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RE9 I can see this game taking place in a hotter climate.

I wonder about a virus scenario that wouldnt be a part of progenitor but become its own thing entirely. In recv and rerev, new viruses were introduced where they were mixed with progenitor and t-virus respectively. What if the newly introduced " virus " in future wouldnt be mixed with progenitor but would be utilized to cause an outbreak on its own, even through helping an outbreak caused previously by another non-virus factor that's not part of progenitor. If plaga can mutate separately from progenitor and cause an outbreak by itself, then why cant a new virus do it?
Provided the plot makes sense for a change, I don't really care about the game's overall setting.

Any country will do just fine.
How would it make sense in your opinion? If they would keep pandering to re4 crowd, particularly the ones who dislike re5 and re6, with the way it's done in re engine then ı dont feel like it would make sense at all. With re7, morimasa sato was hired as writing the game along with a western writer. But with revillage, they made sato both the director and writer of the game rather than hiring different japanese devs for separate roles. It feels like a reverse re4 move. Re2-3r dont have separate japanese writers hired either, from my understanding, anpo and seto seem to work on their scripts along with western writers but they were directors for the games. Same as re4r but that still looks more faithful to me than both re2-3r. I dont have this problem with dmc5 at all, that felt like a return to form but for re, they keep pulling remake / reimagining / reboot hybrids.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they come up with another origin point like what created the Progenitor Flower? What made the Megamycete? The Plaga was already hinted to have been mutated from Progenitor via the murals we see in RE5, but that can be elaborated on in RE:5. I really don’t understand the Jurassic Park change in RE:4 having the Plaga be in amber deposits.

Making Krauser Leon’s mentor was very strange unless their intent was to expand on Operation Javier. Too bad narratively it makes no sense as Leon was a very capable agent by the time they first met in Operation Javier. Manuela was not mentioned at all so that could change how they make C-Virus in an RE:6.
Have a main villain. One organisation calling the shots. Retire the main characters in a dignified way.

The way it is now, it makes no sense to have these cartoon like baddies. 🥴

I was on the verge of just saying, sod it. Plus, you know how it is with people online who love to argue the toss when you know they're just simps.

It's their way. Or the highway. 😆

🧟‍♂️ 🚓 🚌 🚑 🚒 🚕 🚚 🚗
Have a main villain. One organisation calling the shots. Retire the main characters in a dignified way.

The way it is now, it makes no sense to have these cartoon like baddies. 🥴

I was on the verge of just saying, sod it. Plus, you know how it is with people online who love to argue the toss when you know they're just simps.

It's their way. Or the highway. 😆

🧟‍♂️ 🚓 🚌 🚑 🚒 🚕 🚚 🚗
Would you have preferred if the family became one? After re6, they arent utilized that much for the next plots anymore. They are referenced in vendetta novel despite not being mentioned but that's it. I wished they stopped referencing wesker after re5, the references feel tacked on like how capcom cant forget him even after his so called " death " , to the point it feels like they never wanted to conclude him in the 1st place.

In re4r, ı wished the family was referenced somewhat but the game doesnt delve that much into leon's government backstory. It's re6 where it becomes relevant the most, still more than other cases. I remember wanting about benford and simmons to be mentioned or referenced in re4r but it doesnt happen. At the intro, ashley's father appears confronting leon but it's just a very brief scene. I wished the flashbacks between leon and benford were expanded, that would have made his redemption arc to avenge tall oaks' casualties even more satisfying.
Yeah. The Family and the Neo-Umbrella storyline and the C-Virus was more rooted in RE than the nonsense with Lady Dimitrescu and the other cheesy, popcorn villains. I can't stand it when people on Fandom or GameFAQs think we're nostalgia tripping just for not liking the change from the zombies stuff to the ridiculously weird crap they have in the recent games. Particularly with RE8.

I honestly find it strange how people hated RE6 for some reason and to a lesser extent, RE5 as well, yet they can enjoy games like RE7 and 8.

Well, I kind of accepted 7 was their experiment to revive the horror aspects, so I marginally shrug it off. But RE8 was so bad. It made 7 feel just meh.

I am glad Chris doesn't look like a douche bag in Death Island. He looks just awful now in the games.
Yeah. The Family and the Neo-Umbrella storyline and the C-Virus was more rooted in RE than the nonsense with Lady Dimitrescu and the other cheesy, popcorn villains. I can't stand it when people on Fandom or GameFAQs think we're nostalgia tripping just for not liking the change from the zombies stuff to the ridiculously weird crap they have in the recent games. Particularly with RE8.

I honestly find it strange how people hated RE6 for some reason and to a lesser extent, RE5 as well, yet they can enjoy games like RE7 and 8.

Well, I kind of accepted 7 was their experiment to revive the horror aspects, so I marginally shrug it off. But RE8 was so bad. It made 7 feel just meh.

I am glad Chris doesn't look like a douche bag in Death Island. He looks just awful now in the games.
With the way they made re7 and revillage by making them non-virus stories as a way to pull a reverse re4 move, ı'm assuming los iluminados will also be brought back as a recurring antagonist just like umbrella revival starting with ucorps. They come back in vendetta for some reason, leon already killed all the leaders in re4 and yet there are still surviving cult members. You even go to the village in ucorps, it's even the location where rumors about mysterious operative are spread. It's quite obvious that's wesker, the one in re5 might as well be a clone while the actual one would be hiding behind his precious umbrella... forever? I wished they just let wesker go permamently, ı wished with his next introduction after re1, they reunited all surviving stars or at the very least chris and jill where they would fight wesker together and defeat him once and for all. Rather than capcom wasting their time with terrible recvx which in my eyes does a massive disservice to sugimura's script due to kato's drunken fanfiction, they could have made a separate entry where chris and jill would reunite and defeat wesker. Instead the next reunion happens in a manga which many arent even aware or care. If they can rely on a kid to trick wesker, then defeating him wouldnt be that hard either.
I've accepted that every game now will be using the same characters in loosely connected storylines, basically like they've done for years now. So they will probably make up a new virus, and give it a different letter of the alphabet. Or another pathogen entirely.

It's simply become convoluted mumbo jumbo. Although I used to be so invested in the games up to CV, and even RE4 was interesting at first. As the years go by and with things changing in one's life, these video games suddenly don't matter much anymore. I've rambled enough about it anyway.

Sometimes, I enjoy doing it. Quite often, I don't. This has been a particularly boring period for Silent Hill news, for example. There's nothing to talk about when Konami is so quiet. Then I feel like when the goods finally arrive, they'll have played us for fools, because they know desperate fans will take anything.

But with Resident Evil, it's a bit boring to endlessly delve into the same old debates, because you know on those crappy lifeless forums like GameFAQs, they're gonna act like what's old needs to be "replaced" with this new nonsense. They fully support that direction.

I was reading online the other day, that Sigourney Weaver has kissed the Alien movies goodbye. And I don't blame her, because every good childhood horror related franchise gets screwed up for greed.
I've accepted that every game now will be using the same characters in loosely connected storylines, basically like they've done for years now. So they will probably make up a new virus, and give it a different letter of the alphabet. Or another pathogen entirely.

It's simply become convoluted mumbo jumbo. Although I used to be so invested in the games up to CV, and even RE4 was interesting at first. As the years go by and with things changing in one's life, these video games suddenly don't matter much anymore. I've rambled enough about it anyway.

Sometimes, I enjoy doing it. Quite often, I don't. This has been a particularly boring period for Silent Hill news, for example. There's nothing to talk about when Konami is so quiet. Then I feel like when the goods finally arrive, they'll have played us for fools, because they know desperate fans will take anything.

But with Resident Evil, it's a bit boring to endlessly delve into the same old debates, because you know on those crappy lifeless forums like GameFAQs, they're gonna act like what's old needs to be "replaced" with this new nonsense. They fully support that direction.

I was reading online the other day, that Sigourney Weaver has kissed the Alien movies goodbye. And I don't blame her, because every good childhood horror related franchise gets screwed up for greed.
I dont think the games will return to virus storyline, particularly the new stories like re7 and revillage which arent even virus stories. Re2-3r also cut content and undermine the stories of og games, ı feel that chronicles games feel more faithful to past than both. Infinite darkness returns to a virus storyline but it's not clear what virus it's about other than being a t-virus variant. I still think c-virus is the one which showcases progenitor's potential the most, both in re6 as well as marhawa desire. Then it comes back in ucorps but only produces zombies where both types behave the same for some reason. I still cant believe the new logo with virus spirals come back in re7 and revillage, unlike heavenly island which is a virus story, the logo recycling at those games feel forced and doesnt feel like it fits to those games. Same as re4 where umbrella mentions also feel forced and dont feel like it fits to the game, it's not even a virus story.
With re5r, ı wonder how jill would be handled there. I didnt like the way she's utilized in the story of re5 but when ı 1st played the game, ı remember liking the plot twist reveal, the scene where wesker reveals her identity still looks very shocking to me, ı just dont think jill deserved such a cruel fate. She's barely utilized in the story of the game, the overall story revolves around chris and wesker with everyone else staring as supporting roles. Jill isnt even playable in the story of the game, she became playable with her dlcs later. I always found them quite underwhelming, they are way too short, they could have been much more longer episodic stories. With re5r, would jill even be playable in the story? Those dlcs are available with gold edition, they arent even available with standard version of the game. I remember being bothered by that when ı 1st played the game, ı was on pc and gold edition wasnt available at the time. I played them after finishing rerev2.
With the way they made re7 and revillage by making them non-virus stories as a way to pull a reverse re4 move, ı'm assuming los iluminados will also be brought back as a recurring antagonist just like umbrella revival starting with ucorps. They come back in vendetta for some reason, leon already killed all the leaders in re4 and yet there are still surviving cult members. You even go to the village in ucorps, it's even the location where rumors about mysterious operative are spread. It's quite obvious that's wesker, the one in re5 might as well be a clone while the actual one would be hiding behind his precious umbrella... forever? I wished they just let wesker go permamently, ı wished with his next introduction after re1, they reunited all surviving stars or at the very least chris and jill where they would fight wesker together and defeat him once and for all. Rather than capcom wasting their time with terrible recvx which in my eyes does a massive disservice to sugimura's script due to kato's drunken fanfiction, they could have made a separate entry where chris and jill would reunite and defeat wesker. Instead the next reunion happens in a manga which many arent even aware or care. If they can rely on a kid to trick wesker, then defeating him wouldnt be that hard either.
I kinda agree, and I kinda disagree. I'll focus on the virus narrative.

Resident Evil 1 through I think 3, and the games between that and 4 are about a virus known as T-virus, the other one I forget. But RE4 was such a departure because we were dealing with a monster horde that is not even close to zombie (stupid), but a more mature version of a zombie, that has a functioning brain, but is "manipulated" to kill. Half of the game, we're battling gonado zombies, half of the game we're battling actual gonados that aren't zombies, but has a parasite. These parasites are a special kind of zombie that requires a vaccine to kill off. So, yes, there is a virus of sorts, but not the kind of virus that we've seen in RE games. You can make the case that these viruses are subvariants of the virus that it may have originated from. From RE4 on, we haven't had any of this extinction events besides from RE6, which takes place in a Asian location.

RE7 was more of a "let's seclude the story back to roots, and we go from there." RE8 is more of the same, but has RE4 vibes. RE9 is gonna be more of a RE [whatever they chose] variation.

So, my point is, these viruses are subvariants of each other. RE4 to me was Umbrella's test for the next virus. RE5 was an upgraded storyline of it, but Capcom wanted RE to be more of a Call of Duty blockbuster seller. That's why both RE5 and RE6 failed.

The perfect example of real world events is actually right now. COVID19 pandemic isn't technically over. Y'all realize that, right? COVID19 > Delta > Omicron > Subvariants > spreads into more subvariants which is reported coming out of China.
Resident Evil 1 through I think 3, and the games between that and 4 are about a virus known as T-virus, the other one I forget. But RE4 was such a departure because we were dealing with a monster horde that is not even close to zombie (stupid), but a more mature version of a zombie, that has a functioning brain, but is "manipulated" to kill. Half of the game, we're battling gonado zombies, half of the game we're battling actual gonados that aren't zombies, but has a parasite. These parasites are a special kind of zombie that requires a vaccine to kill off. So, yes, there is a virus of sorts, but not the kind of virus that we've seen in RE games. You can make the case that these viruses are subvariants of the virus that it may have originated from. From RE4 on, we haven't had any of this extinction events besides from RE6, which takes place in a Asian location.
But they really arent. Neither ne-alpha nor plaga are viruses nor they create zombies. Leon even describes the 1st ganado as " He's not a zombie. " and this dialogue also carries over to re5. They sidetrack from intended premise with the series, which is about evolution aimed with a virus. Zombies even exist due to an accident, different from ganados and majinis where their creations are intentional. Non-viruses cant cause evolution at all, they are utilized for different means than the one aimed with spencer and his followers. It's the entire point of creating umbrella as a way to camouflage their secrets. Any organization can be introduced like this, as a way to conceal the truth from the public so that the leaders would focus on their own view about evolution by utilizing their viruses.

With re7, they wanted to put a new take on re4 but ı dont find it as interesting as seeing progenitor's potential unfold, something that started with re2 since that introduced progenitor to the narrative. Without progenitor, achieving evolution with a viral weapon is impossible. I think sugimura's and suga's scripts showcase this fine but without both of them existing anymore, it looks like capcom doesnt care about the core storyline anymore.

RE7 was more of a "let's seclude the story back to roots, and we go from there." RE8 is more of the same, but has RE4 vibes. RE9 is gonna be more of a RE [whatever they chose] variation.
I dont think so. For me re7 also has re4 vibes, mainly storywise, due to being a story about a non-virus. Just like plaga, mold cant cause evolution either. It feels like more of a re1-4 mix as a way to " reboot " the series to please the complaints about re5 and re6 which ı still cant wrap my head around why. Capcom already created rerev series as a way to return to a more exploration based style and their stories are about a virus. Compared to re4 and re5, their stories revolve around a virus much more than those games. While re engine in general, feels like a way to imitate re4 while also returning to a more exploration based gameplay style as a way to please both " survival horror " and " re4 " crowd. They even have developers from rerev games returning, instead of capcom wasting their time through their " remake " era, they could have developed proper new games rather than creating re4 imitations.

So, my point is, these viruses are subvariants of each other. RE4 to me was Umbrella's test for the next virus. RE5 was an upgraded storyline of it, but Capcom wanted RE to be more of a Call of Duty blockbuster seller. That's why both RE5 and RE6 failed.
That's your opinion. Both re5 and re6 sold a lot and it still benefited capcom for their next moves about the series. They never directly called them as " failures " , that's just what annoying elitists on internet say. If you want to know capcom's opinion, they called re6 " great game " in an interview and yet people forget that very quickly cause " We gotta hate re6. " . And ı dont like cod comparisons either. I dont like cod and yet ı like those 2 games. It's really reorc where they wanted to please cod fandom, most of the developers of that game isnt even made up from japanese devs. While re5 and re6's devs are made up mostly from japanese devs. Re6 is even a special case where both director and writer from past return for the same roles as well as 2 producers returning. It objectively has more effort and polish put into it than past instances as well as the later entries. If it would ever see a re engine treatment in future, chances are they would go much more lazy with it, even more than re2-3r's instances.

The perfect example of real world events is actually right now. COVID19 pandemic isn't technically over. Y'all realize that, right? COVID19 > Delta > Omicron > Subvariants > spreads into more subvariants which is reported coming out of China.
But the viruses in the series work differently than the ones in real life. This is a science fiction series, they just overexaggerate the possibilities of what could happen in real life. All of the entries showcase this just fine, their approach mainly differs. Technically non-viruses are also science fiction but they still arent part of progenitor and its virus family, as a result, they sidetrack from intended premise with the series. Progenitor is the entire reason why " biohazard " is the actual name of the series, it gives that name its identity in the 1st place.
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With Village, yes, but not with BIO7. BIO7 was and remains an homage to the first game.
Re7 too. How can revillage even be much more inspired by re4 without re7 doing this 1st? Just like re4 and revillage, its story is also about a non-virus with a new spin put into its re4 like premise. I'm aware the locations you travel through is quite re1 like, it's why it feels like re1-4 mix. To me rerev feels much more like re1 than re7, t-abyss' base is even t-virus and the game has hunter alphas returning as mass produced types. Farfarello are also hunter alphas infected with the new virus, they can even go invisible. This idea was also utilized for iluzija in re6 which can also go invisible.

Las Plagas and the fungus can cause evolution. Evolution is a DNA mutation, and these pathogens can change DNA.
But they cant. Progenitor is what causes true evolution. Plaga is simply a mind control organism and mold replicates what it consumes. Those are entirely different rules and effects. Compared to progenitor, their effects are much more limited by comparison. If they would have been able to cause evolution, spencer would have acquired them earlier on but he didnt. Even ne-alpha didnt have much to do with spencer's plans unlike what birkin and alexia aimed with their own viruses. That's what ı mean with sidetracking by utilizing non-viruses in the storyline.

He even states that here about mold; " Ultimately... The fungus you study is incapable of realising the explosive infectious capacity I seek. " .
Like I said, I didn't think RE7 was groundbreaking. But I did enjoy it somewhat as a new take on something that was by that point, a dated genre, but one that was evidently missed once the action stuff took hold in the series.

Unfortunately, their hodge podge lies about 7 being too scary was why we got 8 with more action. Essentially, some parts feel like they're just imitating aspects of their biggest money maker, RE4. The first fight with the werewolf type enemies. The overweight vendor. The treasure hunting. The castle. The lake. The factory. The main villain.

They made chicken salad out of the ground up chicken fat left from RE4, and somehow, it worked for Capcom. But meh. I don't care much for the storyline with the Winters.
But they cant.
I see that you are using the same opinion that Evil Resident and I have written many times. But we were wrong (he thinks the same way).

Evolution is a mutation of genes in order to adapt to the environment. Las Plagas and the fungus can rewrite DNA to adapt, which is why they can cause evolution.

Moreover, they caused evolution, since the fact that the lords were descendants of the fungal kings means that the fungus influenced the gene pool.

The reason why Spencer refused the fungus is that the fungus does not have sufficient infectious potential. Oswell dreamed of the evolution of humanity, so he needed a pathogen that could spread throughout the planet. Fungus and Las Plagas cannot do this because they are not exponential enough.

And this is even realistic from the point of view of biology. People around the world have learned about the coronavirus pandemic, but few have heard about the epidemic of black mold in India. This is because the fungus needs the right temperature, humidity and so on to grow. Viruses are not so picky.

Re7 too. How can revillage even be much more inspired by re4 without re7 doing this 1st? Just like re4 and revillage, its story is also about a non-virus with a new spin put into its re4 like premise.
Because even the very idea of Eveline came from Iwao's vision of how the Tyrant was a vector of the virus and infected the people in the mansion to control them.

The reason why the developers chose the fungus as a new pathogen also has to do with the first game, since the first game was mysterious, and the players did not know whether science or black magic created these creatures. Therefore, the developers chose a new unexplored pathogen to have a ghost angle, for example.

These are things that the developers explained in interviews, presentations, and so on. I didn't come up with anything.

The only things that the game has in common with BIO4 are loot boxes, an enemy with a chainsaw, and so on, but these elements have become the face of the series for a long time and have ceased to be associated only with BIO4. Even BIO6 had them.
I see that you are using the same opinion that Evil Resident and I have written many times. But we were wrong (he thinks the same way).
But evil resident thinks the same way. I discuss with him on discord and ı've even copy pasted some of his statements:

Progenitor is what causes true evolution. Plaga is simply a mind control organism and mold replicates what it consumes. Those are entirely different rules and effects. Compared to progenitor, their effects are much more limited by comparison.

" The virus causes evolution, Las Plagas is just a mind control agent, and the Mold replicates what it eats. Those are entirely different rules and effects, and each one is meant to explore different ideas and show how in the RE world monsters and myths are all based on real things in the ancient past "

" Plaga isn't a replacement to Progenitor at all. Plaga can't cause evolution, and it's effects are limited by comparison. It's no different than RE2 introducing the G-Virus or CV the t-Veronica virus - none of those are replacements to the t-Virus, and the t-Virus is still being used even though some stories focus on different pathogens "

I'll go ahead and copy paste more of his statements here:

" It is possible for Progenitor to have created the Mold. But there isn't anything hinted at yet.

It doesn't have to be though, since just exaggerated evolution can already explain it. Either way, Progenitor is still a much more important plot point, and it can do more "

" That's why in RE8, Spencer says in his letter that the Mold isn't good enough for him "

" Mold causes the host to be replaced by a mimicry lifeform. Progenitor causes evolution and immortality "

" Spencer didn't want to be replaced, he wanted to live forever "

Because even the very idea of Eveline came from Iwao's vision of how the Tyrant was a vector of the virus and infected the people in the mansion to control them.

The reason why the developers chose the fungus as a new pathogen also has to do with the first game, since the first game was mysterious, and the players did not know whether science or black magic created these creatures. Therefore, the developers chose a new unexplored pathogen to have a ghost angle, for example.

These are things that the developers explained in interviews, presentations, and so on. I didn't come up with anything.

The only things that the game has in common with BIO4 are loot boxes, an enemy with a chainsaw, and so on, but these elements have become the face of the series for a long time and have ceased to be associated only with BIO4. Even BIO6 had them.
Ok but ı didnt say it wasnt inspired by re1, ı said that it was a mix of re1-4. Just like re2-3r being re2-4 and re3-4 mixes respectively. Just like re4's gamecube port, those games dont even have separate japanese writers hired for them. It's much more of a direct way to appeal to re4 crowd, especially since many re4 fans from what ı've seen dont even care about the core storyline of the series. They are even more faithful to re4 than re2 and re3, why would ı be surprised at re4r's faithfulness to gamecube port of og game?

Yes re6 have enemies drop loot as well as an enemy wielding a chainsaw despite being somehow fully organic and behaving much more different than other tool wielding foes. But t-103 can also drop items in re2's b scenario, nemesis can also drop loot after defeating it, in dead aim zombies can also sometimes drop items. It wasnt a wholly original idea introduced in re4, it just became much more popular than ever before with the game's release. Re6 plays much more different than re4 anyway, you can even beat the game without relying on skill system, assuming you would know of the game's mechanics well. That's why the game's hardest difficulty added with the patch disables it, compared to other upgrade systems in the series, it's much more optional. I put thousands of hours into the game and even s ranked the campaigns with all characters on all difficulties. It's straight up the easiest game in the series to me along with re2 cause it showcases characters' abilities much better than other instances. It could have created its own series much like dmc1 where kamiya and sugimura return from re2 to work on it but it didnt. It feels more like a dmc game to me and dmc games' plots ( excluding dmc2 and reboot ) feel more like bio stories to me than re4, re7 and revillage.
I'm helping him with the article, so we revisited these games and checked the info.

I mean, you can write to him if you want.
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