I can see a pattern happening between the recent sequels and the reimaginings. RE:5 and RE9 are most likely in the works as we speak, so they may share similar environments much like how RE8 and RE:4 share a lot of assets and similar locations.
This would be a breath of fresh air from mansions, forests, and city settings which they have been working with for the past 8 years. They can come up with more interesting monster designs and lore that can help enrich the world of RE as a whole. RE5 expanded upon the lore the most while closing out tiresome plotlines, giving future writers more wiggle room to do what they want.
I really hope this is the case, I don’t know how many more times they can recycle the same themes over and over again. It is time to take more risks with the franchise so it doesn’t grow stale and repetitive.
This would be a breath of fresh air from mansions, forests, and city settings which they have been working with for the past 8 years. They can come up with more interesting monster designs and lore that can help enrich the world of RE as a whole. RE5 expanded upon the lore the most while closing out tiresome plotlines, giving future writers more wiggle room to do what they want.
I really hope this is the case, I don’t know how many more times they can recycle the same themes over and over again. It is time to take more risks with the franchise so it doesn’t grow stale and repetitive.