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RE9 I can see this game taking place in a hotter climate.

I can see a pattern happening between the recent sequels and the reimaginings. RE:5 and RE9 are most likely in the works as we speak, so they may share similar environments much like how RE8 and RE:4 share a lot of assets and similar locations.

This would be a breath of fresh air from mansions, forests, and city settings which they have been working with for the past 8 years. They can come up with more interesting monster designs and lore that can help enrich the world of RE as a whole. RE5 expanded upon the lore the most while closing out tiresome plotlines, giving future writers more wiggle room to do what they want.

I really hope this is the case, I don’t know how many more times they can recycle the same themes over and over again. It is time to take more risks with the franchise so it doesn’t grow stale and repetitive.
I can see a pattern happening between the recent sequels and the reimaginings. RE:5 and RE9 are most likely in the works as we speak, so they may share similar environments much like how RE8 and RE:4 share a lot of assets and similar locations.

This would be a breath of fresh air from mansions, forests, and city settings which they have been working with for the past 8 years. They can come up with more interesting monster designs and lore that can help enrich the world of RE as a whole. RE5 expanded upon the lore the most while closing out tiresome plotlines, giving future writers more wiggle room to do what they want.

I really hope this is the case, I don’t know how many more times they can recycle the same themes over and over again. It is time to take more risks with the franchise so it doesn’t grow stale and repetitive.

In BioHazard: RE5, the mansion theme was RElegated to a DLC scenario named Lost In Nightmares. They can even REpeat that concession inside BioHazard: RE9.
Do you think it will feature a virus, preferably a variant that's part of progenitor? T-veronica and t-abyss viruses were progenitor / t-virus variants mixed with completely original viruses not part of progenitor. Would you like to see that happening again? Or instead of that, maybe a new virus mix of 2 previous viruses like t+g and c-virus? What if t-abyss and t-phobos would be combined by a new follower of alex?

I didnt like how re7 and revillage werent virus stories. Compared to re4, where its parasitic outbreak story feels like an expansion from re3, re7 and revillage feel incredibly boring instead after re6 pushed action and drama to its limits while showcasing progenitor's potential the most.

I still dont want re5r and ı dont want to see recv and re6 on re engine either. Compared to re4r, they would be a lot less faithful, even more than re2-3r.
The problem with these new games is the awkward aiming system is janky, and every lit up area looks far too dull, even with the lighting.

You can basically compare screenshots of the original games to the recent remakes or sequels, and they look too emo nowadays.
The problem with these new games is the awkward aiming system is janky, and every lit up area looks far too dull, even with the lighting.

You can basically compare screenshots of the original games to the recent remakes or sequels, and they look too emo nowadays.
I dont like the gameplay for re engine games either. Compared to re6 and rerev2, they offer less and ı'm also bothered by the crosshair system. I wished it was possible to switch between crosshair and laser like in re6 and rerev2. Rerev also has that problem for me but it doesnt feel as annoying as in re engine games.

So far the re engine game that ı enjoyed the most is still dmc5 but ı got disappointed by the special edition.
I suppose re9 or whatever name it will get might feature wesker, either as the main antagonist or background antagonist. Then re5r will happen and wesker will be killed once again.


I can see a pattern happening between the recent sequels and the reimaginings. RE:5 and RE9 are most likely in the works as we speak, so they may share similar environments much like how RE8 and RE:4 share a lot of assets and similar locations.

This would be a breath of fresh air from mansions, forests, and city settings which they have been working with for the past 8 years. They can come up with more interesting monster designs and lore that can help enrich the world of RE as a whole. RE5 expanded upon the lore the most while closing out tiresome plotlines, giving future writers more wiggle room to do what they want.

I really hope this is the case, I don’t know how many more times they can recycle the same themes over and over again. It is time to take more risks with the franchise so it doesn’t grow stale and repetitive.
Whether it ends up this way or not, I'm almost positive they've at least scouted and shopped some warmer climate areas for the game. I'm not so sure I liked having similarities between Village and RE:4 so close together however, nor would I want that with 9 and RE:5. What the next remake will be if any is another topic, especially what it should be, but I'd have no issues with a new area/climate for RE:9 if unique and done well. Unique also means any other titles around it should differentiate, let it breathe and exist on its own.
I wished they set an entry in japan. As far as ı remember, only one of the movies took place in japan. It's also referenced in files and supplemental materials. But japan as a location would have been still cool.

Jill Valentine's mom was ethnically Japanese. There's an opportunity for Jill Valentine to explore her maternal heritage and confront a biohazardous outbreak at the same time🤔
Go on archive.org and look up this site.


If that's not working, try typing in rehorror.net or something.

They had a lot of material on there, many years ago. Their old forum was also the most active RE community at that time.
Go on archive.org and look up this site.


If that's not working, try typing in rehorror.net or something.

They had a lot of material on there, many years ago. Their old forum was also the most active RE community at that time.
I typed both of those links there and it didnt open anything. Tbh ı dont understand much of anything from that archive site.

For re lore sites, project umbrella and re wiki are the ones that come into my mind the most. Crimson head is also pretty good in regards to them storing their interviews to the site. There's re podcast which has a very big lore explanation but it's been a while since ı last checked that, it's quite big and the pages are quite long.
It's sad that the old web died a swift death. Geocities was great.

One of the best sites I came across was Don't Cry Jennifer. It covered the Clock Tower games, and there was rare coverage. You just never come across sites as good as when people actually took the time to build them well.

It's because Facebook came along. People lost interest, I suppose. It's like any trend. Things evolve, or just end up so shit.
Actually, based on the cliffhanger ending of Village, I sort-of agree. The DLC was a bit "brighter," too. I never played the DLC, so I can only judge it from trailers. Having said that, I think that Village is trying to sanitize players into thinking that the next game can take place in brighter locations, or climates. The original RE4 was in a brighter location and/or climates. But the RE4 Remake takes place in a darker theme because they wanted to continue that horror theme.

It doesn't need to be taking place at night to be horror. But, whatever.
Actually, based on the cliffhanger ending of Village, I sort-of agree. The DLC was a bit "brighter," too. I never played the DLC, so I can only judge it from trailers. Having said that, I think that Village is trying to sanitize players into thinking that the next game can take place in brighter locations, or climates. The original RE4 was in a brighter location and/or climates. But the RE4 Remake takes place in a darker theme because they wanted to continue that horror theme.

It doesn't need to be taking place at night to be horror. But, whatever.

That's true. Umbrella Corporation began their very first underground laboratory by confiscating land on the African continent. As we all know, Africa traditionally has more sunshine!🧠🎮:LOL:
This thread got me thinking that Florida or even Texas would be a great location for a BioHazard: RE game!🧠🎮:LOL:

  • Hot climate

  • Plenty of biohazards

  • Political corruption

  • Large potential for resource conservation gameplay

  • Large potential for puzzle solving

  • Last but not least, a large potential for enemy variety (especially gameplay fan service of alligators)
I mean… Ethan was “buried” close to Sunshine City so if that isn’t a nod to RE:5 or RE9’s potential setting than idk what is! 🤷‍♂️
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Do you think re5r will reference a possible re6r, like how re4r does for a possible re5r? I'm not sure how that will be done, recv is still skipped, which ı'm actually glad cause ı dont want it to be done in re engine, re6r would be much heavily changed than past instances. I would be heavily bothered by that.
They didn’t cut the island so I doubt they will cut out the action from RE:5 or RE:6 either. With how RE:3 was treated and RE8 having more action, it seems Capcom is repeating the same cycle over again with each title getting progressively more action-orientated.

I really appreciated the added puzzles in RE:4 so I hope they can do that successfully in future remakes and not have it be journalist mode like in RE8. They should implement a good zapping system again, that was a huge wasted opportunity in RE:2 that could have expanded from the original but was gutted instead for the sloppy 2nd runs.
They didn’t cut the island so I doubt they will cut out the action from RE:5 or RE:6 either. With how RE:3 was treated and RE8 having more action, it seems Capcom is repeating the same cycle over again with each title getting progressively more action-orientated.

I really appreciated the added puzzles in RE:4 so I hope they can do that successfully in future remakes and not have it be journalist mode like in RE8. They should implement a good zapping system again, that was a huge wasted opportunity in RE:2 that could have expanded from the original but was gutted instead for the sloppy 2nd runs.
I agree about that but ı'm still wondering about the plot of re6r's possibility, it's the most story heavy game in the series. Re2r didnt feel like it connected to re6, sherry's free of g-virus and they also dont show leon becoming a government agent to ensure sherry's safety. Even in re4r, they dont delve into leon-sherry's relationship that much other than showing 2nd run ending and still manage to contradict operation javier.

The plot points ı'm wondering whether they will be cut or not are simmons love lusting ada, carla becoming ada due to simmons' pursuit of recreating her soul, g and t-veronica combination, the family, neo umbrella and even jake's wesker connection. I've seen a lot asking for a " reboot " for re6r, ı suppose the game would be made for the people who disliked it, particularly its ambitious plot? Between re5-6r, ı think the latter would turn out a lot less faithful especially since many plot aspects from it cause nothing but disliking from what ı've seen. It didnt even receive or sell well as much as re4 and re5 despite being the fastest selling title.

And yeah ı wonder about the campaign connection aspect too. Re2r didnt have that properly so re6r wouldnt have it either ı guess?
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