awful and most of the time it's just boring. Coming from Vendetta (which I hated), I appreciate the more grounded tone here but now it's just a slog and feels anticlimactic.

Also so much shit makes absolutely no sense. Why did Jason blow up Shen Mays estate? He risked destroying the chip. Why did he kill her? Why does he spare Leon? He even manages to grab Leon and just tosses him aside even after Leon blows his arm off. Jason's whole monologue about "FEAR!" got incredibly cringe and old by the end. I like RE2 remake Leon but his voice coming out of post RE4 Leon just doesn't work for me. Speaking of which, his "rest in peace assholes" line was so ridiculous and felt like someone who is desperately trying to sound cool wrote. The people didn't choose to turn into zombies like 10 minutes before that scene and Leon knows this. Feels out of character. Claire does practically nothing and its a shame.

The Panamstan flashbacks got old and felt like padding by the end. Also why can Tyrant Jason keep his intelligence? There's a line in the first episode with Leon asking if it's the T-Virus but then it's never brought up again. Is it a variant? Why can Leon and Shen May just casually stroll into Wilson's facility? Are there no guards? Finally, that ending had about as much impact and satisfaction as a wet fart. Canonically this is the last time that we know of that Leon and Claire have interacted in person and of course they leave it on a bad note.

About the only cool thing about this was the chest bursting rats. Felt like they were onto something good there and then it just all went south. Also the movie just kind of feels like a retread of Degeneration between Jason and Curtis's motives, although slightly different. It's a shame that it feels like these movies (with the exception of Damnation) keep getting worse while the CG gets better.

Damnation > Degeneration > Vendetta > Infinite Darkness
At least Vendetta had that badass Chris vs Arias fight at the end, Infinite Darkness had no good fight scenes. I am not sure why Leon keeps being overused for movies while Chris is overused for the games. You made a good point about the chip risking getting destroyed. I also disliked Vendetta but at least with that movie there was some good fight scenes with Arias and zombies. Infinite Darkness really has no outstanding scenes and a lot of them feel like rehashes from the other movies.
At least Vendetta had that badass Chris vs Arias fight at the end, Infinite Darkness had no good fight scenes. I am not sure why Leon keeps being overused for movies while Chris is overused for the games. You made a good point about the chip risking getting destroyed. I also disliked Vendetta but at least with that movie there was some good fight scenes with Arias and zombies. Infinite Darkness really has no outstanding scenes and a lot of them feel like rehashes from the other movies.
I have a lot of problems with Vendetta but yes, the action was not one of them. Infinite Darkness felt like it just had a few zombie scenes scarcely sprinkled throughout. The whole last "fight" (and I use that word very loosely) with Jason was pointless. He literally is just jumping platform to platform for 95% of it. Not sure who thought that was a good idea for the finale of the series but it made the whole thing even worse.
The way I see it, there is a certain connection between Leon and Jason, since they both had a similar experience. As an antagonist in any dramaturgy, Jason must prove his point to the protagonist, so he did not kill Leon, despite the damage he received. And I liked the moment when Leon, listening to Jason's dying words, seemed to believe that now he would go the same way. The only problem is that I don't feel that this storyline has a perspective, because the story exists in a chronology with an established future. And it wasn't developed enough to begin with.

However, Leon's internal conflict fits perfectly. On the one hand, he is still young to want to do justice, on the other hand, he is forced to work not for the best guys, and this requires certain not the most pleasant obligations. I think the dialogue between Leon and Claire at the end, when he didn't give her the chip, is my favorite scene, if you remove the goofy animation at the end. This brings us to Resident Evil 6, when Leon first objected to Adam's desire to reveal the truth to the world. Leon has saved the day many times and prevented a war with China, but he is not ready to take on such responsibility.

I also liked Ashley's father and how Resident Evil 4 actually affects the events of the series. The key point of the story simply would not have worked if there had not been such a strong trusting relationship between him and Leon.

The music in the intro is cool.

Everything else is quite weak. I'll never understand why Claire couldn't get up from that chair. Like, seriously. She was not tied to a chair, and it did not interfere with her movement in any way. Despite the fact that I don't find Claire's storyline useful, this was the moment when I realized the absurdity of what was happening. When Leon saw that Claire was also in the complex and needed help, I literally laughed.
I feel the same way. This was about the same length as the previous animated films, so there was really no point to making it a one and done Netflix show. In fact, I think it's kind of annoying how Capcom goes like this in the timeline: 2017. 1998. 2013. 2021. 2006.

Let 1998 burn. Raccoon City is gone! 😱
This was the final nail in the coffin for me until something new comes out. Capcom needs to fire their writing staff and start from scratch going forward. It’s like they are given a premise to come up with something special and it’s wasted everytime.

The biggest offender to me really is how Claire was handled. She could of fought alongside Leon during Jason’s Mario marathon but decides to once again go into a control room instead. How she knows to work the intricate systems in a facility she has never been in I don’t know. Degeneration had this same problem at the end. It’s tiring to see a series like this stuck on repeat when they should of taken more risks.

They really should stop going back into the past after this.
Believe me. I'm not even surprised that Capcom does this at this point. The series is so convuluted now. It stopped being funny long ago.

It's clear they're just padding everything out now. I think other than receiving modest amounts of nostalgia, their recent remakes were utterly pointless. 2 and 3. Not this 2 is a "masterpiece" and 3 was "terrible". When 2 was just as bad, really.

I don't even think they want to do a CVX remake, considering the plot points about that in the original RE2 were not actually in the 2019 version.
I didnt watch this but according to these comments; I guess I shouldnt bother.
It feels like a stab to the back for fans of Leon x Claire stories, as this feels like it will be the last time they will communicate. It also undermines the connective tissue between 4 and 5, where Degeneration ended on a good note and the Tricell cliffhanger; this just copies that but makes Leon and Claire detest each other by the end for having different viewpoints. (Which ironically is symbolic for the current state of the fandom).

It’s like a 2.5/5 from me. It’s the worst CGI movie so far and feels completely unnecessary. It does nothing that the other movies haven’t done better.
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It’s the worst CGI movie so far and feels completely unnecessary.

Watching Hiroyuki Kobayashi's career a little, he reminds me of those fans who preoretize their favorite character over all the other elements of the series like organizations, science, other characters, and so on. I'm not familiar with him, of course, but that's exactly the impression I got.

It seems that at the early stage of the production of this series, Kobayashi-san did not think about what contribution he could make to move the plot of the series forward, because his last film left some storylines like Maria Gomez, which (for some reason, I'm sure) the games rightly do not care about. On the contrary, Kobayashi-san is more interested in finding an interesting dramatic situation for Leon to work with, so 2006 could have been chosen, when Leon was still young, to have a passionate desire to serve justice, but at the same time he was forced to take care of the interests of the United States, even if they are not the purest.

I have to admit that Leon's storyline feels like the most developed, but I don't feel that the series has done Claire justice. It doesn't seem to me that Leon's patronizing tone and her helplessness fit the story that happened after Degeneration.

Perhaps Kobayashi-san thought that Leon's participation should be a sufficient reason for the fans to be satisfied, but as someone who does not consider the characters to be the most interesting element of the series, I cannot agree with this direction.
I liked it tbh, although I do think it needs a continuation. Leaving it on that note with no legitimate continuation makes it feel more random and unnecessary than it has to be. But I personally really enjoyed all the cgi movies so far.
So I've found out that one of the scenes in the film seems to happen cause the VA for Claire is a Cleon shipper and she wanted more obnoxious fanservice between Leon and Claire. It's the one where Claire falls on top of Leon after she is saved. What an awkward scene; as obnoxious as some scenes in RE2 Remake, especially the final scene in 2nd run.

IMO Leon belongs only to Ada and I cant really stand where he's shipped with other females.
I liked the part that was different to any other RE media before, but some scenes were over the top or kill the tension.

I disliked: the zombie brother being keep alive, it was like too much.
too much backflash of the militar place.
the submarine scene, the whole zombie rats was over the top
the tyrant killing Shen, like really... so cliché
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