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Recent content by OmegaBlackHeart

  1. OmegaBlackHeart

    General Lore Questions

    For 2 I need to do some replays lol. For the 1st game in REmake I got through Jill's campaign where Barry makes it alive to the lab and Wesker after being backhanded by the Tyrant his body disappears. Barry's dialogue later implies Wesker was the one to activate the self destruct sequence. In...
  2. OmegaBlackHeart

    General Most brutal death scenes?

    I can think of several deaths across the franchise that are absolutely brutal. A few that come to mind are: Glasp death Resident Evil: Revelations 2, Majini death Public Assembly (if you lose during the Executioner stage you get a special cutscene after), Chainsaw deaths (especially in 4 and 4...
  3. OmegaBlackHeart

    General Lore Questions

    I thought I'd make this post to make a quick place for answers to any questions about the series lore. I have a question to start and was hoping someone could tell me: Is it ever confirmed who activated the self destruct sequence during the Mansion Incident? I've seen a video during Chris's...
  4. OmegaBlackHeart

    General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

    Awww, how could you forget the Bandersnatcher?? lol, but to add on there's also the Albinoid, the poisonous moths, and Monster Steve (not really a boss I know).
  5. OmegaBlackHeart

    General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

    I'm not looking super forward to this with how the remakes have been treated since 2. Code Veronica I'd be curious to see at least a trailer, but I'm sick of these omissions and changes to the lore, and story. I'll keep an open mind of course because there are some elements in the remakes that...
  6. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    The giant chainsaw ganado can instantly decapitate you in the original as well, so it's consistent in that sense.
  7. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 Some gamers just cannot cut it...

    The death is gruesome sure, but Jesus lol. Nobody better introduce this person to Mortal Kombat or God of War.
  8. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    Yes, exactly! That was how I got the handcannon rather than going through the higher difficulties.
  9. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    Glad you're enjoying it and cool that everyone else for the most part is. My only issues with the game besides the obvious story changes is the hit detection and the aiming. The aiming and shooting mechanics I recall has been brought up by you guys before, but is it just me or is anyone else...
  10. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    That was the case in the original also. Get 5 stars with every character in every map and that unlocks the handcannon. Keep in mind though the conditions I mentioned didn't account for the additions of Ada, Wesker, and the Docks map.
  11. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    Well keep in mind U3 in the original had more than 1 phase also.
  12. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    Glad to see everyone here enjoying their time with the DLC. I've had a couple of days now to dive into the game and I finished Separate Ways once, but will go back for Hardcore and Professional. Overall, the DLC is good and feels much more fulfilling than the original. Same kinds of additions...
  13. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:4 RE4R Separate Ways and Mercs Update

    Hey everyone, not sure if anyone else has started on the DLC, I just got my hands on it but while I was waiting for Separate Ways to finish downloading I went in with Mercenaries with Ada and subsequently Wesker. Wanted to give quick impressions. Ada plays about how I expected her to play...
  14. OmegaBlackHeart

    RE:1 Revisited RE1 Remake 20 years later

    I really wish they did go that route :(
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