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General What If Scenarios

Felt the need to create a separate thread for this.

Anyone have more ideas for what if scenarios like these in the video?

Here are mine:


What if billy and rebecca failed to stop marcus / queen leech and they both died?


What if alexia decided to experiment on alfred with t-veronica instead of alexander?

What if steve survived and escaped with claire and chris from antarctic base?

Darkside chronicles

What if krauser didnt injure his arm and didnt become evil?


What if parker, jessica and raymond died during the terragrigia panic?


What if jill didnt get captured by wesker in lost in nightmares?

What if josh didnt save sheva's life in time when her gun got jammed?

Marhawa desire ( Re6 prequel manga )

What if ricky killed himself with his gun and chris didnt reach to him in time?

What if merah survived and escaped with chris and piers from marhawa academy?


What if jake's mom was alive during re6's events?

What if chris and piers died during their edonia operation from carla's trap? Or what if only one of them died?

What if jake and sherry didnt get captured by carla and her men in edonia and they reached to simmons instead?

What if carla didnt contact ada under the guise of simmons to invite her to her submarine?

What if simmons didnt capture deborah to force helena to do his bidding and instead released c-virus gas immediately on tall oaks?

What if leon and helena died during tall oaks incident? Or what if only one of them died?

What if piers survived and escaped with chris from neo-umbrella's underwater facility?
So ı've been thinking about the " What if billy and rebecca failed to stop marcus / queen leech and they both died? " scenario. I'll actually try to come up with an answer myself:

1st of all; with rebecca being dead, richard would most likely die way earlier in the mansion. Leeches would infest the mansion and it's possible the queen leech would appear in the mansion as well. Chris' scenario would be much harder due to rebecca being dead and ı dont think wesker would help chris that much. I still think the cast would survive the odds though.

If for some reason; stars dont manage to kill queen leech in the mansion, then he would most likely spread his leeches in raccoon city as well and make the games that take place in raccoon city harder for the characters involved in them. I dont think he and his creations would survive the bombing of raccoon though, they would perish by the bombing. And that's assuming if one of the raccoon city survivors dont manage to kill him.

Rebecca being dead would affect the events of biohazard the stage and vendetta as well. It probably wouldnt affect the events of biohazard the stage that much, bsaa might send someone else as a teacher to the university and the events wouldnt be that different. However it would affect the events of vendetta more. For arias anyway, since he wouldnt be able to capture rebecca and use her for experiments to improve the virus and his plans would have been stopped easier. I still think bsaa would come up with a temporary vaccine though it would have been harder.
I know this is old but ı want to revive this. I've actually created this at somewhere else in the past and there people gave some ideas while reacting to some of my ideas.

Here's the thread that ı created there:

I want to copy paste one of them here; a very dark one:

" There is one what-if scenario I've been thinking about for a while, inspired by Tomb Raider Anniversary, at the end of which the villain Natla offers Lara Croft a place by her side to create a new world and rule over it together, giving Lara superpowers and immortality in the process. Being a good person at heart, Lara unsurprisingly refuses, just like Chris would have refused any similar deal with Wesker at the end of RE1 / REmake. But... what if such a deal had been proposed, and Chris accepted?

I can't really come up with an answer to this question myself, but I'd love to hear someone else's thoughts on it. "

" " What if birkin created another special t strain as a backup for wesker who saved this virus as a deal for someone else to be his partner and that person happened to be chris who accepted this deal and became evil? "

I'll try to come up with an answer for this:

If chris became evil and a partner for wesker then the other 3 alpha team members' survival rate would drastically decrease since chris did most of the work in remake compared to other alpha team members and this is a major reason why wesker hates chris so much in recv and re5.

They might survive but they could also get killed by chris / wesker or t-002; especially rebecca. Most likely ı think all 3 stars members would have died and ı'll take this into account when continuing my answer.

Chris would have injected t into his body and this would result in different situations.

a. He would have turned into a zombie and wesker would kill him instantly, ruining his plan in the process.

b. Nothing would have happened at 1st and wesker would still shoot him in the head. This would result in 2 things; either chris turning into a zombie after dying which results in " a. " or chris resurrecting and becoming a superhuman. Lets say the latter happened.

I think they still would have released t-002 ( Wesker would still get impaled and resurrect to become a superhuman. Chris would still temporarily knock the bow down. ) to hunt down stars ( who would die ) and depending on to the situation, chris and wesker might kill t-002 if it would attack them. Lets say after stars members died, tyrant decided to attack chris and wesker who killed the bow. Rebirth scenario from umbrella chronicles wouldnt have happened that differently other than chris becoming wesker's partner but imagine in one of the scenarios; t-002 stalks them similar to how lisa stalked wesker in 2nd scenario. They ran off from mansion similar to the ending.

I wont delve that much into re2 and re3 cause the video explains the new situation for those games already but one thing ı'll say is claire would have arrived at raccoon to learn what happened to her brother. And she along with leon, ada and sherry would have survived the events and claire would appear at recv which ı'm gonna focus on more.

The events happen normally but at some point, instead of wesker; chris suddenly appears when claire goes back to ashford estate. Chris might kill claire at there but lets say he didnt like how wesker spared her to give her trauma. The story continues like how it was normally except claire's emotionally messed up due to her brother becoming evil; WAY more than how steve is. When they escape from antarctic base with a truck; their vehicle crashes by alexia's tentacle and they get captured. Steve's situation would be mostly same however claire's situation would be very different; ı will delve into these possibilities with more detail.

1. Claire wouldnt be saved by anyone and after waking up; she wouldnt be able to escape from that cocoon by herself. She might hear noises at the base like wesker and chris fighting alexia and steve but eventually she would perish after the base got blown up due to self destruction system.

2. Claire wouldnt be saved by anyone however she manages to escape from that cocoon somehow. Steve boss fight might happen the same way if wesker and chris dont see her ( which would end up in her dying ) however after the boss fight; she's locked at that room. This would eventually end up in her either getting killed by wesker and chris or her getting captured and brainwashed by them as a member for rival organization. Wesker and chris still kill alexia and obtain steve's body while escaping from the base with or without the brainwashed claire.

3. Alexia captures her and injects her with a t-veronica strain. Her mutation most likely ends up similar to steve's. Chris and wesker kills them and they obtain both bodies for experimentation before escaping from the base.

So this is how recv story would end up. About claire dying ( infected or not. ) or getting captured and brainwashed; ı would say former happens though if she gets captured instead of dying, then she eventually would end up as a superhuman after chris and wesker completes their plan in re5.

I wont delve much into the others but before ending this; ı'll say that dark legacy scenario of umbrella chronicles wouldnt happen that differently other than chris becoming wesker's partner and later on; after wesker kills spencer, they will release uroboros ( Lets say excella has t antibodies in her body. ) into the atmosphere and ı dont think anyone would be able to stop their plans. Ensuring. Complete. Global. Saturation.

So yeah, overall this is how things would end up imo. "

I wished ren continued the dark biohazard videos, they are interesting to watch. I dont think he's planning to create them anymore.
Also about rebecca and billy dying situation; it's possible sergei might send his ivan to the mansion. The alpha team might be able to encounter that bow there.
I wonder how things would have turned out if jill didnt fall from that window with wesker and wasnt experimented by him.

I think she would have become a captain earlier just like chris to train more recruits.

Always wondered the possibility of a jill / merah team up just like chris and piers.

Wished merah didnt die...
What if barry and rebecca were included in re5's main story?

I wonder how the story would have turned out.

As well as jill " surviving " the events from re5 lin with chris.

Wesker wouldnt have access to her t antibodies that are used to weaken uroboros and ı guess his plan would have been much brutal due to uroboros being extremely lethal.
If steve survived; then ı think he would have become a member of terrasave just like claire.

Also; is it wrong to ship claire and steve?

Sure steve was under 18 during the events of recv and he behaves weird in some ways but ıdk; ı found his fate tragic.

I wasnt even annoyed by him when ı 1st played the game nor ı was aware that he got haters.

Plus he tells claire that he loves her ( Og game, not darkside chronicles. ) before dying.

Claire was greatly affected by his death; to the point where a spinoff was released ( Survivor 2 ) that's exclusive for the game.

Steve is also the reason why ı think claire decided to take a more supportive role rather than a fighter role.

She was greatly affected by the events of recv.

Seriously recv is the only mainline entry that got a spinoff exclusively for it.

None of the mainline entries got spinoffs that are exclusively for them.

I remember thinking in the past that " When recv gets remade; then they should remake it in a way that remakes survivor 2 as well since it gives more info for the game while including it in the package. " but not anymore.

If they would remake / reimagine recv; they would most likely cut stuff and butcher the hell out of it similar to how re2 and re3 got re7'd in 2019 and 2020.

They wouldnt give a crap about that spinoff either.

Ugh; the realism obsession is cancer; ı swear.

What if wesker sent ada to los illuminados cult instead of krauser? Basically ada and krauser swap places.


What if chris was the one who fell from the window with wesker instead of jill? He survives the fall but becomes amnesiac in the process. Wesker uses this to make chris believe he's not his rival and they became teammates in the process.


What if chris was found by natalex during the time period he was missing in eastern europe as an amnesiac?
I really wished piers survived.

I feel like one way to prevent piers from dying would be changing re5's story 1st. Basically prevent jill from getting captured by wesker without her getting weskertined with stupid blonde hair, make her chris' partner right from start, make sheva and josh partners as well as add barry and rebecca to the main story.

At the end; wesker dies with 4 rockets fired by chris, jill, barry and rebecca when he's submerged in lava.

Barry retires to take care of his family, chris and jill become sou captains together so that they can become better leader than wesker was, rebecca continues staying in bsaa as an advisor.

I would also change marhawa desire's story too. I would change some or even add extra lore info so that merah is jill's student just like piers is chris' student. Change the story a bit as well so that merah survives and jill appears in the manga as a sou captain.

With all these done; jill would get her own campaign in re6 and her partner would be merah just like how chris' partner is piers. ( Along with that story dlc for re6 happening for the game which would allow claire and agent to get their own campaigns. Lets delete rerev2 please. )

At the end of chris' and jill's campaigns; those 4 bsaa operatives would find 2 linear launcher like weapons ( A reference to recv. ) and chris and jill would use those 2 weapons together while piers and merah keep haos busy against the monster in a very stylish fashion to blow the hell out of that monster to bits. Those weapons would unlock after some damage is done to bow btw.

After this is done; they would escape from the facility together. During epilogues; chris and jill would retire while passing the torch to piers and merah. Those 2 would marry while writing a book about their past adventures. Piers and merah would continue being bsaa operatives but as sou captains instead due to their successful operations in the past.
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