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So it doesn't look great but still leagues ahead of Anderson's shitty films. At least they have iconic locations and actual scenes straight from the games. That said the cg and even practical effects look cheap as all hell. Especially the zombies which should have been easy to nail. They look like someone took a trip to Party City and called it a day.

I'll be there day one in the theaters to watch it, looks like it'll be a fun time.
Yeah the CGI looks like it’s more on the cheap side but this version of G4;

Looks way better than whatever this shit show was;

Other than some cringy miscastings.. I will go see it. This whole year has been severely disappointing for RE so my expectations are in the negatives. At least this should be much better than the Anderson movies and Infinite Darkness.

Edit: I was so wrong lmao.
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So ı personally dont care for this movie. However ı've been following the updates for it and ı cant stop thinking about one thing which is bothering me so ı want to mention.

Where's ada? Is she gonna be in this? I want to see leon and ada have a emotional kiss like in og game and darkside chronicles.

Sorry if this might seem silly but it's been bothering me a lot.
Also ı remember seeing an actor for the movie saying " True fan " statement on twitter. It was something like " True fans should enjoy this movie and not the ones that feature alice. " . I think people should be left alone about what they enjoy. I dont care much for anderson movies but there seems to be people who like them. Calling them " Fake fans " is awkward imo. I mean they sold a lot and while ı dont think sales determine quality, it still doesnt change that a lot of people bought and enjoyed them.

Speaking of quality; ı want to mention that ı dont care much about " quality " or a game looking " realistic " or " beautiful " . I care more about the value and fun factor personally. I'm also a big fan of content so when there's a good amount of something, chances are it would likely increase my enjoyment. It's not a requirement but it's something that makes me very happy.

I dont like " Games / movies are supposed to be art. " statement either. I think they are supposed to be more of a fun entertainment rather than a perfect art that isnt allowed to make any mistakes.

So here's a review that ı watched. Apparently it's downright atrocious and makes anderson movies look good.

He gives the movie 1 / 10.
At least worst than the first 3 PA movies. I didn’t watch it or Final Chapter but from the reviews I will rank the live action movies as this.

1) RE (4.2/5)
This was fine as a stand-alone film and had its own take on the RE story. I can treat this as a separate piece and not relate it to the games. The story was solid and it had some memorable scenes such as the lazer hallway which was adapted about as much as the famous The Matrix bullet time scene in later games and movies.

2) Apocalypse (3.7/5)
This is where they start borrowing more from the games. This was a guilty pleasure film as Jill is in it and she kicks ass. The scenes were entertaining enough but the ending is weak introducing psychic powers to Alice.

3) Extinction (3.2/5)
This was the Mad Max rip-off which I felt was OK for the most part. Nothing in particular stood out to me in this one and the cheese was bumped up a bit more. The Tyrant at the end was alright but was not as cool as Nemesis.

4) Retribution (2.8/5)
The stories at this point are atrocious but the set pieces were entertaining. The movie jumped between a suburban setting, Japan, Russia, etc. The fights were over the top and cheesy and it made me roll my eyes at least 20 times. The fight at the end pays homage to the first Mortal Kombat movie which Paul Anderson directed.

5) Afterlife (2/5)
A movie can be crappy yet entertaining, but the moment it starts boring the audience it becomes just bad. This movie was plagued with pacing issues and the horrible slow motion 3D scenes which makes the movie felt like a slog. The Wesker fight scene at the end is laughable with Alice kicking glass at a dog and Wesker getting shot in the head numerous times.

Not to mention he survives a nuclear explosion!

6) Welcome to Raccoon City (1.5/5)
The only things that I felt they did right with this movie was replicating the Spenser and RPD main halls almost perfectly. Yet most of the cast is horrendously miscasted and act completely out of character. This wouldn’t have been as insulting to dans if it was like first PA movie and did it’s own thing, but instead they cut out so much from RE1/2 events it just hurts to see almost everyone agonize over this movie. Just play the games there’s nothing to invest in here.

7) The Final Chapter (0.6/5)
I love how this movie retcons so many plotpoints from the first 5 PA movies. It has bad pacing much like Afterlife and the plot is nonsensical to the point you want to gouge your eyes out. The camera shakes and cuts way WAY too much and will leave you with a migraine. Wesker also gets crushed and dies to a door shutting which was LMAO! This movie also faced lawsuits with a stunt double losing her arm and another almost getting crushed. There’s like one fight scene that makes this not a 0 I guess.

I am not an Alice hater really, but the stories that were written for most of these movies needed to be revised before filming. Also, it’s hilarious that both Apocalype cut out RE2 story and WtRC cut out RE3 story, like wtf? How hard is it to adapt both stories when they literally take place in a 3 day time span?
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I've still not seen this movie. I'm sure it's a soulless cash grab, and amazingly cheesy and dumb, but I may have time to watch it today.

But if I have to be honest, I really wish Capcom would stop going back to 1998, though. It's so annoying how they act as if that's the only place, era, or whatever, that foo ken matters in the whole of the RE franchise. They have so much money and good writers. They could expand RE someplace else, or finally bring back characters no-one has heard a peep from in years.

I just think that would be more productive, than just relying on nostalgia to make an easy profit.
At least worst than the first 3 PA movies. I didn’t watch it or Final Chapter but from the reviews I will rank the live action movies as this.

1) RE (4.2/5)
This was fine as a stand-alone film and had its own take on the RE story. I can treat this as a separate piece and not relate it to the games. The story was solid and it had some memorable scenes such as the lazer hallway which was adapted about as much as the famous The Matrix bullet time scene in later games and movies.

2) Apocalypse (3.7/5)
This is where they start borrowing more from the games. This was a guilty pleasure film as Jill is in it and she kicks ass. The scenes were entertaining enough but the ending is weak introducing psychic powers to Alice.

3) Extinction (3.2/5)
This was the Mad Max rip-off which I felt was OK for the most part. Nothing in particular stood out to me in this one and the cheese was bumped up a bit more. The Tyrant at the end was alright but was not as cool as Nemesis.

4) Retribution (2.8/5)
The stories at this point are atrocious but the set pieces were entertaining. The movie jumped between a suburban setting, Japan, Russia, etc. The fights were over the top and cheesy and it made me roll my eyes at least 20 times. The fight at the end pays homage to the first Mortal Kombat movie which Paul Anderson directed.

5) Afterlife (2/5)
A movie can be crappy yet entertaining, but the moment it starts boring the audience it becomes just bad. This movie was plagued with pacing issues and the horrible slow motion 3D scenes which makes the movie felt like a slog. The Wesker fight scene at the end is laughable with Alice kicking glass at a dog and Wesker getting shot in the head numerous times.

Not to mention he survives a nuclear explosion!

6) Welcome to Raccoon City (1.5/5)
The only things that I felt they did right with this movie was replicating the Spenser and RPD main halls almost perfectly. Yet most of the cast is horrendously miscasted and act completely out of character. This wouldn’t have been as insulting to dans if it was like first PA movie and did it’s own thing, but instead they cut out so much from RE1/2 events it just hurts to see almost everyone agonize over this movie. Just play the games there’s nothing to invest in here.

7) The Final Chapter (0.6/5)
I love how this movie retcons so many plotpoints from the first 5 PA movies. It has bad pacing much like Afterlife and the plot is nonsensical to the point you want to gouge your eyes out. The camera shakes and cuts way WAY too much and will leave you with a migraine. Wesker also gets crushed and dies to a door shutting which was LMAO! This movie also faced lawsuits with a stunt double losing her arm and another almost getting crushed. There’s like one fight scene that makes this not a 0 I guess.

I am not an Alice hater really, but the stories that were written for most of these movies needed to be revised before filming. Also, it’s hilarious that both Apocalype cut out RE2 story and WtRC cut out RE3 story, like wtf? How hard is it to adapt both stories when they literally take place in a 3 day time span?
Interesting rankings. Though the very 1st one never impressed me much either. I guess if ı watched anderson's movies, ı feel like 2nd one might be my " favourite " . I like the design of jill in it, ı even remember using her design as a mod to replace ada's outfit in re6.

Another thing ı like is for retribution, ı like how sally cahill voices ada there. I learned this and it was really surprising. Just for that alone, that one might be my 2nd " favourite " .

I'm not so sure what to feel about others, ı dont care for them that much really. I'm more fan of 1st 3 cgi films.
I saw Welcome To Raccoon City December 2, had my unlimited popcorn seasoned up and unlimited blue Icee. Anyway, I actually liked it. What I didn't get is why did they make the events of Resident Evils 1 and 2 go back and forth, instead of making the mansion incident first, THEN Raccoon City the second half.
In my opinion, the best decision would be to take not Resident Evil 2 as the second game, but Resident Evil Zero. This game explains the cause of the accident in the Spencer Mansion and gives the background to the t-Virus, that is, these are the things that could benefit the narrative and make it more fulfilling.

But, however, I did not feel that Johannes Roberts really set himself the goal of authentic retelling the material with which he worked. I don't even think he understood it that much. And his comments such as "we didn't want to make Wesker a stereotypical villain" rather showed that he wanted to "improve" the original source. But here's the thing: when you don't know the reason for the decision to put glasses on Albert at night, then it may seem silly to you, so you can easily neglect it. And in the end, changing one layer after another for the same reason, you get another character who is no better, because it's just another person.

Frankly speaking, it seems to me that the episode One Punch-Man about Dr. Genus understood Biohazard more than any film adaptation. Yes, someone can point out how the authors recreated the backgrounds and even made references to the games there and there, but for me it means little when the films miss the points that the game developers made.
I saw plenty saying how they dislike the way leon is portrayed in the movie. And it's not just different haircut, apparently in the movie, he acts even more unbelievable than how he does in re2 2019.

That also reminds me of people attacking the actors to the point some closed their account. I saw this mentioned on twitter.
Leon in RE:2 is quite faithful to his original. Leon from the movie is a completely different person. And yeah, it's not about the actor or the hairstyle.
When my Best Buy gift card from Sony Rewards digital code comes in, I'm going to pre-order the steelcase version because I like the graphic on it. Plus with the rest of my Best Buy gift cards I got for Christmas, plus the $5 in store rewards, I'm going to buy Roger Rabbit, HDMI 4K-10K cables, Dolby Atmos speakers and Apple TV 4K. The gift cards ($105 worth) will off-set the cost. I love Best Buy and technology; that's why I keep trying to get a job there.
I just remembered that, besides this woke movement movie, there's also the Netflix series still to come as well.

Oh, God. Why must the torture continue?
Just pre-ordered Welcome To Raccoon City, the 4K steelcase version from Best Buy, along with Roger Rabbit 4K and 4K HDMI cables with my gift cards, leaving me with just $7.25 to spend on my VISA. I can't wait to see it again.
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