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General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

Survivor being canon, I don't mind.

I thought it was great that Capcom talked about Sheena Island at the start of RE0. Some people even want Ark Thompson to return, as he is friends with Leon. That was never explored beyond Ark just mentioning that he was friends with him.
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BIO5 ruined Wesker. He is nothing more than a bad amalgamation of Roy Batty and Agent Smith in that game. He is at his best as the charismatic manipulator. CV nearly did right by him but was the start of his downfall by making him into a cartoon with Bond Villain elements.
BIO5 ruined Wesker. He is nothing more than a bad amalgamation of Roy Batty and Agent Smith in that game. He is at his best as the charismatic manipulator. CV nearly did right by him but was the start of his downfall by making him into a cartoon with Bond Villain elements.
In OG RE1, Wesker gets:
1) Bullied and laughed at by Chris or..
2) Bonked by Barry.

He was a Scooby Doo villain to begin with. Just Rated M.

EDIT: I am not trying to dismiss your views on RE5 Wesker. I was just pointing out that viewing Wesker as cartoony is a rather popular opinion.
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In OG RE1, Wesker gets:
1) Bullied and laughed at by Chris or..
2) Bonked by Barry.

He was a Scooby Doo villain to begin with. Just Rated M.

EDIT: I am not trying to dismiss your views on RE5 Wesker. I was just pointing out that viewing Wesker as cartoony is a rather popular opinion.
Few see it that way and BIO5 being his worst use in the games is the unpopular opinion. Barry and Chris are tanks, anyone in that same situation would have met the same outcome unless they were of Solid Snake or Master Chief proportions, and he was tricking them anyway. He became infamous in the first place for getting practically the entire elite team he trained himself wiped out. He allows them to believe he has lost when in fact he's just beginning. Even his failure is good, it gives him something to grow from and shows that he is human, not another mindless bloodthirsty B.O.W. He learns from his mistakes for the rest of the series onward until BIO5 where he suddenly becomes completely lacking in common sense and more inept than he ever was.
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Lily gao is the best va for ada. She's the one who sounds closest to sally cahill compared to previous va that voiced the character. She deserves to voice the character in a new game story that would be set after re6. I want to hear her impression in a new game story rather than revisiting the past with yet another different interpretation done with re engine. I hope capcom wont ditch the character due to the unfair treatment lily gao received.
I do not think she's bad at all.

Wesker, on the other hand? There's room for improvement there. :D
For wesker, his re4r portrayal is also my favourite one from all of his appearances. The design, the voice, the writing etc. Overall ı think re4r wesker is the best follow up from iwao's writing as far as acting, design and writing goes. I'm also glad that they make his suit an unlockable to be swapped though from my understanding, it still cant be used in mercenaries. I still didnt play mercenaries right now, ı'll eventually play that too. Regardless ada and wesker's relationship in re4r is one of my favourite character relationships in the series. I didnt like their relationship before, particularly during assignment ada which felt quite rushed, something mikami even admits but with re4r, ı think their relationship is given more development and ı see the characters tying to re5 and re6 better than re4-assignment ada-separate ways do.
Capcom utterly failed by not courting a horror audience considering the amount of resident evil in all of the most popular horror games of the last 20 years

Resident evil is at it's best when it embraces full on Scifi instead of realism

outbreak should have been the basis for the next decade of resident evil games

capcom is horrible at making villains

when they do make a good villain they waste them

there hasn't been a good main villain since resident evil 2

survival horror requires me to believe the main character had a chance to survive in the first place

console gaming held capcom back

The war on bioterror plotline was the worst decision they ever made

black wesker made sense because black wesker was actually the first king of Ndipaya

the anderson films were the best thing to happen to resident evil surpassing even the sheer amount of rule34

the minethrower is a perfectly balanced weapon

the wesker project was the single dumbest plot point ever serving no purpose than to explain why there were two weskers

in the world of resident evil americans would be superhuman as the numerous viruses would be covered under the second amendment

resident evil 6 is bad because half way through they decided they wanted to start making RE7 and gave up on the game

RE7 is bad because they realized how badly they failed making a tragic villain and accidentally made one less tragic than the teenager that was groomed by a creepy older man and turned into a walking talking asian sex doll

RE6 was the epitome of a zapping system which RE2R failed to expand upon and instead ruined one of the most unique features from the original. The biggest fault of RE1 really is that Jill and Chris scenarios were too similar and should have been much different in the Gamecube remake. Why they decided to copy RE1’s format for RE2R was due to laziness and budget cuts.

RE6 and RE7 development cycles have nothing in common and are years apart from each other. If anything, RE7 went through numerous changes before deciding on making it a VR game. People say it “saved” the franchise but in reality all it did was alienate the fanbase like RE4 did in 2005. The recent remakes are proof that there’s nothing wrong with 3rd person.

The mold is disappointing like Uroboros and has some of the most lackluster monster designs in the franchise history. There is a reason why they kept recycling hunters, lickers, and tyrants from the first 5 games over and over because they were so damn good. RE6 came the closest to this and payed homage to many themes from prior titles. I think war on bioterror is fine and has a lot more potential than focusing on a single family like The Winters.
I don't fully dislike the first person viewpoint, but I think treating Ethan like a proxy character was dumb, making it you had to pretend you were him throughout his two adventures, sight unseen. Uh. It was stupid. Then the crap with mannequins in a Silent Hill like environment. That was highly stupid, and felt like a rip-off. I knew when I saw that P.T. looking house, Capcom was sticking it to Konami for choosing to cancel their game, and imitating it at the same time. Well done, Capcom. Boo. You suck.

Billy Coen is at the top of my list for the long forgotten characters I want to see again. I seriously doubt we'll ever see him again, but he was apparently supposed to be in the animated Netflix series before they went with Leon Kennedy, so maybe there's a slim amount of hope yet. It's Capcom we're talking about, though. They probably just assume that nobody even remembers the events of RE0 from 2003 anyway. But come on. Christ. You need to stop making everything so vapid, Capcom. I've lost count of the times you've introduced a new storyline, such as it is, just to ditch it to go with yet another confusing pile of your gloop. This is more or less a rinse and repeat cycle with y'all over in Japan.

It's just so, so annoying. The franchise really doesn't make a lot of sense anymore. At least with RE, 2, 3, CV and so on, we had a common connection, so things felt more natural, normal, or whatever the appropriate phrase is. It was only after RE4 was released, we got things going this way, and that way. It's a wonder anybody still cares about the plot of the series, as it's just hard to piece all of this history together.

But yeah. It's a mess. Hehe.
Whether we care or not, more remakes are coming in the future.

I'm pretty tired of the franchise being milked, to be honest. Remakes are NOT new games, even if they change them enough to feel different. This is similar to my complaints about Capcom going back to storylines in the year 1998. With their budget, they're capable of just giving us RE9 already, or something just as good.

Now, I do think CV is very likely to be the remake that comes first, followed by 5. Although I honestly don't know. I reckon 5 will come first due to Wesker being in it, and with that of course being action oriented like 4 is. That aside, it would make more sense to do them in order. You'd think so, at least.
Whether we care or not, more remakes are coming in the future.

I'm pretty tired of the franchise being milked, to be honest. Remakes are NOT new games, even if they change them enough to feel different. This is similar to my complaints about Capcom going back to storylines in the year 1998. With their budget, they're capable of just giving us RE9 already, or something just as good.

Now, I do think CV is very likely to be the remake that comes first, followed by 5. Although I honestly don't know. I reckon 5 will come first due to Wesker being in it, and with that of course being action oriented like 4 is. That aside, it would make more sense to do them in order. You'd think so, at least.
Code Veronica is my favourite of the classic games and I'm looking forward to that being remade the most because I like it so much. I have thoroughly enjoyed every remake so far and I know they will do a great job. The irony here is you are just as big of a fan of Code Veronica as I am, but for that very reason if they remake it you will absolutely hate it. Everything they change, every detail that's different, the feel of the game, the look of the game, the controls, the camera, the enemies they leave out, the areas they change or omit, you will go into the game looking for these things to justify why you don't like it.

If they released RE9 sooner it wouldn't make any difference, you won't like that either and then spend the next 20 years complaining about it on public forums like this.
Well, since they have such a big budget over there at Capcom, you would think that there would be no need to exclude all of these areas, enemies and more. Nor should it be added in post-release as DLC either if it was already in the original version. Also, while CV is a big game, it's really all down to the backtracking on the island and in Antarctica, which makes it feel longer than it is.

There's absolutely no reason that a game made in the 2020s from a big brand like Capcom needs any reduction. And others have pointed out the cut content too. Especially with RE3.

Look at games like Days Gone, The Last of Us, The Evil Within 2, etc. All of those titles are made by studios that one could say are beneath Capcom, except maybe for Naughty Dog (perhaps). I don't complain about those games on other forums because they are full of character, scares, excellent graphics, and comfortable gameplay. Plus the story is sensational in all of those games, so I didn't lose interest while playing them.

When I played RE7, 8 and the remakes, I was disappointed because A, they nuked the soul out of the originals, and B, 7 and 8 are just silly games with a main character one never gets to see in full. Those games also have ludicrous plots, are a rip-off of Silent Hill and multiple horror movies, and generally don't feel like RE games. It feels like a VR game or some indie game on Steam, just with a higher budget.

Now, no offense to Mert, but RE6 isn't that great either. However, it's only due to it not being that scary. I primarily think RE is supposed to be survival horror but has too much action. But compared to 7, at least 6 resembles RE to an extent. Like with the zombies and the theme of a viral outbreak. I'm not saying they cannot try new ideas, but RE8 in particular was a sight for sore eyes.

They had years to work on remaking RE2, so what was the reason for excluding all of that content you're acting like isn't a big deal? The first remake in 2002 came out a mere 6 years after the original, and was built from the ground up as well. Fans still love that game some 20 years later because that and Silent Hill 2 are what survival horror is made of. So it's not as if Capcom didn't have the time there to do it right.

You know I don't complain about Revelations 2 or the animated films, because I think Capcom gave fans something worth a shit. If this reflects in RE9, I won't be moaning about it. But RE8 was bad, and the rumoured plot leak for RE9 which I suspect is bullshit too, doesn't sound very RE like to anybody.
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