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General The 1980 movie Alligator inspired a boss in RE2...

Yep. I rejoined there. God knows why.

I was on there a number of months ago. Didn't like it then. But it's one of the only active forums left. Sad, yet true.

How long do you think it will be before I am flamed on there? :D

I am just testing the waters. I hope they behave.
Idk but you seem to create new accounts all the time. I find other places waste of time but ı still lurk on internet to get a quick glimpse about the new announcements for the series. Then ı forget it cause it's overall the same repetitive stuff that gets said on a constant basis.
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I can tell they don't like backing up what they're saying. I get that people don't like to type long posts like I perhaps do. But yeah, okay. Don't stress yourselves. :D

Half the time, they post plaintive comments like, "RE7 is like any other RE game" and they don't even say why that is. I fail to understand where their logic lays in that regard. Again, if you're gonna say something like that, cite a reason. Say why you think it's a RE game.

LOL, no. I'd argue home the point that RE7 is certainly not like any other RE game from 1996. 2002. 2005. 2012. 2015. I couldn't give a shit whatever the year is. It's just a horror game by Capcom, that has things from RE games of the past mentioned in it for the sake of there being a subtle link. But other than that, it's a different game entirely. Most people can tell that right off the bat. It's a separate storyline that continued in Village, with the same dude who was seeking his wife, is now seeking his daughter. And well, his wife too, I suppose. I'm not sure if he knew about Mia still being alive, although I'm sure Chris did reveal to him that she was being held captive.

If you took out Chris and the references to Umbrella, it's barely a sequel. It's just a game that's called RE7, with the Japanese name of the franchise also cleverly included.

RE6 may not be everybody's top tier example of a RE game, but that's way more RE than RE7 will ever be.
I can tell they don't like backing up what they're saying. I get that people don't like to type long posts like I perhaps do. But yeah, okay. Don't stress yourselves. :D

Half the time, they post plaintive comments like, "RE7 is like any other RE game" and they don't even say why that is. I fail to understand where their logic lays in that regard. Again, if you're gonna say something like that, cite a reason. Say why you think it's a RE game.

LOL, no. I'd argue home the point that RE7 is certainly not like any other RE game from 1996. 2002. 2005. 2012. 2015. I couldn't give a shit whatever the year is. It's just a horror game by Capcom, that has things from RE games of the past mentioned in it for the sake of there being a subtle link. But other than that, it's a different game entirely. Most people can tell that right off the bat. It's a separate storyline that continued in Village, with the same dude who was seeking his wife, is now seeking his daughter. And well, his wife too, I suppose. I'm not sure if he knew about Mia still being alive, although I'm sure Chris did reveal to him that she was being held captive.

If you took out Chris and the references to Umbrella, it's barely a sequel. It's just a game that's called RE7, with the Japanese name of the franchise also cleverly included.

RE6 may not be everybody's top tier example of a RE game, but that's way more RE than RE7 will ever be.
I find re6 peak entry in every way imaginable. Best story, characters, gameplay, voice acting, character arcs and infinitely more. It really feels like an end point and capcom seems to know it's impossible to up its stakes, action and drama so they did a cheap reboot starting with umbrella corps and re engine where wesker is imitating past games while using the latter to produce re4 remakes. As if the game being ported wasnt enough. They absolutely need to please those pessimistic critics who trash the game despite it being described as a great game in one of re7's videos.

I think people see re7 as " return to roots " cause it is a cheap re1 imitation and that includes bloated adventure gameplay aspects. Notice how it doesnt get a camera update unlike revillage cause re1 was planned with a different camera perspective while revillage felt more re4 inspired. And people blame re4 as ruining the series when it saved it due to kobayashi producing it. I find it flawed but still more valuable than remake cause it's a new game while all remake has is lisa trevor. The later ports of re4 also has separate ways too which is where the actual story happens.

" —They acted as a kind of restriction that people enjoyed. Restrictions have become an irrevocable part of gameplay. "

" Mikami: Yeah. I think that's something we should re-consider, and it wasn't intentional. I wince when people tell me that the poor controls in Resident Evil helped contribute to the sense of dread and horror… because that wasn't my intention. It was kind of embarrassing, and when journalists would ask me questions like "How does it feel to sell a million copies?!", my honest feeling was, "Well, not that great." And the more interviews I did, the more depressed I got. As a creator, putting my work out into the world was it's own reward. "

He said this and yet people still think the outdated design of older games, at least the ones before outbreak games, are intentional genius work that adds to " horror " somehow when they are considered to be forced limitations added into the games. With re4 and re5; they wanted to get away from these aspects and with re6; they finally succeeded by making the game really different from past ones in terms of design and people just complained more and more about the game and how it somehow " betrays " the so called " roots " ... Only for capcom to try to please those people by making re7 designed more similar in terms of past games and it seems that they succeeded since a good portion of the fanbase praises re7 and this is one of the reasons. I find it massive step down from re6.

I dont even like mikami and ı dont find his producing as good as kobayashi. The only game kobayashi produced without mikami was re6 and that's yet another reason why the game feels like the best entry in every way imaginable. It even has sasaki and suga returning along with hirabayashi from re5 returning. I dont think kobayashi and hirabayashi will ever team up again sadly.

The " survival horror " mikami invented was also a generic buzzword in a way to promote re1. I still cant stand to the whole debates surrounding that. I see 1st numbered trilogy as adventure games with action-horror mix while ı see 2nd numbered trilogy as action games with adventure-horror mix. The transition from adventure to action design felt like a story progression and it's re6 that showcases this the best. However re engine cutting edge era feels quite cheap so that re6 criticisms can be benefitted.

There was also this reply someone else made to me and ı agree with it:

" I genuinely think people get so stuck on how the REmake made them feel that they forget what RE has always been like. The slow-paced horror works, but it's not really the heart of the series nor has it ever been. Even with the new games, they slip into series tropes very often that people typically dislike (but not when these do it, of course). In my mind, the series has always fallen somewhere between Romero's Dead series, the Alien series, and the Terminator series. RE6 does a good job of portraying that. "

But anyway ı went overboard but it felt like the best thread to say this.
I loved The Evil Within 2. That's just like being in Silent Hill, but it has the gameplay of RE4 and so on. Yet unlike RE4, it's actually... SCARY!

The second game also had an optional first person mode. I honestly couldn't complain as it's a choice you get provided with.

Yet nobody really liked it.

I thought it was the best horror game of the last generation consoles. I would have said The Last of Us, but it's arguably more so an adventure game. And yes, one of the best games ever made.

Capcom didn't make it, you see. If Capcom aren't involved, these big budget games are treated as if they are inferior indie games. It's not right.

I wasn't left feeling let down. The story was gripping to the end, even if it didn't make sense at first.
I loved The Evil Within 2. That's just like being in Silent Hill, but it has the gameplay of RE4 and so on. Yet unlike RE4, it's actually... SCARY!

The second game also had an optional first person mode. I honestly couldn't complain as it's a choice you get provided with.

Yet nobody really liked it.

I thought it was the best horror game of the last generation consoles. I would have said The Last of Us, but it's arguably more so an adventure game. And yes, one of the best games ever made.

Capcom didn't make it, you see. If Capcom aren't involved, these big budget games are treated as if they are inferior indie games. It's not right.

I wasn't left feeling let down. The story was gripping to the end, even if it didn't make sense at first.
I never got into evil within games. Maybe in future ı will. I'll probably enjoy the 2nd game more than the 1st one for the reasons you posted. Apparently mikami didnt direct it but produced it?

However ı got into dmc series with dmc3 due to dmc1 being one of re3,5 versions before it started its own series. I feel that it could have started a spinoff series in re franchise all along cause the whole " Too much action " seems like a very generic statement to me. Regardless it had kamiya and sugimura returning from re2. Suga also worked on dmc4 as a writer before moving on to re series. His absence in dmc5 shows sadly as much as ı love the game. He might have done more with scenario connection aspect for dmc5 like how re6 did it.

But anyway mikami's vision hurts the series more than helping it imo. I wished they hired kamiya or sasaki for re4 cause ı like their directing more than mikami's. I'm still deeply saddened by sugimura not working on the final build as a writer as well.

This James douchebag needs a new hobby...


Western Australia must be full of WAnkers. You can only pity a guy who doesn't take a hint for so long. Watch though as he will post some contradictive (obsessive) reply later on. Yeah. Reading my posts on every forum everyday, is obsessive.

Thankfully, Biohaze rocks. He will never know the true meaning of being a Resident Evil fan.
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