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General The 1980 movie Alligator inspired a boss in RE2...


1980 also had the cool, underrated movie, Scared to Death, which is about the "Syngenor" creature killing people in the sewers.


The late Robert Forster from Jackie Brown starred as the main protagonist.
I'm not Goldsickle. LOL. :D

Unless there's another one, it's the same guy. He also posts on devilmaycry.org.

I got banned from residentevil.org today, which is run by this guy, Steve. I don't know why they banned me again. Made many posts there recently with no flaming or anything. Just signed in a few hours ago to see the notice. But I did make multiple accounts and take the piss out of members there a few years ago. Although I still think they did it on purpose today.
I'm not Goldsickle. LOL. :D

Unless there's another one, it's the same guy. He also posts on devilmaycry.org.

I got banned from residentevil.org today, which is run by this guy, Steve. I don't know why they banned me again. Made many posts there recently with no flaming or anything. Just signed in a few hours ago to see the notice. But I did make multiple accounts and take the piss out of members there a few years ago. Although I still think they did it on purpose today.
nvm, you were just quoting him, I just get easily confused with people's alts and stuff.

Why did you got banned?
I wish I knew. The same admin runs devilmaycry.org. But maybe I better not stoke the fire by asking him.

The users on there are clearly Capcom shills that don't like criticism. When I talked about RE in two threads, one of which was locked when they went off on a tangent, I was blasted by some of them. About three members. They made out I was saying things I wasn't. Claimed I made lengthy videos to rant about them, when I only did it once about a year ago.
Can you guys stop mentioning names unnecessarily? You're just insulting people just cause they have a different opinion.

But anyway they've been taking inspirations from other franchises all the time anyway. Anderson movies also took inspirations from prime universe. So ı fail to see how taking inspirations from his movies is a bad thing.

Personally ı dont care much for anderson's movies but they still have their fans and ı think that's ok. People simply like what they want.
OK. Let's not go fighting anymore.

This is for the most part, a cool, calm forum for RE fans to debate about whatever in a civilized manner. Unlike GameFAQs is.

Biohaze is also one of the last RE forums around. However, Dot50Cal's website The Horror Is Alive recently made a return. So if you want to check it out, here is the link.

I think this is the best thread to say this but after checking one of your posts; ı dont agree about re6 " ripping off " gears of war. It's nothing like cod, gears of war or even vanquish. It's one of a kind just like outbreak games but even better due to having both director and writer returning along with 2 producers coming back as well.

I checked this video and while the easter egg is similar to the game shown; it's still quite different from it. In re6; you cant even fight against any monsters at that area. Ada can also do the easter egg but she's a spy, not a soldier. I see re6's story script more inspired by sugimura's writing rather than " ripping off " . Suga seems to be a big fan of sugimura's unique plot points so he did as much as possible to show sugimura's potential to bio-real world by expanding from him. It feels like a very big flagship title that sugimura would have come up before his tragic demise. Such a shame all the minds who were lost...

Re1 feels inspired by alone in the dark and sweet home as well. Iwao straight up says it himself.

" CHE: Did the 1989 Famicom title 'Sweet Home' influence your work? "

" KI: Yes. However, when designing the title's game system, I was influenced more by 'Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress', (for example the limited supplies). I think Sweet Home is a good game. By the way, Oda-san is a big fan of Sweet Home and gave it to me free of charge. But concerning the item limit I remember that I pushed for cooperation and I decided the number of bullets in each gun. The NES was booming in Japan at the time and many staff only knew NES games, there were few who knew this MSX game. "

" CHE: Is it true Biohazard was inspired by Alone In The Dark? "

" KI: Yes, it's my favourite game. The expression of horror was wonderful and it became a reference in Biohazard's production. A lot of people on the team played it. Initially Biohazard was influenced by it too much, so I made conscious changes. We had a lantern in the concept design stage. I wanted the character to use a flashlight (stroboscopic light) too, but technical problems prevented it from being included. It's undeniable that the team played Alone In The Dark as a reference. People who claim otherwise are mistaken. "

Personally ı find re7 being inspired by outlast, fear and amnesia more boring if anything. Same thing with that generic " Return to roots. " buzzword.
Yeah. I am not a boni fide fan of RE7. But it was better than RE8 at least. Uh... I mean Village.

I just wanted the DLC to come out finally, to find out about Ethan's fate. And um, I didn't get the satisfactory conclusion I was hoping for. It was confusing.

They just used the same ending where you see Rosemary's agent, and they go into the car. Up the road a bit, you are supposed to see Ethan is alive, but it's hard to tell. That's where it ends. The same as the main game. So they didn't add anything or take anything away either.

I was kind of disappointed. In fact, I was cross that I waited over a year for nothing. But I guess he did die.
Yeah. I am not a boni fide fan of RE7. But it was better than RE8 at least. Uh... I mean Village.

I just wanted the DLC to come out finally, to find out about Ethan's fate. And um, I didn't get the satisfactory conclusion I was hoping for. It was confusing.

They just used the same ending where you see Rosemary's agent, and they go into the car. Up the road a bit, you are supposed to see Ethan is alive, but it's hard to tell. That's where it ends. The same as the main game. So they didn't add anything or take anything away either.

I was kind of disappointed. In fact, I was cross that I waited over a year for nothing. But I guess he did die.
I havent checked footage of that other than seeing some thumbnails for videos but it doesnt sound that surprising. I'm not really expecting much with re engine for re series in general, especially starting with umbrella corps. They are dropping the quality down to a blinding degree and this will keep going until the series will finally end eventually.
I dont see how re engine 1 is better than revillage that much. Both of them along with umbrella corps and other re engine simulations equally feel un-bio due to going full overboard with the simulation aspect which destroys the threatening premise that's meant to be given to bio-real world. Capcom knows it's impossible to top re6's stakes since they seem to consider it as peak bio along with it being described as a great game in one of re engine 1 videos so they not only did a " reboot " but also cheap imitations of past entries as a way to produce re4 remakes. As if the game being ported wasnt enough.

The more this continues; the more overrated remake and re4 will become. They are becoming less and less unique over time since capcom cant stop producing them with re engine. Calling them straight up " overrated " would surely be an understatement. Never liked that cheap buzzword mikami invented as a way to promote re1 either. They might as well develop a script about fighting ghosts and robots in a mansion like environment as another simulation experiment created from wesker's umbrella technology. I'm sure mikami would love a script like that.
Now that Capcom showed us NOTHING to the ending of RE8 besides lazily using the same ending, it's time to get back to true RE plot threads with the ninth installment.

Enough with the goblins and ghouls, hocus pocus stuff. It was fun while it lasted.

Start investigating why the BSSA uses bioweapons. They did time jump. Yes? Chris still has his Wolf Hound Squad.

I would rather see something like that.
Now that Capcom showed us NOTHING to the ending of RE8 besides lazily using the same ending, it's time to get back to true RE plot threads with the ninth installment.

Enough with the goblins and ghouls, hocus pocus stuff. It was fun while it lasted.

Start investigating why the BSSA uses bioweapons. They did time jump. Yes? Chris still has his Wolf Hound Squad.

I would rather see something like that.
I dont think they will explore bsaa that much. That could have happened way back in re5 or rerev if they wanted to do so. It was always portrayed as expendable in a way to benefit wesker. And honestly jill didnt even need to become one of the founders of bsaa. It's not explained who the other original 11 members are; chris and jill seem to be ones but the others arent explained. Making chris only without jill would have been enough. It seems to be a forced excuse for her to become wesker's slave even though she should been put into a protection way earlier after re3 due to her infection in raccoon. She didnt even appear in recv, chris encountered wesker there without any other returning re1 character. If that happened; that could have increased her chance of appearing in re6.

I think bsaa and umbrella will go ahead and destroy each other out. Then ada will take down wesker. And this will all happen... As a simulation experiment.

I'm also a bit confused why wesker doesnt narrate rebecca's, ada's and hunk's extra episodes. Were those an exception to other scenarios? Meaning they actually arent simulations but real scenarios that take place in bio-real world rather than wesker simulating them in 2007, the same year when umbrella got founded.

I feel that umbrella chronicles should have happened without an " umbrella " name near " chronicles " title and it should have focused much more on extra episodes rather than introducing simulation to the mix. It should have been the only " chronicles " title while darkside should have become its own spinoff entirely without a " chronicles " title next to it.
By now, I don't think we can expect a logical summary coming from Capcom. They're going to just add in more plot twists and stuff which makes no sense, that ultimately goes nowhere. I'm tired of it myself...

i kind of liked the Neo-Umbrella story. Then they went on to the Connections for some reason. That went nowhere either. Then they went with Alex Wesker and Mother Miranda.

Ah! The franchise is all over the place.

It makes you wish they had one organisation. One storyline. Instead, they have God only knows what going on each year.

We have been driven nuts just trying to understand any of it. So you wish it was like the old days, when games overlapsed with each new installment.
By now, I don't think we can expect a logical summary coming from Capcom. They're going to just add in more plot twists and stuff which makes no sense, that ultimately goes nowhere. I'm tired of it myself...

i kind of liked the Neo-Umbrella story. Then they went on to the Connections for some reason. That went nowhere either. Then they went with Alex Wesker and Mother Miranda.

Ah! The franchise is all over the place.

It makes you wish they had one organisation. One storyline. Instead, they have God only knows what going on each year.

We have been driven nuts just trying to understand any of it. So you wish it was like the old days, when games overlapsed with each new installment.
I feel that iwao staying with capcom after re1 would have the entries much more connected to each other. Sugimura's and suga's tragic demises also damage the storyline along with capcom's policy limiting their vision. These new re engine cutting edge era feels like they are trying to please mikami so that he can so called " save " the series even though it was kobayashi who saved the series with re4 due to working on that as a producer. If it wasnt for that final build; re3,5 versions could have ended the series very abruptly. I never liked those versions at all; they feel incredibly cheap.

They'll just reveal the connections to be wxc all along. I find miranda unnecessary similar to sergei. I think they should have had nikolai and mia as antagonists respectively. I like alex but her being a wesker limits her potential. I think she can still come back though especially after her cameo in resistance which hints at her playing a part at the simulation experiments created with re engine set in raccoon. I dont think she played a part at re engine 1 and revillage though.

I dont mind umbrella being taken down but mikami bringing that back in re4 with revival felt cheap. Though ı still think recvx is the worst game in the series due to that drunken kato altering sugimura's script in the most forced way imaginable.
Yep. I rejoined there. God knows why.

I was on there a number of months ago. Didn't like it then. But it's one of the only active forums left. Sad, yet true.

How long do you think it will be before I am flamed on there? :D

I am just testing the waters. I hope they behave.
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