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Revelations Resident Evil Revelations 2

Its been four years since I played this game. I started Revelations 2 again. I just wanted to play something RE for a while. I noticed that I cant start a fresh new game?
It seemingly is attached to my PSN account? Claire is my ultimate fav of the RE universe.
I just wanted to start a topic of this game and see what others think of the game. I used to play it sooo much that I got bored to it for long time.
One of my most favourite re games in the series. It's underrated imo and better than the 1st one in every single way.
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I like Moira. I forgot how awesome she is. She's so badass and swears a lot and I like that :sneaky: I wish she would be back just like Sheva. I don't like whensome character is just used ones, it just feels that everything is not connected enough. Like RE7I don't even remember the dude I was playing at, but that probably was Capcom's idea; you are there and trying to survive. And it actually worked when I played it with PSVR, I never played it without it, though, so I don't know the experience with that.

In the end of REvelations 2 there is couple variant endings? But I remember one that the girl was looking maliciously, as she was evil? What happened to her after that? If I would have enough time I would read all the wikis of RE, but sadly I'm too busy.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
Love this game, definitely on my top 5!
Yeah, you can't start a fresh new game. That mostly hurts Claire's first episode since a New Game Plus skips two cutscenes (one of Claire picking up her Knife and the other where she picks up her pistol and there's the Steve reference). It just feels kinda weird that she already gets out of her cell fully equipped haha
What I do is, I create a brand new user account on my PS4 just to play Revelations 2 and keep the 100% completed save data on my main account.
Love this game, definitely on my top 5!
Yeah, you can't start a fresh new game. That mostly hurts Claire's first episode since a New Game Plus skips two cutscenes (one of Claire picking up her Knife and the other where she picks up her pistol and there's the Steve reference). It just feels kinda weird that she already gets out of her cell fully equipped haha
What I do is, I create a brand new user account on my PS4 just to play Revelations 2 and keep the 100% completed save data on my main account.

Yeah, I was annoyed when she had every weapon and every upgrade on skills. I played Normal and it was brutal actually. Few right hits from the big guy and that's it. But, I like how resilient the the playable characters are and I always managed to escape and even kill a boss with no herbs and health in danger. I might try that new account thingy, thanks.
This game was a great follow up to RE5 and introduced new concepts that made me appreciate 5 more throughout the years. I always thought Uroboros was a lame virus that had lackluster monster designs, but they did a lot more with it here. Much better than the bland looking Ooze from Rev 1. There are some boring parts in Barry’s story like the sluice gates and mine, but overall it was a great entry that deserved a bigger budget.
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I just got through the mining/box transfer area. That goddamn boss enemy got me four times. But I still like this game. I cant remember what comes next, its been so long since I played this.

I like how various it is and kinda ruthless, with two hit deaths. I'm not sure how I feel about the scoring after episodes.
People complained that RE7 has a man who does fighting, but bringing forth new ideas is precisely what RE has always been about. In the same way that RE:R2 has a science fiction theme with Alex trying to control Natalia Korda - a first for the series. Unless... you count Wesker brainwashing Jill too. When you play as Natalia in the DLC, it feels way, way psychedelic. Or you could also compare this to Silent Hill.
I buyed the game last year and didn't even have a pc that can run it lol now I have 89 hours of play according to steam. I finished the game 2 times and I really like it, even more than RE7 which I played at the same time.
Recently was able to get S rank on all the chapters on normal difficulty and now i'm playing invisible enemies and countdown modes.

The gameplay is solid, for me is the best of the over the shoulder era. Enemies are proactive and no super scripted, tho this is something carried over from Rev1. The amount of content the game has is amazing and raid mode is a major improvement over Rev1
Shame the budget was low and it shows: Barry and Claire do the same animation on almost every in game conversation or how "The strugle" chapter wraps thing up too quickly or how Claire's first and last chapter where too short.

It's a shame Evgeny character wasn't more prominent on the history, I would have made him apear in the background, like following/crossing ways with Claire and Moira but not showing him so the player dindt know if its Alex or him and then after the encounter on the sewers a boss fight fighting together with the girls, this way the fact that he was the one who save Moira would have a lot more of weight on the history.
Then repeating the same scheme on Barry's side of the history but with Moira instead of him those making her appearing on the last scene more convincing.

I do have some other issues with the game design (like putting shutters and the same levers everywhere or re using the same boss fights multiple times) but i have those with every game since 5 so why bother?
Alex is amazing. Nuff said.

In the end of REvelations 2 there is couple variant endings? But I remember one that the girl was looking maliciously, as she was evil? What happened to her after that? If I would have enough time I would read all the wikis of RE, but sadly I'm too busy.
Alex transfered a copy of her mind into Natalia. At the end, Alex's mind takes over.
Yes, and it sets up a sequel nicely. But knowing how Capcom is with ignoring stuff like that, will we ever get a proper conclusion? :unsure:

They brought back Alex from RE5 files, so chances are they will follow through with continuing from an actual game ending.

They get to everything important eventually... except Ada's deal.

People complained that RE7 has a man who does fighting, but bringing forth new ideas is precisely what RE has always been about.
I agree. The RE series is flexible enough to be experimental and to try new things.
I finished it recently and I was very impressed the cutcenes actually. Very RE5-esque, but better. I know many don't prefer RE5, but I only prefer it because I have such good memories with that game, when I played it like million hours with my friend :)

Nero Sparda

Better than the 1st one IMO but that ain't saying much. Still don't like how they butchered Claire's character in this as well as that obnoxious Moira. Barry's chapters were the enjoyable parts IMO and without it; I probably would have considered the game trash.


I just really wish Alex Wesker wasn’t a one shot game wise, physically at least. This has really been bothering me lately when thinking of the future of the series. Could have been a great series villain mainstay.

I loooove Rev2, even played through it on PS Vita and had a blast. Yes loadtimes are crazy long but it was a neat thing to have on there.
I love your avatar, very nice.
Did anyone beat invisible and countdown episodes?

I never beat them.

I would like to hear thoughts about those episodes.
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