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Movies Resident Evil Infinite Darkness, a new CGI series for Netflix

Well it isn't officially, but both Claire and Leon look mature. Leon looks older than he does in RE6 for a start. Plus there looks to be some kind of outbreak possibly even in the white house itself. Trust me, this is set well after six. I'd guess it will logically fill the gap between 7 and 8, although I suspect it will have absolutely no ties to Village. There may be flashbacks to earlier in the timeline, but the bulk of the story will be set present day.
When I first told everyone on Twitter this is a series show, not a movie. Nobody trusted either.
Time will reveal.
Anyway, as I said, there are 2 shows in the work. The second one might be set at more present timeline.
I’m glad since we already have Heavenly Island and Vendetta set between 6 and 7. As of now I find The Family about as interesting as Ethan, so hopefully that will change and they can be expanded upon.

There is also Maria who will most likely seek revenge, so there is a possibility she will show up. They may be saving her for the 4th movie tho.

I hope Jill shows her face again soon, she is sorely missed.?
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