I buyed the game last year and didn't even have a pc that can run it lol now I have 89 hours of play according to steam. I finished the game 2 times and I really like it, even more than RE7 which I played at the same time.
Recently was able to get S rank on all the chapters on normal difficulty and now i'm playing invisible enemies and countdown modes.
The gameplay is solid, for me is the best of the over the shoulder era. Enemies are proactive and no super scripted, tho this is something carried over from Rev1. The amount of content the game has is amazing and raid mode is a major improvement over Rev1
Shame the budget was low and it shows: Barry and Claire do the same animation on almost every in game conversation or how "The strugle" chapter wraps thing up too quickly or how Claire's first and last chapter where too short.
It's a shame Evgeny character wasn't more prominent on the history, I would have made him apear in the background, like following/crossing ways with Claire and Moira but not showing him so the player dindt know if its Alex or him and then after the encounter on the sewers a boss fight fighting together with the girls, this way the fact that he was the one who save Moira would have a lot more of weight on the history.
Then repeating the same scheme on Barry's side of the history but with Moira instead of him those making her appearing on the last scene more convincing.
I do have some other issues with the game design (like putting shutters and the same levers everywhere or re using the same boss fights multiple times) but i have those with every game since 5 so why bother?