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RE9 I can see this game taking place in a hotter climate.

With RE:6 it wouldn’t surprise me if they made all 4 campaigns feel disconnected from one another or it being severely cut back like RE:2. Maybe even cut out campaigns entirely. Capcom likes to take the cheaper route in parts of development so they would focus on making it a more slow horror experience. The Manuela connection to RE6 also has seemed to be retconned as no mention of her is present in RE:4. This is a hint to me that it will most likely be heavily reimagined like RE:3.

Right now RE:CV, RE9, and especially RE:5 will most likely come out before they even consider revisiting RE6 in the future.
They didn’t cut the island so I doubt they will cut out the action from RE:5 or RE:6 either. With how RE:3 was treated and RE8 having more action, it seems Capcom is repeating the same cycle over again with each title getting progressively more action-orientated.

I really appreciated the added puzzles in RE:4 so I hope they can do that successfully in future remakes and not have it be journalist mode like in RE8. They should implement a good zapping system again, that was a huge wasted opportunity in RE:2 that could have expanded from the original but was gutted instead for the sloppy 2nd runs.

BioHazard: RE1 -> BioHazard: RE2 -> BioHazard: RE3

BioHazard: RE4 -> BioHazard: RE5 -> BioHazard: RE6

BioHazard: RE7 -> BioHazard: RE8 -> BioHazard: RE9

There's a trilogical pattern to REscaling the Action aspect of Action-Horror here!🧠🎮:LOL:
I don't think they're gonna remake 6 as it wasn't the critical success they wanted, and unfortunately, many fans generally detest it. 5 was a big seller and has that RE4 type gameplay, so they know people can get on board with this game like 4. But personally, I hate the action oriented sequels.

CV was perhaps not as successful as the main "trilogy", but it was still well received. But you know how it is with Capcom. It's all about the big bucks first, or nothing at all.
With RE:6 it wouldn’t surprise me if they made all 4 campaigns feel disconnected from one another or it being severely cut back like RE:2. Maybe even cut out campaigns entirely. Capcom likes to take the cheaper route in parts of development so they would focus on making it a more slow horror experience. The Manuela connection to RE6 also has seemed to be retconned as no mention of her is present in RE:4. This is a hint to me that it will most likely be heavily reimagined like RE:3.

Right now RE:CV, RE9, and especially RE:5 will most likely come out before they even consider revisiting RE6 in the future.
Which campaign do you think would stay? Leon's campaign seems to be the most liked one from what ı've seen so that will probably stay. The others might be cut or be integrated into leon's where chris, jake and even ada would be played during the story as more akin to rerev or something. Helena, piers and even sherry wouldnt be playable and ı think you would fight piers as a boss fight rather than playing as him and utilizing his virus powers during a boss fight.

They could also make a full " reboot " where it would only be a leon's story, basically the plot would be about rescuing sherry from mysterious corrupt government officials that arent given names. They would be revealed to be apart of wesker's men infiltrated into the government.
While I do think a scenario for Survival horror during the day and in a very hot place, with desert atributes, etc could without a shadow of a doubt work well enough for a RE game, unfortunately i don't think that will be the case for the next chronological game.

From what i gather the next game will most likely feature 2 very distincts areas, one with a more traditional scenario for RE games and the other turns out to be very atypical from what we usually experienced from all previous RE game...

(and i think the next chronological game telling the events after Village will be denominated just as something in the vein of Village too, and that this codename will unabashedly be a reference to the next big threat or secret black project that characters will have to combat.
And in my mind i tend to imagine the characters from this game will -for a good portion of the game - need to figure out a big conspiracy, and this will prove to be way different than what RE 7 and RE Village gameplay provided, and that will be the biggest theme for this new scenario/environment of this next game... )

And the Remakes, the next one they should do if they don't want to risk spoil the formula should be a trilogy of remakes, start by picking RE Zero and RE 1 and make that into one new remake, call it Resident Evil: Prime Infection, while properly fuse this section and make Rebecca scenes more consistent throughout the whole ordeal of these incidents and properly tell the story between Wesker and the Stars to this new generation of gamers.

They could also fix the ending of this game showing us the ending that was lacking from RE 1 Remake 2002 (that is, an ending that actually show all the 4 survivors being rescued by Brad: Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca... This would be definitive take to go along with the remakes of 2, 3 and 4...

This would properly set up the stage for the next remakes, that should be Code Veronica which certainly needs to be the follow up game that can really flesh out Wesker and Chris rivalries and provide the proper hype for a RE 5 remake to conclude everything in terms of Remakes.

I am not saying RE 6 is not worthy of a remake, but.. I think by the time a RE 5 remake closes that next trilogy of remakes, it will be hard to sell RE 6 next, as the way I see it 6 seems the very odd game because it has adventures from too many characters but with the caveat of having all out new villains that I don't know how well they could pitch and market for the new generation, unless they make the 6 remake deviate radically from the original 6, perhaps sell it as an Ada x Evil Ada Clone thing

A RE 6 remake like this could easily backfire and in turn the critics and public could both rate the remake as bad and also consider the remake trend something tiresome by that time, so it probably wouldn't sell as much as the other remakes.
But maybe I'm wrong and down the road they find a way to make a RE 6 remake more palatable to the masses, who knows?
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I think it's possible to have a game during the daytime and still be scary. Like in Days Gone, I remember finding a cave or a mine, and when the horde of the freaks woke up and came after my ass, oh man. I was bricking it. 😆

As a matter of fact, Bend Studio are working on a mystery upcoming game. But I unfortunately don't think it's a sequel. I hope it is, but I have my doubts.
CV was perhaps not as successful as the main "trilogy", but it was still well received. But you know how it is with Capcom. It's all about the big bucks first, or nothing at all.
People are actually talking about it on YouTube. If enough people talk it into existence, and have fond memories of CV, then it will be remade. Capcom doesn't even need to say "Code Veronica was released on Dreamcast, and did not sell well." It doesn't matter, a lot of people talk about Code Veronica.

It's not always about sales. They made Resident Evil 0, or Revelations. Revelations turned out to be popular despite what Capcom thinks. The DS games actually sold copies, despite Capcom's projections.

I'd like to have a Code Veronica remake. Hell yes. I have the PS2 version, and I know that the Dreamcast version is the definitive version.
CV is one of my favourites in the series. Everything about it is so memorable. Yes, even Steve's cringey voice.


🧟‍♂️ 🔫

I love the save room music and the music in the palace. I really miss that feeling in RE. It's like a different series now, and it touches us all to see it change so much.

Not gonna hold out for a good remake of it. They've neutered the other games. I see no point in rehashing something in a terrible, soulless manner. But I would imagine they're gonna do it someday, since their options for games are dwindling.

RE4 was a remake kind of done better. Not perfect. But it's not as bad as the other remakes. But I don't know if I want to call that a genuine survival horror game, because neither the original or the remake are really, you know. Really like old school Resident Evil.
I used to think a Code Veronica remake/reimagining would be one of the best picks for re engine, if not the best title to redo, but nowadays I wouldn't be so happy with that, I think a RE 0 + RE 1 definitive reimagining would be tons better than a CV one if properly executed with budget and time and if the same team from RE 4 remake takes care of it.

Since they already took so many liberties with the reimagining s of 2 and 3 I figure for a big classic like RE 1 they would still resort to stick with what works in RE engine and since RE 1 really is classic stuff they would be less inclined to turn it into an action fest and rehash and reimagine a few thinks just to increase the horror vibes and make the segments of the game situated at the mansion even more memorable.

CV in my eyes would be too much work to reimagine and perhaps not worth the effort if it end ups selling less than RE 4 remake. But I can see a RE 0 + RE 1 reimagining be much more easily marketed and becoming something similar to Dead Space remake.
Which campaign do you think would stay? Leon's campaign seems to be the most liked one from what ı've seen so that will probably stay. The others might be cut or be integrated into leon's where chris, jake and even ada would be played during the story as more akin to rerev or something. Helena, piers and even sherry wouldnt be playable and ı think you would fight piers as a boss fight rather than playing as him and utilizing his virus powers during a boss fight.

They could also make a full " reboot " where it would only be a leon's story, basically the plot would be about rescuing sherry from mysterious corrupt government officials that arent given names. They would be revealed to be apart of wesker's men infiltrated into the government.
They will most likely keep Leon and Chris campaigns but Jake and Ada may either be mixed into as you mentioned. The whole game revolves around that Leon vs Chris cutscene so I can see them remixing a lot of things. Cutting out a lot of China and adding more sewer levels.🤣
They will most likely keep Leon and Chris campaigns but Jake and Ada may either be mixed into as you mentioned. The whole game revolves around that Leon vs Chris cutscene so I can see them remixing a lot of things. Cutting out a lot of China and adding more sewer levels.🤣
That wouldnt surprise me either. I still dont know if ada would be playable though. As of now, she isnt playable in re4r unlike re2r. Maybe they would make her as a boss you would fight too? Rather than carla mutating and fighting her as ada? It would be more like reorc basically. China levels being cut would immensely bother me cause that's my favourite location in the game.
I couldn't imagine people getting much if any enjoyment from a remake of RE6 or any other game, upon discovering that it's similar, but also radically different. After you finish it, you'd probably end up thinking you wasted your time, and just go back to enjoying the originals.

Also, it shows Capcom lacks creativity if they can just keep reviving older games from their archive. I fear that even if I don't want to see it, a duller second official remake of RE1 could very well see the light of day.

But of course, Capcom could remake any game, so as long that it is not Dino Crisis. A remake people actually requested a long time ago. But I have zero faith that they're talented enough any more to do it right, especially after trolling us with that other red head in a trailer for a completely unrelated game that just so happens to be about dinosaurs. Exoprimal, or whatever it's known as.
I couldn't imagine people getting much if any enjoyment from a remake of RE6 or any other game, upon discovering that it's similar, but also radically different. After you finish it, you'd probably end up thinking you wasted your time, and just go back to enjoying the originals.
Yeah that's exactly how ı feel about re7, re2-3r after playing them and comparing them to re6, rerev2 as well as re2 and re3. I just dont think they offer as much as those games, if not much less than them. I even played re7 and re2r a good amount but ı feel burned out from them, re3r ı only played once and ı dont think ı will touch it ever again. I'm not planning to play revillage and from what ı've seen ı dont need to bother with re4r either since the steam port for re4 holds up fine for me with tweaks patch.

As for re6r, since the game's plot heavily revolves around ada, much more than before, ı think that will be another reason to divide the fandom even more, especially after the drama her va in re4r caused. Do you think she will return to voice ada in re6r if it will ever happen? Who do you think capcom will hire to voice ada? I wished courtenay taylor returned to voice the character but ı dont think that will happen.
I love Sally and Courtenay equally, but I think Capcom doesn't hire these actors anymore. I'm happy that Matthew Mercier is still starring as Leon in the animated side movies.

I don't like how they keep changing Chris. He looked meh in 7. In the movies, he's not bad.
This goes back to what originally started this thread. Capcom is stuck in a pattern where they are heavily borrowing from other games in the series or just simply remaking older games. The Capcom that made RE5 and RE6 was taking risks with the series and pushing the mainline story further from 1998 events.

RE8 made the biggest time jump in the series so far, so it is hard to tell if RE9 is going to take place before or after Shadows of Rose. The existence of the mold in itself rivals viruses and parasitic side of bioweapons.

This is why I am suspect RE9 will share a lot with RE:5, or at the very least share a lot of assets with one another. The Rev2 cliffhanger is almost a decade old now so it’s time to wrap up the Wesker plotline once and for all soon.
Oh, God. I hope we get nothing like RE8 ever again. That game was so bad. I hate everything about it.

With 7, I could kind of understand it was an experiment. It paid off. I personally didn't like it a great deal, but I commend their attempts to go back to what made RE tick. At least they made the effort.

8 just did nothing for me. It was some Bride of Chucky, Power Rangers, Van Helsing bullshit...

🧛‍♀️ 🤖 🐺
The existence of the mold in itself rivals viruses and parasitic side of bioweapons.
If re9 would be inspired by re5, does this mean they would reveal another source of location for the progenitor? Rather than this being kept only in africa? Which location would this be? Spain? The revelation would be about mold also mutating from an origin location for progenitor like how plaga did judging from ndipaya drawings. Idk if they would utilize progenitor or its modified kind as a reason for the outbreak but chances are it would be outshined by the non-virus organism like how it happens in re5 where progenitor and uroboros take a backseat to plaga for the majority portion of the game.
It seems to me that the case with Village and the remake was more of a coincidence.

The development of Village started 6 months before the release of BIO7, and BIO4 was a reference back then.

Development of the remake began later. It just happened that the new game in the series was inspired by the same game that the team was remaking.
It seems to me that the case with Village and the remake was more of a coincidence.

The development of Village started 6 months before the release of BIO7, and BIO4 was a reference back then.

Development of the remake began later. It just happened that the new game in the series was inspired by the same game that the team was remaking.

I found this source as a back up of your statement. Do you know more if there are?

“We were still busy developing Resident Evil 7, but my boss told me to start planning for the next entry in the series. At the time, we had no idea how users would react towards the new horror experience and characters of 7 yet.”

“We had no idea how the change of perspective would be received, so at first we were quite worried. But when we released Resident Evil 7 about half a year after the development of Village started, it was received very well. This helped us decide to make Village a direct sequel,”

To me the entire re engine era feels more like a way to recreate re4's formula, in a way to make it more " survival horror " to please " Too much action! " criticisms made for re5 and re6. Just like re4, neither re7 nor revillage are virus stories but about a non-virus organism. Plaga and mold cant even cause evolution in the same way progenitor and its family variant can which ı see as the " heart and soul " of the series.

Re2-3r as well as re4r also feel inspired by both of those games. Re2r is more of an exploration focused game like re7's main story while re3r feels like an " action " dlc for re2r like re7's dlcs. But their stories feel quite unfaithful to past while re4r's plot looks much more faithful to og game's core plot featured with the gamecube port. I didnt even notice any contradiction added with the new los iluminados lore, ı was mostly underwhelmed by the way ada and krauser are handled in the story instead.
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