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RE4 Why are the RE4/RE2R communities so toxic?

I don’t even care enough about her honestly to even consider her in a chronicles spin-off or RE9. Mia reminds me of Ada in some ways with how shady and morally confused they both are. Shadows of Rose will be the end and hopefully we can move past the mold and back to viruses and parasites again.
I dont think ada is similar to mia in any capacity. Ada never helped bioterrorists during bow development in the same way mia did. All ada did was steal samples and send them to other organizations but that's not the same thing as helping bow development. I dont like how some blame wesker's and simmons' crimes on ada at all. Wesker utilized his samples all by himself and she didnt even send g sample to simmons, he acquired g through sherry due to her infection in raccoon. Same thing with damnation where she kept special plaga sample to herself without sending it to simmons after figuring out his identity. Ada also didnt turn into a monster and attack leon in the same way mia became one and attacked ethan. Even carla didnt attack leon like that, she simply sends her explosive drones against all rather than only targetting leon. I cant believe ı've seen some blaming simmons' crimes on ada, other protagonists and even carla before calling re6's story stupid; it's extremely disgusting to see.

But anyway if they want to conclude winters; ı guess they should conclude mia by making her the main antagonist of rose's dlc. Revillage doesnt do her justice, she isnt even playable unlike re7. It feels like a re4 situation where ada wasnt playable in leon's story in favor of ashley but she receives her own scenario with the next ports instead. Re6 has the best story and character development in the series imo and an important reason for that is due to the game's story revolving around ada much more than before. It adds to her mystery and gives her a good reason to not use her alias anymore. She's developed very well in the game while being portrayed much more heroic than her past appearances.

Idk what they will feature next but it will probably another " grounded " origin species like mold and cadou due to wesker's simulation. I dont think they will feature a virus that's part of progenitor family. Re6 concludes progenitor due to giving g and t-veronica the development they deserve. Plaga has more chance to appear but it might be a vendetta situation.
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I don't expect Capcom will ever clear up the mess they've been making. They always bring in a new virus or whatever, and re-use the main characters, but they don't seem like they are even related games anymore. Like if you play RE6, then 7, I reckon that if you didn't know 7 was a sequel to 6, you could be forgiven. They feel absolutely nothing alike.
They are both criminals but at least Ada is redeemable to an extent. Being an international spy doesn’t help her case either. I am glad though that RE6 made efforts to show more of her good side by helping people other than Leon, it made her seem less selfish. Mia on the other hand being involved in the E-Series could have wiped out an entire city again like T-Birkin and C-Virus did. Then they expect us as the player to care about her after that?

Regardless if they helped steal or make BOW’s, they played a hand in how these weapons have spread and both should be incarcerated for their actions. But I guess Mia spilled enough beans about her involvement that they let her go, which is strange to me.
They are both criminals but at least Ada is redeemable to an extent. Being an international spy doesn’t help her case either. I am glad though that RE6 made efforts to show more of her good side by helping people other than Leon, it made her seem less selfish. Mia on the other hand being involved in the E-Series could have wiped out an entire city again like T-Birkin and C-Virus did. Then they expect us as the player to care about her after that?

Regardless if they helped steal or make BOW’s, they played a hand in how these weapons have spread and both should be incarcerated for their actions. But I guess Mia spilled enough beans about her involvement that they let her go, which is strange to me.
Ada being a spy still benefits her though since her true organization has her back for practically anything and suga's scripts gave her a good reason for her to not use her alias anymore. With re3; ı took her epilogue as her saying things for the sake of it due to her bond with leon changing her. Re6 makes her epilogue file in re3 much more relevant without devaluing her mystery and ı agree with suga a lot for that. I find her much better developed than wesker who became a joke to me starting with recv's x version. I also dislike wesker's report 1 and that affects separate ways where they force ada to work with wesker due to it. I would have preferred if ada was investigating wxc without following wesker's orders similar to her investigating the family after 2009. Krauser could have been much more compelling since he became one of wesker's men after darkside chronicles but he doesnt get a proper conclusion in re4 due to coming out of nowhere as a rival to leon.

I agree with you about mia. I dont care much about her either but ı find more potential at her compared to ethan. I think they should make her an antagonist for the next re engine entry and she would be concluded.

For ada; ı still wouldnt consider her as an antagonist since she is playable for pretty much every entry she's introduced. I dislike her the most in re engine 2 along with leon due to wesker's simulation impression devaluing the game's story similar to x version of recv and ı also find her relationship with leon lacking in re4 compared to re2 and re6. Umbrella chronicles also doesnt have sally cahill voicing her despite her scenario taking place at raccoon and ı wished she did. I dont mind courtenay taylor voicing her at re6 since sally cahill voiced her enough and a new va feels more fitting for the game's plot twist. Re6 was the 1st re game ı played in 2013 and ı remember enjoying the story and its plot twists without jumping to sudden conclusions like how ı've seen people saying after looking up.

But anyway ada and wesker getting their own games without leon or chris would still be interesting to me.
I hope they will never, ever and EVER do a re engine cv. Recv ı think has the best story from pre-4 entries due to clever sibling rivalry aspect in regards to claire vs alfred and chris vs alexia. However recvx defeats the entire point of the story due to that drunken kato altering sugimura's script in the most forced way imaginable.

Darkside chronicles improves enough from recv already. It improves A LOT from x version and makes it much more similar to og game. I adore suga's writing style.

If it will get created with wesker's umbrella technology; ı would be insanely pissed. They can go ahead and do re engine 5 for all ı care since it's capcom's best selling re game and it revolved around wesker much more than ever before. But ı dont want re engine cv and 6 in any capacity.
The worst guy I have encountered in the RE community isn't even being a dick because of RE discussions. He is some mental Australian guy.

Recently spammed a dead anxiety forum with my personal information with multiple accounts, and said my sister's spawn "should be drowned" and that my mum will be dead, "this time next year!"

I told some legal advice forums about him. They reckon I should not put stock in it by responding. He then recently signed up to a new UK RE site with my user name. Not this one. You may know the one. I knew it was him because he calls me "Peter the potato" and his avatar was a spud. LOL.

The admin deleted the profile, and apologized. But I swear. Some people are just complete dumbasses.
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